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I see there was Zest and Pizazz during the opening of Parliament. Hmmm, PIC #3, was the deputy Minister carrying a Chinese painting beside him or was that a real wife with the make up on the face gone wrong? The only parts that look real are the legs
#1: That makes the two of us. Surely the makeup was over the limit. Ah well, at least it made me laugh.
Pic#2 – Chama Mwamba, a disgrace to women worldwide. See how you are going to like it when you are beaten to death. How can you walk side by side, smiling with a man who fractured your skull and put stitches in your face? Shame on you!!
Lesson to all women. Get an education and be self sufficient. Dont live with the devil just because he gives you mone.
Pic #10. Paromount Chief Mpezeni with a 32″ Flat screen TV. Good for him. I visited Manda Hill and Arcades in Zed and found that the 42″, 50″ LCD TV’s were ranging from K11 million ($2200). In the US, you can buy Sony, Samsung, LG, 42″ TV’s for less than $500. In short, Zambians do not own as many flat screen TV’s as Americans because the have a more than 400% markup on TV’s.
400% markup on TV’s is like overkill; why?
pic#3, I think that woman is one of the dancers from the group that was entertaining people.LT just made a mistake I guess!
And why didn’t Mpombo take his wife too? I mean all his friends took their wives but ba mwisho went alone as if he was going ku night club ati I’ll go pick up ka gelo mu club! I hope he was not eyeing that ka dancer in pic#1 because kalemonekako eyefilyako panono especially utu ma legs.
# 6 you are crazyyyyyyyyy -lol- after your commets you made me look at the legs on pic # 1- crazy-lol
Pic 2 Bana GBM, Keeping up appearances, who are you trying to fool. Probably just after this function ba GBM balimitibula ku nganda nafuti lol
# 7, tata ba Musukuma awe just tell us what you also think of those tu ma legs in pic # 1. Awe tulibwino utuntu tulya tata, especially utwakusasulafye pa weekend.
Pic#9 when is Austin Liato giving birth mwebantu.
Iwe #8 leka umonobe, ati just after the function balimitibula! lol! uli wa wrong iwe i can’t stop laughing…
Pic#4. Does George Kumda want to die as Vice President sure, look at this knees, the man is finished; if you look closely he was nearly blown away by the wind.He must have loved a blow job too.
:) Number 6,9 and 11. Kadobi do the mp’s in Australia take their wives to the opening of parliament? Senators and house representatives in the US don’t either. Its work not a bring your wife to work session.
# 3 Nubian Princess I feel your pain my sister but she has forgiven him. Princess get yourself a wise man with the fear of the Lord in his heart. Do not buy into the western plan to eliminate brothers marrying sisters, a genocide like the lost. So learn to love but defend the sisters cause.
Battered wife is such an attractive woman. You would never think she was a grandma. Whatever possessed her to fall in love with that fat b.astrd in the first place and then stay with him even after being clobbered to near death for nearly all her adult life?
#14 Mwanawakwitu – Forgiveness is one thing, Slavery is another
#13, Mwanawakwitu, are you telling me that ba mwisho ba Mpombo benka fye ebali ku Australia parliament or Amelika senate fye benkafye? Mwisho mwansekeshya sana ine, ati ba Mpombo bacita practice ama politics yaku australia and amelika? Nga ba Mpombo bene baileko lisa ku Australia nangu ku senate? So ninshi ba Banda and other former presidents who take their wives with them are wrong?Anyway, boss, the opening of parliament is kind of a ceremony and ba Mpombo next time should just remember to take ka gelo kabo also.
Ba LT,I do not see any shield in Picture #18, please advise
oh I’ve just been informed that there’re will actually be no ‘next time’ for ba Mpombo because bena balibatamfishye mulya mu n’ganda yamafunde pantu ati bacilamo sana umusalula mukanwa.Nemyefu shine ba mwisho shaba kwati shafulishya. Bushe teti babeyeko fimo fimo? Pantu imyefu nashyo ngashafulishya ubwali bwa mulembwe bulashupa ukulya.Elyo fye nangu teifyo if the entire mouth is covered with ifimyefu elyo ba madam bamona shani imilomo pakutomona bawiba wabo?Kanshi efilya mulesanga ati namayo refuses to escort you ku parliament nomba kuya fye akawilo with only a ka file umushili nakantu nangu kamo.Ba Mpombo bena ku parliament baile bailefye mukufusha impendwa, kanshi we muntu weo batamfishye waya mukucitako inshi uko ku parliament?Ba Mpombo ati “I;m game”?Eifyo? Awe eko twafilubila!
No.9 is Minister of labour or minister in labour?
Village Boys, well played on the comment. Really, minister of labour indeed!
#9Kadobi, pic#1 is a child. Mwiimishapo i.f.i.bwamba pa mwana umonono.
Good variation on the pictures.
# 19…You are crazy!
#22 Pan…, are you serious by saying pic#1 is a child or you just wanted to rumpenize? Dance troupes in zambia can’t employ a child. Akantu kalya mu pic#1 kakulu maybe imwe tata teti mukakwanishe nabwino without chewing ciara.
Picture #4 and 5 whats common in George and F.T.J. They seem to move in pattern!!! Otherwise good pics after a while.
Vera on pic #6 is a disgrace! If I want a white chick, no way I will do Vera! Good luck to Chiluba and Regina.
Pic#15 – more like entry formalities to me.
# 24, you need to start your own show pa znbc- like- kapotwe, sauzandi, guess you can do very wonderful- just love your bemba-lol
:) kadobi hahahahahahaha. You are right it is ceremonial. Zambians could only realize the more people working the more tax revenue. Though our gov. Officials want to be worshiped like cheifs lol.
@ Nubian princess you are true slavery of any kind is wrong. Next time he might kill her indeed.
Pic #3 holly crap. Who let the whale out? Fat ladies do not let your outfitt or your make-up wear you. You are loud enough by virtue of being obese! GBM and Liato disgust me. They look like they have high blood pressure, diabetes, bad odor and ifitushaa mumbali yamatanta na matako. Being obese is not a teller of wealth it is a teller of bad health. Bana GBM hold-on just for a little. That man is a stroke waiting to happen and when it happens you can beat his paralysed a$$ every day or you can sit back and enjoy the millions when it kills him!
In a way looking at these pictures is quite sad. Just shows how we have been colonised. If it was in W. Africa, there would have been a lot of African outfits not the colonial clobber we like to wear in Zed.
Somebody needs to tell Mrs Chiluba that less is more. Too much dressing in the princess Nakatindi style of going overboard.
Pic 2, Mwamba & Chama u are a nice & beautiful couple. Keep it up with yo love & just ignore these use.less chaps making noise coz they all fight in their small houses. They just carefully hide their sins these bus.turds.
Pic#2 – Chama noluma talulapola nauya with your abuser. No wonder you are wearing black. It is reflecting your sad and oppressed spirit.
pic #1
Kuti bwaingalafye bwino she is old enough insekette pamenso ngashilemoneka ninshi ni above 18, samba waiona!!!!
Ba LT whats wrong with my other comment they were no insults ……….??????
Pic 3-Bushe teichi chi gelo chaleshana muli ba takula ? Awe make up iyi ni lekako.
Why hasn’t anyone said anything about that cheating white slut (pic 23)breaking zambian laws yet they are all over the battered woman?Coz its a mlungu?
Imwe Pic #3…..niyachibe……………….Gelo wapa zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedi
pic#5, ninshi ba FTJ getting thinner while ba wife getting fatter as if tabalya mu mpoto imo? bana mayo ishi imisango muleke! why should u be getting fatter while your husbands are getting thinner as if u eat from different pots?bana GBM must be a good wife though i don’t know how she manages to sustain that weight when they get into shilya imilimo shakukati ku bedroom.See, just 1 leg of ba GBM looks bigger than ba FTJ’s 2 legs combined especially on the knee part.Awe ba FTJ bena ilya structural adjustment program(SAP) yabo balicita over apply, pantu apa nomba cilemoneka kwati pamubili wabo epo ibombele sana ilya SAP baleteleko even after it has long been stopped by govt.And you LT also, pls if you want to run a story of a battered wife or battering wife, try to go for those who…
Yes, as I was saying, LT if you want to run a story of a battered wife or battering wife, try to go for those who atleast look attractive! Not this ci doyo in pic#23.But some zambian men also,is this the ci gelo cakulwilanapo?Bane if u want to marry umusungu muleisa kuno atleast kuliko ka variety ka basungu,otherwise even ka local meat in pic#1 kabako eyefilyako,atleast umusana waliba flexible mukushyanashyana.Ala aba basungu soup ngayapwa ninshi yapwa.Uto utuma game meats twakwesu uko tuli bwino sana even though u don’t appreciate them.See kana GBM,bakatibula, nako kayatibula ba GBM mu bed!Seriously,GBM, stop battering your wife, ninshi iwe pakulya inkoko pamatebeto bakufundile shani kanshi?
Pic #6, Ba Vera bamoneka fye ichitutu.
#41, Local meat is the best. most of these bazungu’s have got flat bums kwati ni van.mufwile colour?
#43, Tell them. Awe icakufwila fye colour kwena? Awe.Pantu utu ma local meats twena even though the colour is dark kuma legs but as u ascend upwards u start seeing the colour changing to lighter and lighter so by the time ulefika palya colour yaba kwati yakwa muzungu ninshi nama palpitations or arrhythmias can even be picked on ECG. Ok maybe if one just needs akakusasula while in a foreign land the flat bums would do but seeing a ka local meat always makes me develop goosy bumps!
Nice pix guys
Kadobi wansekesha lelo!!!
#44…. kadobi you are nuts. You ve made my day!
Pic #3: Yaaaa koma minister alina chimpopo damn it! Guys have you seen itanta imo? I can love this woman the whole night bawishi and ask her my name in the morning. I know she is someone’s wife but stilmo chili very se.xy ichi. Damn it. As kadobe puts it, only difference is the lightness begins from the toes and upwards till it gets to that ka blackness or furry animal.
Ba Thandi sure efyo balemoneka mu chipuna mulya kwati kali deko sure lol
Pic #17, Joe Malanji. Why would you want the disabled to dance for you. You are representing a political party at that function and you allow people in that state to dance for your gratification… shame on you man.
yaba, these pictures are so interesting….a variety of them. Abapoka abanobo abakashi, abapuma abakashi, abaleondelako fye lyonse kwati balilwala AIDS, ba mwisho aba kwilamba no size, ba minister abashaiba what she is supposed to do in her ministry… impupu kabolala uwakamo namenshi , and abo basuba amafi yambwa in legs and now ni ba chende ende.
Mmmm LT mwaiche these are good pictures.
#50 Disabled people can dance just like anybody else. Who says ati because you are disabled you shouldn’t dance? Your logic is like saying PK Chishala should not have been a singer because he is blind. The function was probably organised to fight discrimination against disabled people and I dont think that anybody forced them to dance. I think Mpombo went to parliament alone because his wife refused to be seen in public with him.
#44 you are funny kwena, ati ninshi nama palpitations!
its sad to read some of the posts especially those of GBM and his wife, its sad that some people make statements without knowing much or stastics about somethings. a person that has been in an abusive relationship, marriage or family setup experiences certain things that often needs professional intervention not just cheat talk how she should have walked away this n that. statistics say over 60% of people in relatioship of any kind both in developing and develpoed countries experience some kind of abuse could be, physical, physcological and so on. so dont thin you are more clever because you are outside the circle. such people need support and help to make them realise they dont deserve such abuse and how to take charge of their lives. we are good at distructive statements.
sorry for some typing errors,my pc has a problem..reports say that 85% of abused spouces and partners often return to the abusive partner/spouce. such people are often made to think they deserve the beating because they did something, they afflicted by their abusers insecurity,jelousy, power struggle or what ever that may cause the abuser to do that maybe bad upbringing / bad experience. maybe he was raised by a beating father, so take time to think abit more befor espiting out harsh words especially on her. many women especially are in her shoes.if you read about abuse cases in the USA, alot of women serve time in prison because, they thought they wanted to defend themselves and ended up killing the abuser.we need abit more education especially on zambian young women.
#55,ba supergirl, awe mayo we can see your pc has a problem. We wish it quick recovery.
#31 – Africa has never been known to have its own “tradiotional attire” apart from some animal skins that were hung on some parts, tree barks etc. So you still want to be dressing in such a manner even in the 21st century?
Even what West Africans call traditional is still western regalia, ask them if they ever knew how to make that cotton and later produce those shirts/dresses a 100 years ago. So, learn to embrace change, I can see you are doing that as you are even able to browse the internet, so, why do you still want us to wear imibinde?
#38 Stop being an Ass/##hole. Why the racist rant? The Muzungu walked away from an abusive relationship and you have no right to call her names. It is not every woman who is like Mrs GBM. My dear some women take abuse very seriously. Just a slap and the marriage is over! What is it that you cannot resolve in a marriage without violence? You are such a daft person otherwise you would have realised that the reason why anybody hasnt commented on her is because the husband is bitter after she walked away from the abusive marriage. #38 you are a disgrace and a primitive animal!
#57 As well as animal skins Africans used to make various types of fabrics. This is true even in Zambia. The Nsenga people used to trade in cotton that they wove with the Great Zimbabwe empire. Look at the Kuba fabrics from Congo and the famous Kente from Ghana, not to mention the fine linen fabrics from Ethiopia to name a few. The Baganda were very famous for their fine bark cloth as were the Bemba in Zambia. There is an old photo of a man weaving in a Lungu village in a book called ‘Great Plateau of Northern Rhodesia’ by Cullen Gouldsberry who was living in Northern province at the turn of the last century. In fact Africans were some of the first people to practice weaving in the world. Please free yourself from mental slavery.
Ba #58…were is that coming from? How do you call your fellow human being an animal? Primitive indeed!!!
pic # 3 petticoat yatente muka
Uketemwa ifyakulanda landa!
The only problem in Zambia right now is the bad governance of the country that is where all this is stemming from…
But guys mula voka eish!!!
As a woman i personally think that ”we women are our own enemies”. Women who often report abusers, be it husbands or boyfriends, to VSU or relevant authorities are the first ones to withdraw such cases bcoz, mainly, these abusers are the so called breadwinners. I would rather be poor than being battered every second bcoz he’s bought me a Merc.
Am highly impressed that people from the EAST are literally WISE, look @ Mpezeni…he’s already got an LCD…ngaule dauta ngwele. In this age of technology u can’t have chi TV chili bauky
#64,65 Chikondi, you are materialistic. Talking about Merc, LCD TVs. Relax.
Liato alapulika umwaka taulapwa! Yaaaaaa ha!
#59 – Chiluhainde says:
Kindly check your facts, you must be mixed up or you are exhibiting ignorance here. Renaisaance in Western Europe spanned from the 14th to the 17th century. By then our counterparts were able to change a lot in the way they used to go about life including making clothes my leaned brother!
Now, you are talking of Africans weaving during the last turn of the century. How else can I describe you eh? It not mental slavery, these are facts.
#66 yashani??? duh…
The lady in pic 4 is awesome!! very beautiful lozi gal.. jelousy down mweee,,,,,
actually its pic#3, very beautiful lady…
# 71, i totally agree she’s beautiful, natural colour and the make-up is just right
ala ba namayo ba fita bwafya and no dignity, no wonder the men will never stop hummering their wives.
Friday Malwa’s wife looks like lucy changwe.
All the pictures i have seen make a sad reading, all dressed up and yet the people they represent are suffering, they are all hypocrites and and to me they look like comedians!
@ 75 right on. Only Thandi is ordinarily dressed.
Glamour ya pa zed ni ya fake. How do you appear like fashonistas for an official ceremony????duh!!!
In light of the way the ladies are dressed really downplays the importance of the ceremony. Their direction of interest is not the work part but the aftermath. Ladies please….away with the cocktail hats and save them for the social gatherings. There is even a thing called dressing for the occasion.
Vera looks like Michael Jackson LOL!!!!!
# 74 u r right pic # 3 she looks like Lucy Changwe can somebody help us is Friday Malwa’s wife Lucy Changwe?
Something not so nice in photo number 23. Mrs Boxtel in Chifumu Banda’s office beat her husband to near death.
lol some of these comments are hilarious. Ok Vera…..she probably thought she was going to a wedding knowing her!!! and Regina looks like she was about to fly in that little number
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