Friday, March 14, 2025

K600 bn injected in ZAMTEL


Lap Green Networks, the new owner of ZAMTEL has injected over 600 billion Kwacha in the Company in a bid to make it profitable.

ZAMTEL Chief Commercial Officer, Amon Jere said the money would be used to improve telecom operations in the next two years.

He said the investment would go into restructuring the firm, acquiring new technology, building a Three-G network, extending coverage and re-branding.

Mr Jere said this in Lusaka wednesday when ZAMTEL launched a new Cell Z promotion dubbed “The Real Deal.”

The promotion offers up to hundred percent bonus credit with every airtime top up.

Mr Jere said the promotion is a statement of intent that ZAMTEL means business in the telecom market.

[ ZNBC ]


  1. So Mr Amon Jere was sent to disgraced ZNBC to trumpet lies, huh? K600bn is a lot of money, what exactly has it been spent on not that drivel Mr Jere is spewing.

  2. This just some political trumpet to make the MMD score some points after all the confusions. How is the ordinary Zambian going to benefit from this?

  3. When is MMD going to sell the Victoria falls so that the new owner can be praised for injecting another 600 Billion to boost his business and hence forth his profits?

    Mw@nya@ mukachifufuka icalo ici. We are now foreigners in our own lands! I think the only way is to bring back another regime to assist with yet another independence.

    You mean to say our very own government could not have thought of injecting this much into Saving the communications’ company?

  4. Well we should see where it will be spent first. 120 million Dollars is lot of money to upgrade equipement unless its being replaced. It could probably be obsolute which is maybe not the case as the system is still functional. I guess we will wait for the financial reports to access and make proper comments. Can some say if they will be produced before the elections???????????

  5. Twalifulwa and Msana Wanzili,
    First govt has too many competing demands on its finances to start thinking about bailing out inefficient companies. Second, companies like ZAIN invested over over US$300 million (about K1.5 trillion) to become the dominant force on the Zambian telecoms markets. This investment from LapGreen should be welcomed as it will increase competition and reduce prices. Already the cost of communication has started going down and this is how Zambians will benefit.
    Don’t imagine politics in every story. These are god policies govt has introduced.

  6. this is a success story of privatisation under HERB, 1st it was zanaco which has turned out to be the best bank in zambia and now zamtel which was on the point of death but is now full of life. celz rates have gone down so will the exploitative zain

  7. when you plant a good seed, you harvest a good crop.This money should have gone to paying debts without privatising ZAMTEL. 600 MILLION INTO IMPROVING THE COMPANY. VAVA RB.

  8. when you plant a good seed, you harvest a good crop.This money should have gone to paying debts without privatising ZAMTEL. 600 MILLION INTO IMPROVING THE COMPANY. VIVA RB, VIVA RB. GO AND SELL YOUR GOOD IDEAS TO THE PEOPLE SIR.

  9. All ZAMTEL needed before it was “changanya d” to the Lap Green was for government to pay back all the debt it owed the company. Zamtel had already started investing in infrastructure modernisation with the optical fibre it had started laying. They were also reports in the press of other very encouraging initiatives to improve its competetiveness, but it was overwhelmed by none settlement of debt by government.

    So in essence this is the most hopeless and foo-lish scam I have seen in the world of telecoms. Only people with very low IQ can buy the MMD scammers’ story

  10. Shu Shu Shu,

    I totally agree with you. And what has suprised me is that even after hiving off about 80% of the workforce, the company is still operating normally. That is a sure indication of Pareto effect.

  11. @Sharp shooter, he messed up in west african by insulting them big time. he was almost lynched in his office.

    By the way, Amon Jere is Bwezani’s nephew

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