Friday, March 14, 2025

UPND denies breaking away from the Pact


The united party for national development UPND has denied media reports that the party has resolved to pull out from the UPND/PF PACT.

It has been reported that The United Party For National Development (UPND) has resolved to withdraw from the electoral pact with the Patriotic Front (PF).

It is said that National Executive Committee (NEC) and the National Management Committee (NMC) have rejected the alliance with the PF describing it as not workable because of serious differences which have spilled to the media.

But UPND deputy spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa has described the reports as misleading.

He says that the UPND has not resolved to break away from the pact and that it is sad that certain media houses are fabricating stories.

He however says that the pact is currently standing on sick ground because of certain members who are issuing statements that have potential to undermine the pact.

Mr. Mweetwa says that such a decision to break away from the pact can only be arrived at under a high level meeting.



  1. Way to go UPND. Lets stay focused to remove this Government which wont listen to people,s views but will be quick to send the whole lot of the Government spokesperson to issue a statement of a purely internal matter( Mabenga,s daughter purported murder) even before the courts rule on it. VIVA PACT. ABASHI MUDMUD

  2. Sick grounds indeed. The problem in the PACT are a true reflection of the status on the ground as a nation. We are a bunch of undecided people never ever wanting to render service to the people but always wanting to lead and “reap”. There is so much mistrust amongst Zambians because the truth is inimical to us. We speak one thing and do the opposite. Look at how Magande now wants to tell the nation about how single handedly with LPM, drove the zambian economy high! Why this greed and pomposity?As followers, even when we know that the PACT cant deliver, we shy in our cacoons thinking a miracle will happen. There is no way the two parties, even if they were to pretend so, would stir this country to higher heights. Zambians let us think seriously and do that which is good for the country.

  3. The problem we have is, our Pact leaders have been pretending and not want to face reality, the fact is both sata and HH are giants in their own worlds, thats why both are leading sucessfull opposition parties.
    For example while many people underlated sata when he decided to form a party, the man stood his grounds and managed to form a very strong oposition do you expect him to easily give in to HH
    HH also faced so much opposition within UPND after the death Mazoka but worked hard and became party president, he also boasts of being a young man with fresh Ideas, he has invested so much of his money in UPND.can he allow sata to be his president?

    Even if they decide to go for a convention, it will not workout!! they will eventually split!!

  4. @# 1. You have hit the nail on the head. With such kind of reporting, LT seeking answers from junior UPND members? I dont see anything apart from LT trying to dintergret the PACT as seems the POST is doing to MMD. PEACE & vote wisely for once people.

  5. #7,As it stands there is no PACT. PF has written their demand to UPND and UPND has done the same. UPND is asking for VP, Minister of Finance, and 50% MPs in all the provinces. PF has agreed to one and two, not on the third one. On MPs, PF is suggesting that”why dont we go by the current ratio. Even if we remove the rebel MPs we still have more MPs, so why share 50-50″.

  6. It just shows that th opposition is convinced that RB is working.In just two years he has done alot.He deserves a honorary doctorate…….Dr. RB

  7. Why do we Zambians fail to see failure? In every project planning is essential prior to deliverables. The PACT NEVER planed but rode on the peoples disillusionment. Its not just about removing the government but articulating your vision. When was the last time we heard the PACT leaders talk about what they were going to do? It is all about insults and teasing others in their local languages. They always wait for RB to say/do something then they comment (negatively in most if not all cases), tease him or even insult him. They will flipflop in the morning, noon and night without clearly stating their positions. Even when you expect the older one to show wisdom between the two, he has terribly failed to do that yet he speaks of secrets. What national secrets can such an alliance hold?

  8. Mr mweetwa…….The problem you have is that Party members have been issuing wild statements from both parties with support from their senior leaders, or let me just say Presidents. Otherwise, explaination can you give for HH and sata not carry out any desciplinary measures against any member who issues such statements to the press?

  9. ka pononeni ka kabimba and joe kalusa – period. infact kabimba is sick just like george kunda and joe kalusa is a demagogue of HH.

  10. HH you cannot shake hands with the devil and expect to walk away with your soul….
    Sata wants to be president,, everyone knows Sata won’t allow HH to be president before him

  11. There we go again. Fred M’membe in today’s Post Editorial trying to tell UPND to let Michael Sata become the Pact Leader.

    He using the UK Coalition as an example but any Spot-On thinking person can read between the lines.

    This is the usual desperation that M’membe has shown in the recent months. He has struck a deal with Sata to get away with his misdemeanour. Now he using his media tool to play games

    I am not PF, MMD nor UPND supporter but this coming from M’membe is playing into peoples psyche, wits and intellect. We know PF alone will not go into power against MMD

    Fred knows the Pact will not work. Why is so much concerned about the PACT when he reduced HH to some political miniature.

  12. Continued >>>

    It appears like the keeping quiet & calm of HH is now bothering him. He wants HH to go and kiss Sata’s behind and say – old man the top job is now yours. In the mean time Sata’s boys are insulting UPND day in day out and not showing any respect at all.

    Since M’membe is close to Sata – he might as well start talking to Cobra about what should be done. We know it’s in his best interest

  13. It appears some party is wishing the opposition all kind of ills, but has thus far failed, and so, in disillusionment, has embarked on misinformation and fabricating untruths.

    The said party has tried planting propaganda vuvuzelas on web blog sites, threats of intimidation, shooting at people’s homes, threatening Bishops with violence, threatening women with gang rapes. sending its partisan police on torture errands, and all kind of evil deeds, but all seem not to be having the desired effect.

    Such Desperation is dangerous.

  14. HH is an opportunist, why argue thingz which are there 4 everyone to see? Young man don’t b power-hungry why does he owaz wants 2 lead an alliance hz involved in? VIVA BA SATA 4 2011 ND BEYOND.

  15. The top Executive Team in UPND have told HH that we did not join UPND to go and get married to PF. They have accused him to have single handled the process of joining the Pact. That’s why most of these clever thinking people in UPND have just kept shy to talk about the Pact

    Therefore, they have given him an ultimatum that if his mind gives in to Sata– they will pull-out and UPND will fall to ground Zero. So there is no changing of the Goal Post from UPND

    As for PF – Sata is the Beginning and the End. He calls the shots on all aspects of the party. So, here is no changing of the Goal Post from PF as well.

  16. Unfortunate as it is, I am glad that the weaknesses in the opposition have surfaced than surfacing in the year of elections. The opposition will reorganise & eject the MMD out of state house. The instinct in me tells me sata will be president next year. HH will be in governmet. The partnership wont last long coz by then they will have achieved thier intent. Honestly I expect HH to once compromise. He has never served under anyone-Remember that he bossed his way up to UDA presidency when he was naive in politics leaving (Christon, nawakwi, ernest) experienced guys. this is where PF says no! HH is young & should compromise. I can go & fish out Magande to become Pact president & all the squabbles will end- Then MMD will be a thieving & extinct-bound opposition party! The year is 2012!

  17. Number 7, I hope your right.

    Hangandu says:

    #7,As it stands there is no PACT. PF has written their demand to UPND and UPND has done the same. UPND is asking for VP, Minister of Finance, and 50% MPs in all the provinces. PF has agreed to one and two, not on the third one. On MPs, PF is suggesting that”why dont we go by the current ratio. Even if we remove the rebel MPs we still have more MPs, so why share 50-50?.

  18. #21, you are not independent, you are UPND. LAP Green owns 75% shares in Zamtel. Can you say that they are EQUAL PARTNERS with GRZ?

    So who controls Zamtel? Same thing in politics, you can bring 30% of voters while your colleagues brings 70% and you want to have 50-50 say or worse still, want to have control of the alliance or pact. That is pure fantasy or day dreaming

  19. Not accepting there’s a problem will not solve the anything… its burying your heads in the sand and hope the problem will naturally go away……or like marketeers who keep their tomato prices constant regardless of the tomatoes rotting, they would rather throw the tomatoes when they rot.

  20. On “… UPND deputy spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa has described the reports as misleading.[..] He says that the UPND has not resolved to break away from the pact and that it is sad that certain media houses are fabricating stories” this is good public relation but let HH continue campaigning for himself as 2011 UPND presidential candidate. We need to continue eating PF strength from inside the PF-UPND PACT while we keep track of our motive to contest the 2011 as a UPND single entity without PF if PF continues to underrate the mighty UPND Team.

    Keep it up UPND on the reported “It is said that National Executive Committee (NEC) and the National Management Committee (NMC) have rejected the alliance with the PF …” for any person who thinks understands this position…

  21. The story about pact is all vanity. We are just waiting for nomination day to see who will stand as President.Our job now is to organize our political parties and see how we can have a common goal to win election. What we need is to look at our constitution to allow 50+1 so that we do not allow minority President to rule this country. In Africa pacts can not work.

  22. There is no solution in denial. Problems are only tackled and solved when recognized that they do exist. Very sad to every democrat, the so-called PF-UPND pact officially ended today and what is remaining is mechanism of communicating the decision to their bases in a strategy that shifts the blame on the careless and unsophisticated partner that will be.

  23. It has crumbled without a divorce cooling period taken. Tired of PF bullish tactics and abuses, poor HH has curved in to the pressure of his base which has tenaciously threatened to impeach him if he doesn’t withdraw from the Horse-Rider marriage of convenience with Sata.

    President Banda and the ruling MMD are very saddened at the turn of events in the embattled pact. RB passionately wished the pact had stood the test of time for the sake of our burgeoning competitive democracy. But alas, the two tribal warlords could not just accommodate reason and leadership spirit in the pact.

    We are all in mourning for this pact now part of the statistic of failure. RIP pact!

  24. 24 Man of Action

    I am Independent in a sense that I do not support any political party.

    If you look at the history of my comments – I have supported MMD, UPND & PF where they have made valuable substances as well as denouncing them

    1. HH has some good views in UPND
    2. SATA has made the MMD Government accountable on a number of issues
    4. I have questioned & critisized the MMD a number of times
    3. The Post – I have criticized and praised them in the past

    Do you have any idea how Zamtel was going to have financial backing??????

    Mind you, Zambia is broke and most of the Infrastructure Projects are supported by Donor Countries

  25. Continued…

    This same thing happened to the ZCCM mines. When the copper prices went down, the Zambia Government was pumping in $ Half a million dollars a week to keep it running, pay wages and afloat. Therefore, the IMF advised KK & Chiluba to sell the mines.

    KK refused to do it because he thought the mines were national treasures.
    However, Chiluba stupid enough he rushed and sold the mines very cheap – the rest is history that has led him to courts

  26. Mweetwa, you did Law @ UNZA and I thought you could see between the lines??? There is no PACT here. Mind you its coming from big people in the PF. Find another party to form a pact with than PF. Even MMD if you want, they are BETTER than PF. Imagine having GBM as Finance minister, Willie Nsanda as Vice President, Kambwili as Defence minister?????? Wake up Mweetwa!!!

  27. Doris chinenachakaba

    @#27, Your second name, eiìishh!! were there no names from where you originated from?? In English, does it translate into some unprintable??

  28. Independent Observer, if you are neutral … What I am saying is, is it logical to discuss the issue who should be the PACT leader? Is it necessary? Should UPND continue fantasising about leading the PACT?

  29. The PF-UPND need to get their act together as early as possible. Sata should be president, HH vice president (he has a lot of years, even decades left in politics).

    They should just determine who is the most popular candidate in any district, and and throw their support behind that candidate.

    And they need to come out with a series of policies and manifesto that clearly differentiates them from the MMD, and TAX THE MINES, which is the only way for the Zambian economy to move forward.

    Does Zambia really have too much money? Does Zambia have so much money, that they can say ‘no thank you’ to the billions of dollars in profits that the mining companies make every year, and then turn the other way to the ‘donors’ and say “please fund these projects”?

    Donor ‘dependency’…

  30. 35 Man of Action

    100% agree with you. By being logical is the only way we all can move forward, whether it’s doing business, social aspects, politics, and nationational development.

    That’s why I give respect where it deserves to be appreciated. Sata, HH & RB all have strengths and weaknesses.

    At it stands, the PF & UPND seem not to be making any progress and appear just to make it worse with dishonest mind games voiced through the media every week from each camp.

  31. #24 MAN OF ACTION, analyse somebodies postings before you smear them with feaces,INDEPENT OBSERVER is one of the few guys who offers neutral and enlightened comments on the blog unlike you and me and he is appreciated by a lot of your labeling him as upnd is it or not,what he has said about the senior intelligent upnd officials is what realy transpired.if you were not blind you would have asked yourself why the,hachipukas,matongo,muyanda,mwiimbu,hamududu,muntanga do not speak about that nonsense called pact?

  32. CONTINUED from #39, The problem isthat you PF cadres have got a foolish ego just like your sata where at every fora you want to appear like you are the supreme minds yet just like him and kabimba you are inept interlectualy. so INDEPENDENT OBSERVER is not UPND as you want to label him.he has just kicked you on the teeth by stating that you PF demagogues are the ones who have wrecked this so called by demeaning the CLEVER UPND as juniors in the alliance

  33. The problem within UPND started with the very election of HH. People should recall that UPND bypassed the would be leader Sikota on the basis that he was not from Southern Province. Patrick Chisenga as the Secreatary then said he was going to fight for change from within but where is he today? The people that know about the principled foundations of UPND are celebrating at how the unprincipled hijacked this party. HH is now being haunted by the ghost of Mazoka for selling out. He was brought from the wilderness without any justification and political astuteness. The guy HH is the main problem. He is a novice and he is leading UPND to the grave.

  34. The MMD should be booted. I wonder why they do not want to leave POWER! The answer is they want to have the spoils / resources to enjoy amongst themselves. They are busy pushing RB cause they know through him, they can continue plundering and would not like to lose vintage position. Simple. We should go into leadership to improve the econonomy & serve the people (the masters). But dont expect VJ, RB, MUnkombwe’s, Mulongoti’s, Shikapwasha, Dora etc to work for US.

  35. 42# Mpagula Mputu

    Zambia is a democratic country. If the nation goes to the polls and decide that RB is not wanted – then he should be kicked from State House.

    The reason why MMD is in power is because they were given the mandate to stay in power. Some may argue that Mazoka beat Mawanawasa and some might say Sata won the last election

    As it stands, the opposition is not doing enough to outclass the MMD.

    In other words, it’s up to the two major opposition parties to drive out MMD from power.

  36. these chaps have no credibilty to lead a nation . Just get to terms with it. they are failling to forster a meaningful alliance within their small parties. how can they claim to unify the nation. Sata is indeed a useless old man, being the most experienced, instead of providing credible and exemplary leadership he has also joined the gallary and mudslinging at a time when he should rise up and be the larger human. He has never stood up to give a strong bipartisan approach to this issue apart from his usal scheming up with wynter Kabimba.

  37. MMD should not celebrate the disintegration of the pact. To the contrary, this is far from being an advantage for the MMD. Simply put, PF will still retain its core voters while UPND, MMD, Magande and Milupi will badly split their votes. Magande will take away a huge chunk of votes from both the MMD and UPND. Now, in the past elections, we have all seen how Sata has nearly won the presidency with increasing closeness, while HH has increasingly been coming out a distant 3rd. We know how MMd has narrowly survived: North-Western and Western provinces. Now, MMD has completely lost it in these 2 provinces under RB. Western is now Milupi, while North-Western is HH, perhaps Magande too. It will be interesting to see events unfold. Lets watch this!!

  38. I think the media is there to make money without pact issues both public and private media can not survive. For how long will they continue fighting PF and UPND to make their daily sales Satan knows.

  39. #47 Luapula has disintegrated and on the Copperbelt MMD is coming in a very strong second – what are you talking about? Magande is not a factor – he is just going to embarrass himself. With or with the pact in place MMD cannot lose elections next year because the opposition has nothing to sell but just illusions.

  40. Advisor 49*- Which part of the copperbelt and Luapula do you come through?PF rebels in Luapula are not welcome.Ask anybody in Mansa,there will tell you that Chimbaka and company are not welcome. Then CB,my friend i live in Kopala,MMD sponsors people to pretend that there are powerful.Miners are getting peanuts here.They have resolved to kick out MMD.
    My advise to HH is be humble Madala.Let SATA stand then rule for 5 years then you become veep and take over. My appeal to UPND is, please lets remove MMD then we argue later. Sign an MOU undertaking.I know youwill all come back to your senses. Lekeni tutanfye ba kapala!

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