Saturday, March 15, 2025

PF/UPND Pact urged to sort out differences now


The Southern Centre for Constructive Resolutions of Dispute (SACCORD) has urged the United Party for National Development (UPND) and Patriotic Front (PF) Pact to quickly work out their differences before the 2011 general elections.

SACCORD Information Officer Obby Chibuluma says there is need for the two parties to find lasting solutions to their problems if they are to remain as a strong opposition alliance.

Mr. Chibuluma told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today, that the current confusions in the Pact are likely to weaken the position of an opposition Political Party in the country.

He charged that in a democratic country it is important to have a strong opposition Party hence the need for the leadership of the two parties to promptly sort out their differences for the benefit of Zambians.

He said this is why leaders of the two Political Parties should meet and make decisive action whether their alliance is sustainable or not.

Mr. Chibuluma noted that the current revelations were the two parties are issuing contradicting statements is a clear indication that there is no unity between them.

He added that other problem that is weakening the Pact is because members have too much power therefore making the leadership of the two Political Parties with little control.

He further advised that it is for this reason that the Pact should come out in the open and let the Zambians know they position if their still in an alliance or they are working as two separate entities.

There has been growing misunderstandings in the UPND/PF Pact were members from both Parties are castigating each other in the media.

PF Vice President Guy Scot is today quoted in the media having said that the UPND is trying to build its image at the expense of PF, a statement which has argued UPND Deputy Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa and since urged PF to clearly state its position whether it is still interested to be in the Pact.

Yesterday over 350 opposition UPND and PF from Kanyama constituency were reported to have defected from their parties to join the ruling MMD accusing their entities of having lost direction and focus.



  1. I forsaw this! i saw how a tonga bull was reduce to tonga chicken from the beginning.. am putting my money on chipimo jr, the man has what it takes to turn zambia around not these ‘freedom fighter’ baboons

  2. #1 ZED Patriot
    On the contrary i think these differences have come at a very good time, way before 2011 elections. These two parties needed to size each at some point so that a dominant takes the leading role in front while the less dominant one in this case UPND participates in leading but from behind. The fact is both parties have realised that they can not win on their own hence the need to join hands, unless someone is as dumb as that tribalist sabbath-keeper called Maestro hehhhhhhhhe to understand this fact. ALL THE BEST TO BOTH PARTIES AS THEY RESOLVE THEIR DIFFERENCIES.

  3. SACCORD do not mislead UPND or PF. What kind of government will this be if they cannot agree on power sharing even before forming government? Do you honestly believe the likes of Kabimba, Sata, Scott will respect UPND once they have the reigns of power, and the constitution. I see you want to experience another Kenya in the making in Zambia, these two tribal gatherings have failed to work together, you cant hope to get to state house on the back of tribal inclinations, you are simply wasting your time, this is what has killed this tribal gathering. If you want to remain tribal I suggest you look for a fresh mandate in new leaders, you have not run out of options,for Bembas you have Chipimo, and for Tongas you have Magande. These are your tribesmates, with much better history, we can also…

  4. Pact news is becoming boring. There is no pact each party is a separate entity. It will be a pact when a leader if at all he will be chosen. For now let us put our houses in order as political parties.

  5. cntd…add Milupi for the Lozis, atlist these are educated people with a truck record. Let these leaders come together and usher in real change, that you sing of. Sata as leader of pact is simply putting new wine in an old vessel it will surely burst, these are the problems that the pact is now facing. This is an explosion waiting to happen.

  6. saccord baafikalaa,job seekers,you going no where with your pact no matter how much free advise you are going to offer.tafyakabombe

  7. Some top guys within UPND and PF were once in the same party. Remember, guys like Lubinda of the PF was once an influential member of the UPND but after the death of Mazoka, Lubinda was hounded out of UPND in the most embarrassing and tribalistic manner. Truth is, some top guys within UPND still harbor bad blood against the PF. This is clear from the way they have been ill-advising HH that he can carry the day if he goes it alone. With all the squables that have surfaced in the PACT, if HH and Sata were not convinced that they needed the pact to able to hound out corrupt MMD, they would have gone separate ways long ago. They should be able to resolve the problems, but their subordinates should first zip it. It is time to stop the NONSENSE!! I believe Sata is a man of action; let’s get it!

  8. HH’s pathetic opportunism has finally brought him down to earth. He has run twice for president, with his score of votes diminishing every time. Now he cannot win even in his tribal cousins’ domain. The chap is damaged goods, the sooner he vacates the UPND top spot the better. Sata also kuya bebele, he’s just too old and with a patch work of a heart he has, the lumpen is surely campaigning for a state funeral. No wonder he trailed Levy’s corpse so that he can give instructions on how to better conduct his state funeral, 100 days national moaning during which no “sansamcation”.

  9. SACCORD, dont behave like you dont operate from zambia. Pact is now almost a year if not more, how much more time do they need to settle their differences? We cant intrust power to people who put self interests above mother zambia. The problem in pact is evident simply who take top office and direction will be seen. Even if you give them 4 year they can not unity. Better vote for miyanda!

  10. SACCORD, dont behave like you dont operate from zambia. Pact is now almost a year if not more, how much more time do they need to settle their differences? We cant intrust power to people who put self interests above mother zambia. The problem in pact is evident simply who take top office and direction will be seen. Even if you give them 4 year they can not unity. Count my vote out of this nosense!

  11. elementary errors in spellings and word use ZANIS. This is a public forum………leave the errors to us bloggers because we are only responding with immediacy.

  12. I was one of millions Zambians who support the luanch of the PACT. It is petty SATA and HH are roaring lions. I cant afford to vote for RB should the Pact fails i am destroying my vote card.No to miserable poverty under RB regime

  13. GUY SCOTT dont be foolish and ***** at the same time,stop commenting rubish on the pact.after all u are not a zambian thats why u have no pity to zambian ashammed of u big man with senseless thinking.u think zambian pipo can vote for foreign tycoon like u as a president,forget

  14. Guy scout stop commenting nonses on the pact.if u and kabimba does not want pact,go away after all u are just monkeys eating on zambian pipo.

  15. SACCORD please don’t mislead UPND. Mr. Hichilema has undermined his own party by stating he cannot secure the presidency on their feet but on that of the PACT. This is whilst Mr. Sata is stating PF is ready for an election.

    Do you see why UPND is at the beating end of the stick here. They have shown weakness and that has left room for them to be bullied left right and center by PF and their vuvuzela. What UPND needs is to take on a new strategy to make themselves stronger. At the rate they are going, this bullying will continue to go on.

    If Mr. Hichilema believes he cannot secure the UPND the presidency, he might as well resign and let someone who can take over as president of UPND.

  16. #4 msana wanzili
    Your thinking is what has lead to the collapse of the Pact. If we had just emerged from an election and PF got the same number of parliamentary seats or share of the votes they got in 2006 then you would be justified in claiming that PF is the dominant party in the Pact. Parliamentary ections were held 4 years ago and along the way PF have lost the support of more than 15 MPs. They have also lost their key supporter and funder who helped them secure the C/B and Luapula vote(FTJ). They have also lost the support of Sakwiba Sikota and his ULP which helped them secure a number of seats in Lusaka province. On they other end UPND has gained two parliamentary seats from MMD has has snatched a number of ward seats from MMD.

  17. cont. from #20: These are clear political indicators showing that the political pendulum is swinging the UPND way. Any political analyst worth his/her salt knows that UPND is benefiting from disillusioned MMD supporters who switched from UPND when MMD was under LPM and those voters who left UPND as a result of the wrangles that followed the 2006 UPND elections. Some of these voters sitched to MMD because they did not know HH well and know they know him better. These voters are going back to where they belong. The political value of UPND is appreciating while that of PF is depreciating. No amont of lying from Scott or kabimba or negative propaganda from MMD spin doctors will change this fact.

  18. ..cont from #21..If PF want the Pact to work then they should agree to treat UPND as equal partners. Moreover, UPND are in a better bargaining position becuase they can strike a deal with MMD and inflict a fatal terminal blow to PF. It would be easier to hamornise MMD and UPND manifestos since MMD copied most of it’s economic policies from UPND under LPM. It’s worth noting that the main support base for MMD and UPND have a lot in common.


  20. On “PF Vice President Guy Scot … [was] today quoted in the … [PF vuvuzela medium, the POST, as] having said that the UPND is trying to build its image at the expense of PF, a statement which has … [angered] UPND Deputy Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa … [who has] since urged PF to clearly state its position whether it is still interested to be in the [PF-UPND] Pact,” hats off to the UPND juniors who have keep PF senior members mumbling like headless chikens running about without direction, especially Mr serpentine Sata MC whose alleged-wisdom is dwindling according to UPND junior Joe Kalusa.

    As for HH, continue being the unifying factor in the PACT and leave the UPND juniors to sort PF while you campaign countrywide.
    Matt 6:33

  21. Does anyone know what happened to the MMD vuvuzela Zambia Watchdong site? Thhey thought they can write libelous material and hide in the anonymity of the internet. Well, they are learning the hard way now!!

  22. Zed Patriot
    ‘…….better bargaining power blah blah blah’ what makes you think PF cant do the same with MMD? Anywhere it cant happen PF is a big and Stable party, you go ahead & join the thevies we see if your Southern Province will move to state house.

  23. UPND, these Tonga Chaps, the fact they should know is that a Tonga will never be a president as long as they dont make an allience with any other party. As chibamba Kanyama a fellow tonga said the other day its true, just like Lozi’s they will never make it coz both are known to be too tribal period.

  24. HHis very right by saying he cannot do it alone. No matter how much faith somebody can have regarding people being influenced ‘by faith’ that they vote for him or her is non starter. Upnd can not win alone never never and so is PF. Upnd and PF need each other to win. Southern province is even trick for UPND because RB has done it down there. These subordnates in upnd are I.d.ots really. How can one believe that upnd has gained strength if just 2years ago upnd did bad? Some people. HH is an intelligent man in business that is the reason he wants a companion to win. Just like in business you need people to help you. Upnd will only be popular while in the pact. Tongas are tribalists.

  25. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe
    you are the most I d I o t person ever. How do you even manage to think that HH can do it alone. You are really s illy man on LT

  26. #29 wanzili

    PF can not form an alliance with MMD for the same reason an alliance/pact with UPND is not working. PF and MMD are diametrically opposite in that MMD(and UPND) is pro capitalist and pro democracy party while PFis a socialist dictotoral party. The other reason is that Sata wants to get to Statehouse at all costs in 2011 because of his age and RB who is Sata’s agemate will not allow that to happen .
    I have also noticed that most of you PF supporters whenever you lose an argument you start labelling others as tribal. When to be honest with you pF can never win presidential elections on a tribal forum becuase in Zambia there is no single tribe that can dominate others. This is the beauty about Zambian politics and that is why you have to respect others if you want to win.

  27. MYTH:
    The words of PF provincial chairman Kenneth Namutulo as quoted in today’s post newspaper:
    “If you take an overall performance of PF in Zambia you will notice that we reduced our loss from 373,098 votes in 2006 to a mere 35,209 votes in 2008 presidential elections,” he said.
    RB 718,359 40.09 %(2008) LPM 1,177,846 42.98%(2006)…. (-459,487)
    MCS 683,150 38.13 %(2008) MC S 804,748 29.37%(2006)…. (-121,598)
    HH 353,018 19.70 %(2008) HH 693,772 25.32%(2006)………. (-340754)
    TOTAL VOTES CAST 1,791,806(2008) 2,789,114(2006)………..(- 997308)

  28. The differences/Cracks in the PACT can easily be solved if both parties stop day dreaming and fantasying, and accept the facts that;
    1. Both Parties are regional/tribal parties. Can only win through the PACT
    2. UPND is the third party in Zambia. So it cant be equal partner to a second party in Zambia, it need to stop this nonsense of 50% share in parliament.

  29. In today’s PF vuvuzela report ““Where we are we already have a pact here. This lady Mrs Banda Chililabombwe PF member of parliament was a senior officer of UPND on the Copperbelt. She joined PF, because she is honest and sincere we have never neglected her. This young man Given Lubinda, Kabwata PF member of parliament differed with UPND during the succession after … Anderson Mazoka died. Given went with Mr Sakwiba Sikota,” Sata said. “We had a pact based on honesty and sincerity, Comrade Lubinda, the late Henry Mtonga, Alfridah Mwamba Lukashya PF member of parliament came from UPND. They didn’t stay with us for a year like we have stayed with our brothers in the Pact… Mr Sata MC said, it is clear PF got UPND votes in 2006. UPND now will reunity with its own in PF…

  30. It seems the debate on LT is converging, or is it that the kaponyas have no more arguments?
    But there are definitely less insults from the other camp, they are learning a bit of civilisation.

  31. In today’s PF vuvuzela report “This young man Given Lubinda, Kabwata PF member of parliament differed with UPND during the succession after … Anderson Mazoka died. Given [Lubinda] went with [ULP bitter-loser to HH at a 2006 UPND convention] Mr Sakwiba Sikota… We had a pact based on honesty and sincerity, Comrade Lubinda, the late Henry Mtonga, Alfridah Mwamba Lukashya PF member of parliament came from UPND… Mr Sata MC said, it is now time for the former UPND members that temporarily went to PF on loan to come back to their UPND party by reuniting in the current PF-UPND PACT so that the original UPND weakens PF from inside to leave only a shell of PF in 2011, while the mighty UPND under HH forms GRZ Administration without PF in a PACT.

    HH keep up this work.
    Matt 6:33

  32. Looking at the figures above #34 it’s clear that Sata lost 121,598 votes in 2008 and HH lost 340,754 voters while RB had 459,487 less votes than what LPM got in 2006. Of the three contenders in 2008 Sata dropped the least votes. What does this data tell us? In 2008 voters were told to chose between Sata and RB and not to waste their votes on HH because he did not have enough MPs to form a govt while others said his cabinet would only be composed of ministers from SP. Voters listened and apart from hardcore HH supporters they made a choice between RB and Sata. Without any doubt that explains why HH lost more votes compared to Sata. His(HH) would be voters either switched to RB or Sata or stayed away…the untapped potential of the 997,308 voters who did not vote. Who will they vote for?

  33. 37 Pact Sata greetings, on your “… is it that the kaponyas have no more arguments? But there are definitely less insults from the other camp, they are learning a bit of civilisation,” int appears us the UPND Team on the blogs has decided to work in in unison with the UPND group under HH by being civil but constant in pointing out the errors in the PF camp by not insulting.

    Interestingly, the PF and MMD insulting characters are now perplexed so an extent that they do not know what to do since us the clever UPND people have infiltrated them.

    Continue to enjoy the way we are treating both PF and MMD.

    Be blest.
    Matt 6:33 but seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  34. from #39… based on recent bye election results it’s clear that most of these 997,308 plus voters will back HH. That is why PF can not continue to claim that they are the senior partner in the PACT. They need a reality check through an election to determine their current strength. They shouldn’t also under estimate the effect of the Luapula MPs rebellion and the that fact that it’s 4 years since the 2006 UPND convention and time has healed the wounds within the UPND camp. A lot of the UPND members who left the party have since decided to go back. Another important factor is that HH has gained acceptance with the passage of time and most disillusioned LPM supporters are likely to support him.

  35. UPND dreamers talk about actual data not your si.lly forecast of how the voting might pan out next year. Last year Sata lost by only 35000 stolen vote i dont know how much your Province gave HH. At the rate you are going you will need to leave cows alone and embank on a mass production of babies if one of your tribesmen is to ever rule this blessed nation. Please go join MMD and vote for RB no pressure, at least he’s not a bantu botatwe.

  36. #39 ZED PATRIOT
    ”What does this data tell us? In 2008 voters were told to chose between Sata and RB and not to waste their votes on HH because he did not have enough MPs to form a govt while others said his cabinet would only be composed of ministers from SP. Voters listened and apart from hardcore HH supporters they made a choice between RB and Sata” says you. You are 100% correct and the pattern of voting will continue, you will only produce MPs in S.P that is if Magande doesnt spoil pattern in that region, fingers crossed. Luapula, Northern, C/belt Lusaka, parts of C/P and W/P are already in the PF bag .

  37. this topic is full of bloggers who are just insulting. lusaka times are you blind not to sensor all the insults in bemba and nyanja. blogs if you have nothing to say bete stay away you dont have to write on everything

  38. #46 msana wanzili:

    I don’t know what your analysis is based on but the fact is that UPND have MPs in W/P, N/W P, S/P and Central province. UPND will win the Chilanga seat and for your information Lusaka province is no longer a PF strong hold. Lusaka will be shared between MMD, UPND and PF in the next elections. I don’t think W/P will be a PF strong hold as long as Sata is at the helm of the party. You should also accept that you have lost Luapula. UPND will win most of the seats in N/W province as indicated in the recent bye elections. Most of the voters who backed LPM in 2006 will back UPND so they will win more seats in Central province in the next elections. Magande will not be a political factor next year. He will just be another Miyanda he has no political base.

  39. Elections are about future projections not living in past glory. This a fact you PF cadres need to know otherwise you will continue claiming that your votes have been stolen.

  40. Zed Patriot
    I suppose your I.Q is the same as our inflation rate- single digit, whats so difficult to go back and look at the recent past election figures? Enough of you mate continue doing your forecasting of next years results. Are you on something or just having a laugh, sorry am not available go mess with tribalist sabbath-keeper Maestro hehhhhhhhhhhhhhe. Goodbye

  41. msana wanzili

    Typical PF kaponya. I can see you are frustrated by the realisation that your old man won’t be president. Sorry I can’t help you!!!

  42. The PACT can win. Let the top leadership not waiver. What we seeing are endless squabbles. PF on it’s OWN – My party cant win massive MMD rigging machinary. Equally UPND cant win alone. But when the two come together, they can wallop MMD pants down. The problem is what will the cabinet compose OF?

  43. Running a country is not for jokers. It requires people that are focused and selfless. The PACT is completely out of focus and the partners have no agenda to deliver to the Zambians the country that they so rightly deserve. A country of equal opportunities where they partcipate fully in the formulation of policies that enhance their general welfare. The happenings in the PACT have dampened the hopes and aspirtaions of those that believed in the PACT. PF and UPND are water and oil and will never mix. The PF is not a good partner and UPND must get back to the drawing board to put up alternative strategies on how to best meet the expectation of the Zambians.

  44. It baffles me that some sections call Mr. Hichilema spineless over his honesty that UPND on its own cannot dislodge the MMD. Some Zam,bians want lies and deciety to be fed to them, for honesty to them is a weakness. This is the strength that Mr. Hichilema has. He really has wanted the PACT to work but his chosen partner does not subscribe to truth and honesty. UPND time is running out and it is time to get and speak to the Zambians what your plans to make Zambia better for them are. MMD are already on the campaign trail and by the time the UPND works up you will be choking in dust for the MMD will be ahead

  45. Lusaka MMD ready for pact

    THE MMD in Lusaka Central Constituency has said it would be good for the Patriotic Front (PF)/United Party for National Development (UPND) Pact to continue so that it sees how influential President Rupiah Banda and the MMD are when they compete in next year’s elections.

    The party in the constituency has pledged to vote for President Banda in the 2011 polls because he has proved to be a democratic leader.

  46. Speaking yesterday at a ceremony to celebrate President Banda’s leadership hosted by the MMD Njanji Branch, Lusaka Central Constituency chairperson Chilekwa Munkonge said he was happy with the growing grassroots support for Mr Banda.

    Mr Munkonge said although the MMD in the past had problems in Lusaka, Central and parts of Northern provinces, it was beginning to receive more support from ordinary people in the areas.

  47. He said President Banda was not shaken by any opposition party and that it would be good for the PF/ UPND Pact to continue so that it sees how powerful the MMD was.

    He said the support Mr Banda was receiving in Lusaka showed that the pact had collapsed.

    Mr Munkonge also said the MMD wanted to ensure nobody continued to insult President Banda because it was the same people who used to attack late president Levy Mwanawasa who had turned on Mr Banda.

  48. He said Mr Banda was a democrat who had even created a website so that people could easily communicate with him.

    He advised Change Life Zambia executive director Frank Bwalya and Mongu Catholic Diocese Bishop Paul Duffy to stop engaging in active politics but instead concentrate on preaching the word of God.

    And Njanji Branch chairperson Lovely Chiyobeka said the celebrations were held in solidarity with President Banda’s leadership and in readiness for next year’s elections.

  49. Mr Chiyobeka encouraged people in his area to register as voters so that they could ensure a 100 per cent victory for President Banda and the MMD in next year’s polls.

  50. Musenge questions Kabimba’s move

    PATRIOTIC Front (PF) Nkana Member of Parliament (MP) Mwenya Musenge has questioned party secretary general Wynter Kabimba’s call to members in all the constituencies interested contesting as MPs in next year’s polls to apply for adoption.

    But Mfuwe PF MP, Mwimba Malama has welcomed the invitation to the members to apply for adoption although he said the action would spell confusion for the party.

  51. 39 Zed patriot, keep it up and your data is very accurate. The 2011 elections will not be a presidential by-election but presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government elections.

    In today’s PF vuvuzela report “[PF provincial chairman Kenneth] Namutulo said. “Our [Western province PF branch] recommendation is; we can only continue with this PF-UPND Pact on condition that (a) [self-appointed PF] president [serpentine MC] Sata becomes president of the pact, (b) if they [, the UPND group under elected-president HH,] refuse then we [,as PF,] should withdraw from the pact, (c) these [above two, (a) and (b),] decisions should be taken this year [2010] without delay [from now]” I support this position by Western PF and HH must be PACT presidential candidate…

  52. Mr Musenge, in a reaction that could suggest deep-seated divisions in the opposition party, said he was interested in knowing how the party arrived at the decision.

    Mr Kabimba said some MPs had become unpopular and they were annoyed with the decision to advertise their seats.

    He also claimed that some MPs felt vulnerable as the decision challenged their personal survival since some of them derived their livelihood from their positions as MPs.

  53. “What research was done to determine the popularity of MPs?” Mr Musenge asked.

    He said while the party secretary general had the mandate to issue circulars, he should not insinuate that some people had joined politics because of poverty.

    Mr Musenge said the party should concentrate on the pact between the PF and United Party for National Development (UPND) which people wanted.

    He said the decision to call for applications would lead to confusion in the party because every member would want to be adopted.

  54. Ok, that’s it! I give up! I supported the pact but the immaturity they have been shamelessly showing in the past two weeks is too much. I mean, how tha eff are you gonna mudsling each other on a daily basis? Pact zwaaaaa! Viva RB and inefficiency. At least MMD is united. If these characters can’t get along now, who knows what can happen when they’re in power and they start fightin for positions? halulati mifilifili mwa Zambia yaluna naha yakozo. This whole pact thing is a marriage of convenience only aimed at booting the MMD from power. It’s not practical and it will never work, never! Viva RB!

  55. ‘HH in political limbo’

    UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) president, Hakainde Hichilema is now stranded in a political wilderness because he has been ostracized by the Patriotic Front

    And UPND deputy spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa has warned that his party will not sit idle and watch PF vice-president Guy Scott attack Mr Hichilema.

  56. Former PF Southern Province coordinator Oppie Hamiyanze has charged that Mr Hichilema has been ostracized because of incessant attacks from PF.Mr Hamiyanze said it is unfortunate that the PF is now treating Mr Hichilema as a political leper by allegedly excluding him from the political debate of who should lead the PF/UPND pact.

    He said in an interview that many people including traditional leaders in Southern Province, had warned Mr Hichilema about Mr Sata’s political aerobics but he allegedly ignored the wise counsel.

  57. Mr Hamiyanze said had Mr Hichilema listened to the advice of the chiefs and some of his members of Parliament, he would not have been forced into political hibernation so soon in his political career.

  58. “Unfortunately, he refused to listen to the advice of the chiefs, some business houses and including his own members of Parliament. He instead started insulting the chiefs and even threatened them that he would de-gazette some traditional leaders. Now the PF have come out in the open that they do not need him and have left him politically stranded. Mr Sata, his vice president Guy Scott and general secretary Wynter Kabimba are now treating Mr Hichilema as a political leper,” he said.

  59. Mr Hamiyanze said the PF/UPND pact is destined to collapse because of the selfish motives of the two co-leaders.
    He claimed that Mr Sata has never listened to anyone’s advice and that it is strange that Mr Hichilema decided to form an alliance with the PF leader.
    Mr Hamiyanze said Mr Hichilema is in political frustration which is embarrassing him hence his silence on sustained attacks on himself and the UPND by the PF.
    “He has remained alone. Most of his MPs have isolated him and there are a lot of UPND members who are resigning and joining the MMD,” he said.

  60. Mr Hamiyanze predicted that President Banda will win the 2011 tripartite elections with a landslide margin because there is no credible and strong opposition political party.
    He said President Banda’s speech when he opened the fifth session of the tenth national assembly has given hope and inspiration to many Zambians.
    Mr Hamiyanze said the dissolution of the entire Choma and Mbabala UPND district executive is an indication that the UPND in Southern Province is fast losing its popularity.

  61. “There is still time for Mr Hichilema to bargain with the MMD if he has to save his political image. All he needs to do is swallow his pride and apologise to the people of Zambia for insulting them. Let him just go to President Banda and humble himself, otherwise he may go to the political grave with the pact,” Mr Hamiyanze said.
    And Mr Mweetwa said there is no way Dr Scott can continue behaving in the manner he is doing, if the PF is interested in the pact.
    He was reacting to Dr Scott’s insinuation that the UPND is trying to build its image at PF’s expense.

  62. Mr Mweetwa said on Radio Pheonix that while the two parties chose to work closely together to provide checks and balances to the MMD during the run up to the 2011 elections, some leaders such as Dr Scott and PF national youth secretary Eric Chanda have continued to destabilise the pact.
    He challenged the PF leadership to come out in the open and tell the people of Zambia whether they are still interested in the pact.
    Mr Mweetwa said the people of Zambia have now seen who is behind the confusion in the pact.

  63. He said despite what is happening, UPND is still hopeful that the pact will overcome the challenges it is experiencing.
    Mr Mweetwa however acknowledged that they are some PF members still committed to the pact.
    And Mazabuka member of Parliament Garry Nkombo has urged PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba to reflect on his position.

  64. He castigated Dr Scott for his utterances in yesterday’s post newspaper.
    And the National Democratic Focus president Ben Mwila has cautioned Zambians against voting for the PF/UPND pact because the wrangles within the alliance also demonstrates how it would fail to run affairs of the country once in government.
    Mr Mwila advised the PF and the UPND to each strengthen its own identity instead of expecting to go into the 2011 elections as an electoral pact.
    “If the pact is as stormy as it seems, it is best each party goes to the elections as separate entities,” he said.

  65. Sata is a dictator and you can mark my words……. HE WILL NEVER NEVER leave the presidency to HH. The pact will just turn our peaceful Zambia into another Kenya. Anyway the chances of the pact winning have been diminished because magande is definitely going to split the votes in Southern Province, which is HH’s stronghold. I know tribalism is bad and all that but we have to face the facts on the ground- votes are divided on very regional and tribal lines. In either case the pact is a sinking titanic and it;s doomed to fail.

  66. Mr Mwila said in an interview yesterday that Zambians should be wary of such electoral pacts because it is clear it has failed to manage its affairs.
    He said such alliances will not even last a week if ever they were in government.
    “This is a sign to Zambians that the PF/UPND pact is a non starter.
    “Zambians should question what kind of government the pact will form if just as an alliance, the two are always fighting,” Mr Mwila said.
    He said the pact is not a credible alliance and that it is time Zambians realised that there is no goodwill in the electoral pact.

  67. Mwata:
    Thanks for your postings. It will help us understand the strategies of our political enemies and counter their propaganda. We do not expect the Times of Zambia, Daily Mail or the Post Newspapers to report favourably about UPND so we are not shaken by their propaganda. We will continue fighting and countering your propaganda using all channels available to us. On the ground in Zambia we will use the local radio stations and our foot soldiers to reach our people. We will continue fighting your online propaganda using our well researched postings. As you can see we have hammered PF cadres into hiding and we will continue taking on MMD cadres as well. We will continue pointing out weakness in your arguments and countering your biased vuvuzela reports.

  68. 71 Mwata” greetings, your “‘HH in political limbo’ … UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) president, Hakainde Hichilema is now stranded in a political wilderness because he has been ostracized by the Patriotic Front… UPND deputy spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa has warned that his party will not sit idle and watch PF vice-president Guy Scott attack Mr Hichilema” from the Zambia Daily Mail of today does not make any sense because HH is not stranded since his party the mighty UPND is with him in all his decisions.

    Sad enough for you, HH has refused to let Mr President RB Banda to rid on his party’s back to win the 2011 elections and what remains is that HH will teach Mr RB Banda, MMD, PF including serpentine Sata MC a good political lessons in 2011…

  69. The fact the the MMD vuvuzelas are preoccupied with articles about HH is an indication that they are feeling his impact on the ground. MMD are dead scared about HH and I won’t be surprised that they are sponsoring Magande to destabilise UPND. Unfortunately for MMD this won’t work. Magande is not a politician and he has no charisma to mobilise voters. He is a lone voice with no following and that is the reason why none of the major politcal parties are wasting time on attacking him. It’s wishful thinking on the part of MMD to insuniate that UPND is declining and HH is under siege. On the contrary, HH has out manouvred his opponents by keeping a dignified silence. He has kept away from the pact wrangles and let his juniors do the talking. This strategy is earning him a lot of respect.

  70. On 77 Mwata‘s ““There is still time for Mr Hichilema to bargain with the MMD if he has to save his political image. All he needs to do is swallow his pride and apologise to the people of Zambia for insulting them. Let him just go to President Banda and humble himself, otherwise he may go to the political grave with the pact,” Mr Hamiyanze said” thanks Opper Hamiyanze but ask the RBB of MMD you support to humble himself and join the mighty UPND movement that will treat him well when he will be out of the Presidency office of Zambia hopefully starting in 2011.

    President RB Banda and MMD should not pretend that they are not feeling the impact of HH and Magande, whom they hounded him out of MMD but they expect to cheat HH that they will embrace him after.
    Matt 6:33

  71. On 79 Mwata‘s “Mr Mweetwa however acknowledged that they are some PF members still committed to the pact… Mazabuka member of Parliament Garry Nkombo has urged PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba to reflect on his position,” it is interesting that UPND’s C. Mweetwa has indicated that some PF member, even of Parliament like Mumbi Phiri, are still interested in the PACT with the mighty UPND. Such PF members could be former UPND members that left in 2006 to join PF thru ULP of loser Sakwiba Sikota like Mrs Chililabombwe MP Banda, Given Lubinda Kabwata MP, Alfridah Mwamba Lukashya MP, etc.

    I think those PF MP and other PF members who left UPND to possibly-momentarily join PF are giving serpentine Sata MC a headache because they may rejoin the UPND Team.
    Matt 6:33

  72. 85 Zed patriot, on “he fact the the MMD … [] are preoccupied with articles about HH is an indication that they are feeling his impact on the ground. MMD are dead scared about HH and I won’t be surprised that they are sponsoring Magande to destabilise UPND,” let us give the MMD GRZ Administration credit for giving the mighty UPND and HH a chance to use their GRZ controlled media because what is important of for Zambians to continue knowing who HH is even though the news is bad.

    When the Zambian voters shall encounter HH in person they will then appreciate him because they would then have a correct perception of who he is as opposed to the initial lies from the MMD.

    As long as HH and UPND get coverage in the media, that is welcome.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33…

  73. #84
    Hahahahahahah deluded juvenile. Seems you dont even understand the language HH speaks, he said ” stop fo.oling me that we(mighty UPND) can win an election on our own…..” now is that rocket science for your brain to process. At least be nice to MMD because you will definately need either of the bigger Parties if your Southern Province party is to ever taste power. You need excorsim you possessed mate.

  74. # 31Kk11- Forget this Chiwelewele hehehe. Him and SC, Veteran, Capitalist are just spoilers in their own different ways. Yes we need unity I agree with you. Let me just share my analysis with you. 1) The MMD won the 1991elections because KK took it for granted that he was going to win- To day the MMD will not allow the opposition to form a united front because they had learnt a lesson from KK’s complacency.2) KK was defeated by thrade Unions and the Church- The MMD has fragmented the unions thus weakening their impact and has sponsored cash and carry churches to counter the eshtablished churches. 3) KK promoted unity among the 72 ethinic groups- The MMD have used divide and rule tactics especially between the Tongas and Bembas. My appeal to HH and Sata is that they must stand firm

  75. The pact is unworkable gentlemen. The relationship between the two parties is that of horse rider and horse, Sata being the rider and HH the horse. Soon after going into plot 1, Sata will chase his horse away like a dog. Can’t we see that today? It is clear. Let us not burry our heads in the sand and be at Sata’s mercy after elections. It is the worst thing an intellectual like HH can do to himself. Let UPND go it alone or form a new pact with other sane political leaders like Miyanda, Magande, Milupi, etc. Even if HH doesn’t become president for that pact, we are sure his voice woould be heard in the new government unlike Sata’s cabinet which will constitute 60% of former taxi rank call boys. No sane person can expect Sata to be president.

  76. #90 Deja Vu

    I agree with your analysis and I too want the Pact to succeed but for this to happen it is IMPORTANT for PF to be real and treat UPND as an equal partner. If UPND is treated as an equal partner to PF then it will be easy to convince UPND members to support the pact. Treating UPND as a junior partner will be gifting MMD with a propaganda weapon and they will tear UPND apart in campaigns. This is the message that should stick into the heads of Sata, Guy Scott, Kabimba and some arrongant PF cadres on this blog.

  77. #93 Zed Patriot- Especailly Kabimba. I must tell you that Iam very impressed with CB Vice Secretary Kamanga(Kitwe Mayor) and Chanda the National Youth Chairman for PF. They are determined that the PACT works at all costs that includes treating UPND as an equal share holder.

  78. #92 Chief UPND Bootlicker- Your sentiments are for promoting MMD so that your comfort zone is not disturbed. If it worked for MMD it will work for Zambians too.

  79. I for one still think the PACT will work. Its good when you ve two ifferent leader to somewhat differ. We dont need them to differ when they r leading us one day because that will be disastrous. Its like a marriage-when you r dating-its important mwaikwesako frequently so that u understand each other well but not wholy coz its not possible. This so called defection is by those little UPND youths. If MMD cannot manage to get more than 350 votes in a parliamentary election, why should all 350 do? LT engineered to sway the blogging masses foregn of the real state of oppinion! In all cases, PF has more seats in parliament, HH hijacked UPND after tribal engineered fegning of other none-tonga members. We like him & his time will come soon, sata is already old.Let him be patient-thats maturity.

  80. HH has brought down upnd since he took over from Andy Mazoka (MHSRIP). Mazoka was a unifier in upnd but when HH took over pipo who had top positions in upnd like Saki, B. Sichinga, H. Mtonga, P. Chisanga, etc were hounded out of upnd cos a tonga had to lead upnd. This statement is remembered by many Zambians, you can try to twist it till you are blue in the face.but we will still remember.. HH is so power hungry that he has even decided to go to bed with pf without his cadres consent. It is pathetic how some of his cadres on tis blog are begging for pf votes. Shame on you.

  81. Just admit it, PF is a force to reckon with thats why both mmd and upnd are spending sleepless nights trying to weaken it. They do not talk about anyother party apart from PF. Whether you like it or not it is here to stay and the Zambian pipo love it.

  82. This PACT will never work as long as Sata nist is at the helm of the PACT. Sata nist cannot be trusted because he wears a camourflag and is never consistent in what says and does. If he is not careful, HH is going to be used to win elections if they will win at all only to be dumped like a dead dog. Time is now to make use of the pieces of advice people have given HH. If such comments were coming from junior PF members it would have been different but where comments are coming from senior members of PF be careful HH, these are early signs of worse things to come. Wina azalila mu 2011.

  83. The problem with some PF cadres on this blog is that they create lies and start believing their own lies. PF has never held a convention and the reason for that is because Sata is scared of being challenged and is worried about the divisions that usually follow such internal democratic processes. He is worried that other parties might use the same tactics he used against UPND of causing tribal divisions. Sata is a master at using tribalism to build his political base and he used this effectively to encourage Saki, Henry Mtonga, P. Chisanga, Given Lubinda and others to weaked UPND and expand his PF. Non of these former UPND members were hounded out of the party by HH as claimed by some liers on this site. Only people with short memories or don’t follow news can believe such blantant lies.

  84. It’s pathetic that some PF & MMD cadres continue using a dead persons name in vain for political expendiency. These are the same people who called Mazoka a tribalist when he was alive and they are shameless peddling lies in his name. It’s shameful that MMD and some PF cadres are using Mazoka’s name in order to promote tribalism for political purposes.
    Anybody who understands Zambian politics will remember that after the 2001 elections LPM went on a political rampage to woo UPND members to MMD. A number of UPND like the Liato, Shampande, Tetamashimba, Shikafusha to mention but a few were encouraged to resign from there party to join MMD. That was the begining of the strategy by MMD to weaked UPND. Mazoka was the leader of the party at the time and HH was not on the political scene.

  85. For the sake of those who were too young to remember and those who did not follow events at the 2006 UPND convention here are the facts about what happened:
    Sikota Sakwiba (and his team that included Henry Mutonga & Sichinga) lost to HH and like every other loser he decided to resign and form his own party, ULP, which was later swallowed by Sata’s PF.
    Given Lubinda was elected UPND spokesperson but decided to resign his position to join Sata and Saki.
    Patrick Chisanga remained in the party for some time but resigned later on after being called a bemba traitor .

  86. Well written 103 Patriot but Patrick Chisanga can still be convinced to come back to his party, the mighty UPND. If UPND survived under late President LPM’s campaign to weaken it when late UPND then leader was still at the helm of UPND as well as when bitter-loser to HH, ULP self-appointed Sakwiba Sikota, took most of the UPND structures to ULP and subsequently to PF, there is not doubt that UPND under HH will now emerge victorious when HH and Team convinces their old members and new members to revive the spirit of removing the MMD from GRZ Administration and then replacing the MMD with a better UPND-Zambians PACT GRZ Administration that will aim at transforming the Zambian economy, by using knowledge and capabilities of all Zambian that are worth their salt.

    Be blest all…

  87. It was love at first sight, I hope they work their differences and not divorce.
    Before thinking of divorce HH and sata should think of the consequences their actions will have on their children(members). It is very confusing to decide whom to vote for, we need them to explain what is going on!!!!!!!!!!!!I hope MMD will not be muyaya ya like KK…..

  88. Well well well well, imiti ilipamo taibula kushenkana. Please Batata ba Sata naimwe ba Hakahinde, resolve your issues quickly. So that you shame the devil. We are supporting you. We pray for peace in PACT.

  89. #107 I don’t think Tongas are preoccupied with producing a president. They are hard working people who are more interested in have a good government system that will enable them prosper using their own resources. They are not inerested in stealing government money.


    As for me, it’s the PACT or NO VOTING. I have put my money on this UPND/PF business but if it fails it means I will not vote coz no other party deserve my vote. I wish this UPND/PF fighting is just ‘propaganda’ for those who badly want it to die. Therefore, no pact no vote.

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