Lands Minster Gladys Lundwe said section (7) of Land cicular No.! of 1985 gives reserved powers to the minister responsible for Land to suspend the agency of any council that is not following procedures
She told the house that she used her powers under this section to revoke the agency of the Lusaka city council.
This was in response to a question raised by Kanyama member of parliament Colonel Gerry Chanda who wanted when the ministry of lands will restore the land administration agency to the city council, and what reasons for revocation of the agency .
Ms Lundwe said the illegal land allocation was one of the reasons and the action taken by her ministry within its legal mandate was to revoke the agency of the council.
She however told the house that her ministry was not privy to the details of the individuals involved in the scam as the ministry’s interest was I in the process and not individuals.
This was in response to a question raised by Kanyama Mp Gerry Chanda who wanted to know if illegal land allocation was one of the reasons , why council officials whether re involved in the land scam and whether action was taken against the culprits.
Ms Lundwe noted that the agency will be restricted upon the ministry getting convicted and that the land administration systems in Lusaka are in place.
I hope this has been done in good faith and if so, then it is well come. Lusaka has been turned into a giant shanty comound which must be checked now. The metropolitan part of the city is a place where any civilised person will not want to be a part of.Lusaka is supposed to be competing or even leading cities like Nairobi, Harare, Maputo and others in the region but the trend is backwards because of politics. It is time sanity is brought about, Zambia needs much more than just talking.
Austin Liato must be pregnant or he is a minister in labor .
Those who strongly believe that on their own, they absolutely stand no chance of defeating Rupiah should pack their bags. And those who think with some good work, and given Rupiah’s record, can defeat him on their own, they should go full throttle and mobilise for next year’s elections.
I think GRZ should be hard on cadres who indscriminately grab and give land as though it is theirs. LCC once gave land in Kamwala South near Jack Compound but these thugs grabed the plots from legal owners and sold it. So the Minister should flex her muscle on cadres, or may be thats how theMMD pays them for being members of the militia?
first fix the mess between fideco house and kwmwala and kafue round about which is one of the greatest eyesores in the city. provide bins along cairo road. how on earth did the council allow the structures at kamwala to be built next to findeco house? I hear that the guys who buuilt the structures at kamwala were given 65 years to collect rent from Zambians for themselves. these structures need to be pulled down to pave way for modern buildings instead of them staying for 65 years. shame on Lusaka city council. Remove the council from political hands.