Friday, March 14, 2025

I foresaw Pact’s collapse- Sinyangwe


Matero Member of Parliament (MP) Faustina Sinyangwe says the opposition PF/UPND pact is collapsing.

Mrs Sinyangwe who is among the PF rebel MPs said that the differences in the pact were foreseen and anticipated.

“This is because the two leaders have very different ideologies and their intention was misplaced, ” Mrs Sinyangwe said.

She said that there is no way the pact expected itself to survive when their main aim of removing the party in power was to remove government from power, was publicly announced.

She also highlighted the fact that the change was not enshrined from the grassroots level but only took place from the top of the political pact’s structure.

Mrs Sinyangwa noted that it is evident that the pact between the two parties would not last.

She said that both Michael Sata and Hakainde Hichilema should have focused towards building a stronger base for the pact to grow from.
[ QFM ]


  1. Its like two divorced people coming into a marriage with children from former marriages and hoping that the children will love each other just because they do.

  2. When 2 corporate businesses merge, it is purely a business decision meant to preserve one of the 2 that would have gone into oblivion without the merger. And in the merger, it is always clear who the weaker is and they understand clearly their terms of engagement and stick to them. It is never a game of deceit. Now, in the case of UPND/PF pact, it is clear, based on hard statistics obtained from the past 3 elections, who the weaker of the 2 is. And going into this PACT should have helped the weaker to participate in governing and perhaps have a chance to prove to Zambians that they are beyond tribally aligned politics. But just as Chibamba Kanyama has clearly stated, Tongas have a complex problem!! They just can’t play smart politics!!

  3. And this witch (Sinyangwe) should not celebrate about the disintegration of the pact. To the contrary, this is far from being an advantage for the MMD. Simply put, PF will still retain its core voters while UPND, MMD, Magande and Milupi will badly split their votes. Magande will take away a huge chunk of votes from both the MMD and UPND. Now, in the past elections, we have all seen how Sata has nearly won the presidency with increasing closeness, while HH has increasingly been coming out a distant 3rd. We know how MMd has narrowly survived: North-Western and Western provinces. Now, MMD has completely lost it in these 2 provinces under RB. Western is now Milupi, while North-Western is HH, perhaps Magande too. It will be interesting to see events unfold. Lets watch this!!

  4. Is all hope for these two leaders to sort out their problems? Please you two chaps Sata and HH do not let your supporters down otherwise RB will the last laugh think hard!

  5. This white haired woman will only last the term of her incumbancy as an MP (in October 2011)! After that she wont be a PF member of parliament- may be she will move to MMD or BY Party! Which ever way just enjoy your benefits Ms Sinyangwe!

  6. Bana Sinyangwe nangu mulibapongoshi, tamwakwata mano mayo!!! You just used to present some educational programs on TV but today you are saying rubbish forgetting that the same Sata you are denouncing is the one who even made you become an MP. Awe bapongoshi, Mucinje!!!
    Nimwe bamuselela kwakaba.
    Bushe kandalama mwapokele ku NCC akamongola mwa? THINK ABOUT WHERE YOU HAVE COME FROM BAPONGOSHI. Stop saying nonsense about the pact pantu mukasebana bapongoshi.
    I just thought it worthwhile to advise you anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. # 2

    Goodman, Sata is weaker now. The very thread on which you are commenting refers to a former PF stalwart and Sata’s relative. Have you visited Luapula lately? Stop dreaming and talking tribal politics my friend. Sata is a non stater. The last country a jerk comedian ruled was Uganda.

  8. Mrs Sinyangwe has been one of the stronger & determined Rebel PF MP. She is not afraid to express herself, even when Sata has gone, harassed, and embarrassed her using his Machete Thugs.

    Zambia needs strong women like her – unlike these other lipstick, window dressers, and derailed MP’s from the MMD party that go round borrowing money & conning people in the name of being a minister.

  9. Goodman that is true atmosphere.
    For sure upnd is finished now. It is really sad that they decide to pull out. Look at the situation now. Southern they should not even think they will get becoz they will for sure share with mmd and partly milupi. Western province upnd forget it. North western you will share with mmd remember upnd beat mmd by a tine narrow margin in mufumbwe. In northwestern the voters were not upnd only even the small pf voters helped becoz upnd stood on a pact ticket………

  10. So my conclusion si that upnd is finished. Let the tongas vote for you. HH is right and you people think is not was going to be easy for hh to get power from Sata while in government together just like rupiah did.sata is an old man who I do not think can rule for another ten years all this old man wants is the test of power.upnd is finished in and out. There is no change of demographs in Zambian politics. MMD will carry the day in 2011

  11. KK11 Right on – MMD will rule beyond 2011. Those who think Magande is a factor are just wasting their time and Magande’s – anyway, they will just suck his money and watch him waste away. He is not charismatic and at no point has he exhibited natural intelligence. Nobody is going to follow him from MMD – may be Masebo and Shakafuswa. Magande and Mpombo need to apologize to the MMD leadership and seek to be re-admitted, else their political lives are over.

  12. Well Scott says HH runs KITCHEN CABINET, and you still think there is a PACT..yes a pact of lies a pact which HH hoped would save him from a humiliating THIRD DEFEAT…HH you are not presidential material even if Upnd has the potential to be the ruling party….PF vs MMD that will be like Chelsea vs Manu….

    Bye bye Pact

  13. On PF appointed vice-leader Guy Scott’s ““Hakainde wants the presidency that eluded him in 2006 and 2008 by a large margin… his [UPND elected-president HH’s] kitchen cabinet wants more power in the forthcoming pact government [of the republic of Zambia Administration, if PACT wins in 2011..]. We [,as PF,] are really fighting about who is going to run the pact government within the Pact [before the 2011 elections]”” reported by the PF vuvuzela, the POST, in today’s edition, I urge Mrs PF Matero MP F. Sinyangwe to just prepare to join the winning 2011 elections UPND Team.

    I hope HH will continue to campaign while his juniors sort out PF in Lusaka.

    Be blest.
    Proverbs 26:28 You have to hate someone to want to hurt him with lies. Insincere talk brings nothing but…

  14. In life the more people argue the more they understand themselves. whether PF-UPND differ 2011 they will win general election because of their regional strongholds. sinyangwe is a snake and a devil who beat the finges tht fed her. she has no status she can be used as a tool for dirt agenda.

  15. The problem with Mmembe is that he wants people to believe that he cannot tell a lie when .he has told a number of lies before. Mmembe is a lier just like RB and SATA.I think on top of that he is HIV POSITIVE look at his skin and this has effect his way of thinking.RB may be bad but mmembe is worse

  16. Ba fostina there is nothing new here.That has been said by so many pipo, the best thing you can do is cut off that white hair of yours into a potatoe cut,maybe that will give you more wisdom.Sata`s niece he ? Ifibepwa fwaino impindi fyachabe.

  17. I have ready alot of your comments…!!! The truth is UPND believe SATA is not a presidential material candidate and it will remain as such…!! sata has alot of disadvantages to enter into pact with HH. Sata will loose badly to Banda. if u go ahead with this man, who has rotten teeth, you should forget.!!! They will vote for RB. If sata did not commit many crimes to Mazoka,,, may be they would have agreed. As it stands he has no chance…!!!! After all there is no pact….!!! He even said when he becames a president bemba laguage will be official laguage in zambia. Dont vote this man is rotten.!

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