Friday, March 14, 2025

Bickering in the PACT is diverting attention, SATA


PF Leader (L) and UPND Leader (R)
PF leader Michael sata and UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema

The Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata has observed that bickering in the UPND/PF pact is diverting attention from the real values of the pact.

The PF leader said the two political parties should promote unity and fight the challenges that are facing the pact.

He, however, said the pact is intact despite the news that it is under pressure and that he would not be distracted from the real objectives of the pact.

Speaking on the platform programme on Joy FM today Mr Sata further observed that most people have felt the impact of the pact and there are trying by all means to destabilize it.

There have been continuous attacks among the members of the pact and the MMD party that the pact is crumbling owing to their failure to choose one presidential candidate.
[ QFM ]


  1. You never know what to believe. It is either Mr. Sata was wrongly quoted in today’s Post or he has realised that he blundered and is doing some damage control. What a circus! There is no need to blame other people, blame yourself and your Wynter Kabimba. The Pact is as confused as its leaders!

  2. Imwe Bamudala sit down with HH discuss your issues then talk to the people not one one uyu ati bla bla bla uyu ati shani shani. be organised

  3. But what did you and kabimba tell your vuvuzela .Is it you or your vuvuzela that is not telling the truth. I really want change but if you start bullying ur friends like this then its better i team up with ur waste enemy the MMD so that i show you with ur vuvuzela that you really needed UPND.

  4. This is a double standards coming from Sata.

    The Pact has exposed itself. If a married couple goes in the neighbourhood dishing out dirty laundry – how does that couple expect to be respected

    Mr Sata – start talking to HH and come out with One Voice and stop all these chameleon conducts every single day. There you are calling for early elections and yet you cannot even seat together as one camp.

  5. In Michael Sata a political chameleon, in Hakainde Hichilema honesty and the two of the incompatibility. The only thing bringing them together is opportunism.

  6. Well, what does Sata expect: when he essentially is offering a united pact with 2 heads? When he has a questionable past of pushing for a third term for a corrupt head of state? When he spends more time making personal attacks than he does offering meaningful solutions? MMD must go, and we get it, but more important than MMD being defeated is that people get the change they deserve to see. Him and HH really need to get thei act together and really use thei popularity to effect change for the average Zambian. They are the two with the opportunity to do so but they must assure Zambians they are both capable of and are intent on doing so. And part of it means showing a humble and selfless attitude.

  7. This sounds like damage control – We know Sata is suffering from memory loss. Think before you say anything and stop barking to the media all the time. You are loosing respect. This old man has become a joke

  8. Sata and HH move and campaingn together in Chilanga and Mpulungu to show us the grassroots that there is unity between you the leaders. Sata dont hide the fact that Winter Kabimba has hidden motives. Watch him. He is scared of the pact because he is insecure, he thinks he wont have a chance as he will have to allow accept and work with people from UPND some of whom are eyeing the same seats/positions ghe too is eyeing. If the pact collapses MMD wil win handsdown

  9. The real problem here is these three tribes Tongas, Lozis, and Luvales infected in this party called UPND. These guys like this called structure issue and bureaucracy, hence do not know that it will not take them anywhere to win votes. Us in pf have told them to follow us and have one voice and voice should be MC Sata, but they still want these commitees. MC Sata is our God given leader and if they want to work with us they should just obey him and ignore these small structures. Viva Sata with Pf. You guys I have told you that Tongas, Lozis and Luvales will never rule zambia because they are too bureaucratic. There parties have died a natural death in zambia e.g Genda for zambia.

  10. Sata can not play politics where minimal intelligence analytical prowess is needed. He is a wheelbarow to no where. How the post find something in common with Sata is the second biggest mystery of this century. The first was that an economy can register 100% growth in 90 days. Same man!

  11. Sata can not play politics where minimal intelligence & analytical prowess is needed. He is a wheelbarrow to no where. How the post find something in common with Sata is the second biggest mystery of this century. The first was that an economy can register 100% growth in 90 days. Same man!

  12. HH & SATA is a typical ” Beauty & the Beast” marriage

    1. Who is the Beast?
    2. Who is the Beauty

    I guess most of you bloggers do know the answer to these questions

  13. It seems no one is brave enough to walk away from this political blunder called pact. Hence they will continue bickering and decampaigning each other in the process until it will finally die a natural death. Sata we know you have your mind set on plot one, the minute Hakainde talks about his hopes of leading you send out your number one bulldog, Kabimba. Poor Hakainde he is the one to be bruised in all this, shame the poor man’s political career may be in its eve, if he doesnt play his cards right even Magande will have a larger following than Hakainde.Indeed things have fallen apart, which, we watch in the sidelines as the cookie crumbles.

  14. Chomba #10 you are anMMD THUG!!!! Dont use triblaism, debate issues you savage. Tribe is nothing anyone can rule Zambia. Fellow bloggers ignore him he is trying to divert attention by bringing tribla issue, he is an MMD spionsored loafer thug. So petty like his president chintelelwe

  15. Please! stop talking bad about MC Sata. HH should accept to be swallowed in pf period, but the young man just has a big head. We are pf and will never change, heads off Kabimba for telling these upnds off, they want to reduce our chances of getting top positions when we win elections next year. We cannot accept to give Chilanga to upnd because UPND will feel big if they win it and it is certain that they can win because of Captain Cosmas Moono. He won that seat in 2006 against Magande.

  16. Meanwhile, RB is going to the gym and delivering roads, hospitals, schools and even more money in people’s pockets with the drop in the price of mealie meal and the cutting of the price of petroleum products in rural areas. Oh as well as appearing in his own ka website.

  17. 12# NOT SATA

    Yours is a very simple question

    Fred M’membe is protecting his business partner Nchito. The only person that can squash that Zambian Airways case is either Sata or Mangende who engineered the loan without consulting the Bank of Zambia.

    M’membe knows that when RB wins – he will finish him by sending in the Creditors to tear his empire down. It’s not that M’membe thinks that Sata is the best man to take Zambia forward – but he is a desperate man. He cannot pay back the loans.

  18. #15 Due to the absence of any evidence to support your theory that Chomba is a sponsored MMD thug as you put it, we will have to take what he says as reflecting the mood in the PF camp. Recent events tend to support his position.

  19. This man will baffle even a person in coma.that’s why i always say that it’s only here in zambia where such a character can be entertained and draw crowds as a presidential candidate.not even in zimbabwe.americans call it flip flopping.he is a time bomb especially if he ascended to know he appeals to frustrated illiterate people the jobless and the like,promise the housing,jobs three square meals a day and all his foolish followers always believe in him.but assuming he came to power and fails to deliver which he cant,the same rogues will revolt and set the country on for presido,not this character

  20. #15, I agree with you. fellow bloggers igoner fuulish 16, he is MMD and not PF as he claim. As for satas comments, I dont see any problem with what he is saying, but most of you bloggers seem to be annoyed. Instead of incouraging unit, you seem to be discouraging it, typical of MMD thugs. I know you are MMD die hards, but sorry, the president is very right. Chamukalipa?

  21. SATA has realised his wrongs is surely doing some damage control. The post is pushing him to commit suicide by going it alone. They is no way he can win the 2011 elections without HH and vice verser

  22. With or without UPND PF still stands strong. HH should not be mislead by his tribalistic brothers that he should be at the helm of the pact on a silver platter. Remember how he bulldozed his way to the UPND presidency after Mazoka died. Sorry not this time around you have to earn it first. As for you MMD supporters……FU all.

  23. so sata should issue statement to Post and refute what he said because this directly contradicts what he said to the post. in the post he really spoke ill of UPND. he never knows when to shut his big mouth

  24. It is only illiterate Bembas who support Sata. Dont mean to single out any particular group but the ones who are very vocal in the support of Sata are those Bembas who have nothing to lose. Most Bemba intellectuals actually see him for what he is and are actually embarrassed to be associated with him though he is in fact a Bisa. Sata will bring the good name of Bembas down. He needs to be stopped. Zambia does not need his kind of leadership at this moment in time. I for one blame Mwanawasa, he should not have used tax-payer’s money to transport the demagogue to SA.

  25. The Post is now run by a bunch of loose-ends. The more they report on Sata’s rant & tirade the more they will keep loosing respect from the audience.

    The problem is that M’Membe has started believing his own hype & lies. He thinks that everybody believes his analysis & judgements.

  26. #27: How do you define illiteracy? Most Zambian parents never went to school, but have never stollen from any person. They lead a very upright life worth envying. In came the “educated”, the thief accountants, the machungwa’s, academicians, with a team of “educated” MMD leaders. They became super rich 10 years while Zambians became the most poor people on the continent. If this is what education can do, then I would rather stay without it. Do not generalise bwana, because the more you generalise the more wrong you become. Sata gets the support because he has proven that he is a thug that can lead and make the educated do what they are paid to do. The rest cannot do that, hence the laziness you see in Zambia. Many educated people know that poverty is linked to pilferage and laziness…

  27. ( 28 ) Independent Observer
    Spot on with comments on M’Membe & The Post – I always love your commnets.

    Well what do expect from a man who abused his wife. He then went and started banging Mazoka’s daughter while her husband was dying of Cancer. As soon as the poor guy died – he married her. Fred will never have peace – forces of this world are eating his peace.

  28. Hate him or love him, some of the best characteristics of a good leader is to perform through people. While the civil service can leave their offices at will, it never happened when Sata was minister, especially the Health ministry. We all do not like some of his attributes, but, boy we do need a bit of “dictatorship” to sort the mess in Zambia. We, the literates, have failed this country big time. We are mediocre, self centred, and very selfish. We only want to eat and suffer from indigestion while our brothers and sister wallop in poverty. We, the lie, steal, and insult with impunityjust becaause we got tuma degrees from UNZA, CBU, and the like, and are the “educated class” of this country. We have been so short sighted cause the have nots will raise one day. Mark my words!!

  29. You guys its nice that the so called pact has failed now. Do you think sata can recognise hh after winning elections if there were in the pact. where can he take scotty, winter kabimba and other pf charps.HH has got more people who are educated in his party than sata. I dont think education means the same thing to sata and hh. If this so called pact were to win elections next year, we will have problems on cabinet formation and that may lead to a military coup. HH get out of this pact and let the so called sata go it alone since he thinks he is a crowd puller.HH pull out yr time will come and we will support u. you are to educated and experinced for mafia’s to bring yr name in redicule.

  30. # 32 MWAMBA MWAMBA, I say Amen. For now I would rather support MMD that a man who has never been coherent on any single subject matter. A man who runs the affairs and accounts of HIS party single hand. Until people like “Fwaka” realize that a the core of PF, there are family ties. It’s not lack of education about Sata. It is his subtle mental illness and it has been discussed before. Kaunda has warned us many times against Sata. Take heed.

    No. 19 Independent observer, now it is clear.

  31. #31 when I talk about illiterates you should go and look in the mirror. You will know what I mean. Anybody who thinks Sata is a ‘good leader’ with his dodgy history of violence, third-term, vowing to free Chiluba, tribalism, to name but a few must be an illiterate in my view.

  32. # 32 MWAMBA MWAMBA, I say Amen. For now I would rather support MMD that a man who has never been coherent on any single subject matter. A man who runs the affairs and accounts of HIS party single hand. Until people like “Fwaka” realize that at the core of PF, there are family ties. It’s not lack of education about Sata. It is his subtle mental illness and it has been discussed before. Kaunda has warned us many times against Sata. Take heed.

    No. 19 Independent observer, now it is clear.

  33. According to Fwaka, Sata is a good leader and Zambia needs a dictator? Already by calling somebody a dictator you are actually saying that person is not suitable to lead a country. Why should I in my right mind vote for somebody who has dictatorial tendencies even before he enters state house? Is that the logic of PF supporters? The man who is supposed to save Zambia started an impeachment process against RB, when he had no chance in hell of winning, why waste his own time and the time of parliament? Is that the type of strategic thinking we should bring to state house? Hell no!

  34. the committee in control of the selection of the pact president meet two times to choose the pact president and both times HH was voted the Pact thats why Sata, Guy scott,kabimba etc are not happy and trying by all means to destroy the pact so that sata will contest in 2011 under the Pf ticket. Kabimba himself went to HH to try and convice him to let Sata stand but hh stand its not his choice but the people who choose him to decide. read kabimba’s statement in the post and you will know the truth.ABASH SATA A CHAMELION

  35. #33: Practically, I will no vote, so it matters less; my only problem with Zambian analysis is that we like generalising and making huge personal factors that may not really apply to the masses. For instance, #27 said “only the illiterate Bemba” follow Sata. Even though i do not follow anyone, am against sweeping statements like such because they paint a wrong picture of the illiterate. Yet the crucial factor in Zambia’s abysmal performance has been the underperforming educated who have failed to lead in all frontiers of a weak economy. For as long as the educated continue with the status quo, there are problems ahead in Zambia, because a hungry man can be an angry man. That said, we wish you luck with your MMD, tho for us is means more remitances to look after our elderly.

  36. Sad thing is Sata missed his true calling in life. He should have been a comedian like Bilikoni and Difikoti as he is the greatest comedian Zambia has ever produced.

  37. #36: So ba Banda is a democrat? Do not pretend, these chaps only practice democracy when it works in their favour. Look at kavindele, Magande, and the rest. Just vote for who ever you like, but to not insult other people’s opinions because they are, in your own view “illiterates”.

  38. No. 39, others would say he should have been a chameleon! ” Fwaka No. 38, those are good sentiments. It took Dr. Mulenga nearly 6 years to realize that Sata is dangerous! He was initially full of your earlier type of logic.

  39. #10 stop being tribal. Whatever tribe you are you are a true demagogue. God created man in his own image. Who are you to think that Lozis, Tongas and Luvales cant rule? Do you know what the Boers said about the black man in SA? Do you know what the people of no colour said about the black man in USA? Where is Obama today? You are not God to think that others cant rule. To hell with your tribal bigotry. Have manners you uncultured person. Respect others. Where i come from they say of an obedient child….”Mwana wopulikila wakunnya mupombo ukulu”

  40. #34: what has the miror got to do with illiteracy? There is this wrong assumption that if a person has a different view, it means they are illiterate. Again, very wrong opinion. That said, you are a 100% right to say your opinion; though and I know that when a person knows what Sata did in the past, it doesnt make them literate. Ok boss, enough: mwawina argument, twashala nama bange yesu. Godbless

  41. Kabimba’s statement that HH will never lead the Pact is very revealing. Simply put,even if Sata died HH has no moral right to lead the government. From his last job, I am supposing that HH has great analytical skills and he will be able to decipher the coded message coming from his “partners”. General Miyanda asked a very candid question when he asked the Pact show its MOU to the public.

  42. The greatest thing that will happen to Zambia next year’s elections is the fact that Zambia for once since 1964 will have more MPs from the oppossition than the ruling govt. In short even when i dont like Banda , he shall win but with less Mps.

  43. On “Speaking on the platform programme on Joy FM today Mr Sata further observed that most people have felt the impact of the pact and there are trying by all means to destabilize it.

    There have been continuous attacks among the members of the pact and the MMD party that the pact is crumbling owing to their failure to choose one presidential candidate” I think Mr serpentine Sata MC has a memory problem and in his current state he is not fit torun for Pesident of Zambia offce. Accoding to the PF vuvuzela, Mr Sata is the one who caused problems by supporting PF appointed-secretary-general Wynter Kabimba in Wynter’s irrational statement over the Chilanga by-election.

    Interestingly, HH is campaigning in Central Province and UPND’s Garry Nkombo has kept PF in check.
    Matt 6

  44. #31 FWAKA You must have been in diapers when sata was minister of health,so since you were a toddler then and knew nothing ask your father at what period the morale in the ministry was at it’s lowest ebb. further ask him which lunatic of a minister fired all the doctors when they went on strike to press for better conditions of service and the all ended up in england and were appreciated.the now live like kings ka chiluba instead of firing he shunted him to the less sensitive of ministry of labour

  45. Above all – Sata is very at the end of his tether, desperate & frantic

    He knows that this is his last shot to get to State House. His rebel MP’s that he went calling names over the National Constitution Committee have started leaning towards MMD.

    So far 12 of the so called rebel MP’s that were just exercising their rights to participate in the drafting of the NCC – have indicated that they will cross to MMD.

    This was the main reason why he proposed the Pact because he realised that the numbers would not add up.

    As well, he wanted to show these MP?s that he is smart and can get to State House without them.

    Guess What – it has backfired…….

  46. if it very supprising that some tribes think there superial and deserve plot one, shame! People are just the same what mattes is the wisdom and knowledge to manage the highest office. To hell with these tribalistic sentiments. One zambia one nation.

  47. Its quiet shocking that some tribes think there superial and deserve plot one, shame! People are just the same what mattes is the wisdom and knowledge to manage the highest office. To hell with these tribalistic sentiments. One zambia one nation.

  48. #50: Doris Chinenachakaba: i never used diapers; i used cotton nappies. While you take a confrontational approach, I would support your right to do that 100%. However, your subjective view of the matter does not warrant you to attack how i was brought up by my very hard working parents who served Zambia for over 30 years, but have lost their pension monies due to poor leadership. I probably have all the right to insult because i have suffered at the hands of politics in many ways, and have ended up subsidising the government by looking after the senior citizens it has neglected; but I will take an objective view and accept your comments. When discussing, avoid taking things personal, just argue your facts and we can listen. I will not insult back because am not so cheap to do that.

  49. The opposition parties PF/UPND should be spending time making MMD accountable. And there you are spending time fighting and calling each all sorts of names over who will lead the Pact.

    A Positive & Negative electric impulse never like each other – the best they can do is to run separately.

    This fracas & scuffle is a bonus to RB & MMD party

  50. Simply amazing! There is no shortage of information about Mr Sata, and none of it is flattering to say the least. HH and Sata are worlds apart in everything humanly possible. Even if MMD was bad, PF is no alternative at all. If HH is the intelligent person that some people claim he is, then what sort of demons possessed him to flirt with Sata and try to convince us to replace the MMD government with PF? In the very unlikely event that HH succeeded to deliver the Republican Presidency to Mr Sata, HH would be haunted for the rest of his life for betraying his country. Maybe that is why the Pact simply doesn’t gel and is in a perpetual state of confusion, simply to give HH an opportunity to exorcise the devil that has possessed him. He has that opportunity now.

  51. In Chisamba today HH said “donors are wondering why Zambians should continue to vote for tired politicians when fresh and unrecycled politicians are available”.quote

    RIP pact

  52. As confirmed by Kabimba in today’s Post newspaper HH has refused to surrender the Pact leadership to Sata as claimed by some bloggers. He has maintained that the pact leader should be chosen through an internal democratic process. PF are getting frustrated because they were under the illusion that HH was going to settle for the V/P position. This is what MMD was hoping for as well and that is why they(MMD) unleashed their propaganda machinery to dicredit HH and potray him as a coward who has allowed Sata to ride on his back. HH is no coward, if you read Wynter Kabimba’s statement in the Post you will understand that HH has refused to be bullied by Sata. In fact they(PF) are claiming that HH has been using the Pact to build his profile. Smart move man!

  53. Reading through today’s post article about differences in the pact one begins to wonder what exactly Mmembe is up to. It’s clear that article was meant to finally put a nail a on the Pact cofin. They question is did they article or report give PF a publicity couple? I don’t think so, if anything that article exposed PF as the scheming party in this whole setup. It’s unusual for Mmembe to give prominency to the coverage of the UPND(Gary Nkombo) side of the story as opposed to PF. Even the way Sata was covered did not suggest that he(Mmembe) is backing him for the top leadership of the country. For instance the article did not filter out an obvious lie about PF being an older party than UPND. Usually the post would ommit passages that potray Sata negatively so as to help his public…

  54. Sata and HH! you sim to have failed to manage and lead the pact, honestly how on earth do you expect zambians to trust you with the mandate to govern.

  55. I have a feeling Mmembe wants to kill off the Pact together with PF and UPND and start building Magande. Watch ths space!!!

  56. 62# I like your insight analysis. I agree with my cousin Maestro who says there should some memory lapses in the old man. Changing statement today he says this after 1 hrs he says that. We heard enough from our partners their body language is telling us that they need not us as UPND the can even proudly say pact is subsidiary of PF. They do not even understand the terms they are using.Subsidiary is company established from within the main company. How can the pact be a subsidiary of PF what about UPND is it also within PF? Wrong company the pact is ******idea.

  57. my humble advise to u mr sata is that,if u want to be a president,pact is the machine for u.dont think that,you alone u can win the election.remember in 2006,u won they rigged,2008 u won they rigged.your secretary general shud not take pf as if its his farm.he shud exercise respect to each other.mudaala without pact,for get about the presidency and all zambian money will go into tandiwes hand bag.dont be cheated by wynter do u know may be he was given a cheque from banda and u are busy suporting him.pipo have condemnd your general and think about it.dont disapoint us.without the pact,voting is useless for me.plizzzzz sata resolve and apologise on behave of chi wynter to your pact members.m’membe stop that madness.your post was good before but now its somethingelse sata sata why?

  58. Aha, so you guys are slowly coming to terms with what we have been saying about mmembe’s Post all along.
    We told you, if you follow Sata and mmembe you will never stop flip flopping, it’s addictive and worse, damaging to the brain.

  59. wynter behave want to be our leader in 2011 with that madness u have bringing confusings and u sata you are sata and kabimba u said lets come up with the pact and save zambians,pipo welcomed u and today u are bringing confusings.are u fooling zambia pipo all what.pipo will never never trust u no matter m’membe helps u with his post.

  60. this the beginning of the end for sata and HH. Membe will now start unleashing on them and start promoting magande and his third force!! hence sata’s and HH’s erratic behaviour because without post they are nothing as funds have been coming through them. watch how magande will support candidates for both mpulungu and chilanga to test the waters

  61. Mr. Sata what are you talking about. We have statements from your vuvuzela of you saying the PF is bigger than the Pact. The Pact is subsidiary to PF. It was reported in your vuvuzela.

    Please don’t try to blame the MMD for this one. This is all you and Mr. Hichilema.

  62. Its no longer a secret that both PF and UPND in the PACT have been hazzardiously infiltrated by Government Kamucheka’s invissible hands and they are definately victims of a managed political crisis cancer. Winter Kabimba, Garry Nkombo, Fackson Shamenda, Silver Masebo and Amos Malupenga have been long time recruited tools of red brick. They are blackmailed for life and move with fipolopolo on their heads for years of taking in the Green thing. Shamenda was used to weaken ZCTU. Masebo and Kabimba were recruited at the peak of their membership in Ben Mwila’s party activism and they have stayed the course of service for their handlers. Sata is wasting his time with Kabimba if anything he is in danger. Nkombo is Gold digger ever vulnerable. Malupenga ever a feeder on the tabloid and NGOs.

  63. #65 ZED PATRIOT you are right on my brother and you have opened my mind.exactly,very soon membe will label sata a fool and they will fall save face sata will expose the deal behind their alliance and claim that he refused to be black mailed.membe will soon start proping up magande. what realy baffles me isthat dont we have brilliant journalists in zambia who can mobilise resources and set up independent media to counter the membe pollution,the times and daily mail can not be taken seriously because in their state they are compromised.since the departure or demise of great journalists like,mark hall,jowie mwiinga,chris chitanda,dingi chirwa,membe has taken…

  64. Sata and HH should learn to move on, and become respected advisors to our country. In progressive countries, if a Presidential Candidate fails once in a Presidential Bid- that is it- no more chances. The problem with both Sata and HH is that they have both failed their Presidential bid, and yet due to the weak democracies of their own parties, they continue to impose. This is wrong! I am hoping the pact works, but surely it is time some one else took the helm. Mr. Sata has worked hard to form PF, but there is an honour in relinquishing. Example is Nelson Mandela who could have easily won a well deserved second term.

  65. Is Mmembe Senior Citizen in disguise? I am saying this because SC’s logic and language in today’s Post editorial comment. Mmembe should know that comparing the Pact between the Liberals and Conservatives with the UPND/PF pact is pure deception. Parliamentary elections in Zambia were held 4years ago and at the time both PF & UPND had formed pacts with other parties to help them win elections. At the time PF exploited the divisions within UPND and formed an alliance with ULP, a breakaway faction of UPND to help them win parliamentary seats especially in Lusaka and part of the C/B. HH was new on the scene and there was confusion within his party at the time. Surely you don’t have to be a political scientist to understand why UPND underperformed at the time.

  66. It is clear Mmembe is trying to bully HH into being Sata’s vice. Recent events are a clear ochestrated move by Sata, Kabimba and Mmembe to bully HH/UPND into submission. It’s the same tactic they used prior to the Luena parliamentaly elections and it is meant to discourage voters in Chilanga not to support the UPND candidate so that they can claim that UPND is losing ground. HH/UPND should not give in and they should stand their ground or else they will lose credibility.

  67. @ #75 Toyota DCM (Mwali laba?)

    Both leaders in the Pact are desperate. This is why non of them want to agree to be the others deputy. Mr. Sata this is his last chance. Age is against him. If he cant win this one then that is it.

    As for Mr. Hichilema, unless he wants to ignore the UPND constitution, he cant stand in the next election unless on another party ticket. In a way, this is also his last chance.

    The other thing is Mr. Hichilema knows that 2016 is generational change elections. They’ll be the likes of Chipimo, Mutati (hopefully), and many new young political players. It is a circus pact to nowhere. The biggest comedy of errors UPND can make and they are paying for it as they get bullied by the PF and their vuvuzela.

  68. Those who strongly believe that on their own, they absolutely stand no chance of defeating Rupiah should pack their bags. And those who think with some good work, and given Rupiah’s record, can defeat him on their own, they should go full throttle and mobilise for next year’s elections.

  69. UPND is as strong as ever. Sata and his vuvuzela have underated HH and they are now feeling him
    HH is on the ground mobilisng his votes in CP, NW, SP, WP and then start convincing the rest of the rural votes
    Watch the space. Sata will be relegated to distant 3rd. His rebel MP and FTJ will land him Jabs and uppercuts in luapula

  70. Tulelandapo Bata babika Party as if it is a Private Company with him ( Sata ) being the CEO. Kwaliba ?
    And you give a country to such a culprite. Whats Wrong with Zambians ?

  71. #19, Independent Observer:
    Where have you left your brains?
    RB is President today and has been so since 2008. If there really was a case against Nchito and Mmembe regarding Zambian Airways financial activities, don’t you think by now those two would have been in prison? RB zealously told everyone that he was going to investigate the two and indeed, through the much abused Zambia Police, initiated investigations. RB even sent investigators to foreign countries including South Africa. What has he come up with? NOTHING! Open your eyes, see and THINK!!!

  72. You the leaders of PF/UPND pact have let us down with your inconsitence way of handling the pact matters! Every time you are issuing statements that are contrary to each other, how can we develop confidence in your leadership? We hoped for the better, but the way issues are being handled there seem not to be light at the end of this tunnel! Consider seriously the advise from paople before it gets late!

  73. Poor HH with all his education the exposure and the money he has he now has to eat humble pie and accept that he CANNT defeat RB alone…he needs Sata….and so his followers must take the PF to be superior to the Upnd?..This is what Summer Kabimba is talking about…the choice of Candidates can be debated by the PACT ‘partnership’ but the decision will be passed by the Inner Circle of the Scot , Michel and Winter…..Upnd mobilise yourselves for 2011 with Nkombo as your candidate..

  74. I actually wanted to vote for a united pact but if you guys split due to selfishness and opportunism,I’d rather vote for Magande or Milupi.

  75. Sata and your nephew Winter can you pliz learn to briddle your toungues….Think before you bla bla bla to your vuvuzela.

  76. People I have said this before. M’membe has been having meetings with Magande.

    You watch how much coverage Mangande will have in the coming weeks and months. Fred is very desparate.

  77. Here is the line-up if we want to have a credible leadeship.
    HH President
    Milupi Vice-president
    Bob Sichinga – minister of Commerce
    Nkandu Luo – Minister of Health
    Chisanga former upnd vice-p Minister of Education
    Silvia Masebo – Minister of Local Government and housing
    Jack Mwimbu – Minister of legal affairs
    Charles Kakoma – Minister of Labour
    Chifumu Banda – Minister of Transport

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