Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Richard Sakala wants his TV back


Former State House Press Aide Richard Sakala is seeking a court order to have his OMEGA Television Station re-opened.

Mr Sakala has argued that the closure of OMEGA TV was illegal, unconstitutional and a severe derogation from the principles of good governance and democracy.

He claimed that he was not given an opportunity to defend the closure of his TV Station in 2002.

This is according to a petition filed in the Lusaka High Court.

Mr Sakala has claimed that government concealed the reasons for closing his TV Station.

He is claiming compensation for the loss incurred due to the closure of OMEGA TV.



  1. #2 i was just about to ask the same question. Do these guys have proof readers? And who does the headline wrttting? So sad to see such extremely silly mistakes!

  2. Very Soon, Very Very SOON Xaviour Chungu will sue us that we give him compansation for him having stolen from us. U see what this RB is taking this country to? All con-men are being rewarded. They were ziiiiiiii all this time, with RB at state house, thiefs that stole from Zambians are coming left right & centre claiming for payments (stolen money) with interest from us the people they stole FROM. The Little BIG thief is really rehabilitated and pulling strings. But why Zambians are we allowing this. Why?? Does GOD Hate US!!!!!!!

  3. We will bring Mutembo Nchito after RB is gone and this time around the court cases will be speedy!!!!! We have learnt our lesson from these people!

  4. FTJ what has suddenly happened to the heart problems! I doubt his doctors credentials! He did even go for SADC for fear of foreign media!

  5. Very soon it will be Henry Kapoko seeking compensation,Attan Shansonga is busy boasting in the UK that he has been to this country every so often & nobody is arresting him.
    This is what Alaa-Bee has turned the country into

  6. We should expect more from this team including S.Chungu, he is 100% right ,because if FTJ is innocent before RB what of his team?it means they are equally Innocent.So I want D.Siliya and Shikapwasha to Defend this.soon Chiluba will Also claim Compesation.
    Here we come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2011

  7. I cant blame Sakala.this time around,all thieves have immunity and they can claim anything they dream of.This is your RB.wait and see.MUKANJEBA!

  8. It is okay for him to claim back what rightly was. The man was really persecuted by some ghosts. Thankfully, the ghosts are no more! All those we wrongly persecuted must claim for compesation! Then ghosts we no longer shall have!

  9. Did they say Trickie Dick should forfiet his ill-gotten wealth or did they just say he should serve his term? Again and again the courts will be tasted am sure the rule of law according to the Government of Laws and not men followed the correct procedures to effect the closure..if not Wapya MuDZI If yes then there should be no worries…..

    As for Chungu SFX..no my dear on your matters you are on your own…you will have to face the law as an indivudual so that the aquittal of your master is not your aquittal..reg has been locked up even though the money she got could somehow be traced to FTJ…

  10. who will compensate you..?he’s dead..not our tax payers’ money..but u were convicted as a thief..u were not cleared..

  11. @ Mpangula God does not hate Zambia he loves it’s people. He hates sin, and the ways of the devils minions that’s robbed poor Zambian Children. Remember Jesus got us our independence through great events.

  12. DK_Kaponya then explain to me why the earth is a privileged planet. No God means caos and no balance. Beastiality shall exist and other perverted acts.

  13. relness#18, are you not speculating? What do you mean privileged? Beastiality exists today. Chaos is everywhere you turn. What is god doing, just watching? Some of you guyz choose to ignore the suffering of many other people and think because you can afford to go to church and give tithing, then it is the same with everyone. There is desperation out there. People are gnashing teeth. Life is tough!

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