Friday, March 14, 2025

Mabenga’s son-in-law appears in court for murder


MMD national chairperson Michael Mabenga’s son-in-law David Chitika has been jointly charged with his nephew for murder and yesterday appeared in a Lusaka Magistrate Court.

This is in a matter in which Chitika, 37, a Barclays Bank Zambia support specialist of 20 Petauke Road in Chilenje South, who is jointly charged with Lawrence Kaunda, 21, a student, are charged with murder contrary to section 200 of the Penal Code.

Particulars of the offence are that Chitika and Kaunda on dates unknown but between September 10 and 11 this year jointly and while acting together did murder Gladys Maketo Mabenga-Chitika.

The duo first appeared before Chief Resident Magistrate Charles Kafunda who allocated the matter to Magistrate Kelvin Soma where the charge was read to both of them in a packed courtroom.

Mr Soma read the charge to the accused persons in presence of their lawyer, Mwansa Phiri of Phiri and Associates.

He informed the duo that the court could not try the matter as it did not handle such cases and that it would be heard in the High Court once the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) issued a letter of committal.

“This murder charge is not triable by the subordinate court but by the High Court, you are only here to appear for explanation of the charge and thereafter you will be required to appear for mention in court until the DPP issues a letter of committal for your matter to be heard in the High Court,” he said.

The matter has since been adjourned to October 7 this year for another mention.
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. What murder? Free the chap.

    But we are relieved that finally he has been charged than the way he was incarcerated without a charge.

  2. Mr Mebenga you are so un beliavable. Why do you want Chansa to continue suffering just for the hate you have for your fellow politician Chitika Eliza Molobeka.You think no one knows how jealouse you have always been of her, you are a man and please fight like a man . This whole thing, my Zambian friends is just a political fight. Maketo once wanted wanted to kill her self by throwing herself through the window when they were staying in kabwata at some flats from the 5th floor. Chansa reported this to Mr Mabenga and his wife, who said she was just scaring him.

  3. As if that was not enough she again tried to kill her self using chansa’s tie.I remember this time, chansa was so scared about this and almost sent her back to her parents, Mabenga begged chansa to bear with her and said they were going to talk to her, and today the same Mabenga wants to pretend that the daughter was an angel who never would have tried to kill herself. In June 2010, Maketo went to some bar, got so drunk and went to insult chansa and his friends. Mrs Mabenga again went and begged with chansa and now today she is saying the dota never used to drink.

  4. Its just a matter of time, mr mabenga but the whole truth will definately come out and when that happens i dont know how you will face the pipo of Zambia and how you will live with yourself. But i guess that is not an issue to you because you are used to living a dirty/corrupt life.You are as bad hearted as your bad looking face.

  5. Well, why did he marry a suicidal frick, it’s his own funeral and let him fry in his foolishness. Besides, you have to be deluded in a gutless manner to marry Mabenga’s daughter, these riches some men seek through marriages of convenience noy it has landed one on a murder charge! This is agony sure.

  6. Hon mabenga, you were saying that no one from your family was present when they took Maketo’s body to the mortuary, where was your son Nawa, your second born. He was there. you also told the pipo of Zambia that you were not satisfied with the first postmortem because family members from your side were not allowed in the operating room and that Sampa Mutale the student Doc would have influenced the senior doctors results becuase she is a related to chansa? Was any member from your family allowed in the operaating when the second postmortem took place?what was so special or different about the second postmortem procedure that made you so happy to even agree to bury your dota. is it that you found your own docs and you were sure they were going to manupilate the results.

  7. So we now know the results of the second autopsy by the Russian doctor. This case is already full of question marks which will be debated for a long time to come, it’s like ‘powerful politician v. the ordinary’.

  8. Docs are professional pipo with ethics.Mr Mabenga, yesterday you sat in the magistate court, looking at chansa like a total stranger, someone you once loved and took out and drunk with, and you accuse him of killing your dota. That dota of yours was being haulted by the death of her late hubby in Mongu and maybe the explaination for the so many suicide attacks she had attempted. And you thot you were so smart with your dota that no one would no about it. Nothing on earth can be hidden forever.

  9. Mr Mabenga, what was the findings of the second report of postmotemu by the doctors? please tell the nation before we hear the court case.You know you must be fair in everthing you are doing coze God knows everything from the beginning to the end. We want to know the truth of what happened.

  10. Please CNS and CKC (same person) please do not mislead the public with hearsay. Even the chitika family know that Maketo was murdered. That is why they rushed to mop the master bedroom to get rid of all the evidence before they called maketo’s brother to the scene. So far Chitika’s nephew who he has been charged with has led the police to a sewer system in the yard where the bloody pyjamas maketo was wearing on the material date were hidden. The second postmorten found internal bleeding and deep cuts on the body. Dont misleed people, the guy wouldnt have been charged with murder just for politics, the police have found overwhelming evidence and chitika’s nephew has revealed everything that happened on the material date.

  11. These people on this site who are trying to potray david chitika as an angel who married a suicidal freak, do they really know david?? This guy beat his wife every friday after each drinking (and dagga smoking) spree. On two occasions the wife opened dockets at chilenje police but withdrew them on the request of her mulamus the chitikas. The truth is he killed her, though I dont think he did so intentionally. then he tied her up to make it look like she has committed suicide, unfortunately for him, the window he tied her on was too short and so her legs were literally kneeling down and there was blood all over the house, which his sisters tried to clean up but the police managed to trace it. Chitika is a murderer

  12. I happen to be a neighbour to the chitikas and was at the scene when mateko’s body was discovered. Even if I dont know much about suicide, I couldnt believe that the position in which the body was found could have been suicide. She really looked like someone had just put her there. Even the scarf around her neck was very loosely tied and she was sort of kneeling, with blood coming out of her mouth. Kaya, may the truth prevail

  13. So that Maketo girl was married before she married Chansa? Now this case has a lot of political connotations even at the fast rate its moving.The other day we saw Ron Shikapwasha claiming Maketo’s death was not suicide.Hmmmm……………awe

  14. Ha ha ha bola panshi ,let us wait for more info from the court.It is nice that we are in cyber space otherwise some of you bloggers here ngamwali ipona kale.Will see if the lady took her life or not.

  15. CNS and CKC sound to be relatives to Chansa??? Anyway, only God knows what really transpired that night apart from the fact that the entire neighbourhood believe she was murdered as the position she was found in strongly suggest and coupled with other obvious tips. MHSRIP.

  16. What is very confusing is that the doctor who did the first postmortem said it was suicide, then the one who did the second apparently said it was murder. Were they looking at the same body or is one of them corruptly telling lies? If so, what action is being taken against the culprit doctor? Or was it the same doctor who did the two postmortems?

  17. # 17. Mwalaponwesha Ba neba muchilenje imwe… am sure you kno your I.P Address is traceable!!!!
    Too much of Double Standards when it comes to dealing with cases were is Dr Musonda who shoud have been charged with Attempted Murder and wats happening to the case???????? :-?:-?:-?:-?:-?

  18. # 15, 16 & 17 together with CKC pls stop fooling pipo, we know u are the same person but just changing names. Pls if u have nothing to talk about better stop creating fake stories. Remember it borders on life & death. Let the court decide otherwize its not gud to tell lies on such a serious case. May the truth & only the truth prevail.

  19. So, which Postmortem report will the judge rely on? Which of the doctors that conducted the two Postmortems would be reliable. How many doctors were present in each Postmortem? If only one doctor conducted the second examination, how reliable will his finding be considering that exam was initiated at the request of a ‘powerful’ politician with a strong political alliance (recall Shikapwasha’s insistance that Matako could not kill herself). How much influence can a student doctor exert on professional doctors to ‘cook’ the results. That the second postmortem found internal bleeding and deep cuts on the body, couldn’t these be a result of the first postmortem. What effects would the first postmortem have on the findings of the second? Too many questions, I guess.

  20. the case has just started. About neighbours, are they not the same ones who went to the Post News paper and said what they witnessed was suicide?anyway just praying for justice to prevail.

  21. This case was not handled well right from the start.

    Mabenga talked loudly. His inlaw detained indefinitely without charge. And the mind boggling 2 POSTMORTEMS. A reasonable tribunal would acquit an accused. Remember OJ SIMPSON??

  22. David is in serious trouble. Yes, he has lost his wife but I really doubt if there was any love between them. He knew very well that his wife had died after beating her for hours on end and decided to pull a fast one by feigning her suicide, mopping the floor and making her dead body kneel in the bathroom.. You cannot do such a thing even if your better half is not breathing, hanging her body, gosh !!!

  23. From the look of things no matter what happened that night this young man will not get a fair trial, even the silly big nose government spokesman is shouting murder even before the guy was taken to court this is not a cabinet issue for him to be commenting on i may not be a lawyer but i know smothing is not right.

  24. #28-30, you’re miserably going to understand what exactly happened midway the Chitika case and I only hope you will apologize to us fellow blogger. And I only hope and pray that you’re not in the habit of beating your wives and hoping to clear evidence in a similar manner. In his heart-of-hearts, David is regretting his actions and wondering what drove him to interfere with the crime scene. He should have left the crime scene untouched and all this would have not been necessary. Fact, Maketo committed suicide in a kneeling position. Sounds comical, doesn’t it?


  26. Its really sad for the two families. I really feel for them. May the Almighty guide them in resolving this issue. I am sure the devil is rejoicing now over this. Shame him by doing the right things which will please our Lord.

  27. People, if i may ask, maybe i did not read the story when it started, where was the husband when his wife was found? who reported to the police? may i know please. sorry am behind?

  28. In any murder case, three things must be proved to secure conviction: 1. Motive to kill (Why Kill?); 2. Means of killing (How you killed?); and 3. Opportunity for killing. Please note a spouse has every opportunity to kill and won’t be difficult to prove in this case. The postmortem will show evidence of the means and this is where the second postmortem is tricky for David. I hope his family was represented too. The life the couple led will give insight into the motive to kill. Just wife battering is not motive enough to kill. There is got to be more to this…interesting case.

  29. Its always better to divorce than to resort to battering each other. Losing life in whatever circumstance is bad especially for the family where the late is coming from. A live family member is always an asset and useful to a family. Lets not blame Mr Mabenga, any reasonable parent would do the same for their children. A child will always remain a child to his/her parents. Am sure he remembers the sweet little things he shared with her while she was still young. The hurt bleeds. MHSRIP and let justice prevail. No murderer should be left loose.

  30. #36 nkani ya mu moba aka kachepa, unlike you, I was not taking any side in my posting @28. I was merely posing questions that need serious consideration. For your information I’ve been married for 18 years (to Dec 18th) and I’ve never laid a finger on my wife. It appears you can’t see the potential complications resulting from the two postmortems and the fact that there are tow sets of police officers who have handled the case so far. If you read the first article where Mr. Mabenga querried the first results, he also advocated for a change in the police officers handling the case “disclosed that police have instituted fresh investigations into the matter adding that there was also a new set of police officers present to witness the postmortem” (Read – Mabenga’s daughter…

  31. from #42 ….. interred by going to the General News Tab on top right). Analyse facts as you have read from the articles, not the figment of your imagination.

  32. If what is being said is true then I suspect Mr Mabenga must have been tipped that there was a cover up by the police in the offing.If the police took scene of crime pictures they should have noticed suspisious circumstances and how was the “suicide” conclusion arise ? Another cover up by a “friendly” doctor ? After the talk about our judiciary it is worrying to have such cases with the police. Reminds one of goings on in Kenya under Moi.It should now be clear to Mabenga that MMD is a very corrupt govt and will not spare anyone!

  33. The best way my good friends here is that, if you are not Lozi, never, I mean never marry a Lozi gurl, not matter how good she looks. You will save yourself a lot of trouble. Lozi women are just bad news. This is not just being ” tribalistic”, but true. This Bemba man just cooked trouble for himself.

  34. @28/42
    1. which Postmortem report will the judge rely on? Both (1st and 2nd Opinion) and some Doctors will be ‘PUNISHED’ professionally, corrupt cops fired and cover-up family members indicted.
    2, You have a very rich marriage CV. Thank you and hope a lot of us can emulate you. No fingers.
    3. No imagination involved but facts. I know David personally and I feel very bad that he got himself in such a serious mess.

  35. unless one doesnt just want to think, then one cant see that this lady was killed. we read that blood was found on the closet, i wonder how that was in a suicide case. the police arrest the hub the moment they examined the scene. this shows that even before postmortem the police were convinced that this lady did not commit suicide. no one can commit suicide in a kneeling position, there are many signs on the body of someone who’s committed suicide. pee,shit, eyes out etc. according to the report these were not there which prompted the police to suspect that she did not kill herself. i hope this son of b.itch burns in hell.

  36. #45 You do you mean that it was alright to kill her because she was a Lozi girl who brings trouble? Did she deserve to die because she was Lozi? I am a non- Lozi married to a Lozi and I have no troubles with my wife. We have three children and we are a very happy family. Go marry your own sister you s.t.u.p.i.d inbreed!

  37. I briefly lived with Chansa and its so hard to come to terms with all this mess he’s found himself in. If its true he murdered his wife, then its very unfortunate for such a lovely person with blooming career in IT. From where am standing i suspect his drinking habit had everything to do with their problems, i only hope him, his brother and his nephews have learnt a lesson on how to live responsibly. I dont want to condemn drunks but if you enslave yourself to the bottle usually the cosquencies turn out to be very bad.

  38. #49 London, thank you! # 48 Emmanuel, you know less, and you understand less. I never said, she deserved to die because she was Lozi, so you bad language just shows that you were brought up in a house and never in a home. Facts are there, that morden Lozi men are not marrying Lozi women, instead, Lozi men are marying Bemba women and Lozi women are going for Bemba men. Now, Bemba men are not staying long in these relationships, beacuse the characteristics of a Lozi women are none closer to that of any Bantu speaking lady. If you visited Western Province and you are not Lozi, you will be at great pain to see how the women in that part of Zambia behave- totaly different.. Am happy for you Mr Emmanuel that you are doing well in your marriage, but I doubt if those kids are yours.

  39. This story makes very sad reading but no.45 and 48 u guys have made me laugh.I think 45 is right.Most Lozi women are too full of themselves but there are some good ones like no.4is wife

  40. #48, Zambian culture does not allow mature people to insult. Women, children may; but bad language is left to “call boys”. Now for you with a Lozi lady coming up with such words? You are half a man, this is why you can’t relate to what the other guy spoke about.

  41. Whatever happened to “innocent until proven guilty”, mwe bantu? The man is being villified left, right and center! The ‘evidence’ is tainted and has become a joke! It’s become a case of ‘they said’ and ‘they said’! If the husband really did it, then may justice prevail. But if he did not, may he be ‘not guilty’ and be released to rebuild his life.
    Chansa is neither my friend nor relative, infact I don’t even know any of the parties concerned. But I do know that it would be a great miscarriage of justice if an innocent person went down for a crime that they did not commit!
    When all is said and done, may Maketo find the peace in death that so seems to have eluded her in life…

  42. You have said much about Chansa. But like Bishop, i am requesting all of you to dump Mabenga’s daughters. Since Chansa was put in cells, we have never had good times at Pamusana

  43. Bishop,

    Am currently dating Mabenga’s grand daughter and from your above comment, am surely dumping. i don’t want to end-up like Chansa.

  44. I have followed with interest all the various comments made. My personal feeling is that nobody, no matter how close they were to Chansa or Maketo (MHSRIP) know what really happened on that fateful night. Only GOD knows who has the mighty unstoppable power to vindicate Chansa if he is innocent. Its a wait and see situation but in the meantime, I agree with #57, 58 & 59, all those asssociated with any of the Mabenga’s dotas to quit now and DUMP them!! you never know it could be a family disease….don’t say you were not forewarned when you are in Chimbokaila under similar circumstances.

  45. chansa might seem like an angel to his freinds and galfreinds but to his wife he was a lion. I feel he might have killed her by acident when he was beating her

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