Friday, March 14, 2025

FJT defends RBs achievements


Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba has described as liars, people claiming that President Rupiah Banda is enjoying achievements of past leaders.

Dr Chiluba says President Banda has drawn the attention of critics because of his hard work.

The former President says Mr Banda is following up on the aspirations for a better country, as contained in the MMD manifesto.

Dr Chiluba was speaking to ZNBC news in Lusaka Monday.

He said that President Banda has worked extra hard in his two years in office as President.

He has urged the media and the Ministry of information to help publicise the achievements made by the MMD government.



  1. Mr Chiluba the best thing you can do now is o keep your mouth shut.We all know you have got what you wanted(All your cases to be dopped).That has happened.We all know that your support for RB is not genuine you are doing it just to cover up your sins.You are the same guy who was supporting Sata before last elections,but as soon as you realised that sata was not the president you changed your mind and started supporting RB.Sir you are a very selfish,all you want is to be pardon even if you know that the pipo you are supporting are wrong.Why can’t you think of other pipo(Citizens of Zambia) Rather than yourself.

  2. Dr Chiluba is right. H. E the president Rupiah Banda has worked very hard in the last year in executing the plans in the MMD manifesto. PLanning is one thing and execution is another. Plans are announced by some politicians about how they will make the running of councils exemplary and once in power we have seen the mess and excuses day and day.

    This President has had no excuses and he continues to execute and deliver marked change for many a Zambians.

    What is being executed today by the MMD government is not a project of one person. This is the project which resulted from the collective contributors to a document called MMD manifesto. In fact we have already almost completed the manifesto for the 2011. And this is not RB manifesto but MMD. RB leads the execution

  3. Off course we are looking for achievement from different angles with you ba Chiluba. he really achieved to let you loose hence your being well .( At least we dont have to pay more medical bills for your purported sickness coz of being RUNNING WAY FROM THE COURTS.:((:((:((:((

  4. Rupiah is a shameless liar says Mpombo

    GEORGE Mpombo yesterday described President Rupiah Banda as a shameless liar who is eager to hoodwink the public through blatant political plagiarism by claiming credit for projects initiated by the late president Levy Mwanawasa. In an interview, Mpombo, who is also Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament, said President Banda wants to sacrifice the truth for political expedience.

    “We want to appeal to Mr Banda not to hoodwink the public through his blatant political plagiarism by claiming credit for projects he didn’t even sanction. Mr Banda is a shameless liar. He wants to claim credit for projects that were initiated by Mwanawasa. But he will not achieve his intentions because Zambians are mature enough.

  5. The projects which were launched long before he became President are maturing now. His behaviour is like a man who marries a woman with a six months pregnancy and claims parentage of a child born in three months just because he stayed with a pregnant woman.” Mpombo said President Banda was misleading the nation on developmental projects.

    “For instance, on Syno-hydro of China, the memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed in 2002. I signed the MoU in 2002 with Dipak Patel when we accompanied President Mwanawasa to China. That’s why Syno-hydro came into Zambia about five years ago,” Mpombo said.

    “On road projects like the Kasama-Luwingu, they have been outstanding projects and have been funded on a yearly basis by the treasury.

  6. The Mutanda-Chavuma road is an old project, which was still going on. Even the Mongu-Kalabo road, it’s inconceivable that Mr Banda can sink so low to mislead the public just for cheap political gain. The Mongu-Kalabo road has been an outstanding project. “On the Choma-Namwala road, this is an old project. In fact, when I was provincial minister for Southern Province, I even went and inspected this project. The government has been working on this project in phases. I personally find it mind-boggling that Mr Banda has no shame.”
    Mpombo said the late Mwanawasa launched the Cancer Hospital project about two years ago.

  7. He is just one of those MMD cadres just like MMD chief bootlicker.Hence it is just natural that kafupi has turned into a minion of RB.

  8. Even these district hospitals, boarding schools…all these were on the drawing board, they were approved projects and are now being launched. This is not a new concept at all. These were started by Mwanawasa. If you want, check the Fifth National Development Plan; you will find that all these projects are lined up. Look at Lusaka Central Hospital where Rupiah Banda has even put his portrait; again that was Levy’s project. He launched the project of building that hospital along Great East Road.
    Source: The Post. I rest my case.

  9. What hard work. Thief. Yes he has worked very hard to protect you through manupulating the judiciary. That is all we can see. Your works were seen but you messed up your self in the process and you lost it all. Keep working hard for him otherwise tawakabutunge come 2011.

  10. #9 So you and your Mpombo expected the president to abondon those projects just because Mpombo signed them. You expected him to start from scratch. Get real those are MMD projects and MMD is still in power and the leader of MMD who will take the heat if things go wrong is not Mpombo who signed the deal by RB. We have leadership in the party and stop sinking low with your Mpombo, holding onto a seat for retirement pension despite being sacked from MMD

  11. What has he achieved? selling Zamtel? spending $50m on ambulances?. The truth is those projects he is commissioning were initiated by LPM.

  12. Why can’t these MMD people just admit that the current projects RB is busy singing about were began by LPM and therefore his? There is no shame after all they are all MMD. No wonder Mpombo is calling it political plagiarism.

  13. Opposition:RB has done nothing.Done away with Levy’s legacy.
    RB:I have fixed roads, opened hospitals, mines, schools etc.
    Opppsition:No, those things were started by Levy.
    Zambians are strange, on one hand you accuse him of doing away with legacy, in the other you say he is merely completing legacy work. WHICH IS WHICH? Just accept that this is continuity with change.

  14. Whether Chiluba is right or wrong, I think, for now, he should keep his mouth shut because whatever he says is seen as a payoff for his new freedom. Additionally, Banda’s achievements, depending on who you ask, can be subjected to a lengthy academic discussion. Personally, I think two years is too short a period for one to achieve anything. I only hope he not reaping someone’s fruits.

  15. Comment 14, your RB is a cheat without the sincerity to confess to his true needs. These projects were initiated by LPM thats the end of the matter. The president in his 2008 campaign promised to continue with Levy is projects and legacy but is now too embarassed to talk about Levy looking at how low he’s sank to defend criminals.

  16. Comment 17, opening a hospital is not the same as defending someone’s legacy. These hospitals could wel be opened by the Veep or even the Health Minister. Would these people be defending Levey’s legacy by launching his projects? No! The cheat is RB. In one corner of his mouth, he’s trying to defend the legacy while in the other he’s downgrading it.

  17. As Mpombo has correctly observed, his behaviour is like a man who marries a woman with a six months pregnancy and claims parentage of a child born in three months just because he stayed with a pregnant woman. Thats how impotent men behave. They want to claim credit for a baby they didnt make. Even before the baby is born, they want to be known by the baby in the womb. Ati Bashi That Thing in the Womb. And when the baby is born, they are now fathers.

  18. I thought Mpombo and the like were complaining about RB abandoning LPM’s legacy? Now they shift the goal post and turn around and say that all of RB’s achievements are due to LPM who has been dead for the past two years and was not around to navigate the country during the worst financial crisis the world has seen for many years. So which is it then? You cant have it both ways. Also, people conveniently forget that Mwanawasa was the leader of a party – the MMD. Which means that all the development we are seeing now should be attributed to the party that is governing the country and not one individual who took his last breath more than two years ago, who by the way was being insulted left, right and centre by some of the same people who are singing his praises now.

  19. This thing called MMD Chief Bootlicker makes me sick, he just yaps as long as it isa said by one of his cronies. RB has no brains. He talks before thinking, we have many examples, the mwenye thing he referred to HH’s wife is just one of the many. No wonder he failed to look at 43 age difference.

  20. What would you expect to hear from all suckers, plunderers, most especially chief lazo???

    He is praising for ulterior motives. Cheap propanganda which only serves to mislead those with low IQs and with short memory who believe whatever they are told

  21. As the 20 says, It does make sense to say RB already found projects at the implementation stage because projects in Zambia take years to complete (e,g Kafue road by Kajima). I wonder why Chiluba cant find it in himself to keep quiet becoz the more he speaks the more he is agitating pipo even the MMD supporters themselves (except for bootlicker whose comments have made smart pipo like matworld run to other blogging websites). Nice to see you’re back.

  22. No matter what image building his supporters may want to employ, the truth of the matter is that RB does not have it as a good President. RB inherited very good programmes and plans from LPM, but his leadership has been so mediocre that even in the implementation of those plans and programmes, the country has had to suffer many opportunity costs. Having RB as President has been like fitting a kitchen knife to a razor to try and shave!
    As for the son of Chiluba, why doesn’t he just shut up? Does he not realize that he disgusts many a decent Zambian?

  23. Opposition have shot themselves in the foot because the bottom line is that MMD the party is making tangible achievements and they are at a loss on how to counter that. How do you expect RB to start and finish quality projects such as roads, schools, and hospitals in two years? Now I understand why people believe in the 90 days miracle.

  24. No matter what image building his supporters may want to employ, the truth of the matter is that RB does not have it as a good President. RB inherited very good programmes and plans from LPM, but his leadership has been so mediocre that even in the implementation of those plans and programmes, the country has had to suffer many opportunity costs. Having RB as President has been like fitting a kitchen knife to a razor to try and shave!
    As for Chiluba, why doesn’t he just shut up? Does he not realize that he disgusts many a decent Zambian every time he opens that mouth of his?

  25. Planning And executing

    Imwe bantu,Mwanawasa planned but he never started or finished 90% of those in 7 years.The person who steps on the line wins,LPM put all the money on the neck of Chiluba and not development.Mwempombo imwe,if RB had followed the bad foot steps of LPM,you could have said RB does not think.**==

  26. #24 So you think Sata thinks before opening his mouth? By the way RB apologised for his comment on HH’s wife. I have never heard Sata apologise for the third -term debacle or for insulting people from various provinces of Zambia.I guess you have never had to apologise for saying the wrong thing in your life ever?

  27. If I married a woman who is 6 months pregnant and I stayed around and looked after that child until it became an adult, then you bet I would take credit for the achievements that the child in question made.

  28. Ba tata ba Chiluba just keep quiet and enjoy your peace and good health that have now. Ala akabwelela kalalya!! I would advise you to stay and be quiet about these politics please twapapata. You lead us and thats all for you now!!!!! People will respect you like that, but if you want titi for tati ooooh you are in for a rude shock baba.

  29. 1,2,4,6,89,11,12,13,15,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27- You are all bootlickers with no opinions of your own. You have no capapcity to analyse issues on your own.If Mpombo was in MMD you would be condemning him.
    Ofcourse you dont expect a wise leadr to abandon good projects and start from scratch. Get this MMD phobia out of you minds and think about leadership and progressive ideas. We have leadership in the party and stop sinking low with your Mpombo, holding onto a seat for retirement pension despite being sacked from MMD .
    If you can remove this hatred in men and concentrate on what they do and what they have done, you will be on the right track.

  30. Mr. FTJ your Saviour is just commissioning what LPM started. One them is the Housing project between Kitwe and Kalulushi which LPM was supposed to commission before he died. I also hear that your Saviour is coming to Kitwe to commission a toilet at Chisokone Market as part of his developmental achievements.

  31. I have seen wht Chiluba did , tangible things. I have seen what Late LPM did, they were intangible. Hope you understand me. I have seen what KK did, they were tangible.
    Why is there so much hatred in a nation labeled “christain” ?why is there no forgiveness here. KK you preached peace and forgiveness, why are you so quite and concentrating on HIV AIDS, a fight in futility? Why not tackle the root cause of HIV? filthy and degraded music and films, nakedness in dress etc,Y Y Y Y?Hatred and bitterness brings murders and all sorts of wickedness. Preach peace and reconciliation. Chiluba/RB please forgive them, they will know you are heros when you have gone.They praise KK whom they called a dictator, they honor LPM whom they called Cabbage.Wht sort of people are these Lord?

  32. Plans are announced by some politicians about how they will make the running of councils exemplary and once in power we have seen the mess and excuses day and day.
    MMD Bootlicker, this is your post @3
    so tell us which party these politicians who fail once in power belong to?? MMD or another party that has come to power ??

  33. The height difference between Chiluba and his ‘wife’ is ridiculous, couldn’t he snatch a woman of about his height? I think that affects his reasoning.

  34. Well some men who claim a pregnancy tbey didnt make look after the child and those who made it fail to even buy a single nappie…..its takes more than donating genes to be called a parent and its easier to be called a father than it is to parent….Mupombo you miss your godfather LPM

  35. True, 36 is really shallow minded, low reasoning capacity and exemplifying this in public, shame….. think people, think and analyse issues…. Dr. what is wrong inheriting a pregnancy, dont you know that fertilising an egg is is as simple as eating food. the real task for a real man now is to rear the child from day on to the twentieth year. think man. Go back to school, read widely dont follow the crowd…. I pity such peolpe and they are very quick to change when the opposite happens.

  36. “Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba has described as liars, people claiming that President Rupiah Banda is enjoying achievements of past leaders.”
    I just dont see the lies.Chiluba means to tell us that Alaa-Bee achieved whatever he is claiming to have achieved in two years? How daft can this be.Bane dont call yourselves “Doctors” with such mediocre reasoning

  37. Tandabube, #37:
    Let it be known to you that the tangible starts in the intangible. Thinking minds largely operate in the intangible regions, and that’s where LPM and his team must have operated in order to bring out the plans and progrmmes that are being implemented today. LPM died before the INTANGIBLE plans could be realized. That’s why you say what LPM did was intangible. You seem to be unable to appreciate the significance and importance of the intangible, of ideas and concepts, in the process of development! Yours seems to be only the sensory world.

  38. Tandadube – It is not hatred. We are just tired of the same people taking us for a ride and continuing to insult us and spit on our hard work and honesty. if your wife cheats on you and shows no remorse will you forgiver her?? I didnt think so. Dont talk without reasoning and dont talk trash that we have no capacity to analyse, what is there to analyse on this topic?? If this topic is worth analysing then frankly you thrive on petty issues. You want to sound intelligent pali ka topic aka lol kwena….

  39. Number 14.Some of your comments are disgusting,you need to grow up and quit compaigning for MMD on every minutiae subject;Sometimes you need to be objective on certain matters and issues.

  40. Dr Kanganja 6# 8# 9# 12# 20# 21# 22#

    Stop copying and pasting articles that are already on The Post Online.

    Chances are that 98% of people that spend time online blogging on Lusaka Times have already read this Mpombo article. Use you intelligence. You shallow twisted waste of space!!!!

    If you nothing to comment on, then just read from others or just log-off

  41. Chiluba please stop being childish you are just attracting going back to court when a new Government comes in power please your lies even a kid can see, you can lie people once but not always if i were you i can keep very quiet and maybe even lock myself in the government paid house and throw the keys from shame i feel sorry for RB

  42. The funny thing about PF cadres. Quick to condem RB when something goes wrong because he is presiding on everything MMD generated, including Mpombos initiatives. But when things go well, he is not suppose to take credit as the incumbent. So lame. No wonder you will never rule this country. When I say “The Hour!!!” All of you shout “is working!!!!!!!!”

  43. This Kafupi Lazo should be ashamed of himself. If he had started good projects like LPM did the tangible results would have been seen during LPM’s tenure of office and the country would have moved far much further by now. Good developmental projects take time to mature and are a result of visionary leadership. This is what LPM had but unfortunately I don’t see that in RB. The fact that he has spent most of his presidency defending FTJ is an indication of what type of leader he is. It’s difficult to understand what RB stands for or what his vision is. Maybe someone here should explain. All I see is a president who enjoys flying around and parading himself at commisioning ceremonies for for projects he did not initiate. I like his idea of the diaspora office though….I hope he initiated…

  44. The great amazing President FTJ. His direction helped liberate Zambia, even though it is a long way to go! Haters! Why don’t you run for presidency so that we see your “goodness” too?

  45. MMD has scored on a number of fronts and failed on some too, but all in all, they are not as bad as portrayed in some media circles. whoever would have been presido today would surely have been championing the completion of these projects…. Its nice to complete projects even when they were initiated by your predecessor. Viva Projects completion

  46. This debate is completely futile. One would think that LPM himself would have been laying down the roads and building the schools with his own hands. The man God rest his soul, died. What did you expect RB to do? Start a whole lot of projects by himself and complete them in two years just to keep the usual PF cynics happy? The main thing is that the projects are being finished. At the end of the day who cares on who initiated and completed the projects? In fact completing anything and making it a reality is much more difficult that coming up with the ideas. The fact is the MMD regime has scored some major successes and the opposition simply dont know which direction to turn. They cant complain about hunger, they cant complain about hospitals and schools and they cant complain about jobs.

  47. For those that are saying LPM’s projects are the ones that RB is reaping from…. Did LPM belong to PF/UPND? RB was his Vice and they all are/were MMD members…. Whatever successes being scored are MMDs and not an individual or any other party. MMD isn’t RB… unlike PF which is Sata.
    In short MMD is more than an individual and there will be continuity regardless FJT, LPM (MHSRIP), RB, VJ passing the mantle to other MMD members.

  48. #62 Your point is very valid. MMD unlike other parties is not a private kingdom run by a warlord who hires and fires at a whim. RB was the vice president of the rep of Zambia. There was an internal election within MMD which he won and he carried implementing MMD policies which are now bearing fruit despite some people making loud noises that he had abandoned the legacy of LPM. He held the country together during a very difficult period in its history. People forget that LPM was incapacitated for a very long time before his death was announced and RB provided stability and continuity. In other African countries, the death of a president has signalled the beginning of instability, which did not happen in our case and that is one of the many reasons I feel RB deserves every accolade he gets.

    PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has said it would be very difficult for Zambia to attain the middle income status by 2030 without cooperating partners foreign donors.
    Barely a month ago, President Banda had castigated donors who had questioned his administration’s governance record by refusing to appeal against a High Court of Zambia ruling that blocked the registration of the London judgment which found former president Frederick Chiluba liable for theft.
    ……………..Reads part of todays post.
    Is this man serious ?

  50. problem with you baboons called zambians you are easily swayed.your small minds can not grasp the truth not out of principal but interlectual impotence. how do people with sound minds parrot what comes out of mpombos filthy mouth?fine levy started the projects,but didnt levy find projects that were initiated by chiluba? so he peed on them and started his own?no wonder he died without completing any,save for one bridge.these are mmd programmes and credit goes to the RB you didnt pee on mmd projects started under leve but you are accomplishing them

  51. Whoever advises Chiluba must be told in simple terms that we Zambian tax payers are fed up of being lectured to by a thief who never paid tax in that country. Let him go and preach in DRC or Tanzania where he was cutting sisal and eating monkeys. This short Lazo is a very bad seed to our children and must NEVER be cloned. This Katangese liar will stop at nothing short of making all Zambians poor. Please tell him to shut up before Sata heads for him the Chawama style.

  52. Bloggers understand one thing, do not seperate Levy from RB becos whatever Levy did was from MMD manifesto, & whatever RB is doing is from MMD manifesto and both Levy and RB are MMD.
    Further, its not always that the one who starts even completes(just like selective prosecution was started by Levy but RB has refused to bless it becos it is not MMD manifesto). Therefore, mark this!!!
    1. Kaunda started SAP(structural Adjustment Program).
    2. Chiluba implemented it with Ronald Penza up to its second stage, & levy just did one stage (hipc) but it is levy that was praised and not Chiluba or Kaunda. So is it with RB! he has the right to be praised.

  53. #17, BA FACTS BA BROTHER, Tafilemwasuka ifibantu ifi, WHICH IS WHICH? Legacy abandoned or not? mulesumina ni viva rb!! next official inauguration zimba-livingstone road

  54. Sadly since the demise of late President Levy Mwanawasa (MHSRIP) when a Grooving in the corridors of power was outlawed, George Mpombo has become a vacuous bitter and disingenuous cankerworm. He has lost common sense, strategy, and purpose in the prevalent political dispensation. Its time he realized that MMD has continued to be a people’s ruling national party because everything about it is institutional and not individualistic. The party has a manifesto embraced and executed by consecutive presidents and their administrations as long as they pledge allegiance to the country, Zambian people and MMD party.

  55. Is Mpombo implying that every elected President should abandon all multi billion Kwacha MMD Government programs? Governments discard personal games but embrace institutional values and agenda. America’s Obama and his DNC administration has continued executive the GOP agenda in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Korean armistice, Iran triage and the Caspian sea billion dollar rivalries.

  56. How I wish this daft chap understood project management in the Government perspective. Ruling Party orchestrated National development are matters of collectiveness in the name of the President. They come with continuity and transitiveness. There is always a logical relationship but political will of seating president is what determines delivery target.

  57. Come what may, it’s these MMD driven ambitious Grandscale developments around the country losers will have to deal with before Zambian voters. If RB was not spirited in getting things done, he would have abandoned everything or starved them resource wise until they took natural death. You have to work hard to undo these much valued national gains. Insults, lies, hatred, tribalism and your knee-jerk reactions will not do for you. Be like late Anderson Kambela Mazoka. Present to Zambians practical alternative road maps for national development and start articulating national issues instead of family, tribal and personal bitterness. Build a national character that triggers leadership where comparative political and economics are brought into decision.

  58. Senior Citizen

    Chief kaponya, just go and continue torturing people and denying it, shooting at HH’s home and denying it, threatening to GANG RAPE Nawakwi and deny it and threaten to harm Bishop Duffy because that’s your speciality and what you are best at doing. Stop nonsensical propaganda here, wembulwa amano we.

  59. RB is more than just a good president, he is beyond it. he deserves evry bit of credit. the record bumper harvest was from 2009 long after the passing of LPM mhsrip. VIVA MMD, VIVA HERB. PF WOOH

  60. So what achievements are these? Chiluba destroyed everything in Zambia Mwanawas tried to bring sanity and order in Zambia but this old man Rupiya has messed up big time, in fact the person behind all this misery in Zambia is George Kunda. One day he will answer a lot of questions, Remember no stuation is permanent. Kunda is not the first or the first nor the last VP of Zambia. Meanwhile we are watching….

  61. Why should you Frederick Chiluba not defent RB achievements he gave you a “get out of jail free card” and just how much of the ZMK11 billion that he took from the national accounts did he give you?

  62. We will find you oneday chiluba. Inshiku tashicela mumo. On that day, tukakufulula pamo na nyamasoya wobe. Iam smilingiiiiii. Ukamona, ukebukisha ne chakukolele

  63. I am surprised that no one has mentioned the fact that these projects are the achievement of the Zambian people! RB or better still, Levy are meant to be servants of the Zambian people. So all projects are paid for by all Zambians, hence RB or MMD should not claim any success!

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