Thursday, March 13, 2025

Rupiah has neglected constitutional making process


UPND Spokesperson Charles Kakoma (R) and Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba (l)

The United Party for National Development (UPND) says it is sad that the MMD government has no plans to include the constitutional making process in next year’s national budget.

Party Spokesperson, Charles Kakoma said the President’s quietness on the constitutional making process is a clear indication that government is not ready to budget for it in the national budget to be represented to parliament next month.

Mr Kakoma said President Rupiah Banda has no regard for people’s views on the constitutional making process, hence he would do anything to ensure that the wishes of the general public is not respected.

Meanwhile, Mr Kakoma said President Banda has remained quiet on the Poverty Reduction policy which is the number one goal of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

He said there is no way the country could reduce poverty if the head of State does not regard poverty reduction in his programmes of national development.

Mr Kakoma expressed disappointment that the President in his address to the national assembly did not say something on poverty reduction in the country.

He called on the President to state how he would fight poverty in his last tenure of office because Zambians would want to know government programmes in advance.
[ QFM ]


  1. Shouldn’t PFand UPND be making joint statements on RB’s impressive speech last week? You have to get your act together guys.

  2. Charles Kakoma, there will be no poverty reduction in RBs agenda nor will there be any for constitutional making. The only budget you will see is for the maintenance of the challenger.
    Shikapwasha has been saying the GRZ has taken developments worth K30 billion to Lukulu. How does this comapre with the road for tourist to go to Mfuwe and see animals?

  3. The most important issues needing legal and regualtory reform – LABOUR & EMPLOYMENT ( we get 2 lines , basically no plan for us ) and MINES & MINERALS ( no legal reform , particulalry on employemnet and Zambianisation or increased requiriremnt for engang local , indegeninously owned companies for mine support / supply businesses) .. The res of the speak is HOG WASH.. rubbish.. My brothers and sisters.. there is no plan for you and me owners of our land here.. nothing.. all managerial jobs will continue to go to foreigners.. and we will have more importation of foreigners to trades, skills and crafts jobs in the mines.. we’ll be doing nothing but small clerical, low paying jobs.. if you can get one.. tapali ichesu.. Am gutted by this.. “he urges mining companies to focus on social…

  4. On “[Unite] Party [for national Development] Spokesperson, Charles Kakoma said the President’s quietness on the constitutional making process is a clear indication that government is not ready to budget for it in the national budget to be represented to parliament next month” this is sensible and it is sad that the whole lot of Mr President RB Banda could not mention something about the constitution and possible referendum.

    As for “He called on the President to state how he would fight poverty in his last tenure of office because Zambians would want to know government programmes in advance” there is an insinuation that UPND may support MMD in the 2011 elections here.

    Anyhow, be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…

  5. This Pact thing is indeed a snake with heads at both ends. It does not know where it is going or what it wants. PF does not want NCC, UPND is crying for it and yet they are in a Pact. Please Pact keep your confusion to yourself, put your house in order before you speak to us. And HH, can’t you find a more intelligent person for spokesperson than Charles Kakoma, I mean sharp material like Dora Siliya. You could try Kalusa or that former UNZASU guy. Dull chap, tell him that the President was not reading a budget speech which is for Dr Musokotwane, and that the whole address by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda was dedicated to fighting poverty. It does not have to read “POVERTY” , if he doesn’t know let him ask.

  6. I like this picture by LT because I have always thought that there is something fishy about it. Now I know why, if you look at their picture, you will notice that the two fellas are pretending to be reading when actually they can’t talk to each other because they have nothing in common but have just been forced to be there by the powers that be.

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