Friday, March 14, 2025

Leave Pact, PF youths tell UPND


PF cadres

Partriotic Front (PF) youths have said the United Party for National Development (UPND) should leave the pact instead of insulting and antagonising their president Michael Sata and secretary general Wynter Kabimba.

PF national youth secretary Eric Chanda said the UPND leaders had shown that they entered into the pact in bad faith.

Mr Chanda was reacting to a statement by UPND national youth chairperson, Joe Kalusa who claimed that Mr Sata had lost wisdom despite having served in Government for a long time.

Mr Kalusa said as an old man, the UPND had expected Mr Sata to provide wisdom in the pact, but that he had failed to do so.

But Mr Chanda wondered what Mr Kalusa had done for the country to attack Mr Sata who he said was liked by many Zambians. “Who is Joe Kalusa to tell the man who has suffered for the people that he has lost wisdom? Can he tell the Zambian people what he has done compared to Mr Sata?” he asked.

Mr Chanda said even UPND Mazabuka Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo and his Siavonga counterpart Douglas Syakalima could not be compared with Mr Sata.

He said Mr Syakalima and Nkombo should have sought dialogue with their pact partners instead of rushing to the media to air their grievances.

“To us as PF youths, it is clear that they are not interested in the pact and let them go. PF is the largest political party in Zambia and therefore we can stand alone without the help of any political party,” Mr Chanda said.

He instructed all the PF youths in Zambia to launch a vigorous campaign and mobilisation as a single party and not as a pact with the UPND.

Meanwhile, the PF in Eastern Province said yesterday it was in support of Mr Kabimba’s statement that UPND did not join the pact in good faith.

In a statement released in Chipata, PF Eastern Province publicity secretary Mung’omba Ngoma accused the UPND of de-campaigning the PF in the Milanzi Constituency by-election in Katete this year.

He said UPND provincial officials “camped” in Mufumbwe instead of assisting the PF in the polls.

Mr Ngoma said the PF was better off without the UPND and warned that UPND risked being further weakened with the formation of a party by former Finance minister Ng’andu Magande.

He charged that the UPND was a provincial party which was only strong in Southern Province.

Mr Ngoma said if UPND party was serious with the pact, it should not have allowed its members to castigate Mr Sata and other senior party officials in the manner they did.

But UPND chairperson for youth and child development, Micheal Chuuzu refuted the claim by PF that the UPND leaders did not support their pact partners in Milanzi.

“PF has no party structures on the ground in Milanzi, they used our party structures during the Milanzi by-election” Mr Chuuzu, who is one of the national management committee members from Eastern Province, said.
On assertions that the formation of a party by Mr Magande would weaken UPND, Mr Chuuzu said Mr Magande’s party would instead weaken the PF because Mr Magande was targeting to woo all the PF rebel MPs to his side.
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. Both leaders HH and King cobra are good men, it is their followers that are making the loudest noise.If the pact fails ,it is not Sata or HH that should take the blame but the pipo in the lower ranks of the two party`s.Awe kwena bwafya mumwene.

  2. #2. we can not avoid blaming sata and HH on the raise and fail of pact, whatever is happening in the pact its as a result of failure by the two to promote unity and provide visionary leadership. Both have the ego and hungry for plot one. Shameeee!

  3. # 3-The reason why am saying that the two leaders shouldn’t be blamed is that in a democracy, a leader should give room to his or her members to carry out free debates ,which has been the case.The fact that the two leaders haven’t said anything to the contrary, proves that point.It is not anybody secret that the pipo in the lower hierarchy of the two party`s are the ones that are trying to paint a false picture.The best these guys can do is to quickly tell the nation if their working together gonna work or not.That will be politically more healthier for them coz it will still give them time to put their houses in order.

  4. No dane person can work with SATA. let us see if SATA will be the next president of Zambia. Even the little support SATA had in Southern province it is now gone, so is northwest, western and central.

  5. They organise your house thats when you can be in a better position to organise other people’s houses. Sata is not organised, how can the constitution, manifesto and rules of the party be in one person’s head. In pf people do not know their rights, and the same people claim to say they can improve our living standards. What if the head carrying the constitution, manifesto and rules dies, what will happen to our nation. Atleast MMD had a constitution to guide them in making a transition when Mwanawasa died. Pf is really not organised in nature. If Sata had a bad dream today and directed them in a wrong direction they will all go in that ditch.

  6. To all well meaning Zambians… I beg you that don’t let Sata rule Zambia… I am on bended knees asking whoever will read my message that please DON’T let that dirty old man to ever live in plot 1 :o

  7. Yes we dare the Upnd to leave and see how they shall be finished as other parties have finished….this is what a tribal gathering masquerading as a party can end up doing to itself..zwa…

  8. The problem with PF and UPND is that anyone who feels like issuing a media statement can do so without consequences, it is like there is no chain of command, just circus or popularity contest.

  9. And this witch (Sinyangwe) should not celebrate about the disintegration of the pact. To the contrary, this is far from being an advantage for the MMD. Simply put, PF will still retain its core voters while UPND, MMD, Magande and Milupi will badly split their votes. Magande will take away a huge chunk of votes from both the MMD and UPND. Now, in the past elections, we have all seen how Sata has nearly won the presidency with increasing closeness, while HH has increasingly been coming out a distant 3rd. We know how MMd has narrowly survived: North-Western and Western provinces. Now, MMD has completely lost it in these 2 provinces under RB. Western is now Milupi, while North-Western is HH, perhaps Magande too. It will be interesting to see events unfold. Lets watch this!

  10. On “PF national youth secretary Eric Chanda said the UPND leaders had shown that they entered into the pact in bad faith… Chanda was reacting to a statement by UPND national youth chairperson, Joe Kalusa who claimed that Mr Sata had lost wisdom despite having served in Government for a long time,” it is nice that the old man Kambwili, as National PF youth chairman, has suspended this Eric Chanda who thought he would have the support of confused serpentine MC Sata after Sata mis-supported PF appointed sec general Wynter Kabimba in what killed the PACT unless Mr PF/serpentine SATA MC decides to accept to be HH’s Vice President after HH becomes PACT 2011 presidential candidate and wins the President of Zambia seat to form a PACT GRZ Administration.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33

  11. #7 Anti-Sata, You are an imbecile and an 1DIOT cos how can you come “on bended knees” insulting an old man and expect support?
    We mwana weule iwe.

  12. Pact circus continues…..could Frank Mutubila come up with a program where HH and Sata should be interviewed to find out why the pact talk is so carelessly spoken in media.

  13. On “… PF in Eastern Province said yesterday it was in support of Mr Kabimba’s statement that UPND did not join the pact in good faith… He said UPND provincial officials “camped” in Mufumbwe instead of assisting the PF in the polls… Ngoma said the PF was better off without the UPND and warned that UPND risked being further weakened with the formation of a party by former Finance minister Ng’andu Magande… that the UPND was a provincial party which was only strong in Southern Province,” I hope Mr PF/serpentine Sata MC will also suspend and subsequently expel the PF man Ngoma for insulting the mighty UPND just like suspended Eric Chanda did.

    Hats off to Munali PF MP Mumbi Phiri for supporting HH’s statement that PACT unity is needed to remove MMD from power…

  14. On “But UPND chairperson for youth and child development, Micheal Chuuzu refuted the claim by PF that the UPND leaders did not support their pact partners in Milanzi.[..] “PF has no party structures on the ground in Milanzi, they used our party structures during the Milanzi by-election” Mr Chuuzu… said.[..] On assertions that the formation of a party by Mr Magande would weaken UPND, Mr Chuuzu said Mr Magande’s party would instead weaken the PF because Mr Magande was targeting to woo all the PF rebel MPs to his side” I am glad that the mighty UPND Team has come out strong in stating the correct position of PF standing in the Eastern Province of Zambia as well as what Magande’s impact could be in light of PF triabalists’ of Tonga by tribe Magande’s coming party…

  15. HH needed Sata and not vis vesa why, because HH has more years to live how ever think again. PF has its own followers who also have interest in being presidents, eg Winter Kabimba how about Lubinda, these are the owners of PF they cannot sell their party to the selfish Tongas;; you are failing to see anything

  16. I will not vote for any of you PACT members. If you split know that my vote is for RB. The only political party I belong to is The PACT. And once it is no more then consider no vote from. Why should I even waste time voting for either PF or UPND  because you two need each other. If you split I will give RB.
    UPND should not even claim that they are more popular. Look at southern province now ‘your stronghold’ your votes will be split btween you and MMD. MMD will carry the day in most constituencies in southern province. In nothwestern your win in mufumbwe was by a narrow margin meaning that without a few votes from PF, UPND was going to lose. PFand UPND need each other very much. You need to settle your issues quick. The problem you include people who are dull in you executive and what…

  17. Will the government accord the Pact a state funeral? Oh wait a minute, maybe the parties have insisted on an independent postmortem.

  18. what’s with the din? Let them separate, as they always have been, so that we know who wins the elections next year…………….ehe Lelo……………….hahahahaha

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