Works and Supply Minister Mike Mulongoti has warned members of Parliament (MPs) against ‘conniving with the donor community’ to stop aid to the Zambian Government in road infrastructure development.
Mr. Mulongoti says utterances by some disgruntled MPs are capable of souring the good relations government has with the donors.
He observed that the donors have high esteem for Zambian parliamentarians but warned that they should be careful as they interact with the donors.
“You MPs, you should not complain if there is no development in your respective areas. Stop telling the people who give us moneys negative stories because…” the Minister said.
Mr. Mulongoti said this in parliament today shortly before responding to Chipili Patriotic Front MP Mr. Davies Mwila who wanted to ask when the Government will rehabilitate the Mwenda-Kashiba, Mukabi-Kawambwa; and Mansa-Kashikishi roads in Luapula Province.
He further wanted to find out from government what has caused the delay in starting the works on the roads; and how much money will be spent on the rehabilitation works.
Meanwhile, Special Assistant to the President on Monitoring and Implementation of government projects Ben Kapita has expressed displeasure at the poor workmanship by wayimbala awana contracting company at Chitundu middle basic school in Chinsali.
Mr Kapita was speaking when he inspected the construction of a 1 by 3 class room block at the school by the named company.
He said that he was not impressed with the work the company had done at the site. He noted that the company could have done a better job than what was obtaining at the site.
Mr Kapita said government has done so much in terms of implementing projects and programs a move that ought to be embraced and supported.
He stressed that there were so many schools, clinics and hospitals in the country which the government had constructed and is still constructing for the benefit of its citizenry.
Mr Kapita further said that it was unfortunate that some people were bent on saying that Government was doing nothing in terms of development despite seeing a lot of programs and projects being implemented.
Zambian circus clowns at it again! Iwe Mike your dear leader RB is the one who told off the donors. Do the words ‘Pack up and Go’ ring a bell? The Aid from the donors is given with the conditionality that your govt will meet a set standard of governance. One of these is zero tolerance for corruption. The donor countries have diplomatic representation in Zambia and they are abreast with the situation in Zambia. They do not need to relie on so called ‘disgruntled MPs but their own diplomats to know about the situation in Zambia.
The donors are waiting for MMD to pack its bags and go before they can release any funds. The are also waiting for FTJ to surrender the stolen monies too. Also waiting for you Mulogoti to quit politics all together!! Too much money has been wasted. Mulefwaya ishakwibapo nakabili imwe? Mwe mbwa imwe ba mulongoti.
Well said Emmanuel #1.
Ba LT embwa fye. They cant write their own stories. Ba LT, dont u hv journalists? Hw cud u form a news site without journalists 2be collecting news 4u? All u do is copy and paste from these useless toilet papers tht dig dipper 4 s.h.i.t. No wonder u cn paste stories lyk ths 2 show how stupid u r. Who is disgruntled between ur RB n other MPs? Lupiya vasco da banda told the doner comunity 2 pack n go. So wat MPs is mulongoti tokng about? Bring digestable stories, so dont just paste zanis thngs, find the facts. U r jst a kantemba site like magande’s party. S.t.u.p.i.d i.d.i.o.t.s
Mawe mwisho mulongoti now is feeling the donor impact. Your boss RB chende ende was shouting at the donnors to pack and go. So the donnors have packed their purses and now you have no money to steal you Mulongoti.
Again mwalabwelela kuli salaula bane no more those jackets you buy from stolen money,
Hehe….sure you are so useless mulongoti. You always yarp stu.pidly.
Mulongoti is just a ‘muzungu wanga’ kind of a man not worthy appointing minister of any ministry, not even minister of genda. No wonder the chap cant evn win a parliamentary seat. He just waffles anyhow. Muselela kwakaba. 2day he is supporting kafupi simply becoz his boss the baboon toilet is supporting him. So the man doesnt evn knw who is disgruntled between opp. MPs and his boss alla bee the tourist. U can only hav nonentiteis like mulongoti as minister when u have run out of brains 2 distinguish people or maybe when ur brain is 2 waterly and chunks of meat on ur face cant let u see well. Am not amazed that alla bee is such a fellow.
This man has been sleeping for a while- has he just woken up?
RB was the one saying that he does not did donors. Just manage our money responsibly and we will be able to see some change.
Mulongoti why issuing antagonizing statements? the other day your boss was telling donors to pack their bags and leave, today you are accusing some MP for the low aid. what a group of zombies.