Friday, March 14, 2025

Magande proves his wrongs- MMD


Former Finance Minister Ngandu Mangande

The ruling MMD in Lusaka province has charged that expelled Chilanga Member of Parliament Ng’andu Magande’s acceptance of his expulsion from the party proves that he went against the party rules.

MMD Lusaka Province Deputy Chairperson Henry Mutiti also said the MMD is looking forward to retain the Chilanga parliamentary seat.

Mr Magande has since fallen out of favor from the party following his alleged insubordination against high ranking party leaders.

Mr Mutiti was speaking during a news conference in Lusaka today.

And MMD Lusaka province women chairperson Jean Mkalipi has warned former Defense Minister, George Mpombo against continuing attacking President Rupiah Banda.

Ms Mkalipi said Mr Mpombo misled himself when he resigned as defense minister.

She warns Mr Mpombo, who is also Kafulafuta MP, of what she terms, stiff consequences from MMD cadres if he continues attacking President Banda.

Ms Mkalipi also reminded Catholic priests to clear their names of sex abuse rather than commenting on Zambia?s political activities.
[ MUV TV ]


  1. Ba MMD and their tuma threats,what stiff consequences from MMD cadres, these same cadres,dont they have better things to do than always making noise, do they get paid for this nonsense? so after expelling Magande, what did they want him do? MMD at times you dont think when you go to air your views in the media.

  2. LT has a Narrow view for the source of news. They seat on their ass in the offices waiting for copy and paste. No investigative jounalism.

  3. LT is now run by MMD,how else would we be subjected to this kind of Bul.s.hit on a daily basis.Who ever owns LT has been bought off,thank God not everyone is buying into this nonsensical propaganda,only mmd caders thrive on such rubish,it feeds their small egos

  4. These chaps are CLOWNS!!! Magande decides against fighting their silly wars n they say he has accepted he wronged. Mpombo contests his expulsion and they still find something wrong even with that!!
    MMD clowns pliz grow up. And this nonsense is not news worthy. Mind you the Chilanga seat will go to the opposition

  5. The stupid MMD people think that Magande was solely employed by being an MP , Magande was chief executive of the ACP which none of these fools have ever dreamed of being in their entire lives. He decides to rest you want him to talk just how stupid.

  6. On “Mr Magande has since fallen out of favor from the party following his alleged insubordination against high ranking party leaders.[..] Mr Mutiti was speaking during a news conference in Lusaka today” I thought Mr Ng’andu Magande was chased from MMD by President RB Banda and his fellow MMD eastern province tribalists, but why are these MMD losers still considering former MMD MP for Chilanga as still being part of them?

    These characters were supposed to thank Magande for not clinging to their MMD instead of trying to attack him as if he is still part of them MMD.

    Continue dreaming MMD as Magande strategises on removing you from GRZ Administration power in 2011.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these thing …

  7. “The ruling MMD in Lusaka province has charged that expelled Chilanga Member of Parliament Ng’andu Magande’s acceptance of his expulsion from the party proves that he went against the party rules.”

    Oh Rubbish! What if the man is just tired of small minds?

  8. 10 Was that a typing error, did you mean dull and small minds in PF? That is the only correct way of interpreting your comment. Your friends are running government and the country and scoring big points in all corners of Zambia, while you are bickering among yourselves before you even come to power, well you cannot even perform the simple act of choosing your leader. So who has a small brain?

  9. Mr. MMD Lusaka Province Deputy Chairperson Henry Mutiti by the same token, then G Mpombo is not guilty of the sins you have labelled against him so reinstate him!
    That’s MMD thinking at its best! What do you expect from akamutiti! ROTTEN TO THE CORE! Some times its just plain and simple “good riddance to bad rubbish (Mutiti you are the rubbish) He he he!!! He who laughs last, laughs loudest!

  10. Can someone please tell this BITCH “Ms Mkalipi” to find herself a man and not to bring the Catholic priests intergrity into petty stupid MMD clowns politics. God Save Zambia from these VAMPIRES.

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