Friday, March 14, 2025

Magande launches party


EXPELLED MMD Chilanga Member of Parliament (MP) Ng’andu Magande has launched his campaign for his presidential bid in 2011 through a political movement called the National Movement for Progress (NMP), currently distributing campaign fliers in Southern Province.

According to one of the fliers obtained by the Times in Monze, the former Finance and National Planning minister claims to have been the architect of the economy during the reign of the late president Levy Mwanawasa.

“This son of mother Zambia tried his best to transform the Zambian economy working together with the late president Levy Mwanawasa SC,” reads the flier authored by “concerned public servants”.

“You and I experienced and appreciate the positive change in our economy that came with reform and management style under his stewardship,” it reads.

Mr Magande’s campaign claims Zambia’s standing with the international community had greatly improved and that Zambians were well respected worldwide because of his leadership.

Efforts to get a comment from Mr Magande failed, as his mobile phone remained switched off.

Mr Magande recently told a tabloid that he would leave his options open to either form a new political party or join the existing ones.
The MMD recently expelled Mr Magande from the ruling party.

When contacted for comment Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata said Mr Magande had a democratic right to form a party.

“We are not in a one party State. Any body that wants to form a party is free to do so,” he said.

MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya refused to comment and only stressed that Mr Magande and Kafulafuta MP George Mpombo were no longer members of the ruling party.

UPND acting spokesperson Douglas Syakalima said the party would only comment after Mr Magande officially announced his intentions.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Misplaced priorities!!!
    if this is true,then this man is well and truelly deluded,just because he worked with Mwanawasa and did whatever he did with him,then he thinks he can ride on that success to eventually wake up and convince zambians that he can win a presidential election with less than 12 months
    Whatever these politicians smoke must be quiet strong
    He should have resigned way back when Lupiya Vasco da Banda was adopted for presidency,then he could have formed a party,by now he could have covered much ground,
    Why not just join Milupi or Chipimo and use his experience,he is so obsessed with becoming president of zambia that its blinding him.i’ll sit back and enjoy this political circus

  2. The easiest way to plot one is not to form a party. The easiest way in Zambia is to sleep maximumly. Some one will wake you up and you will contest and win atleast “democratically”. Leadership yakuifika telingi. No wonder why King cobra is having problems because you just find leadership robes and dress. I think it is better you go through and election and prove your popularity. This applyies to Chipima Jr.

  3. He is better than Sata in terms of education levels. So let him run from his own political party.
    He can learn one or two things from Milupi.
    He will help depopulate both MMD and the opposition, but more so the MMD.

    If HH does not call back people like Chizyuka, Magande will take them up and that will be a thorn in the flesh of HH.

  4. mr magande please keep the litle money you `re left with, these people (saccod) saying you wil pose a threat to the MMD are very misleading and you end up a very disapointed man. please this is a very timely advise, good lucky.

  5. Those who strongly believe that on their own, they absolutely stand no chance of defeating Rupiah should pack their bags. And those who think with some good work, and given Rupiah’s record, can defeat him on their own, they should go full throttle and mobilise for next year’s elections.

  6. The word “movement” has been cursed by MMD, he should remove it and just leave NP, maybe that way he will get votes.


  8. Whers Milupi and his party? Wheres Sondashi and his party? Edith and FDD ? What a circus ., I expected more from Mangande ! We only hear of Sata and HH. Can they c what we c. What a joke !!

  9. On “EXPELLED MMD Chilanga Member of Parliament (MP) Ng’andu Magande has launched his campaign for his presidential bid in 2011 through a political movement called the National Movement for Progress (NMP), currently distributing campaign fliers in Southern Province” this is very good Mr Ng’andu Magande and keep it up because it is just a 2011 campaign launch as opposed to a launch of a new political party which is given as a title for the article above.

    The only sad thing is that those supporting Magande decided to start the National Movement for Progress (NMP) activities in terms of campaigns in Monze as opposed to any other Town or village outside the mighty Southern Province.

    I wish you all the best Mr Magande in the 2011 elections although I am for the UPND Team…

  10. Misplaced popularity. Magande should not think that he can easily fool Zambians and think he i s the best candidate.The man is selfish stingy and proud.Politics are not about that they are about collective agreements.Lets us watch another drama in this National Modification for Pride.

  11. On ““This son of mother Zambia tried his best to transform the Zambian economy working together with the late president Levy Mwanawasa SC,” reads the flier authored by “concerned public servants… You and I experienced and appreciate the positive change in our economy that came with reform and management style under his stewardship,”” I am however disappointed that the whole lot of a big man like Magande could allow his campaign team or his blind backers to suggest that it was only the 2 men, Magande and late LP Mwanawasa, who tried to transform the Zambian economy while the rest of the MMD Team was useless.

    On “UPND acting spokesperson Douglas Syakalima said the party would only comment after Mr Magande officially announced his intentions,” great position…

  12. Hahahahahahaha…………….This is a jike right! Magande failed to democratically win the Chilanga seat,what makes him think he can win as a councillor in SP?
    Let him go back to his former party UPND maybe there his contribution will be meaningful.The Post will are just decieving him like they are doing to Sata.UPND is busy campagning in Central Province at the moment

  13. Mr Magande you are not solving any problem. You are just making it easier for MMD to win. Join the pact, remove MMD, then you can start making your own party….!

  14. What is more wastage FORMING a party or contesting an election. Ask BY Mwila with his ZRP ( Zambia Republican Party ). Magande don’t use your Tonga inclination to divide the votes in southern province, I beg you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to join your party in a pact be it UPND or PF. The Zambians have spoken through a number of platforms that we need to be in a bigger picture of things when we defeat MMD next year.
    What is the problem now with you, just see what aspirations of the Zambians you will have neglected come 2012. am crying mayoehhhee!!!!

  15. As a vibrant democracy with a party that is the pioneer and custodian of democracy in power, all us patriots wish Magande the best, wellness and a thrilling trail regardless of the political gridlock time may deliver him. What is interesting though is to see that after raping the so-called HakaSata pact, Fred Mmembe and his tabloid has already switched his barking vocation as Sata’s vuvuzela to Magande’s National Movement for Progress (NMP).

  16. [-x=d> Go go Magande u did a good job and above all u are the only one among all political parties who has never storen a single ngwe,i believe u can turn the economy up and down u have my vote please come to the next capital city of Zambia the copperbelt:-@:-@:-@

  17. One parallel with most of these regional parties led by tribalists though is that they are born and launched in their villages first before they take a natural death on the national stage.

  18. What a waste. Magande may be more educated than Sata and probably make a better president but this just shows that very educated people can be selfish political strategists.

  19. With the mushrooming of political parties, i doubt MMD will leave power to the opposition next year. Congrats to MMD in advance!


    Finally the pact has today Friday September 24, 2010 in the year of the Lord officially crumbled without a divorce cooling period considered. All announcements follow this tip. Tired of PF bullish tactics and abuses, poor HH has curved in to the pressure of his base which has tenaciously threatened to impeach him if he doesn’t withdraw from the Horse-Rider marriage of convenience with Sata.

    President Banda and the ruling MMD are very saddened at the turn of development in the embattled pact. RB passionately wished the pact had stood the test of time for the sake of our bourgeoning democracy. But alas, the two tribal warlords could not just accommodate reason and leadership spirit in the pact.

    We are all in mourning. RIP pact!

  21. Very selfish characters, these politicians are all the same, very self centered and selfish.What makes magande think he can command nationwide support enough to take him to Plot 1?MMDs’ chances are increasing!

  22. This is what is beautiful about Zambia; everyone wants to be President. This has been a major development bearing in mind that not so long ago no one wanted to stand against an incumbent President. Those old enough will recall that only a FROG was brave enough to stand against KK during the mid-eighties’ elections! This is no joke. Check the ballots papers from that time. Sleep well Zambia!!!!

  23. This is what is beautiful about Zambia; everyone wants to be President. This has been a major development bearing in mind that not so long ago no one wanted to stand against an incumbent President. Those old enough will recall that only a FROG was brave enough to stand against KK during the mid-eighties’ elections! This is no joke. Check the ballot papers from that time. Sleep well Zambia!!!!

  24. This is good for democracy. However this spells doom for PF. The vuvuzela (The Post Newspaper) will now be playing a different tune. It’ll no longer be praises for Mr. Sata. It’ll now be more publicity for NMP.

    In a democratic nation like Zambia, we need more political movements like this one entering the political field. We look forward seeing you in the political arena Mr. Magande.

  25. Iwe chimagande i thought there is brain in that chi head.why form another ntemba. i will advise those thugs to rip your trousers now instead of your jacket.and why even send people with fliers to southern p? you go to luapula and i can assure you, you will come back naked. shaaaa bati.

  26. Give Poor Magande time. After being hastily hounded out of the intorrelant & totalitarian MMD, he should ‘ve taken time to reflect. Objectively speaking, he seems to be the more suitable presidential candidate among all party leaders in terms of disposition, goals, intents & exposure. He however lacks strategy & seems he has no advisers (or never listens). He was never helped by his wife. Never by his friends & church mates, assuming he attends. How do u launch a party meant for national progress under a tree in your grandma’s village? Surely! Lauch parties in LSK, CB or better still do it in Solz, Kasama, Chipata for national acceptance. Wait & See!

  27. # 1,8, 22 and 23 good points. Sure sure why is it that everyone wants to be a President? Selfish characters, does it mean all the politicians are Presidential material? I dont think so. God has given us different talents and gifts, Mr. Magande yes, you managed and did a good job economically and there was change in our economy that came with reform and management style, which we appreciate but this does not mean you can rules this country awe!!! Sometimes we should be content and proud with our little contribution we offer to the country unlike all wanting to be the President. You people lets unity and remove the MMD into power twachula pafula. We can’t all be the in one position(President) no please!!!!! Just join one exiting party rather than waste your time and money. :)

  28. It was pride that stopped him from humbly continuing to serve as Finance Minister even under RB. It was pride that made him to challenge RB for MMD Presidency. It is pride that makes him claim that he improved the economy ‘single-handedly.’
    As my brother Maestro would know: ‘Pride goes before a fall and a haughty spirit to destruction.’

  29. Now we have two Tongas in the ring and given the tribally inclined patterns of voting in Zambia, both HH and Magande are doomed to fall at the polls. I honestly think the battle is going to be between Banda, Sata and Milupi.

  30. We surely need to pump some brains into some of these politician’s skulls. This isn’t the right time to form another party. It looks like the visionless, thieving, rotten, directionless MMD will linger for another term. The heatache, pain and frustration among the middle income and hardworking zambians continue. For those bootlickers like some Mulongotis- heaven is on earth. VJ will continue to laugh whenever RB opens his mouth (even if it isn’t a joke). Magande’s strength is that he is not bootlicker. He has usually been making right moves even economically, but this one is the height of his political blunder. If it fails to destroy him, the exact opposite will happen- it will build him! The former looks more likely. It was time for him to join some guys- later make a move

  31. Magande is a True Patriot. Iam very encouraged by his stance and positive attitude and also he believes in himself. I have not heard a single insult from him except that he has differed with the people in his political party. This is a mature way of doing things and not to enter into insults and demeaning others, those politics should be left to the people we know (M’membe, SATA, Mpombo and others). While i do not think that we need so many political parties in Zambia it is, to me, a lesser evil than the current atmosphere of insults. If people like Magande as he claims let him sale his idea to the people of Zambia if they like him he will be the president of Zambia, even though I personally feel that he has just shortened his political career. Risk is good sometimes.

  32. It is pride that makes Mr Magande think that he cannot serve under any other leader. BUT, wait a minute! He HAS NOT FORMED a party yet! Could this be a gimmick to test the waters? He is using surrogates to do this for him so that if he finds that there is support, he can then formally announce. He starts in Southern Province to compare himself with HH.
    AND Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth
    You are right about The Post. I can see that they have already started dividing the Pact.

  33. good magande is a better option for 2016. its good he has started now. this means PF and UPND banyala because magande will take more votes from them

  34. #48 saint. u ‘re right in your analysis that he is dipping his dipping his Magande is dipping his foot to test the political waters. Also right that Mmembe is dividing the pact.MMembe can be seen to be dividing the pact simply because he, like many other zambian- me inclusive, has been itching & looking forward to a political party that will eject MMD out of state house. we are tired of this indefensible mediocrity exhibited by chaotic MMD who are bent on turning Zambia into a big village by strungling development on urban areas & think they transfer it to rural areas all in the name of votes. Busy trumpeting non-progressive projects. And then comes Magande with a new national Monze party (NMP). Ask MMD ministers if there is a sytem- Nil; only MMD bloggers can defend their chaosy. Oh…

  35. To unsit LUPIYA VASCO DA BANDA magande would have joined the next government(PACT) so dat he lures more MMD that supported him to give more votes to the UNDISPUTED next president of Zambia.Michael “Perfomer” Sata.

  36. Hehe…now fire is all over the land of zambia. Mmmm I cant wait for the results next year. Any way what I predict is that RB will scope the predent after rigging and will have only 30 MPs in parliament.
    Hehe wapya muzi basungu. Uko… magande is geared to share MPs with HH in southern province.
    Really this is survival of the fittest political epoch.

    Mmm let us wait and see while the bellows in the political arina blow.

  37. Perhaps he will provide a better alternative, we wait to see his manifesto and hope that his will be issue based politics as opposed to what is currently obtaining in the political arena. I thank him for exercising his democratic right and for wanting to put across to the Zambian people what he believes in and what he can offer to them. There is no need for him to join the already existing parties, he has something big to offer to the people of Zambia. Let the other parties continue living in the dark and misleading people. We know what the man is capable of doing, lets judge him by what has achieved or failed to achieve when he was in govt. He should not forced be to join mediocre parties whose agenda he does not believe in. Chalo chesu bonse!


  39. Here we go again, in less than four months two political parties have mashroomed, one of the democratic right that the former MPs are really good at is forming political parties. To some extent I think that most people are doing that out of their selfish deisres to be the boss. Mr Magande claims his leadership and contirbution to the LPM administration led to economic recovery in the country, which means that even as a minister one can really help and contribute effectively to national development, so why all the desire to be president after all? His party on the other hand is welcome and hopefully it will not distabilize the MMD!

  40. Mwe bantu! dont crack your necks over Magande & his intentions-as Sata has his rightly put it, he has his own democratic rights as a zmabian to form a party! Why r we making a issue of this, i donnot understand. When young Chipimo & his kido friend were forming their party recently-we all applauded them but the intention is no different from all these trying to form parties like Magande has done. There is a life in the opposition in the political atmosphere because donnors are there waiting come 2011 to unleash their funds on all. I think, zambians must be objective in our thinking & criticisms. In any case, lets wait till he announces & then we can unleash our dismay with misplaced perseptions. We just have to vote wisely and these no one will ever take us for a ride like everyone is doin

  41. So What that the PACT is breaking? Without UPND, SATA can go all the way.Unfortunately wither HH and company.Magande can open MMD apart. Chipimo is a pretender. Milupi can win one province.The fact is that RB has messed up.Mpombo should join PF.Ok now pipo, dont u think the solution is to remove all recycled chaff off the political map? Come on we need a complete overhaul but how do we do it? Radical change is a viable avenue.mind you Radical doesn’t always mean something illegal.what do you think?

  42. I said Radical change! there are no takers out there? Stop complainin and do something about it.How do let old timers mess up our lives?.Am open to suggestions.

  43. Just wish all these “small parties” would form a “rainbow” movement with General Miyanda as a leader.This country would go somewhere.

  44. Imwe mwebena Zambia, no wonder we are called docile. moneni these old timers cant let us bulldoze our ways thru the ranks but we can bulldoze our way to state house and root out nonsense.It has happened elswhere.If they did it there,why can’t we did it? We was there when the so called New culture tricked us into voting them in.Now if we cant vote them out,we can…What can we do to them? Am asking.Am annoyed.Am waiting and am game.

  45. Weldone have launched your party in the usual son of the soil tact..we wish you well bawesu and hope you will get the very best from the trappings of president..Get Shaka to be your Sata has Mupombo…..let the games begin ….

  46. This is how great leaders fall. We held Magande in high regard but now that he is formng a party I think it’s clear that he is just after power. He claims that the late president Mwanawasa (M.H.S.R.I.P) wanted him to succeed but with all due respect Zambia is bigger than the late president. Why can’t he join the pact? kaufela ya ki ma tricks a kuaba ma ma vote isaho. Tate bo magande, muhupule hande musikaya kwahule. We need a consolidated opposition force. Who is not tired of 20 years of ineffective MMD rule. Amu swalisane Mazoho ni pact, for the graeter good of the country.

  47. Being some body close to this man and advising him not to form a Party, i must say iam disappointed . Just when we are praising him for not putting in some injuction on his explusion, he decides to be selffish and thinks we shall vote for him coz we visit him. Sometimes i see why people like the Molongotis and Siliya talk with impunity. They seem to know that they are still ruling what with fighting going on in the Pact and formation of New Parties. Citizen# 66 I share your wish . Seems we have just to work hard were possible steal and enrich ourselves . When Caught , buy yourself Bond coz the cases will take forever or pray the Charge handling the cases dies. ZED POLITICS SUCKS~X(~X(~X(~X(

  48. Oh poor Zambians. You are all talk and no walk. Am ashamed to Zambian.Magande this,PACT that wont take us anywhere.The real PACT will be formed when you wake up(i have already woken up) and realise that you have been had! Ninshi nine nchula neka? Napapa!

  49. SPare Tire! ” The mobile subscriber you have dialed is either outside the coverage area or have their phone turned off please try you call later” So are you telling me he was outside the coverage area? Lol! who knows?

  50. am ashamed to be Zambian. Blah blah Magande.Blah blah PACT.All talk,no walk.Poor Zambian. your middle name is DOCILE! surname: KUWE!

  51. On 13 Truth‘s and Bauze Ngozi‘s “TONGA VOTE DIVIDED NIZEEE.
    ” and “Now we have two Tongas in the ring and given the tribally inclined patterns of voting in Zambia, both HH and Magande are doomed to fall at the polls.[..] I honestly think the battle is going to be between Banda, Sata and Milupi,” stop hallucinating for we had two Tonga presidential candidates in 2001 and UPND’s A. Mazoka got about 27% while the other Tonga man who must have been from the UN got about 0% an indicator that Magande will just humiliate himself as HH will probably form GRZ Administration with or without PF support including other small parties like ADD, HP, FDA, FDD, ULP whose leaders may seek to be ministers and other GRZ officials…

  52. #82 #82 I tell you, you are right he can’t even come on a platform and draw the audience. in fact late mwanawasa propelled this character.

  53. I am reminded of Gordon Brown. Alilila u Prime minister. Ka Blair kamupasa ati Ok, here it is. Yamunyela Brown. Alunza ma elekshionz. That’s how it is. Some people do not know that they were born to under serve someone else and in that, and that alone, lies their greatness. But when pride strikes the heart and you go for the leadership, you find that life deals you a difficult hand and before long you are down and out. Gordon Brown was celebrated Finance minister, now he is just a rug at the door of British politics. Gone! Please Magande, serve as the best Finance Minister Zambia has ever had. Return O, wanderer, return!

  54. Zedians in Diaspora please join my party it is called ZDPP-ZAMBIANS IN DIASPORA PROGRESSIVE PARTY.
    Advantages:It will be more encampassing and inclusive since we have all Zambians across the country in diaspora.please modus operandi don;t form your out there in RSA! Neither you, citizen!

  55. # 81. Are you sure. You are urging others to stop hallucinating- what are doing when you are imagining HH being driven in Zambia 1 with the main opposition leaders being sata & RB. Be honesty with your opinion. Honestly from the current trend Sata & RB seems to be the main contenders as was the last case when Sata was robbed of victory with those last minute kapiri results to make it 35,000 difference. The shaky pact is the solution if the pact members can go into it open minded with the electoral results doing justice. UK’s Nick clegg never went into coalision to be PM when he knew that electoral results had dictated that Cameron should be PM. If UPND supporters think the way u think, then Pact is over- we pack & If nawakwi partners with RB we know who should be president. RB! Simple!

  56. This party will greatly advantage PF. Members will come from MMD and UPND. As long as I like Magande’w work ethic and economic vision, I believe he will be a good opposition.

  57. If we did not want many presidential contenders we would have tailored the constitution accordingly. Obviously now PF and UPND are not happy but that is democracy.
    Turning to Mr Magande, welcome to the political arena banene, at least you were wise enough not to join the Pact comedy, time wasters.

  58. First thing – He needs to let go of Levy Mwanawasa !!

    I will be surprised if he can even get 4 MPs from Southern Province under his belt. He has not got time to mobilise the grass-root.

    Unless if guys from UPND start jumping over to his camp as there is so much tension in UPND with the Pact issue.

    This “might” weaken the Southern Province vote. If any of the UPND voters go with Magande’s NMP .The elections are next year and forming a Party at this junction might be a bit late to stand for Presidency.

    Otherwise good luck to him and let him prove everyone wrong.

  59. If this is true, then this guy is not for true devlopment. He just wants to be a leader, he should have rather joined a political party and help support. United we stand divided we fall._ i wonder his motivation. Look at Guys Scott, if he wanted he could also have stood but he decided that he supports a party of his choice, HH has stuck to UPND.. I hope they can put a minimum amont of about K1 Billion Kwacha to start your own party to reduce this thing of people just waking up and forming there own party. Look at the united states, Look at Australia they just dont wake up and they form a party. People join the parties that are there and you work from there to make good policies that’s why they are devloping.If everyone wants to be president who will we vote for.

  60. There goes another clown, the list is endless; Miyanda, Magande, Chipimo Jr, Ngondo, Nawakwi, Tilyenji, Milupi etc. Instead of joining forces with established parties like PF or UPND, every jim & jack wants to be president! Mwanya bafi.kala, I will vote RB/MMD; that way, all u jokers will remain in opposition indefinitely!

  61. But Magande doesnt have the capacity to be president in Zambia at this time; he must start thinking of another 30years for him to gather momentam . but of now I do not see him tick, such people of the calibar of Magande need to be propelled by other already formed parties to tick eg, HH, RB, LP. that is the type

  62. If anything, in our private capacity we the democratic patriots stand to extend any needed support to any ambitious Zambian keen to exercise his or her democratic rights by registering a political party of choice. There is a democratic fund at hand to help you get your party registered and join the statistics of noise gongs in the political arena. Do not be limited by financial and material need. Public media will give you a platform too for your independent voice to be heard. Good luck to Magande.

  63. @#67 Big sando are you serious with your english or you are just being seems you got a lot of issues to tell us but you are ending up giving us headaches since we cant figure out what you are saying owing to your poor construction of the queens language

  64. Sweeeeeeeet!! All these guys, Magandes, Mpombos etc, who are breaking away from the MMD (movement for mad dogs) are further fragmenting the MMD. Winning elections is about numbers, but when influential party members start going it alone, then you know that party is in trouble. You see, Magande knows where he stands; it is obvious that he has a large number of secret followers in the MMD even among cabinet members that are just waiting for parliament to dissolve before jumping ship. If RB has any gray matter left in him, he should see this coming. Remember what happened to the infamous kafupi?

  65. If the educated do not stand up and run for president and other leadership positions we end up with people like Rupiah. Why should Magande join Sata and HH when already there is conflict as who should be president of the party. Go Magande, you have my vote!

  66. All you Zambian foreigners need to stop commenting on matters you do not know. Magande has a huge huge following in Zambia. Magande cant even go anyhwere without a crowd following. The newspapers sell off by 8am if Magande is on the front page. Not only this many ministers feel let down by Rupiah’s incapability to lead. Just wait and read one minister after another jumping to Magande’s ship! 2011 Magande

  67. Any Zambian who does not see the potential in Magande is plain stupid. He proved himself as the best Minister of Finance Zambia has ever had, not only this he led an organization of over 74 countries. How stupid can you all be to think Magande can’t be president and bring development to one country.

    The problem with Zambians is that we talk too much and only a few have something to back up their loud mouth. No one here has ever been Minister of Finance or Secretary General of 74 countries, yet we talk like we have done it. At the end of the day please remember that any leader you choose will ultimately determine your children’s and grandchildren lifestyle.

  68. I have lost count of the number of political parties in Zambia. Can someone tell me how many they are at the moment please. I mean all the political parties including the ones that have been come and gone into oblivion such as Ben Mwila’s or the NCC formed by Nevers Mumba the current vibrant Zambian Higher Commissioner to Canada and former Zambian Vice president in the MMD government. With due respect to Magande I hope you don’t got the ‘Nevers Mumba’ way and become a Vice president in the next PF government or become a high commissioner in a future government.

  69. Magande was Secretary General of the African Caribbean and Pacific group of nations (ACP) a world wide organization, so why you all think that he is incapable of leading Zambia? you all need to wake up because it seems you are all convince that only a crook can lead Zambia and honest people should sit and do nothing…. please people do not expose to the world such backward thinking…

  70. You all should remember that when Obama declared his candidacy for U.S. President most if not all thought it was a joke and than people would not take him serious…. if I were an MMD follower I would be very worried if Magande really enters the race. and since MMD will loose in 2011 they better pray it will be to Magande and not Sata… because Sata is out for blood.

  71. I cannot believe what I an reading that Magande should not talk about LPM, Oh he of simple minds, Magande made LPM, have you all forgotten how many Finance Ministers LPM when through before Magande? he dumped all of them within a year and why did he keep Magande from 2003 until his death in 2008…

    You all talk as if you have very short memories, under magande the ZMK was 3500 to 1 US$ what is it now? RB is making us all poorer and we think that is a good thing? come on my fellow Zambians I know you are all smarter than that…

  72. Bigman@106. As if my words are still echoeing accross this blog but as usual zambians ras gullible as the bird.Fundanga,almost 3months ago focasted the kwacha doing well against the dollar with the bumper harvest and other seemingly sectorial developments he saw that we didnt see.Down the line today-the kwacha is still limping. Am not sure what sort of miracle we need to see for us to make imformed decisions apart from our own experiences with these leaders in MMD,Magande may not be right at the moment & any other moment because already he shows some tribalism inclination i.e. starting his LT named party distributing fliers in southern province when he cant even afford to look at a fellow tribesmate in HH in the eye,very ironic & yet tries to build on a dead man’s strenths.No redemption!


  74. So now vuvuzela Post will push for a Pact between NMP and PF. It is expected that mmembe will try to sell Magande as the Pact leader because they will claim that he is a young leader, unblemished and has a record of achievement. And of course that he was the natural heir to Levy’s throne which was “stolen” by RB. mmembe will impose the “legacy” on Sata. The Post holds Sata by the ball.s and he knows it, that his image is by the wish of one mmembe. The PF votes will then be used to prop up Magande. What will be interesting will be how the Post will justify their flip flop, but mmembe really believes in himself and that he has got the Zambians licking from his palm anyway, …….well that is what he thinks.

  75. Wrong move Ba Magande, you should have jointed any party that is already existing. Too many parties and confusion I think MMD will win again. We lucky strong opposition to remove them from power it is very sad that all politicians are selfish. I do not think any of them want to change our country becoz they are too hungry for power.

  76. With all the circus currently going on in the so-called, Pact, who can blame Magande for doing what he has done. The current existing Opposition Parties in Zed are NOT inspiring at all. Full Stop!

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