Thursday, March 13, 2025

Uniform fuel prices, an economic set back says PF


The Patriotic Front (PF) says the uniform fuel prices which government announced yesterday is an economic drawback to industries in Lusaka and the Copperbelt.

Party Youth Committee Secretary, Eric Chanda said the idea is welcome but government should have settled for a lower pump price as opposed to increasing fuel in Lusaka and the Copperbelt.

Mr Chanda said the MMD should realize that the country’s production and the economic industries are based in Lusaka and the Copperbelt.

He explained that the uniform fuel price which has been settled across the country has become like increasing the price of fuel in Lusaka and the Copperbelt.

Mr Chanda this would result in increasing the cost of production in Lusaka and the Copperbelt, making it difficult for industries in the two provinces to produce as expected.

He added that the costs in transport will also increase in Lusaka and the Copperbelt respectively.

He expressed doubt as to whether the MMD government understands the country’s economic indicators, adding that the country will not make any development strides with this kind of thinking by those in authority.


  1. To borrow Ba Senior Citizen’s description of PF rants, allow me to say, this is yet another PF’s 90 days more money in the pocket economic “pocus-pocus abracadabra”. Seemingly anyone that can waffle insults and his ignorance out should do so on behalf and in the name of Sata.

  2. Seemingly since Dr.Chileshe Mulenga the sole intellectual and researcher dished this circus club headed by a legion of kaponyas, now even simple econ 101 is missing in PF rank and file.No one understands developmental studies maybe they should hire Dr.Fred Mtesa from UNZA to orient them in developmental matters. National development in young economies is an issue of deliberate policies of spread with a balancing act otherwise you fail to arrest urbanization.When they rural areas pick the momentum, they will eventually start the contribution.

  3. Focusing on advantaging lusaka and copperbelt will not enhance development in rural zambia. The move will promote countrywide meaniful contribution to development. Thanks RB!:-?

  4. Those people in Lusaka and CB vote for Sata, why shouldn’t RB say ‘thank you’ to those who put him in power? This is a smart move by RB both politically and economically. Surely, the voters in the rural areas will appreciate this gesture? This from a man who is supposedly dull and sleeping on the job.

  5. From the Story “Rupiah’s speech to the NA was empty – PF” reported on Lusaka Times on Sept 18 2010, this was reported, “Mr Chanda added that the PF has a policy to develop youth industrial zones in to create employment for Zambian youths, and to decongest the major cities in the country.”

    How is the PF going to decongest the major cities if they are opposed to some policies like uniform fuel prices? Sometimes I do not understand the logic in PF. It is like they say things for the sake of saying it.

  6. You MMD F.ools, what Chanda has mentioned is that the fuel prices have gone up, when there suppossed to be lower that were they are. The reality is that overall the fuel price has gone up, considering the econimic activity is mainly centred in the regions with which the price of fuel has been increased. Does this dull and asleep
    Peasant farmer/cum chancer president understand that the Zambians cannot stomach any more increament. If he wanted uniform prices why didn’t he just reduce the prices in the rural areas to be in line with the prices in the mentioned regions. This is a joke of a president, a fake one. By any standard the petrol price should not be more than K6,000 /- per litre. Continue been steadfast as we much on to a better Zambia coming after 2011.

  7. Is Indeni closed?

    Will the 30 days reserves remain unsold due to less interest in fuel and traveling due to costs?
    Bus prices will go up in lusaka and C.B.

    Perfect timing to make some extra coin by raising profits on stocks already purchased 30 days ago.

    World oil prices have been dropping and we have had a 15% drop in pump prices.
    Zambia keeps increasing each month.

  8. Circus ya pa ZED, we are again being treated to yet another show!! and bootlikers, such as #2 and #7 cant see any thing wrong in this whole thing!! I want to see what Banda will do the next time oil prices will go up on the international market.

    Which oil marketing company will agree to supply rural areas at the same price increament as urban areas and make reasonable profits? or is the urban going to continue subsdising rural areas so that Banda can win elections?? what will happen to our already weak manufacturing and mining industry? Do you have Economists in MMD?Let us wait and see.

  9. Please let’s look at this thing critically, the uniform pricing is okay, the rural areas need development yes, but lets look at the infrastructure situation in Zambia , for example our road are extremely bad in both urban and rural areas , so if any investor is going to invest in the rural ZED they will look at infrastructure and the market.
    The MMD have made a big mistake of increasing the fuel price for urban areas, because the cost of transportation of goods from say Lusaka to Kasama, Luapula Mongu, and Livingstone will increase and those people in these areas will not see the benefit at all. King trade will increase of the cost of BOOM, MAHUE and many others things which people from Chipata, Livingstone and Kasama come to purchase from Lusaka and Kitwe. You do not need to be…

  10. Which Factory will relocate to Kasama to chipata to set up when the infrastructure is not there? Let government put in place all the needed infrastructure then asks investors to go there and start producing BOOM and other things. Right now the MMD has messed up the whole situation because those same people from rural areas will see prices SKY rocket for the same commodities they buy from Lusaka and Copper belt, unless RB is going to start price control like in UNIP days otherwise this will not work. Already fuel is very expensive in ZED.
    For your information the transporter who will be transporting the same fuel to these places in the rural will increase the transportation cost because from Ndola fuel is expensive than in Kasama.
    You see President Banda forced this on…

  11. You see President Banda forced this on ERB, theirs handed are chained, the previous Boss was fired because he refused to implement this uniform price. Even some of his own ministers are not in support , Only bootlickers are.
    Any normal Zambian wanting to see the country develop can’t make and support this decision.

  12. ERB does does add any value to the economy of Zambia. It has to be dissolved and all responsibilites transfered to the Ministry of Energy and what ever. The petrol in Sounthern African region is around $1/Litre apart from Angola where it is 28cents/Litre. I still wonder why the MMD keeps on implementing policies that do not benefit the citizens for which we know the reason, Foreign companies bribing the ruling party and this could be the reason the bustards do not want to increase the minerals tax despite the Cu price shyrocketing.

  13. #19 I am sure RB is getting a % in every mts of Cu as payback for not effecting mineral tax…uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  14. The end justifies the means. If the overall benefit of this decision will be Zambia’s all round development, the pain of increased fuel prices for some of us urban dwellers is a small matter. Zambia will now register a wholesome development and poverty will be alleviated. When this happens the manufacturers and other producers in Lusaka and the Copperbelt will have a larger internal market for their products as more people (especially in rural areas) will have more money in their pockets to buy the goods. This is the real “money in your pockets” scenario, not the hallucinations of Sata.

  15. Unless a boffon like #21, majority of Zambians cannot stomach the increament. The price of petrol around this region is between K5,000 – 6,000 per litre and not K7,000. It shows he has no clue how an increase in fuel prices in the productive areas will adversely affect everyone, especially the our brothers and sisters in the outlinning areas

  16. Let’s continue been steadfast as we much on to a better Zambia with leaders who understand how government should raise money and increase the countries GDP.

  17. Wait, I thought this uniform price thingy was supposed to bring fuel prices in lind with the city prices. They are increasing for the cities? What kind of bull is this?

    But as I was telling a friend, RB is smarter than a lot of people give him credit for. He knows he doesnt have the urban vote. So he is concentrating on the rural areas which can easily vote for him if he reduces fuel and fertiliser prices. Maybe we should cut funding to the rural folk for always saddling us with the MMD!

  18. Only a f.ool will claim credit over things he has not worked for. If RBs policies were working as they claim government would long have mobilised funds and budgeted for them in the 2010 budget. Out of a total 1trillion kwacha required only 10% of the required amount was budgeted for. Just shows you to what degree mmd plans and how good there policies are.

  19. Only a f.ool will claim credit over things he has not worked for. If RBs policies were working as they claim government would long have mobilised funds and budgeted for them in the 2010 budget. Out of a total 1trillion kwacha required to buy 1millon tonnes of maize only 10% of the required amount was budgeted for. Just shows you to what degree mmd plans and how good there policies are.

  20. RB’s speech has stimulated some positive thinking in some unlikely quarters. Have you noticed that confused as PF statements are, these two by Eric Chanda may be signs of sanity in PF at last. What I mean is, since when did you hear PF talk about a manifesto, let alone make an attempt to analyse an economic issue as Eric has done? Insulting is the standard language of PF, so this attempt by Eric is refreshing. In fact it reads like a discourse between Labour and the Tories in UK, in terms of sobriety. I hope he is not accused of being a sell out as PF detests people who try to think, ask Dr Scott, everyone must think less than the greatleader. This Eric guy is willing to learn and may lead others in PF to start debating issues sensibly. They are learning by copy, but learning all the…

  21. This Eric guy is willing to learn and may lead others in PF to start debating issues sensibly. They are learning by copy, but learning all the same!

  22. the interesting aspect of the current political situation is the impact magande will have on the pact. in magande for thefirst time we may have an opportunity for a credible opposition that will talk sensibly

  23. number 30 the only impact magande will have is on the upnd. tribal inclinations will force some to vote for him while otherswill be for HH, at the end of the day both will get paltry votes

  24. Let us forgive the PF boy, he neither understands nor knows anything to do with social economic production and Justice. He is a rascal, uninformed and useless

  25. Can someone please help me understand,is it that the MMD wants to only increase fuel prices in Lusaka and Copperbelt,and the remaining provinces will have lower fuel prices?o wat?In the first place why only increase fuel prices only in 2 provinces?and mind u the CB province has gone down interms of industrial production.Here in Russia a cost of 1lit of petro is less than $1,but why shud we have to buy a lit of petrol in Zambia at K7000 if Angola is our neighbour?wats is our being landlocked benefiting us??

  26. UPP is a very welcome move. This will see rural areas benefiting as the cost of production will be uniform if not cheaper the feather you get from Lsk and CB. Take advantage of this, those manufacturers who want to penetrate the Angolan market now you can open up production bases in Zambezi, Mwinilunga, Kalabo etc, it will definitely cost you less to move your produce across. Zambia is not Lusaka.

  27. Well done RB. This is the only area you will have votes. Puinsh Lusaka and copperbelt, they must pay for their miss dids, not voting for you. Also the mineral tax is not neede beacause we are self sufficient and we dont need donners. Suffer people of Lusaka and copperbelt. We are self sufficient, very soon we will start throwing away some food. The trips are bearing fruits.


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