Friday, March 7, 2025

Milupi advised over outbursts against Government


Former Luena Member of Parliament Charles Milupi after launching his new political party in Lusaka.

Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) President Charles Milupi has been advised to stop cheating Zambians that the people of Western Province want a regime change next year.

Speaking to ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today, Chairman for Centre, Election and Good governance Gershom Musonda said Mr. Milupi had no presence outside Luena Constituency and that he had no authority to say that it was true that the people of Western Province wanted the MMD government out of power come next year.

Mr. Musonda charged that Mr. Milupi’s party was anchored on family members and extended family ties which he said had no blessings from the 73 tribes of this country.

He challenged Mr Milupi to stop making innuendos against the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) because the party had done a commendable job for the country as well as the people of Western Province.

Mr. Musonda cited some of the developmental projects that the MMD Government had implemented in Western Province as construction of schools, Clinics and other vital infrastructure.

He named schools being built under the leadership of President Rupiah Banda in the Province as Lukulu High School, Nalikwanda Technical High School and Nakanya High School at a cost of K26 billion each.

Others are Namusheshe and Lukalanga high Schools to a tune of 4.5 billion Kwacha as well as Lueti and Lwet Basic Schools in Kalabo and Luiwa National Park at a cost of 4 billion Kwacha each, respectively.

Mr. Musonda further said other Schools include Shioma and Mayukwayukwa Basic Schools in Shangaombo to a tune of K26 billion each.

He further outlined other schools which have received Government attention as Mwange Community which had been transformed into a full basic school with the support of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and government amounting to K400 million.

And Mr. Musonda has urged the Catholic Church in Zambia to emulate Pope Benedict the 16th whom he said was working hard to resolve problems his Church was grappling with such as sexual abuse of Children and women.



  1. Milupi should just take his barotse proper mentality to hail. Zambia is a country for Zambian and not those who think it is their like what Milupi and his minions think

  2. These silly NGOs that are always hired to vuvuzelas 4 RB! Go to Western Province and see wat nonsense you are talking about. Milupi is MP there n his word are true. Pipo are suffering and no amount of window dressing will blind us!

  3. only a foolish person wud say that bwezani is a gud leader, im advising all the zambiaz to vote for PF next year

  4. My friend thwe whole western Province has gone to milupi anyone standing on ADD will win there seats…MMD is dead in western province. And when they vote the vote with conviction. In 1996 they voted MMD even when Aka stood for Presidency, 2001 they voted Mazoka even when Inonge stood, 2006 Mwanawasa, in 2008 Banda now when they Vote Milupi you all say Tribal i just wonder!

  5. #2 Anti Pact you are a genocidal i.d.i.ot! What has Milupi’s ethnicity have to do with his Right to seek electoral office? You are a very backward donkey!

  6. Milupi and the love of wagging his mouth unnecessarily!! He should be offering alternatives and a clear, well thought out direction that he wants to take the nation. His assertion was that his party will be different from the others and would pursue a constructive avenue in our over populated and grossly corrupted political field but alas he feels it is better to mimmick the kaponyas in shouting without thinking and trying to score cheap political points. Kanti Giant ukai?

  7. This is why we need to foster a culture of conducting opinion polls. People claim to be speaking for the people of Western province but there is no way of verifying or refuting the points they are making. Has anybody been around the province and interviewed a representative cross section of people to find out what they feel about the current regime on a number of issues? This is not just in relation to Western province but the country as a whole.

  8. Is Gershom Mumba looking for a job or maybe he is preparing to stand for parliament? We have so many commentators in my country. Let us not just be arm chair critics but actually make a difference pa zed not uku landa landa like this milupi chap. what have they both(milupi and gershom) done for zambia? It is like anyone who makes a nit of money feels like that is a qualification to speak for zambians or to lead us. awe bana zambia bala chula ne fi gebenga in sheeps clothing. All these mushrooming messiah’s are rogues! Rogues I say! Roguessssssssssssssssss!

  9. Ba Musonda politics is about talking and challenging other politicians, not just keeping quet in Zambia there are no good roads , the govt is doing nothing Zambians work very hard to buy those cars, and pay fees for road tax and insuarance while the govt the govt dont repair roads . motorists must wake up and sue this govt for the abuse of their cars because of those bad roads

  10. No Zambian will be as foolish as FP thugs to vote for PF. All PF supporters including those on this blog are fools as their party. Let us vote wisely not for PF

  11. On “Speaking to ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today, Chairman for Centre, Election and Good governance Gershom Musonda said Mr. Milupi had no presence outside Luena Constituency and that he had no authority to say that it was true that the people of Western Province wanted the MMD government out of power come next yea,” this is true I believe for ADD has gone into oblivion after Milupi won the Luena MP by-election which he forced to take off.

    If Milupi was a serious national leader, he would have let another person to stand on the ADD ticket in the by-election and he could then have concentrated on the 2011 presidential elections just like Magande is doing.

    As for the people of Western Province, please unity with the rest of Zambians to vote for HH as President in 2011…

  12. I think its clear that zambia as a whole wants change,its not jst western province except for of course our brothers n sisters in eastern province.

  13. #18 Maybe you should take heed from the Easterners. They only started voting for MMD after Chiluba left the scene. The rest of the country was hoodwinked by the little man and look what happened. As I have said above, without opinion polls it is very difficult for anybody to come up with a statement such as yours. What is it based on? Have you been round the country speaking to different people from all walks of life, of different ages and both sexes in order to know what Zambia thinks? For example what do people in rural areas feel about the fact that the price of fuel has come down? Bane, sometimes we need to show a little bit of humility.

  14. Is he one of the latest NGIs? By the way where are the two Zulus, its been long since i last heard from either of them. Have they succumbed to the desease called ‘stable’ or they commited suicide because of hunger. Some people are so stu,pid that they are prepared to lose every ounce of their intergrity for chicken and chips at chicken licken.

  15. All you PF guys wil receive a rud shock of your life becoz as soon as Magande announces his candidature, then Membe with his POST will shift support to Magande and scandalise SATA and PF to its bone. Infact since you insult Times/Daily mail everyday, it means you will have no coverage. Remember Post has always been against SATA until magande lost to RB! this time around you will see the turn of events….continue barking.

  16. I thought that we would have a breath of fresh with Milupi’s ADD. Gosh, was I wrong! He is turning out to be just another villager at heart, trying to build his political career on ethnicity (some call it tribe). He will be shocked when he is rejected in his own backyard. I don’t think that the people of Western province would consider this guy as a serious contender for the presidency. They will tell a presidential material when they see it. Therefore I wouldn’t be worried with Milupi’s rants, and he is not worth my further comment tonight.

  17. A lesson for Paul Duff and the Bishop Mpundu brothers in their capacity as PF Kaponyas

    Kagame critic Mushayidi jailed for life

    A prominent Rwandan opposition figure has been jailed for life after a court found him guilty of plotting to overthrow President Paul Kagame’s government.

    Deogratias Mushayidi was a former member of the ruling party before becoming one of its strongest critics.

    He was living in exile but in March he was arrested in neighbouring Burundi and extradited.

    Mushayidi has said the charges are politically motivated.

    His lawyer told the BBC he would appeal to the Supreme Court.

  18. President Kagame was overwhelmingly re-elected in August but several oppositions parties were barred from taking part.

    His government has denied claims it was behind a series of attacks on his critics ahead of the election.

    Meanwhile, Rwanda’s president has again denied reports in a leaked UN report that his forces killed tens of thousands of ethnic Hutus in Democratic Republic of Congo in the 1990s.


  20. You bet Gershom Musonda, Chairman for Centre, Election and Good governance fimo fimo has never even been to Western province. All the statistics he was raving off was given to him by Geoffrey Lungwangwangwa to paint a rosy picture in a province so heavily pregnant with under development and stagnation. From all I can see, only Eastern will vote for Kansundila for ethnic reasons. For any level headed Zambians to do so, they need a monstrous dose of wretched madness! No matter how rented mercenaries like Musonda scandalize Milupi and Duffy, Barotseland is gone, to Milupi.

  21. If Milupi aspires to be a Republican President of Zambia he now needs to travel to other parts of the country (all nine provinces).It is not a sin in a Democracy for a particular province to have a majority view for an opposition party or even the ruling party. To aspire to be a president of a province does not seem quite inspiring. I for one would support anyone from any corner of the country to be a President of Zambia. But let us not make the politics of saying western province has not been developed, If you go to the far north of Zambia you will be supprised there places you cannnot go to, the first High school and a distrct hospital are being belt in Mpulung in 46 years of independence. What is Zambia’s GDP? what is the size of zambia? we need to develop the whole of zambia.

  22. Milupi is not going anywhere. These imaging leaders from western province never go anywhere because they do not believe in inclusiveness, hence God punishes them for that, A Lozi will never be a president of Zambia unless you join MMD the most tested party. As MMD we managed to fusse in Mbikusita Lewanika and the Sister Inonge by just giving them Jobs. The truth is a Lozi or Tonga will never be president of zambia as long as us Bembas and Easterners are there. Tongas Make up 19% of the zambian population while Lozis are just 7% where can they go. It is easy to destabilise Tongas and Lozis because we know there weaknesses. So HH and Milupi forget about presidency. VIVA MMD and Pf, though I prefer PF to MMD.

  23. Once beaten, twice shy. MMD was beaten in (Luena) Western province by Milupi. While MMD are still leaking their wounds, Milupi is MP who I suppose is speaking for his electorate. If MMD stooges can not believe him, when he states a fact that his constituency and other constituencies around hiss have turned their back on the MMD, why did they fail to take the seat from him, with all government machinery at their disposal???

    Nangu bupumbu, awe ubu bwena kwena bwachilamo

  24. Well Mr Charles MIlupi proved me wrong when he won LUena. I took time to research why MMD lost. The answer is that Milupi had a good strategy of utilising CDF better than Mulyata and LUngwangwa and hence his projects were unarguable. If MP s wish to shine here is the secret, use your CDF with maximmum impact. In some constituencies there is nothing one can point at. Therefore I now respect Milupi for using government funds with community wisdom. You ll be surprised to learn from my research the Luena wards are all under MMD councillors. Think about that.

  25. #30 Chomba,
    Of course it’s all Bembas but we all know Chiluba is a Luunda from Chibambo Mission is Katanga and Kaunda a Malawian immigrants’child. Now where are the Bembas ruling this country? We are all in this shit together and what we must do is identify leadership, capable leadership. Clouding one’s mind with such a stinking dose of tribal bigotry against sectors of your nation will only doom this nation by installing embaciles like Chama Chakomboka or indeed this nightmare of Kansundila we are contending with.

  26. Let the Game Begin!! The MMD losing Western Province. ha ha ha thats why they have been trying hard to gain Southern Province by Using Chizhyuka. They think Southern Province will compassate the loss of Western province. But VJ’s formula wont work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    MMD will go or DYING like the Fossil UNIP. It’s in self destruction mode. Now I dont give MMD any chance, not even in HELL. All the dreamers continue to be in dream-land hoping for MMD to swim when in fact it’s topidled / capsized and sinking.

  27. #6, you are soooooo foolish small chap, no wonder you are still struggling in life at your age. How dare you insult your leader like that! I wonder if you have respect even for your parents! You are a foolish brut kabova!

  28. The announcement by dishonourable Chiko Chibale, the MMD malitia taliban leader that they have formed a cell to “visit” Bishop Duffy is very welcome. The people of Western province must receive this commander “with both arms in “kang’oto” fashion until he pukes the “katanafu”. Maybe after he return from there classified as cargo on a ZAF hired plan, other political mercenaries will learn a lesson that abena Zambia are tired of lumpens running them around cycles and enough is enough.

  29. #35 Truth, Iwe, uzisunge. If Bwezani is your leader its your own funeral and leave #6 to comment as he wishes. Besides, who do you know of in Zambia today or before who had their “gurumuthu” turned into a monkey toilet and they remained normal? If this is the type of leadership bakumawa have, we’ll see come elections next year, kuya bebele.

  30. I thought Milupi was a Zambian and was free to start his campaign in any part of the country. I come from Northern Province but worked for a good number of years in Western Province. I was accepted by the people there and up to now i still have very good friends in Mongu. Kaoma and Senanga.
    Let the man try his luck without people bringing in the tribal element.
    Who can deny that he did a fantastic job as Chairman of PAC?

  31. Ignore Bo Milupi at your own peril. It seems in Zambia today all non-Bembas are tribal. It is this fear for other tribes that brought about genocide in Rwanda. If Bo Milupi’s comments are not true, why the panick?

  32. you no 30, a very foolish bemba who thinks a lozi or a tonga will be a president of Zambia. Now get it from me, a bemba person will never again rule this country. take it or note. Infact, A lozi or a tonga can vote happly an easterner that voting for a bemba. to add more, mark my words, should the pact put Sata, people of southern, western, North-wester,, Central rural and lusaka rural will vote for RB. rb WILL WIN AND WAIT AND SEE. bEMBAS ARE so dull to believe that no any other tribe can rule Zambia apart from them. Go to UNZA, CBU, HONE , NIPA, ZICAS and these other higher learning institutions, lozis, tongas and the other trmibes performes better that be mba who are just good a talking too much.

  33. Musonda is just a sponsored MMD cadre to discourage Milupi. ADD is unstoppable, it has spread throughout Zambia like wild fire.

  34. None of the projects mentioned are from Luena. This MMD government takes development where MMD MPs are, and yet the government is for all the citizens shame.

  35. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe muzhindo give it boy HH will never be voted president count how many tongas are there compared to the whole of zambia

  36. #6 chipuba, nimbwa. He doen’t believe in freedom of association. Zambia is a democratic country where any person can choose whoever he wants to be president.

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