Saturday, March 15, 2025

FODEP dares PF/UPND pact


The Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has challenged leaders of the two opposition parties Patriotic Front (PF) and United Party for National Development (UPND) to come out in the open and state their position regarding the future of the pact.

FODEP Information Officer, Mcdonlad Chipenzi said it is not good for the two leaders to remain mute on the future of the pact while their junior leaders were issuing divisive statements.

He said what was happening in the UPND-PF pact was to a large extent because of the two leaders’ failure to state their position on its future.

Mr. Chipenzi said this in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today.

He said that there was currently power struggle in the pact where each political party wanted to dominate the other but stated that this was not good for democracy.

He said it is good for the leaders to state their position as doing so would help prepare the minds of their supporters.

He said there was need for honest and truthfulness from the two opposition parties if the pact was to succeed.

[pullquote]“For them to prove a point they should have been letting each other stand in the other party’s stronghold. As we know that PF is stronger in Northern Province the UPND should have contested in by-elections there while the PF contest in Southern, Western Province which is their stronghold and if they win and accept each other then we could say there is cooperation within the pact. But as it is they are trading on different waters” he said.[/pullquote]

Mr. Chipenzi has also observed that the pact seemed not to be stronger at grass root as evidenced by the two parties not supporting each other in their respective strongholds.

He said the pact should have at least on some occasion allowed the other party contest elections in each others stronghold to see how the people at grass root would support.

“For them to prove a point they should have been letting each other stand in the other party’s stronghold. As we know that PF is stronger in Northern Province the UPND should have contested in by-elections there while the PF contest in Southern, Western Province which is their stronghold and if they win and accept each other then we could say there is cooperation within the pact. But as it is they are trading on different waters” he said.

The Pact has in the recent past been involved in squabbles which is mainly emanating from other leaders in the parties.

And Press reports today indicate that the PF in Western Province have stated that they will not support the pact if their leader Michael Sata will not be the leader.



  1. The death of the pact both Pf and upnd will field candidates in chilanga. By the way why is pf fielding in mpulungu when upnd did much better.

  2. How many people have spoken sense which has gone unheeded? Let us not waste time escorting/supporting people whose major preoccupation is looting instead of leading. Zambians wake up. There is no way even if the PACT was to pretend to cooperate that they would have the interests of the people at heart. We will only have ourselves to blame. The problem with Zambians is we lack the ability to detect failure in its infancy.

  3. I think there’s a genuine problem here when it comes to assessing how UPND performed in the 2006 general elections because UPND participated in those elections under the UDA pact and not as an individual party.It will really be a very difficult task to find a formula to apply for apportioning the votes that those three parties under UDA each got.It’s UDA and not UPND that was 2nd to MMD in Mpulungu and people might have voted for UDA because they supported UNIP or FDD and not neccessarily UPND.The ‘rebel’ PF MPs are by law still under the PF party but in reality they are under MMD so counting the number of MPs PF and UPND parties have may also not help in determining which party is greater within thePF-UPND pact.There’s a problem with little hope of finding a solution before 2011.

  4. PF should consider finding a young person to race with HH instead of letting old Landrovers take the lead. honestly ladies and gentlemen, Mr Sata is old thats why he finds it easier to co habit with his age mates – the Winas. Given the position to be President, bo Sata will not consider the young but the likes of Winas, VJ, Munkombwe, William Banda, Chiluba, RB will continue protecting each other. These guys grew up together and cannot mutate today to consider us the young. Lets remove these old vehicles. We dont need Bedfords, Land Rovers, Mini Maurice, Fiat etc. they are nolonger on the market. In simple terms there’s no need to recycle politicians given that young brains are the majority.

  5. # 5 Kadobi, not knowing how old you are, off course, We the YOUNG ARE THE SOLUTION. Lets just team up and flash out the old. Lets vote for change en mass. The old have suffocated us politically and economically. The way out is riddance of these outlived old folks. PF can look for a young leader to race with HH (say Winter or Mmembe – Satas Vuvuzela). Public debates can be fostered and the best candidate known. Then we shall make a meaningful change. If we put Sata whats wrong with RB then? and in terms of character and qualifications RB is better.

  6. The pact is making news in every media. The pact leaders are not worried, only the grass root is in state of panic.Only time will tell. We wish the pact good ending so that people can have a piece of mind.

  7. #7,I’m 35 years old/young.I guess we still need the old folks like Sata,RB,Wina and the like.The issue I think lies on which roles these madalas can play.As head of state?I don’t think so,but we certainly need them in other areas.Look at the role old guys like Jimmy Carter and our won KK have been playing.There’re institutions where age will be a key factor so we can’t just leave them out altogether on account of their age.I belong to a profession where the very old are the irreplaceable source of knowledge and guidance which can’t be found in any text book anywhere in the world.We need young leaders who are not only knowledgeable but exhibit some wisdom and good judgement.I don’t know much about HH so I can’t say he fits in that position.Don’t we have a Obama in zambia?

  8. #5 Kadobi
    In case you don’t know PF was also in an alliance with ULP and Chiluba’s shadow party in the 2006 elections. PF benifited more from that alliance than UPND because they gained some MPs like Henry Mutonga, Given Lubinda, Alfridah Mwamba the Lukashya PF from UPND and alll the rebel MPs from Chiluba’s party. PF won most of their seats in Lusaka as a result of their association with ULP & on the C/B and Luapula as a result of FTJ. PF has built it’s political base by feasting on the carcasses of dead parties. In fact all the Luapula rebel members of parliament were members of Chiluba’s party. Sata scored an on goal by trying to bring in the UDA issue. It just exposed him as a two faced manipulator. The problem with Sata is that whenever he opens his mouth he disengages his…

  9. If the pact fail,Sata and Hichilema should forget about the Presidence.No sane Zambia will ever vote for Either of them.This is what people are saying.

  10. #9 Kadobi thank you so much for your objective view. I also belong to a church where the elders compliment the priestly in the same purpose of evangelisation. The difference i draw between politics and religion (though intertwined) is that religion exist in perpetual succession while politics is cyclical. There has to be competition physically, mentally and intellectually among players in the game. But the whole point is to deliver. I still insist the old have no place in modern politics. The best place is home for the aged. We shall take care of them. Obama is indeed here in Zambia. Its for us the young to see and rally behind him. its the change we need.

  11. #10, Good reminder,thanks.I didn’t think about the PF-ULP pact probably because,unlike the UDA, ULP decided to support PF so all the candidates at parliamentary and presidential level in that ‘pact’ stood on PF ticket.PF and its allies during that election resolved to use one party ticket- that of the PF while UPND,FDD and UNIP resolved to form an umbrella body, UDA.Perhaps the PF party knows that the best umbrella to use during general erections is the Rihana type of umbrella which is not visible but rather imaginery and every man wants to be under it .But the problem with this Rihana umbrella is that when it rains, the ‘rain’ comes from within the umbrella so all those under it get wet, really wet actually!

  12. #12,Oh man just make sure that during your campaigns, you don’t tell my grannies that you’ll take them into that home for the aged because then you will lose their votes! Remember in our society the old are now forming the marjority because their children and grandchildren are being wiped away by this HIV pandemic.Anyway,I get your point and I respect it.I look forward to that time in zambia when a Obama shall emerge from among us.

  13. “The Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has challenged leaders of the two opposition parties Patriotic Front (PF) and United Party for National Development (UPND) to come out in the open and state their position regarding the future of the pact.”[End Quote]

    What position is there to state? We have already heard their positions, they have hinted them to us.

    1. Mr. Hichilema stating that the UPND cannot win elections if they go it alone.
    2. Mr Sata explicitly stating that THE PF is ready for elections
    3. Mr. Kabimba stating that Mr. Hichilema will never be Pact presidential candidate.

    Based on this evidence, one can conclude that Mr. Hichilema has chosen to be a junior to the PF. It is that simple.

  14. In 2006 mpulungu people did not really vote for upnd but fdd under uda. I recommend that mpulungu pf contest while chilanga upnd but both under pact.
    If these two leaders don’t reconcile then no vote from me for either of them. I will therefore give RB and chipimo will get mine in 2016

  15. ADVICE
    Those who dint know, this blog is for the MATWI-MATWI and so every useful information being posted is being used to the advantage of RBs sinking MMD. The strategy for the UPND/PF two top leaders is to remain silent until such a time bcoz of the following;
    a. If they announced their candidate now, all the attention by MMD will be focused on that person. The MMD will use all its propaganda and state machinery to finish that person.
    b. The second reason is that there will be a possible ASSASINATION of the would be PF/UPND candidate. Remember FTJ Kafupi is in a secret convenant with RB. Have we already forgotten how vibrant political figures eg Paul Tembo, Ronald Penza, Baldwin Nkumbala, Kaunda jnr, Richard Ngenda (the list long) were eliminated all because of one Kafupi ?

  16. On “FODEP Information Officer, Mcdonlad Chipenzi said it is not good for the two leaders to remain mute on the future of the pact while their junior leaders were issuing divisive statements” this statement is very wrong since the serpentine Sata MC has been issuing divisive statements about the UPND and pact in general while it is only the UPND juniors who are doing their job to sort out PF senior members who have undermined HH.

    18 REDEEMER I now understand why pro-MMD media is attacking HH so much and this was followed by a shooting at HH’s house although no one was killed. In all, HH is committed to the PACT probably because he will be the 2011 PACT presidential candidate and MMD may have gotten wind of this information.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye…

  17. On Hot FM this morning it was reported that UPND Lusaka Youth Chairman Hapunda has information that PF Central Committe has decided to field a candidate in the Chilanga by-election — a thing that will force the mighty UPND Team to leave the PF-UPND PACT and then concentrate on the UPND-Zambians PACT.

    As for the PF — a party that consisted of Serpentine Sata including his cadres, Mr former President FJT Chiluba’s party PUDD or so and bitter-loser Sakwiba Sikota’s ULP in 2006 elections time as confirmed by Mr PF/Sata MC in yesterday’s POST news — it is good if they will go ahead to compete with the UPND Team in Chilanga so that Zambians will really accept that the UPND is regaining it popularity when PF shall lose in the poll.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first

  18. Ba Maestro Hehehehe please spare us….please dont live in your dream. HH who should have never said he wouldnt ever win has just shown us his confindence levels.Dont you know Milupi and Chipimo think they will one day be president , HH doesnt think he can be without SATAs support. That was the worst ever statement made by a politician. By the way HH was never one he was forced into it. After 2011 he shall move away from Politics….he wasted the time of the Bob Sichingas , Chisanga etc sad Mazoka left.

    So lets make it clear HH has even more chance of becoming President if he joined with ADD or MMD period not PF.

  19. Maestro, you are behaving typically like a fanatical Chipolopolo fan. When the Zed Socccer team says they cannot win COSAFA, you will be on the roof top syaing we shall win COSAFA cup. HH has come out in the open that dont lie to HIM! People like YOU, that HH can win. HH has admitted he cannot win 2011 election with UPND unless with a PACT with PF. Now you keep praising your UPND as mighty. Yes I admire UPND, yes they had the best Manifesto. But UPND is not the best selling Party and HH has admitted. Now for PF, they should not abandon UPND. PF has never penentrated other areas where a vote is crutial i.e. NW, Western, Ndola Rural, Central & Eastern so we need UPND as much as UPND needs PF.

  20. #2 Facts 2008 Presidential elections Mpulungu RB MMD 4880, Sata PF 4076,HH UPND 217
    Chilanga Sata PF 3981, RB MMD 3913, HH UPND 3439 what are you talking about in terms of popularity in these two constituencies? Get the figures right. UPND must swallow their pride and come to terms if they are really genuine.Otherwise forget HH becoming the Pact President.

  21. I shudder to think how maestro treats bemba workmates, that is if he is employed. It is this deep hatred for other tribes that is being exhibited by pipo like maestro that make most Zambians not to want to vote for a tonga republication president. “A Tongo must lead upnd”. They even wanted to drag poor Mrs. Mazoka to succeed the late husband. Chibamba Kanyama said it all and you better take his advise seriously.

  22. The differences/Cracks in the PACT can easily be solved if both parties stop day dreaming and fantasying, and accept the facts that;
    1. Both Parties are regional/tribal parties. Can only win through the PACT
    2. UPND is the third party in Zambia. So it cant be equal partner to a second party in Zambia, it need to stop this nonsense of 50% share in parliament.

  23. followed and loved the Kadobi/Kalikeka discussion, very mature if I could add, What makes these parties think they will win with the same strategies they have been using all along. And surely of all people they should know that having disppointed people they will suffer dissertion from most of their supporters for the false hopes they built in people, with the new comers Milupi and Magande just adding to the political drama, we are set for more of the MMD looting.

  24. The pipo who left upnd and joined pf came on their own free will, they were not poached as was the case of fdd members who were given ministrial job durng LPM reign. If am not mistaked pf has an mp who comes from the sp. What Mr. Sata said in mongu shows that pf embraces all Zambians regardless where they come from. Some of you upnd cadres your blood boils because you know deep down your hearts that pf is a force to reckon with.

  25. FODEP, the future of the Pact is as clear as daylight. The only “new” thing that you have said but which everybody knows is the dishonesty among the Pact leaders towards each other. Each one of them went into the Pact for their own selfish ends. Such dishonest leaders can never be good for democracy.

  26. Mr. Chipenzi thank you for adding your voice to what millions of bloggers have been telling the PACT leaders time and time again. The main problem from my point of view is who gets sponsored to State House. Period. As long as this is not settled the PACT is 24/7 on self destuct mode. The PACT leaders are not courageous enough to tackle this issue hence their speaking through the juniors of their respective parties

  27. All you Movement for multi-croonies demons (MMD) cadres, do you ever think of life after MMD? Even Mhango sure must be honest about his comments-Chipenzi worse. I dont know why everyone must be bothered for PACT not to choose a leader at this point in time, when RB has expelled its well meaning opponents in Magande & Mpombo when they just wanted to exercise they rights! When is MMD going to the convention? No one knows. The strategy for PACT is to let MMD choose thieir candidate thats when they will know who is the best to stand against MMD’s. In all senses, i dont see why people r being bothered over wat is happenning in the PACT wen they r MMD. Get a life and concentrate on your party-MMD’s weaknesses or else,you will spend so much time debating the PACT making it more popular.Simply…

  28. Imwe ba PF & MMD cadres leave Maestro Hhehhehhehhe alone. He is simply telling you the truth as it stands. Must of you keep pouring numerous hallucinations on this blog but we just ignore you not that we believe what you are on about.

  29. 33, I have never seen such ridiculous reasoning, it’s actually an embarrassment to read your posting.
    The MMD candidate is H.E.R.B., so don’t hide behind MMD for your failure to choose a leader . The reason why the Pact has failed to choose a leader is because there can never be any Pact between PF and UPND. Why are things so complicated for you guys to understand, you cannot have a leader for an impossible, non-existent entity, period.

  30. Yada yada..the PACT will announce the leader at the 11th hour..yada the MMD might compromise the leader if announced early..yada yada yada….no Wynter Two Ngwee and Gary Nkombo the school teacher are not at logger heads they are testing the popularity of Unpd and PF..yada yada…2011 NO change

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