Friday, March 14, 2025

Speaker censures Mpombo


Speaker of the National Assembly Amusa Mwanamwambwa

Speaker of the National Assembly Amusa Mwanamwambwa wednesday castigated Kafulafuta Member of Parliament for calling President Rupiah Banda a liar, in wednesday’s Post newspaper.

Mr Mwanamwambwa said it is un parliamentary and a breach of the parliamentary code of conduct for Mr Mpombo to ridicule the Presidential speech in the press.

The speaker said it is an offence for a Member of Parliament to refer to the head of state by his name only and also to call the head of state names.

Mr Mwanamwambwa said insulting the head of state is not a sign of heroism and political championship but, just wrong.

The Speaker was making a ruling on a point of order raised by Bahati Member of Parliament Besa Chimbaka who rose on a point of order and wanted to know whether Mr Mpombo was in order to call the President a liar in the Press.

Mr Mwanamwambwa appealed to Members of Parliament to discuss parliamentary issues in parliament instead of rushing to the press.

He told the house that MPs should take advantage of Parliament and their immunity in the house to debate the Presidential address and other matters.
[ ZNBC ]


  1. When is this MMD cadre vaccating this constitutional office? Its sad that a position of this significancy can be occupied by a cadre throughout the tenure of ths doomed regime. When did calling a person a lier if become an insult if indeed that person thrives on lies? Thats the quality of judgments we can get from cadres.

  2. What offence is it to call a president by his name,,,,Lupiya Vasco Da banda is a pathological lier,We seriously need to get rid of this stone age regime,usher in a new young and vibrant leadership who can think and make independent decisions without fearing the hand that feeds

  3. When is our ‘AFRICAN’ judicial system going to stop putting on those blond colonialistic wigs? We have kinky hair for heavens sake. As for No. we chipuba.

  4. A liar is a liar period. We know Banda has on numerous occasions lied to this nation so to call him as such is not an offence. It’s like calling Chiluba a thief, I mean, its the truth because Chabala Kashorty Chiluba is a stinking thief.

  5. A word of caution here. Only two rebel PF MPs debated the President’s speech in parliament, and Mpombo was not one of them. Admonition by the Speaker here is about the etiquette of debating parliamentary issues in the da house and not in the Weekly Post! Anyway RB is still a liar :-)

  6. This chancer of a dull current Head of State is the worst pathologically liar I have ever come accross in the present time. How can a normal person want to lie about projects that are in the public domain and where initiated by late President Mwanawasa. He lives on lies and am sure he lied to Thandiwe, he was only 30 when they me. RB and Chiluba have one thing in common; THERE BOTH PATHOLOGICAL LIARS.

  7. Expressing one’s ignorance seems to be fashionable in Zed.

    Anyway to the point, so Mr Speaker, you have seen for yourself what sort of “person” Mr Mpombo is. It is not the first time that he has been censored in Parliament, last time he was even suspended. The guy is challenging the authority of parliament, so what are you waiting for Mr Speaker?

  8. The progressive Uganda constitutional court has removed the law of defamation from the statutes. I’m sure now that Mwanawambwa had said it OS an offence to call Rupiah Rupiah, they will probably arrest Mpombo for defamation.

  9. Very funny – ba MMd your president can only keep touring neighbouring countries whilst his counterparts are at the UN debating real issues that affect their countries – eve mbeba bwezani is busy squandering taxpayers money with his little wife on tow. He is a liar and thief, a chancer. That so-called speaker mwanawambwa with greasy hands – your time is soon come.

  10. #14 The worst thing actually is to go to New York and talk to an empty chamber. RB is even doing a better job in the neighborhood. Anyway, now that the Speaker has said that it is against the Penal Code to call the President names and insult him – something Mr. Sata and Mr. Mpombo should know very well – we can forgive HH, Father Bwalya and Mr. Kabimba as they have never been MPs (will never be, ever), it will be interesting to see how the 5 musketeers will conduct themselves. This is an extremely embarrassing dress-down of Mr. Mpombo — and the Post is so embarrassed to carry such an important pronouncement by the Speaker. What a shame!!! #10 Try to invoke the theory of continuity. You talk like Mr. Sata. Shepherding good projects to their successful conclusion is success.

  11. Additionally, I am waiting to hear a response to this pronouncement by the Speaker from the other two aspiring musketeers – Syakalima and Madyenkuku. #2 Go to Zambia and exercise your right to call the President names and play guest to Zambia Police and come update us. Let’s be serious – it is just damn s.tupid to disrespect the presidency – particularly in our case where the only driver is personal hatred.

  12. # 2 u have made me laugh that R.B is “Lupiya Vasco Da banda”. For real this old man is a joker president who values travelling more than anything else . Am told now he wants to visit the moon, hahaha. Akafwila mukwenda uyu tourist.

  13. Those who strongly believe that on their own, they absolutely stand no chance of defeating Rupiah should pack their bags. And those who think with some good work, and given Rupiah’s record, can defeat him on their own, they should go full throttle and mobilise for next year’s elections.

  14. 14, Flip flopping again? If RB went to the UN your statement would flip to the previous page.
    If I were you I would take a job that I believe in, not enduring these flip flops that Sata is paying you to blog on LT. Surely you must be feeling like an imbecile in that job. Anyway Sata’s and mmembe’s strategy of planting you on LT has failed miserably, you are now a tiny minority of flip flops that no one takes seriously.

  15. The Speaker has always been partisan. This is due to the fact that his wife was given 200million to landscape parliament surroundinds a job she never did. From that time, he has been a slave to every sitting president.
    1) 1991 he failed to convene parliarment to avoid FTJs impeachment.
    2) 1992 He allowed expelled opposition MPs to hold onto their seat. These MPs had accepted ministerial positions against ther partys resolutions.

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