Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mind your language, VJ advises region


Vernon Mwaanga (Right)

Parliamentary Chief Whip Vernon Mwaanga has cautioned opposition political parties, civil society organisations and the media in the region to moderate their language and guard peace in their countries.

Mr Mwaanga said positive attitudes would help stem pre- and post-election violence in countries and advised the civil society and opposition leaders to realise that they had a cardinal duty to protect the peace.

He said this when he addressed a Commonwealth Parliamentary Association conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
[pullquote]“We should also realise that a threat to peace in this global village is a threat to peace everywhere,” Mr Mwaanga,” said [/pullquote]
He said all the stakeholders had a crucial role to play in promoting positive language and taking actions that would not undermine peace.

Mr Mwaanga said violence always left indelible marks on both the political and social landscapes of any country apart from grossly undermining democracies.

The veteran Zambian politician said political parties were essential to peace-building in countries intending to hold elections.

“I am encouraged that political leaders in Kenya with the help of former United Nations Secretary General Koffi Annan saw the imperative need to end the violence which characterised Kenyan elections in 2007,” Mr Mwaanga said.

He was happy with the positive contribution played by Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga for “walking an extra mile” to restore peace in Kenya which led to the formation of an inclusive government.

Mr Mwaanga said there were challenges Kenya was still facing and there were also useful lessons which should be learnt by parliamentarians in the Commonwelath countries as well as the future generations.

He said there was need for politicians to be disciplined and desist from making inflammatory statements before, during and after elections so that peace was protected.

“We should also realise that a threat to peace in this global village is a threat to peace everywhere,” Mr Mwaanga,” said
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. In an ideal world,this self confessed drug trafficker would not even be given an opportunity to address such a high profile delegation.This man belongs in the political archives,the fear of poverty keeps him going in the political circus,otherwise he does not contribute anything to mother zambia, democratically,politically or economically,waste of space

  2. no 1 and 2 get a life and dont be such haters. VJ has contributed a lot to Zambia. He may have made mistakes in his life but the man is a true patriot and both of you can never even get 1% of the success he has had. africans you always talk negative, get rid of self hate

  3. #3
    well said,he’s made mistakes,but there are people out there with integrity who have never made the mistakes VJ has made in life but they are hindered from making any contributions because of people like VJ who cant just let go to give an opportunity to others to serve in the same positions.People like yourself need to stand up and take the mantle,show us what you can contribute.Its not hate,its about giving others an opportunity to showcase their talents as well. Given an opportunity im sure you can do even better than VJ

  4. VJ should retire if he want to have some small respect if at all he has any the man does not look health in all these photos i see in the press these people think only they can do things for Zambia or is that they just want the tax payers to look after them till they die? no it is not right AFRICAN Leaders should learn to call it a day when age has caught up with them i think we the young should stand up and tell these old chaps to go enough is enough you can not be in government since 1961 and think only you have the brains the world as moved on , all the chaps who were telling our parents to go back to the land when the retire when we were growing up are still walking and driving around Lusaka what kind of nonsence is this.

  5. I do not see why #7 Mr. Capitalist – 3’s Steering Economic Growth cannot express his views or opinion without others calling him all sorts of names, guys try to accommodate other peoples points of view, if you want everyone to agree with you then do not blog, dictate to your families in your homes.

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