Friday, March 14, 2025

“MMD crack squad,” threatens to “physically harm” Bishop Paul Duffy of Mongu


Mongu Diocese Bishop Paul Duffy (right)
Church-state tensions have escalated over a U.S.-born bishop’s statement that the people of his diocese felt it was an appropriate time to change the government.

Members of the government’s Movement for Multiparty Democracy has threatened to “physically harm” the bishop if he does not apologize for his remarks, while the Zambian bishops’ conference and individual priests have defended the prelate.

Bishop Paul Duffy of Mongu said Sept.3 that the general feeling of the people he interacted with in his diocese was that Zambian President Rupiah Banda’s government should be voted out of office next year because it has failed to improve their living conditions.

“Here in Western province, people think it is time for change,” Bishop Duffy told a reporter from the Post, the country’s leading daily tabloid.

Government spokesman Ronnie Shikapwasha accused the bishop of “being used by opposition political parties” to campaign against “a popularly elected government,” and others asked him to apologize.

On Sept 13, senior Movement for Multiparty Democracy officials, referring to themselves as the “MMD crack squad,” threatened to travel to Mongu to “physically harm” Bishop Duffy.

Bishop Duffy, 78, said he owed no one any apology over the statement because he was merely voicing the people’s feelings.

“Why should I apologize? Moreover, I have received a lot of solidarity messages over my statement,” said Bishop Duffy, who was born in Norwood, Mass., and has worked in Zambia for 26 years.

On Sept. 13, Bishop George Lungu of Chipata, president of the Zambian bishops’ conference, said the president deserved to know the truth about the state of the nation through listening to credible people like bishops who are in constant touch with the people.

“I deeply sympathize with my brother bishop with regard to reactions which his statement has elicited … but as bishops and shepherds of the people, our prophetic voice is motivated by our divine obligation and wish to see (the) government do better and succeed,” he said.

“This has nothing to do with any perceived dislike or preferences for any particular sitting president or government,” Bishop Lungu added. “The collective voice of bishops, speaking on behalf of the Catholic Church in Zambia, is always clear … when we speak as bishops, our message is distinct.”

Oblate Father Godfrey Mpundu, the order’s treasurer general, said the government was using the “so-called ‘crack squad'” to wage violent attacks on people with divergent views and those who wanted to promote the common good in the nation by criticizing the wrongs of the movement.

He urged the police to take seriously the threats on the bishop’s life, and he called on Catholics in the Mongu Diocese to be on alert and ensure that Bishop Duffy is protected from disgruntled political cadres.

Meanwhile, Caritas Zambia condemned the ruling party’s threats on Bishop Duffy’s life and expressed shock at the police’s lack of action on the perpetrators of such criminal acts.

“Caritas Zambia will not sit and watch ruling party officials insult Bishop Duffy, who works tirelessly to uplift the lives of people in the diocese,” said a Sept. 17 Caritas statement. “Every person has the right to expression, which should be respected as contained in the laws of Zambia.”

Milimo Mwiba, the head of Caritas Zambia’s justice and peace unit, said the threats demonstrate “the growing intolerance to divergent views as we approach the 2011 general elections.”

“It is a fact that Western province still remains one of the poorest provinces in Zambia. Yes, people are tired, and someone has to stand up for them; this is what the bishop has been doing and will continue to do,” Mwiba said of Bishop Duffy, who heads the board of Caritas Zambia.

[Catholic News Service]


  1. Impasase nashifulishya mu MMD, if they have anything against Duffy why not report him to the police and let the law take its course. It is really saddening to see the MMD members threatening violence against people and the police are not doing anything about it. I really wonder how it is going to be like during the elections next year with this kind of behaviour being used by the MMD members. Someone must discipline those *****s threatening violence!

  2. Western province should immediately do a rendition on Telephore Mpundu’s brother in Lukulu district back to their village in Mpika district where he can take his Genocide plans.

  3. Freedom of expression is cardinal to a democracy, however conduct an opinion poll in W province to see if they want Sata to be the next president.

  4. Paul Duff is a reject in the USA where his anti capitalism and pro Marxist crusade failed flat to sale in both the Democrats and Republican party.This is why he has turned to pro-Genocide activities after playing a role in Rwanda and DRC.

  5. Iyee!! aba ba bishop nr ba pf. bashimpundu pankoloko,aba ba bishop balefwaika fye ukubafyonona ulufyono bakaleta genocide nga ku rwanda

  6. I sympathize with poor Duff for his dirty errand of vanity which Arch Bishop Mpundu has delegated him to executive in Western province. Does he really think the people of Western province would ever give their votes to Michael Sata under the sun not mentioning the ECZ and source of those highly scattered valuable votes? Isn’t he better off barring himself in Northern province where Sata’s hold is slipping off? Luapula the damage is done while in Northern province the Namwanga, Nyika, Lungus, Mambwes and tumbuka are diametrically opposed to the Bemba supremacy. Lusaka,demographics and grassroot political activism is no longer good for PF because too much damage has been done for PF with the failure of all city councils Sata pledged to turn around against Mwanawasa.

  7. Go for that Mpundu’s brother in Lukulu district since he has declared war against Zambians. Ala mushinkeni pamusula a brazing firewood all the way to Mpika where he should be dumped.

  8. What is this f**lish thing called crack squad. To hell Imwe bambuli mwilatutinya!!!!! Cino calo camailandile. The bishop did not insult RB or the ruling MMD govt. He was merely expressing views of the people he represents in his province.
    Guys moneni, “don’t threaten people with divergent view”.
    Bushe the so called ‘BAKAPOKOLA’ where are they? Has William Banda become IG? These guys get their salaries from taxpayers money and yet they don’t perform there duties accordingly. Kwaliba bakapokola bakwebafye ati Swaaa, thats when they arrest? Cilankalipa bakamba ine because i pay tax. Bushe bonse ngatwatampa ‘tit for tat’, cikawama mwa?
    People we have suffered a lot, its high time we changed the government. We need the government that will protect people’s rights and listen to…

  9. If the MMD is popular as they claim, they should ignore this bishop and ride their wave of popularity. The truth is they’re getting more and more paranoid and insecure. Things have fast gotten to where they were under UNIP when we were a police state. If Zambia misses this opportunjty for change, the nation’s political outlook will be so grim. I don’t care who the next president is as long as the MMD gets benched.

  10. #10 Answer the question do you think Western province would ever vote for Sata? Why on earth is the catholic church supporting a two time divorcee, who impregnated two sisters of the bishop, who used violence in trying to bring about a non-constitutional third-term, who holds no intra-party elections and whose councils have failed dismally according to his own admission to deliver to the poor? Why is that recently the BRE itself said that it was happy with the MMD administration? So Bemba nationalists and a dodgy foreign priest are now the voice of the people of Western province? PF tried to ride on the back of UPND to get to state house and now it trying to ride on the back of Western province.

  11. I take the threat on the bishop’s life seriously! The MMD has supported militias such as William Banda and his thugs. Besides, a desperate government runs to desperate measures to cling on to power. As for the Bishop’s statement, I think he is right. The MMD has lost ground not only in the Western Province but in other parts of the country too. Zambians are not happy with the way the Chiluba’s corruption thefts have been taken. They are not happy about the sorry state of the judiciary.

  12. Larry,

    Unless you don’t recall Sata’s Chawama massacre, the unceremonious expulsions and single handed appointments of tribesmen, Zambians voters that cast in the ECZ administered elections know very well that the country has no alternative to MMD unless you step in the arena as that alternative on your new party ticket.I challenge you to point at anyone in the political arena you deem an alternative to MMD on democracy, free market economics, free speech, national development, national unity and institutional politics other than one man appointing cult leadership culture or indeed anti corruption and the rule of law. Just prepare to control your BP because ECZ will be reannouncing MMD victory and Chief Justice sakala will be taking oath of RB at supreme court.Forewarning you here.

  13. Well, well, well. Probably this will work well for Mr Capitalist, Senior Citizen Veteran Ben Kangwa and MMD Chief Bootlicker the blogger militia planted by the MMD government in Canada, USA and South Africa to hunt down all those who oppose their boss Banda. What a revelation? Talk of genocide. Who was the first to line in Rwanda without invitation? RB. Why? To learn how militias function. They have tried to silence people by all means and they are failing. Now they want to go physically to harm people. So, Mr. Capitalist and your fellow militia, when are you coming after me and those that have opposed your failed, corrupt, ineptitude, thieving, criminal and murderous government? So now it is MMD mulilo, uwaikatako, apya. Foolish people with no program for the people , but threats only.

  14. Western, Eastern, North Western, Southern provinces, most parts of Central and all Lusaka rural will never vote for Sata. Even in Luapula the ground has shifted without forgetting all none bemba speaking areas in Northern province. Pull consecutive election results and do a regression analysis independently you will learn a hard lesson.Far from sensational tabloid hate reporting, RB has reconnected MMD with every part of Zambia like never before. MMD is in every piece of Zambia and his national commitments are national news bulletin at 07:00am, 13:00pm and 19:00pm. He is the only one reconnecting back-to-back around the clock. Since 2008 election where has Sata revisted in Zambia other than being preoccupied with insulting space in the tabloid?

  15. MMD is the most open society driving party ever serving zambia in post colonial Zambia. This is why you even have Great free speech initiatives like LT and the ZWD platform ever growing from strength to strength uninihibited. Its sad that PF has failed to come with a similar initiative which they have always wished dedicate to their insulting menu. How i wish they had intelligent kaponyas to take up the challenge in uninhibiting information market place.

  16. The Bishop Duff did not speak on behalf of PF or Sata. He just mentioned a fact which everybody knows about. The catholic church is not PF, they are the voice of the people. We shouldn’t forget that the catholic church has unresolved issues with the MMD govt and they(MMD) should not expect the catholic church to sing their praises. The MMD made a big mistake by pulling the tail of a resting tiger and they will pay heavily for their crime in the next elections. The best they should do is to advise Shikapwasha and Munkombwe to apologise publicly to the church over the Rwanda genocide remark. The problem with RB and his brand of MMD is that they are too arrogant to apologise even when they know they are wrong. It’s the same govt that has picked up a quarel with donors and refuse to…

  17. Zed Patriot,

    There is absolutely nothing to apologies when facts are there that they preached and perpetuated genocide in Rwanda, have thrived on Lechery: “unrestrained, excessive indulgence of sexual desires; gross sensuality; lewdness.” They have been lewd, grossly sensual mananal raping phedolphile maniacs. The bemba supremacism pharisees hate Zambia’s convenant with God that ours shall be a constitutionally christian nation. Interesting thing is that theirs is a vanity bemba supremacism to doom. Its a headless in the making bound goose chase out of unbriddled ignorance. Telephore Mpundu may have to head it at its point of shocking reality as demands a strategic inflection point.

  18. #15 Observer:
    The areas you have mentioned apart from eastern province are more likely going to vote UPND than MMD. This is a fact that has been proven beyond doubt in the recent bye elections. MMD has much to lose and if you keep on burying this fact and dismissing UPND’s inffluence in the next elections then you’re living in cloud cuckoo land. It seems like a lot of you PF and MMD cadres have started believing your own lies that UPND will not be a factor in the next elections. Judging by the comments above it appears this is the mistaken belief of most of theYou surely do not understand Zambian politics!

  19. Maybe these bishops especially the alien ones should also tell us who should replace RB as President of our beautiful country. It’s not enough to propose change without offering a good alternative. However since we know who they want, to me there can be no worse form of irresponsible behaviour than for a clergyman to suggest that a certain man can lead this nation. And these are the people who should provide wise counsel and guidance on the attributes of good leadership to the communities in which they operate. I can’t say more on such leaders than what the people of Zambia already know about their leadership style, their stability and consistency, their knack for lies, their background etc, all unbiblical. Next year 2011 the ultimate masters will give their verdict, they are not foo…

  20. The Zambian Catholic under Sata’s brother in-law Telephore Mpundu and his sibling has suffered irreparable damage. It is now fair to say Babylon the great has fallen, has fallen, and has become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

  21. On another thread, leaders in society are expected to be exemplary as they are role models and repositories of wise counsel. They are expected to behave according to high ideals. The calling of priesthood has perhaps the highest demand. E.g. it is unthinkable for a priest to be found in night clubs, drinking and dancing with the women of the night. If a priest does that he lowers his standing, and exposes himself to violence, as such is the behavior in such places. Of course if he is beaten up and loses a tooth, he can report to the police but beaten he shall be. CONTINUED

  22. Under the Mpundu brothers that Great church has taken the tag of an anti-Christ pro-genocide cultt movement. “It hs become a sanctuary of the unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, who shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is their second death.”

    Instead of preaching the year of the Lord, they have evolved selves into promulgators of genocide.

  23. CONTINUED It does not cost the priest anything to avoid these places of vice. I have used this analogy to caution Bishop Duffy, Father Mpundu etc against lowering their status to the level of party cadres. They have many ways to express their views in a dignified manner. The picture shows that they have access to government leaders. So why not avoid trouble by uncouth party cadres if you can talk to Honourable Mwapela in the comfort of his office in Mongu? Yes the law is there, but so are the law breakers.

  24. Far from unresearched insinuation, Zambia is neither a catholic or theocracy state. Diversity drives our country to the higher heights. To think that you can galvanize our diverse society to rally around your cult movement is a myth. There is no parallel to 1991 when change was societal, international balance of symetries of the east-west conflict. Every faith rallied with a free market economy against a commandist economic order.That concept has lived the test of time and MMD is the most people centred system than commandist. tribalism, genocide and theocracy will not do for these bemba suprematists.There is a spiritaul awakening in Zambia distant from the cult of worshipping idols called rosaries that supports sisters being sired multiples kids.

  25. In the scripture from the Revelation, our sovereign Lord has given His true Church important clues as to the identity of the false church of hatred, tribalism, sex scandals and genocide Mystery Babylon the Great. It is upon her the wrath of God is destined to be displayed before the unbelieving world. This ministry wishes to expose the identity of this great whore. The Lord wills the true Church know upon whom His righteous judgment must fall. Once her identity is known, we are certain true believers will separate from her, warning others. The Elect who reside in her will awaken and flee.

  26. To all saints in Zambia, and about that end, we have collected data damning to the Church of Rome, her Papacy and priesthood. It is damning because of its scope in time and place, its depth of depravity, and its fulfillment of prophecy foretold the Apostle John. Our research spans centuries and culminates in modern day current events.

  27. Every fact is documented so that the reader may ascertain for himself its veracity. If what we present to the reader is unbiased historical fact and not biased fiction, then the reader has but two choices: either (1) ignore the preponderance of damning evidence and testimony; or (2) believe the overwhelming evidence and testimony pointing to the Church of Rome as that doomed, soon to be damned false church depicted as ‘Mother’ in Revelation 17 & 18.

  28. Furthermore, if this is so, then her head, the Vicar of Christ, can be none other that the very Antichrist, that Man of Sin, the son of perdition, marked out in Scripture as the head of that false Christian body, who usurps the authority and honor due Christ. For the Papacy is unlike any office in professing Christianity. No other dynasty in Christendom has consistently insisted in being declared ‘Papa’ over the Church Universal, receiving worship and obeisance, (II Thess. 2:3-4). Nor has any other dynasty in Christendom succeeded in this goal. Nor has any other dynasty ruled the Roman Catholic Church. Nor will any other dynasty do so, even until the Day of Christ Jesus.

  29. Additionally, the wretched decay and corruption in the Church of Rome can be attributed, in part, to the passivity of the Papacy in addressing and swiftly dealing directly with the sins of his priesthood and orders. The silence of the popes is a sign of complicity.

    Under Telephore Mpundu’s bemba supremacy dogma, the once Great church has become a cult movement in the bottomless pit of perversion and hateful blood thirsty s.u.c.k.e.r.s.

  30. What was the issue again? Is it who is going to vote for who or the militias that RB and MMD have started to man handle and threaten those who oppose their failed, corrupt, thieving, criminal and murderous government? It seems here that MMD cadres want to divert attention to an issue that is presumptuous and not the topic. Does any one know what the militias do? Well, RB coined wako ni wako, now he is instituting militia groups in Zambia? Where are we headed? Key words or sentences in the article are:

    Church-state tensions have escalated
    government’s Movement for Multiparty Democracy has threatened to “physically harm” the bishop
    Rupiah Banda’s government should be voted out of office next year
    people think it is time for change
    president deserved to know the truth

  31. Those of you hailing the MMD for freedom of speech should realize that freedom of speech is a basic human right and not an MMD accomplishment. There are many capable and intelligent leaders in the Zambian political system. By the way, I’m not a fan of political dinasaurs like Sata and all the MMD leadership. What are people like VJ still doing? Bring in younger and fresh minds like HH. He doesn’t need to be charismatic.

  32. Bloggers -i ve almost given up tryin to reason/debate with the likes of Katie Good,Mwata or whatever he chooses to call himself on a given day cos these bunch benefit directly in one way or another from RB s presidency-so when we blog aganist MMD/RB we are threatening their butter and bread-of course they wont admit but its the truth.

  33. Red Card, talking to MMD cadres is like arguing with the kitchen table. One is supposed to have a conversation with another at the kitchen table, but with MMD cadres, they are the kitchen tables. What do you expect? Do they listen at all?

  34. Fr. Godfrey Mpundu Sekula and Archbishop Mpundu are not related. Fr.Mpundu Sekula uses the name Mpundu by virtue of being a twin.His family name is Sekula from Lwaluo village in Kasama.

  35. Mwata, Katie Good & the rest of the MMD troops
    Let’s cut the crap, the issue here is the use of militia to silence opposing voices. Should we as an emerging democracy support such behaviour? There is no need for you to go on ranting about what some catholic priest did in some God knows where places. Priests are human beings and they will always make mistakes or sin. It’s the duty of law enforcement agencies to deal with the offending priests. So far there is no evidence to suggest that the catholic church in Zambia committted the crimes you are refering to so it’s pointless to bring in such issues. However, there is evidence that the RB regime is training some militia to cause violence and silence anyone who poses a threat to their hold on power. Yesterday it was HH…..

  36. …a while ago it was Fr Bwalya, not long ago they were threatening another priest on the C/B. Least we forget the same militia were involved in political violence in Mufumbwe and Solwezi. How long will this continue? RB should stop using outdated UNIP tactics to help him stay in power. He will live to regret his actions if he is not careful. Is this the advise he is getting from his political consultant FTJ? You can not continue suppressing the people all the time, one day they will react.

  37. The MMD has no militia. If this “crack squad” does exist, then it is an illegal body because there is no provision in the MMD constitution for it.

    If it is anyone that has a militia, it is PF. This is why not so long ago they were requesting that Mr. Sata goes into exile after suffering their 4th rejection by the ballot. This is the same PF that wanted to send thugs to Luapula province to cause commotion at Dr. Chiluba’s development conference. The same party who sent its militia to accompany wife batterer GBM to woodlands Police station. As usual though you’ll have PF/Mwembe planted bloggers on LT to misinform (e.g Kalos2121).

  38. It appears have so soon forgotten how they were walloped by UPND guys in Mufumbwe. UPND/PF guys, just organise yourselves and teach these lumpens a lessons so that they realise that their time is up

  39. MMD cadres, they will never accept even when they know the truth. Are they ashamed of themselves? Nay. Look at what this militia planted in Canada has to say even after it was clearly stated by his boss on the CB. The ruthless Militia leader William Banda (Political Adviser to Rupiah Banda) and the all entire MMD thugs in Lusaka are quiet because they have been uncovered. What do we get from Capitalist? Same old nonsense of denial. What development did your Ituli Rain Forest Pygymy (FTJ) go to discuss in Mansa? What a psycho? These so called CRACK SQUADS are not really crack squads, They are HIT SQUADS on crack.

  40. @ #43 Kalos2121

    Don’t even get me started on Dr. Chiluba. I have seen you are a hypocrite because you used to support Dr. Chiluba. Please don’t let me release my mountain of data on your praise for Dr. Chiluba (of which I know you’ll be sending an email to LT administrators to delete your pro-Chiluba posts).

    You’re the one who has no shame.

    The fact still remains, there is no crack squad because there is no provision for it in the MMD constitution. This is unlike the PF constitution which contains whatever Mr. Sata thinks up in that day.

  41. # 41, Man, what are you smoking? You want a privately constituted hit squad your Banda has formulated to be in the MMD constitution? When did MMD ever follow their constitution? The MMD constitution stopped being used when Dean Mungomba and other logical and brainy members left the party. Does MMD have a constitution? Why do you think they have no elected official from top to bottom? In fact the all republic as it is, has no constitution right now. If it had, it is in the mouths of those that are trying bring sanity to the nation.


  43. Do I have a right to change my mind on anyone found quilty of corruption and theft? You bet. So, go ahead and unleash your rabid rants. Whenever you fail to discuss your points and whenever someone touches on your cadrelism, what is your solution, INTIMIDATION. So, go to hell and you know that is where you belong. I have told you, I will never be intimidated by your rants as I have always regarded them just as such. You have no substance in your arguments apart from waiting for evidence whenever MMD cadres like commit a crime, but always number 1 to condemn others in other parties. That is pure cadre mentality.

  44. @ #47 Kalos2121

    Believe me Kalos2121, I will never stop exposing your hypocrisy. If you consider evidence of your hypocrisy “intimidation”, then I will gladly do it tenfold.

    Have a good day.

  45. #34 Just as it hurts you when it is brought to your attention that your sata will never rule under the zambian you live with the nightmare of realising that your bread and butter you most anticipated to eat from sata will never come.sorry

  46. “The MMD has no militia. If this “crack squad” does exist, then it is an illegal body because there is no provision in the MMD constitution for it.”

    how i wish it was the MMD president who came up with this statement or any other NEC offical,but hey its coming from a cader

    God forbid!

  47. The pro development driven Presidency of Rupiah Banda and his ruling people’s national party MMD administration will never waste precious time responding to hallucinations of empty headed deviants who have no social responsibility or heart for the Zambian people.They can hallucinate with their lungs out until they shove off to hell, they are at liberty.Taking off development time and wasting it on responding to gays shoved imperialistic tabloids, groovers, extremist pedophile pharisees and political flip floppers would be gravest irresponsible. Those rumbling with vanity in the wilderness only qualify to be responded to by blog post than busy national leadership. Audit all trolls like Mpombo, Duff, Mmembe, Bwalya, telesphore Mpundu, Kabanda, Mwewa and such, they only match ward members.

  48. Ward Members, uh, is this some way of saying the poor class? Wards, perhaps we have forgotten that they hold the power to vote out Banda and his criminal syndicate called MMD. Ward members being used in the militia to intimidate your so called trolls. We are going to see the true trolls next year.

  49. #52
    Calling Mmembe a troll!!!! you must be hallucinating bra, can you honestly compare yourself, a press attache at an embassy, a political appointee, a former DJ,master of ceremony at weddings and news caster,a cader who is paid to write drivel on an insignificant online blog like LT to Fred Mmembe, Man you must be out of your senses,you have taken st.upidity to an all new level
    its true Pansaka tapabula ichiwelewele

  50. If this threat was coming from the opposition, some people were going to be detained by Ruphias caders theZambia Police. if their boss does not sa swaaaaaa!!!!! mwikate then nothing is going to happen. Zed has gone to the Dogs

  51. Chiluhainde, MOJO AND MWATA – Why so many postings? To me it is sign of desperation. And who tells you that the Bishop meant Sata for President? Why havent you mentioned Milupi the most popular man in Western Province? You havent done so because you want to confuse issues with Sata’s status in WP.

  52. point of correction it si not the zambia bishop’sconference but the zambia episcopal conference….lusaka times give correct information

  53. No need to sort out the Bishop, just go and campaign and if you are popular you will obviously win. There are so many people who say the same thing of change of government but do not just have access to the media. What will bring genocide is not what the bishop said but the existence of “crack squads”. If all parties formed crack squads, and they are all capable, this country will be ruled like Somalia.

  54. The Catholics are at it again! Watch this space ….
    The precursor to the genocide in Rwanda was planted by the White Fathers (Missionaries) and Gregoire Kayibanda, the private secretary of Monsignor Perraudin, archbishop of Rwanda, under the guidance of the Catholic Church in Rwanda. Gregoire Kayibanda, with the help of White Fathers, formed the Party for the Emancipation of the Hutu People (PARMEHUTU) and duly wrote the Hutu Manifesto.

  55. Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth says:

    The MMD has no militia. If this “crack squad” does exist, then it is an illegal body because there is no provision in the MMD constitution for it.

    Since when does a Militia have to be constitutionally constructed or mandated?
    Are you really that Dumb to think this militia needed to be formed at cabinet level?
    Why has there been no words from R.B and gang to apologise to the Father and remove such people as this one, C.Chalwe and W.Banda from being able to antagonize citizens with impunity.

    Your blind support and fantasies of MMD playing fairly and constitutionally is laughable.

  56. violence of any kind is counter productive and disgusting and there is no reason for it, and for any leader to condone it is not a good sign for the future,

  57. Kalos2121, I have been waiting for you to re-appear on LT so that I give answers to your recent questions to Capitalist 3E’s on new hospitals built by MMD government. Source: Parliamentary Debates 5 March 2009
    List as follows:
    District hospitals in progress as at 2008: Samfya, Kapiri Mposhi, Chadiza, Isoka, Mumbwa, Kaoma, Mufumbwe, Shang’ombo

    Commenced 2008: Chongwe, Lumwana, Kaputa, Chiengi, Lufwanyama, Chama, Mpulungu, Nakonde, Nakonde (which was on ZNBC TV last week)
    Others have commenced since then apart from the ones we talked about last week including upgrades. If you wish, I can give you an update as I gather the information. My aim is to use facts to reduce the number of PF liars planted on LT by putting them to shame.

  58. Just as well PF kaponya’s like “Cloud of Garden” cannot blog …
    They are paid to make phone calls to all discussion radio programs. Quite often the contribution is incoherent and out of topic. For the kaponya cannot think on the fly. A few of them still find their way here, and they stick out like a sore thumb.

  59. the real sad thing here is that threats of violence is what rb is bringing into this country and I can assure him that when it comes to fruition he will not be able to control it…. remember you will not be in power foever so be very careful what mess you bring into the political process.

  60. instead of threats, why dont RB discuss the 3 billion K he just paid himself and the more than 11 billion K he paid his friend from the national accounts…

  61. I am sure some bloggers are old enough to remember that it was the catholics in the forefront in rejecting the mighty KK’s scientific socialism which he wanted to impose on Zambia in the 1980s.Catholics were also there for all to see as Aka and collegues spearhead reintroduction of multiparty politics.There was a famous pastoral letter that added current to the winds of change.Of course we remember the threats on both local and international priests and the famous YOU WILL USE THE ROSARY TO GO TO ROME ONCE UNIP IS RETAINED threat.The Rwanda genocide had not occured then,we would have heard exact lines as we are hearing today.If MMD has no malitia,why has there not been condemnation from the party over a criminal statement?Somebody please arrange Chainama admission for…

  62. “Crack Squad” hahaha

    This reminds me of Mugabe and his thugs.
    Moto = Silencing all opposition by any means necessary

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