Friday, March 14, 2025

Magande’s new party does not scare MMD – Mabenga


FLASHBACK:MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga dances with party cadres during card renewal exercise in Chibombo

The Movement for Multi -Party Democracy (MMD) says it is not scared with its expelled Chilanga Member of Parliament Ngandu Magande forming a political party.

MMD National chairman, Michael Mabenga said the party will not be affected but remain intact.

Mr. Mabenga who welcomed the decision of its former MP forming a political party said he has a democratic right to do so adding that the ruling MMD is unmoved by the development.

He told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that the party is not concerned adding that it was the party that chucked him out in the first place.

“We welcome the formation of his party it is his democratic right. If we were scared of him impact we would have not chucked him out of the party but the reason that he was expelled shows that we are unmoved.” He said.

Meanwhile Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) Information Officer, McDonald Chipenzi said the proliferation of opposition political party is only adding misery to the opposition.

He said the formation of more opposition political parties are giving an upper advantage to the ruling MMD.

He doubted whether the new party formed by the former Finance Minister will have an impact on the Zambian political scene saying all other parties formed in the past have failed to produce expected results.

Mr. Chipenzi added that the formation of more opposition political parties only shows the desperation of people to go to state house.

“It is sad that Zambian politicians think that going to plot one is the only way to serve the people, but there are many other ways you can serve the people. This development of every person who is disgruntled form a party is retrogressive to our politics” he said.

He has since called on people who want to form political parties to first reflect on whether they will add value to the Zambian democracy.

Former Chilanga MP is reported in the media to have launched campaigns for his presidential bid for 2011 and distributing fliers in Southern Province under his party the National Movement for Progress (NMP).



  1. If anything, in our private capacity we the democratic patriots stand to extend any needed support to any ambitious Zambian keen to exercise his or her democratic rights by registering a political party of choice. There is a democratic fund at hand to help you get your party registered and join the statistics of noise gongs in the political arena. Do not be limited by financial and material need. Public media will give you a platform too for your independent voice to be heard. Good luck to Magande.

  2. Mabenga is so quick off the mark after mourning his daughter! He should be on leave and forget party politics for a while!! African leaders and their politics of survival – no hope for this god forsaken country!

  3. Well!you can be a good professional person but may not necessarily be a good politician.Don’t think Magande has the Stamina for the game.

  4. marabishi yeka yeka pa zed. No need 4 many political parties but to strengthen the pact. This magande is so hope.less with his false confidence. Magande u are just dividing the opposition with yo kantemba party. Anyway R.B has now passed with flying colors & he will now aim to visit all countries in the world

  5. Is this the real Mabenga who is dancing & seems so happy with cadres? If he is the one, then he is shame.less. He is supposed to be still mourning. This man must be celebrating the death of his daughter. These pipo who love riches so much cannot be trusted esp with 2011 nearing. U never know he may just be implicating Chitika with murder charges just as a cover up. But kwena chimudala ichi chilibe nsoni.

  6. Once again ba LT wth ur copy n paste culture. I shud belive its high time the media stop addressing magande as ‘expelled mmd mp’. Thts not his title! Neither is he da only expelled mp frm mmd. Shakas has bn expelld surving on a court injunction, chibombamilimo was also surving on an injunction bt was neva addressd as expelled mp! Give da old man some due respect.

  7. Mr. Mabenga, ur daughter’s funeral .has ended 2 soon. The intent 4 magande forming his movement 4 national progress is not 2 threaten mmd. The man just wants 2 try his luck n test himself in terms of how popular he is in zambia and also exercising his democratic right. All i just hope the MNP president (magande) can do is align himself with other parties coz as at next year, he stands no chance of going 2 plot 1. His hunger 4 power wil lead hin 2 doom n the extict of his political career.

  8. Any Zambian who does not see the potential in Magande is plain ******. He proved himself as the best Minister of Finance Zambia has ever had, not only this he led an organization of over 74 countries. How ****** can you all be to think Magande can’t be president and bring development to one country. Why should we subject ourselves to incompetent leaders like Rupiah. Don’t join Sata and HH, Viva Magande form a party, start afresh.

    The problem with Zambians is that we talk too much and only a few have something to back up their loud mouth. No one here has ever been Minister of Finance or Secretary General of 74 countries, yet we talk like we have done it. At the end of the day please remember that any leader you choose will ultimately determine your children’s and grandchildren…

  9. Imwe ba integrity or wateva u cal urself, being a successiful minister of finance doesnt mean one has potential 2be president. Being secy gen. Of some ka organization whch has nothng 2do wth politics doesnt mean some1 naturaly or eventualy cn lead a country. Ama politics ya mu zambia mwana yalishupa. Ths is not u.s.a where politics r issue based. I hv analysd all the players on the scene now n i can assure u wth ur magande come 2011 u wil get as below or up to 5% of the total votes cast. Just face reality mwana. Who in the rulal areas (which wil make alla bee win) wil understand magande was a secretary general of 74 or wateva countries? Who wil be interested in listening 2 the mwanawasa burried legacy as a base 4 magande 2b president? Just a ridiculous way of wasting money. Magande can…

  10. Doing the same thing you get the same results. Lets progress and realize that we need leaders and not politicians. Magande is a leader, at this point that is what we should want. Magande is not seeking an office, he is seeking to develop the country.

    Leader Definition.
    to act as a guide; show the way: You lead and we’ll afford passage to a place: That path leads directly to the go first; be in advance: The band will lead and the troops will take the directing or principal part.

    Politician definition
    a person who is active in party politics.a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles.a person who holds a political office.a person skilled in political government

  11. DK_Kaponya I completely agree with you! This man should take timeout and reflect with his son-in-law (and grandchildren- if any) about the way forward. Death is something that comes into our families for a reason and when it comes (through illness or tragedies) it shocks us. However, I feel for the young man as I can never be happy about either the suicide or uxoricide (a person who kills is wife) as death even by a death sentence must be commuted. We as human beings have no right to take either our own or someone else’s life. This whole episode would definitely make me stop (as a father) and reflect. So real is the promise of the believer’s resurrection that the physical death of a Christian is called “sleep” (1 Corinthians 15:51; 1 Thessalonians 5:10). We look forward to that…

  12. Mabenga busy celebrating and saying Maganda was chucked out of the party in the first place. Well all those who have ambitions of challenging RB within MMD will be sent packing from the ruling party! The MMD are like hynas, not willing to share the spoils with anyone not in the INNER circle.

  13. Intergrity, I concur with you .So far magande is the best person to lead this country.Unlike Chipimo magande in not new on the political scene he has high chances of wining.Go Magande Go!

  14. Magande is just wasting his time, period!! Lets face the reality. The man is only known in Chikankata and part of Chilanga, nowhere else.. He could have done better to have come thru some ranks in a well established party with a backing of a well known person who could have easily sold him to the electorates…as it is, he is WASTING his time and the little money left in his pockets…NALEKA!!!

  15. Why cant be people be as patient as Abraham Lincoln. Magande cud have just been quiet and suport hi9s leader RB! RELIGIOUSLY and a time like it happened to Mwanawasa, RB cud have just said magande pls take over in 2016. If you feel you follow Mwanawasa legacy, then do as he did.
    He resigned as vice presido, left as MP, failed elections of MMD president, left politics but supported Chiluba even in his third term bid. When it came to find a replacement, Chiluba picked mwanawasa becoz he was loyal. Mwalilufyanya ba magande.
    RB was bussy at farm when mwanawasa picked him as his vice. Therefore, i urge bo Miyanda to be cool, MMD may pick you in 2016 as you are the only credible person at the moment to lead this country effectively becoz of your leadership skills & genuine discipline.

  16. Mabenga nindoshi! Its only a few day ago that his daughter was buried, tears are still not dry and here he goes dancing at a political function, this is a taboo in our Zambian “kaca”.

  17. Multi-party democracy.
    Though the scene here in Zambia shows that it is a one party participatery state . MMD wanna rule a million years.

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