Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Unknown people shoot at HH’s residence


UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema

SOME unknown people last week on Wednesday shot at United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema’s house in suspicious circumstances whose motive has not yet been established.

Mr Hichilema, who confirmed the shooting incident at his house in Lusaka yesterday, however, declined to give further details as the police are investigating the matter.

“Yes, I can confirm that some people shot at my house but we can only talk after the police conclude investigations in the matter,” he said.

Asked whether he suspected that the shooting was targeted at him the opposition leader said, “ let’s talk after the investigations.”

He said a bullet cartridge was found in the yard.

And when contacted for a comment Lusaka police commanding officer Greenwell Ng’uni refused to comment on the matter referring all queries to the Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde.

“I can’t comment on that matter, you speak to the IG to give you the details,” he said.
Sources close to the opposition leader told the Times yesterday that they suspect the shooting was aimed at Mr Hichilema.

“ The president’s driver Mr Mulongo was seated outside the house and he heard some strange sound of a gunshot and when they checked he found some gun-shoot holes in the wall,” narrated the source.

“It seems that they thought it was HH who was sitting outside. So we strongly feel that those people were up to no good. The matter was reported to woodlands police.”

[Times of Zambia]


  1. #2 I agree with you , This is the work of the thugs in PF who see HH as a threat and want to eliminate him before 2011 and justify their case for One Michael Sata to be on the top of the PACT ticket. I don’t think MMD are scared of HH. MMD are dead scared of Sata and that is the person they would love to eliminate. In fact MMD thugs are happy to have HH around to cause confusion in the PACT. And PF thugs see that if they can take HH out, their puzzle will fall into place. This is the work of PF thugs the likes of Kambwili, WIllie Nsanda and GBM and endorsed by Sata himself of course

  2. This story is fishy ! Why did they miss if there was someone outside who they wanted to shoot. Which we r told was assumed HH .Nonsense !!

  3. On “… when contacted for a comment Lusaka police commanding officer Greenwell Ng’uni refused to comment on the matter referring all queries to the Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde.[..] “I can’t comment on that matter, you speak to the IG to give you the details,” he said,” this decline to comment by Ng’uni is very suspicious for this is a simple matter which junior police officers other than the IG Kabonde can comment on to clear the air.

    Whatever the case, it appears that some characters fear that HH will become President of Zambia in 2011 and this could be why the NCC possibly could not allow the Degree Clause qualification for Presidential Nominee to be in the new Constitution as well as people shooting in the wall of Mr UPND president HH’s house…

  4. First Police torture a UPND Senior officail. Now this. It should be William Banda. Cage the idi.ot. He has started his UNIP tactics of the reign of terror and intimidation.

  5. PF cannot do such a thing as some bloggers #2 & #4 above. You must be out of your mind to think PF can be so stupid to plan such a foolish move. let the Police issue a report and tell us the type of Gun used. You will be suprized at who owns those guns. Wait. The Only problem is the POLICE will have to get clearance from Plot one (room for manipulation) before disclosing. This wont give us the confidence.

  6. my first suspect would be William Banda, second suspect would be Chibale from CB, police should interrogate these two chaps for attempted murder.

  7. UPND Intellectual

    Only a very dull person would fall for your foo.lish tricks. First, you torture a Senior UPND official in Kafue. (I hope you’re not claiming that it was PF, and not police who did that) Then you shoot at HH’s household and now go flat out on this blog to claim that it’s PF who want eliminate HH. What rub.bish.

    Who has forgotten what your Dr. Musonda did in Mkushi?? Who can forget so soon what your MMD thugs did to PF cadres and Mr N’gandu Magande at Chibombamilimo’s funeral??

    You have no shame

  8. It is well known and documented that would-be 2011 President of Zambia HH has been conducting clean politics and campaigns all over Zambia and now those that are threatened by his popularity are busy trying hard to smear him with mad, but now that they have not managed to tint HH with mad they have resorted to wanting to eliminate him — just the in similar circumstances like they poisoned late UPND leader AK Mazoka.

    On ““ The president’s driver Mr Mulongo was seated outside the house and he heard some strange sound of a gunshot and when they checked he found some gun-shoot holes in the wall… It seems that they thought it was HH who was sitting outside. So we strongly feel that those people were up to no good…,”” I hope the Police will do their job nicely.


  9. #2 and #4 yo heads are full of nothing but magots ! do u think the whole lot of Mighty PF can do such a thing ? if u ave nothing better to say just shut-up ! u,r such worthless n useless chaps !

  10. HH pls give us a break. Who in their right mind would want to eliminate you? Besides, what kind of amateur hitman would fire random bullet in the hope of killing you! This is probably some cheap publicity stunt orchestrated either by UPND or the PACT. HH/ UPND are not a political threat on their own; they only matter if they cling on to a bigger party like MMD or PF. So Ha-Hichillema, stop boring us with your cheap stunts…

  11. Why are all PF cadres rattled by my theory/opinion. Nobody knows the truth, everyone here is just pushing their theories/opinions and what I said is just my opinion/theory and am entitled to it just as those claiming HH is just seeking attention are entitled to their theories and opinions. That is a theory too and we respect your theories/opinion and respect mine please. What makes your opinion or theory more accurate than mine. We both don’t have facts. It is Monday morning please , calm down people. Don’t take it personal, it is just a discussion. AMA BP ULU CHELO CHELO

  12. This must be dr Musonda the mmd murderer who recently shot the PF supporter in mkushi with intention to kill. That id.iot is very dangerous especially now that he has no job. Pls those who see that bafoon called dr musonda (serial killer) should immediately report him to the police.

  13. Most bloggers lack understanding of issues, what are you talking about? Nothing is known yet police still investigating, whats all these conclusions about. Useless d.ull chaps.

  14. Both PF and MMD consider HH as a political threat, there is no doubt about that. To understand the motive behind the would be assassins we must answer the question, who would lose if HH is killed? Or rather who would benefit? There would be accusations from both camps as expected but who would the UPND supporters believe and who would they channel their anger and vote against. There in lies the answer.

  15. what a shame to zambian christian country were poeple plan to kill a fellow zamban who has got no harm to them. come 2011 we want no rigging of election and the person who is behand the killing the blood will be on his/her hand. think about judgement after you kill and am telling you that it will cost your life in the hands of the Lord the all might our creator.

  16. what investigations when we all know where its pointing at..?who else would want to do such a thing..its MMD and PF…

  17. this is the UNIP mentality of RB and william banda to eliminate the chosen one. the good thing is when God says yes, no mmd/pf thug can say no. he is definately the chosen one. watch this space. your hatred for HH will not help u. he is comfortable and trying to save u from the horns of poverty that some of u have had since birth. the Man was almost killed and yet some of u call it cheap politics, why would HH want to cheat his death in the name of attracting attention. how many seats has UPND/HH managed to get from u yet u don’t believe that the man is a thorn in your ass. come chilanga seat is gone too. if its God’s will for HH to rule this mighty country, nothing u, your ancestors will do to stop it from happening. the jealous and wicked always die before their time.VIVA long life

  18. If you give power to chaps like william Banda do you expect any sanity in Lusaka. This guy is back and the same old tricks of thuggery reins. MMD have a UNIPist attitude and leadership so we shud expect these things to happen.

  19. Very sad, but I like HH’s calm approach to this matter. Let’s wait for investigations. Of course I am not in any way suggesting that people can stop speculating, for what would some people do with themselves if they were not performing their usual ritual of hallucinating on LT?

  20. sounds like politically motivated scare tactics by individuals who are probably not directly involved with any party and took it upon themselves to do this, i just hope these type of incidents do not become common place in a peace loving country.

  21. This is all Rupiah’s move, we know this man. Under Mwanawasa there were no such things because he was a man of peace, not this thug president. When a head of state is a man of law and order, peace prevails in the nation. From the time Rupiah became the president we have seen a lot of persecution and beatings on all those who oppose him. We know he came with those unip tactics of silencing others, but mind you Mr Man there are so many foreign agencies and representatives whose eyes are on what GRZ is doing to uphold democracy in the nation and are reporting on your actions. This tactic will make you lose elections.

  22. Rupiah is the worste president zambia has ever had. He is too backward to say the least, whatever happens on HH all fingers will point at MMD’s Rupiah. Pf is so inocent in this, atleast they uphold democracy in some way they not kill those who oppose them. HH is well connected to the international community, hence a threat on his life would triger some fire on Rupiah.

  23. Have all MMD thugs on this blog conviniently forgotten that William Banda declared Lusaka a no-go area for HH. Have they also conviniently forgotten that MMD thugs caused mayhem at Chibombamilimo’s funeral, Dr Musonda attempted to murder a PF cadre, MMD police tortured a UPND member and that Changwe is still Minister despite bouncing a K10m cheque without facing any court appearance like Mpombo.

    We all alive to the fact that anyone perceived to be anti-RB/MMD becomes a target for elimination by the MMD.

    Have the MMD thugs also forgotten their threat to GANG RAPE Edith Nawakwi, and yet their tourist President has never uttered a single word of apology for such a henious criminal intention.

    Only MMD display shameless arrongance in the face of all evidence against them

  24. #36 if you have nothing to write just remain silent. We know MMD is full of thugs who think they can silence anybody, they are even after Father Bwalya’s blood. This is the first time in the era of demoracy in zambia to see a head of state hiring thugs to beat up opponents like Magande.

  25. This is so amaturish,why would anyone go and shoot at a house,mistake a driver for the target, HH’s house in kabulonga has a wall fence,so which wall was hit,the wall fence or the main house?
    Me thinks its just a way of getting some cheap attention

  26. Thia is just a campaign gimmick. A real hitman would not miss HH. But if its not a gimmick, then I am sure its PF coz government would not fail to eliminate anyone. Not even Sata if it wanted. Stop accusing MMD. Moreover, chances are there that UPND embers may want to eliminate each other. Lets not be blind. Take care

  27. You MMD chaps think HH is easy, the man is strong and well connected and has the most intelligent op as a bodyguard. His intelligence officer was at the same level as Xaviour Chungu.

  28. get real people,uyimwaiche is desparate 4 attention…..i dont think it has anything 2 do wit PF.MMD patriots get a life,twachula pafula naba Mwadia Mweka Daddy(MMD)

  29. Hahahahahahaha….people pls lets be serious. HH drives around in a vehicle that has no bullet proof windows. If a pro assassin wanted the fellow dead HH would be dead. What would HH be doing sitting in his car in the yard…? Every one knows that he has a driver so what none sense is this that ”they thought it was HH in the car”….pls spare us. This appetite for news coverage and self pity is scary.

  30. If you have no job and bored being a housewife or houseman, then find something to do, get yourself busy.HH is protected by the Lord ,a man of century, its true his intelligence were the same level with Xavier chungu Ba MMD are toddlers, what can they do with that man of intellectual HH.let anything happen to the young man, witchcraft will be performed. Read psalms 91

  31. Where has this DORA BANDA on this blog come from? For your own information-this blog is for debate & dont just try to quash other people’s opinions when you cant even show you side of reasoning let alone vent your unreasonable,retarded anger on one free blogger above. Coming to the issue-its a matter of propaganda from all three big parties-MMD,PF & UPND. However, the likelihood of PF or UPND to indulge into such trivial forms of politics is very slim unless its the careless-jobseeking UPND youths. PF regards UPND as an under dog & may not go that far as threatening him-his is a nonentity in short, that doe not mean he is not needed in the PACT-he is as important as Sata is to PF. Finally, it could just be something we have already seen from one Wille B & police rxtion speakes volumes

  32. HH is not a polital threat to anyone. Even he said last week that facts are there to show from 2006 and 2008 that he can never will an election. That is why they are being treated as junior partners in the pact.

  33. This was just petty thieves naimwe. Why has it always to be political when its a politician. Imbwalala dont care who you are as long as they want something

  34. These are works of Lazos, murderers and the Movement for Mad Dogs. They want a repeat of Serenje MP Murderer who is still walking the streets with his head high.

  35. #37 Chomba, it’s your word against mine. My word is that Rupiah Banda is the best thing that ever happened to Zambia, the best President in Zambia’s history. You have your opinion and I have mine. The rest will be decided by the people of Zambia who will vote in 2011.

  36. I still say this is a cheap publicity gimmich by HH and UNDP….Neither PF or MMD has anything to gain by shooting at HH wall-fence..really.. This is UNDP and HH ‘think-tanks’ at its best!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. VJ Rigger, what are you doing in USA? of course doing African jobs cleaning hotels, washing dishes and dusting white men ‘s shoes. We all know for sure that our black men in USA are suffering cant even afford a ticket to come back home.fugitives? Let educated calculator boy rule you come 2011. movement for mad dogs indeed!

  38. #6 you can not call this a simple matter. Hakainde is a national leader. The police want to be cautious, that is all.

  39. #51 & #53: Continue dreaming that HH/UPND is not a factor in the next elections and we will make sure that Sata never becomes president of Zambia. The political reality in Zambia is that there are three major political forces(MMD, PF and UPND), all drawing their support from the tribe of the political leaders. For any of the three main contenders to win they need to convince the neutral voters in Western, North Western, Lusaka and Central. The motive behind the shooting is to scare HH into submission so that he could align himself with either PF or MMD as has been propagated in the PF and MMD vuvuzelas. HH is no chicken, he is made of steel and he is going no where. The man doesn’t talk much but he has a lot of tricks in his hat.

  40. @67 Zed Patriot. The difference between me & u is that you echo some UPND cadrism of which i dont but just stating the facts. I have also mentioned that this could be steming from all three major parties. Its a pity that you can even refer to PF in this scenerio more than MMD & its well known propaganda. You know Willie B the untoucheble-The president of LUSAKA!He is made of steel but what makes you feel that way when he still has to prove it. HH has never stood own his won & you know that, engulfed in inferiority -i dont blame him becuase he understands better were he belongs in this political atmosphere than you do,rallying behind gullibly with your tell behind your bums almost touching your johnny! Slow down and see the writting on the wall. HHis good but not yet presidential challenga!

  41. HH is a crucial factor in next year’s elections. If the PF/UPND alliance survives, MMD will lose elections. If the alliance crumbles, PF alone cannot win. Now here is the plot: William Banda figures if HH is elliminated, UPND might end up with an anti Sata leader who’d pull the party out of the alliance or at least ruffle the UPND following especially in the South to vote in RB’s favour.

  42. @georgeWbush: keep dreaming as I said. This kind of PF arrogancy is what is going to cost you the next elections. With this type of attitude from you PF cadres I can guarantee you that most UPND supporters will back RB in the next elections if HH decides to work under Sata. HH gave you the right advise. He understands Zambian political dynamics more than you do but you decid to ignore it and call him a coward. He is simply telling you the fact that as PF you can not beat the ruling party on your own without a united opposition. This is bitter fact to swallow by some of you. Get it from me, Sata will never win an election without UPND support. He has reached his saturation point and his share of the vote will keep on dwindling from now onwards.

  43. HH mulilo, nishiimbi. who is William banda and Solomon musonda? which brand or are they animals? where do they live? am a human being and what are they? lazo next door should shift, plenty of land in new kasama. he is good at bullets that’s the only thing he does best and wife snatcher.

  44. Hmm, How can you have a “strange sound of a gunshot” – If you know its a gunshot, then its not a strange sound. And why wasnt the driver shot, the person just opened fire aiming at ……….the wall? I recogn, HH paid some boys to pretend to be attacking his house to score some media coverage and gain some public empathy

  45. #63 you are dull, you cant even write simple letters UPND instead you writ UN. my son is only 8yrs he will help write correctly. maybe you go back to school wheres in SA ? are you a garden boy there? greet kalu. HH for 2011 this man is too intelligent brain boxer. he is got all the bugs. could you come back and work for this young man as a herd boy at one of his farms?

  46. # 75 what media coverage and public empathy? HH had a lot of coverage worldwide up to white house. what local cheap coverage are you talking about? He doesn’t even need any ****en camera before his face. he is a smart guy who is already comfortable and has cameras all over his house, young lady.



    @75 I AGREE WITH SURE 100%.


  48. What does HH know? If he knows something let him speak out like Sata does. He does not know anything he is just desperate to get into power mwe bantu.

  49. The only real candidate for true president in Zambia Miyanda had the most unorganized surbodinates. Thus we are stuck with Sata, rb and hh.

  50. #75 I thought pipo in the diaspora had brains , honest how can some one like the whole lot of HH come up with such a thing . Life even that of your servant or anything else life is precious

  51. Let us who are full of wisdom analyse the matter. The white letters this time are clearly written on the black board and they say WILLIAM TEKERE BANDA is behind it. But not to eliminate HH, but ukumutinya fye ati HH mufana be in the PACT with MMD-thugs. The bullets are from the state guns and nothing will come out of investigation. It will take ages to release such sesentive infos. So the only thing HH can do is working hard in removing the MMD-thugs from power so all these MMD-thugs are jailed come 2011.

  52. HH should use other means of gaining publicity. I do not want to think it was a deliberate ploy but the more I analyze this whole issue the more convinced I become that he just planned it. I hope he didn’t honestly coz it shall bring our perception of him down in due course. Lets wait and see

  53. # 76 Director …u make me laugh…HH for presido in 2011… HH himself has confessed that he cant win anything bigger that Mr Mazabuka…I feel HH will make a very good VP next year… Director have a nice day in some dusty little place heaven knows where…

  54. Hey guys, this can only be from the PACT, not the MMD. HH is a small fish for the MMD to even use Guns. How can they miss a still target? Or maybe it is something else the gun chap was aiming at, maybe a bird or …………

  55. Ninani uwingepaya ka HH atase. HH has never won an election except for a tribal and fraudulent one againt Saki. HH has alread thrown in a towel that he does not want his followers to cheat him that he can win presido. Why waste bullets on HH when we can sneak in the Game Management Area and prudently use the bullets on buffalo for soup and protein. I hope this is the last time this comedy of shooting HH with a strange like a gun shot. Daisy rightly put it : how can a gun shot be strange. Mapatizya formula at play. Mwansebanya ba HH am at pain to explain this comedy to my colleagues who are trying to buy into this story. if i were Gary Nkombo or Douglas Siakalima i would sneak into HH’s palace and eavesdrop what next drama Sata and HH will shower us in the movie of strange gun shot sounds

  56. Ask Godfrey Miyanda. He will tell you how he escaped the same attacks on him.

    And it is so stupid of the Police to ask people to talk to the IG about matters like this one. Where is the spokesperson?

  57. Hey LT moderator, what is wrong with the use of the word “stupid”? It is not an insult, but a description. There is no need to asterisk its place or use.

  58. # 72 zed patriot you are the main man bro. i know THESE PF ZEALOTS WILL NOT SPARE YOU FOR TELLING THEM FACTS. KEEP IT MY MATE

  59. #92 Alinaswe says:

    If HH was a small fish as some of you misguided MMD cadres think how come he knocked you off in Solwezi and Mufumbwe? HH is a big threat to MMD and that explains why MMD of late are directing all their propaganda machinery at UPND. RB knows that UPND will win the support of most areas that backed MMD during Mwanawasa’s era in Central, N/W, Lusaka rural and Western. If Milupi decides to work with HH just know that your RB will be kissing good by to state house. He will be the shortest serving president in the entire Africa. Even his stage managed cosmetic developmental prgrams won’t save him. Just get real and stop showing blind arrogancy like your PF brethren. Humble yourselves and we might consider working with you. Whether you like it or not, UPND will be key…

  60. I just spoke to his number this afternoon

    HH was the one that fired the gun after his alarm went off- It’s simple as all that. End of Story !!!!


  62. Lets not jump to conclusions, lets wait for law enforcement to review the crime scene, interview witnesses and so forth. For disclosure, I am not a trained forensics expert but can make logical assumptions. Having said that, the whole thing just seems disjointed & points to a sham. PF and HH in particular are desperate, recent developments & momentum in the nation is swinging against them. They are are in panic mode, the so called PACT is not yielding the anticipated outcome and 2011 is fast approaching. PF/UPND are feeling the heat & are caged in a corner. And we all know a caged animal is very dangerous, unpredictable & unstable. So it’s too far fetched that the so called “PACT” could have manufatured & fabricated this incident out of desperation to get back in the limelight?????

  63. # 66 Dr young:
    Am not a low life like you.If your kinsmen are wiping old peoples back sides in the US,am not one of them.For your information these letters FCCA FZICA come after my name(if you know what they mean).Am not dependent on any Political party for my existence.So get a life.

  64. Zed007

    October 28th by-elections will teach your MMD a lesson and show you that change is truly unavoidable. Continue denyimg reality

  65. hey gents and ladies you all had your speculations and we dont know who is right or wrong so lets all shut up coz himself HH has no comments even the bwana to the police.

  66. Am just wonering why pf would want to eliminate hh. HH admitted when he told his cadres to stop cheating him that he could win elections without pf and he tabulated the performance of pf and upnd in the past presidencial elections. I think it is hhs cadres who wnat to eliminate him for admitting that upnd is a weaker party.

    Have a good day

  67. The true character of the MMD is as exhibited by Copperbelt MMD information secretary Chiko Chibale, who has threatened to lead an MMD crack squad to Western Province to manhandle Mongu diocese, Bishop Paul Duffy. Clearly, these are the thugs who even shot at HH.


  68. FTJ Chiluba is Back in government with force. The Real Killer… ask Paul Tembo, Kaunda’s Son, Levy Mwanawasa Airport Road (RIP), and to the living HH, KK and Roger Chongwe FTJ is alive with an AK47 looking for you.

  69. HH cant be cowered by such machinations….. Either party MMD or PF would try and gain from the slaining of HH. PF wuold tell HH’s supporters that MMD have killed your man, so support me…..MMD would equally say the same vice versa. Otherwise, HH no matter how the Post would blackout, him in the media, the truth is he commands support and MMD is more scared because the guy is chewing away most of the rural base which Levy once enjoyed.

  70. Oh, they have started the dirty game !

    Look here. HH is the greatest threat to MMD. He is good at grabbing seats from MMD.

    Now Chilanga seat is available for grabs. HH is being warned not to get too involved in Chilanga as in N/western province.

    William Banda at work usig the “MMD crack squard”.
    Shame !

  71. #111 NALABILAKO TYALA & all PF and MMD cadres who find it difficult to understand the queen’s language:
    Let me help you understand what HH said in simple English. HH said that in Zambia or rather in Africa it is difficult to remove a ruling party from Govt with a fragmented(not united) opposition. He siad UPND alone just as PFalone can not win elections on their own. He explained that if you look at the election results of 2001, 2006 and 2008 it is clear that the combined vote share of the opposition was more than what MMD got. He said MMD as a ruling party can easily manipulate results in their favour if they are not comprehensive defeated by the opposition as happened in 1991. He suggested that the best way to remove MMD from power is to have a united oppostion. A wiseman’s words.

  72. let us be INSTRUMENTS OF PEACE people, there is nothin to fight about here! let the police do their work first and much as we are free to speculate, let it end there…

  73. #118 Zed Patriot: if anything, I like your simple straightforward statements. Why can’t our reporters say it this way? Ni chizungu chivuta????

  74. @ Zed Patriot! i like your analysis bro. let us keep on telling these MMD/PF hate minded thugs that the race is for the chosen ones. this arrogance and thuggery behavior of pf will not help them. they should remember that their sata is in the evening. keep it up bro they will not contend us on this site towards 2011. we are following and watching

  75. #122 Chiluhainde:
    Which is a worse crime, jumping in bed with Sata or jumping in bed with Chiluba? Whether we like it or not Sata has a large following. It is essential to work with Sata and his followers if you have to kick out the corrupt MMD.

  76. There is no need for we pipo to attack HH .The fact is that there was a gun shot @ his house.
    Lets forget about wat happened in 2006 .HH can win the elections and make a good President.We need him and please do not kill him coz his got wat it takes to be a president unlike old faces .

  77. ZedPatriot@118. The colloraly of most of your blogs here depicts nothing but hero-worship for HH. Albeit,you r condeming PF on one hand & crying for their vote on another? Truth is that HH is getting wise by the day due to the atmosphere he has been through recently(last 3yrs). Thats not much for a person who wants to stand as head of a country blanketed in corruption at will spearheaded by the master dribler-one Kafupi.PF knows they need him but he must know his place in this political atmosphere,otherwise if he tries to convince himself that he is already there, he will fall off into an abyss of both losing all his elections for his life as well as run bankrupty. He is a good leader in the making but needs more grooming by one seasoned Sata,if u & i r talking about need for change.

  78. #118 No matter how much you try to twist HHs comments, the fact remains that HH admitted that he cannot win the presidency with UPND alone. You came 3rd in Luena and what was the margin you won the Mufumbwe seat where you are now in court. He needs Sata, but the way you UPND kaponyas are degrating Sata I dont see PF supporters voting for your preferred candidate. Actually it is UPND who want to eliminate HH seeing that it has lost its 2nd slot since HH took over from Andy Mazoka (mhsrip)..

  79. it is just amaizing how you all are trying to figure out which set of gangerster is better for zambia… you are all out of your minds… the only answer for zambia is Magande so continue to back sata or RB and see what we will end up with… follow your hearts you all know that I speak the truth.

  80. Just wondering if FTJ has a hand in this in which case we will never know as he is RB’s consultant.In FTJ’s era there were so many unexplained killings.He is a chap to watch and his murder squads within the system.

  81. Finally brethren what so ever is good think about it. HH is the person Zambia need the rest should be retired in public interest.

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