Saturday, March 15, 2025

Magande party going nowhere


Education Minister and MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya (R)

The MMD has described as over ambitious the decision by former Finance minister Ng’andu Magande to form another political party and warned that he will sink into political oblivion.

Mr Magande confirmed yesterday that he was one of the pioneers of the National Movement for Progress (NMP).

MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya said Mr Magande’s party would only be at the provincial level with little influence and that the MMD would defeat him in any election.

She said Mr Magande had given an impression that he was the best minister of Finance Zambia ever had when he was just given an opportunity to serve in the position.

Ms Siliya said there were thousands of Zambians who were better than Mr Magande and held higher qualifications than the former Chilanga Member of Parliament.

[pullquote]Mr Magande confirmed yesterday that he was one of the pioneers of the National Movement for Progress (NMP).[/pullquote]

And Evangelical Church in Zambia bishop Paul Mususu criticised Mr Magande for forming a political party.

Bishop Mususu said there were many political parties in the country which the former Finance minister should have joined.

He said even though democracy allowed people to form political parties of their choice, there was need to reduce on the multiplicity of political parties.

It would not be possible for newly formed parties to have unique manifestos from the existing ones.

Mr Magande said in an interview that he would offer himself as a presidential candidate in the 2011 elections.

“The movement has been established by my supporters who feel that they needed a forum to continue discussing. Even me I need to find a channel through which to communicate.

“In fact this movement started in North-Western Province and it is countrywide,” he said.

Mr Magande said he had done everything and that now it was time for him to lead Zambia.

He said it was a fact that he was part of the Government that helped the country attain the Highly Indebted Poor Countries completion point, and that it was also during his time that Zambia attained single-digit inflation in 30 years.

North-Western Province NPM pioneer Logan Shemena, who is a former United Party for National Development (UPND) secretary general, said the movement was spreading “like a bushfire”.

“With the cracks in the UPND and the confusion in MMD, the movement is spreading like fire. For now we are not focusing on leadership but to grow the movement,” he said.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Ms Siliya what cheap talk you have! So even when there are thousands of more qualified Zambians why did MMD pick Magande and why should the fact that the are more qualified Zambians even bother you?? Am not sure about Magande’s success in politics but i think it is way too late for him to form a new party and now the votes in southern Province will be divided further. I forsee problems for UPND stronghold. Anyways goodluck Magande, anything other than MMD bafoons is ok.

  2. Dora pali eko ashintilishe amatako. I thing the orgies she had with Lasky Kazala in Chingola still haunt her. This lady is busy being used by MMD to be answering all long time senior MMD members. She is already in the forefront scheming the expelling of one Enock Percy Kavindele from MMD. Ha let me get a chair and seat properly, Zed politics are becoming very intresting each day towards elections.

  3. @ Ghost Rider no# 1 what’s up bro been a minute. Like you I know magande is still MMD. only reason the have him form a party now is to split Upnd votes in the southern province. Too many parties even Zambians though not politically concious know not to trust a power hungry man. Too many great potential leaders have been pushed to the wayside.


  4. @ Mpangula what’s up to you too. People flagged too many times under your old name you now speak truths. Yes the political seasons in Zambia have changed again, and we shall watch from a rooftop. Always knew behind your craziness was intelligence hahaha.

    @3 Chandamali

    The opposition do not need votes if the are fragmenting their foundations. Why or why did miyanda say his party is here for constituent seats then fight for the presidency in five years.

  5. This I stand by firmly Miyanda is the best suitable candidate to be Zambian president but his surbodinates are weak. His heritage party would have been the best opposition due to it’s none tribal( Kingdom) and ethnic prejudices. Prayers we still send so as the Lord Jesus gives our people wisdom to choose wisely 2011.

  6. Picture this, Miyanda president of Zambia heading pact, Sata Vice president, HH minister without portfolio and Magande minister of finance and economic planning once more. That would be a great Zambia. Leave Nervous Mumba in Canada he messed up Miyanda’s run for presidency in 2001 when be refused to join his party with heritage. Two Christians divided that was too much for the 10 million God loving Zambians too take cost Miyanda and Zambia a great future president in the General. The other 2 million we know lean towards heathenism hahahahaha. Should I post more DATA?

  7. @ All read what mister Logan Shamena said and I quote “North-Western Province NPM pioneer Logan Shemena, who is a former United Party for National Development (UPND) secretary general, said the movement was spreading “like a bushfire”.”

    Hello bush fires are to be put out especially those that destroy Zambia’s lush Savanah vegetation( minister Namugala) and our tasty game meat( Thandiwe Banda and Mumbi phiri). Ficle are Zambian Politicians indeed.

  8. 19 years ago I saw the fall of the empire UNIP it’s is one of the most joyous moments of Zambia that plus Zambia being Christian and independence. Let’s focus our attention upon small businesses and financial institutions lending to them. Unemployment shall be solved drastically in Zambia that way and buy moving our energies to agriculture exports couples with the arts, science, math and Christian missionary exports that have a sound college education in all learning fields not theology only; read the book of Daniel those boys were scholars and God’s chosen. To the ones that need not hear me preach what am saying is this sound and moral business practices backed with protective laws for both lending and borrowing entities shall propel blessed mother Zed.

  9. I should get back to work my boss trusts me way too much too be stealing her small business’s time. And lunch is around the corner so blog on citizens and disect the Zambian political arena as you may and ponder was we diaspora intellectuals can do to help our nation.

  10. “In fact this movement started in North-Western Province and it is countrywide,” Magande said.
    So Magande knows that by launching from Monze, his party assumes a tribal tag in much the same way as HH rose in UPND?
    Mr Magande said in an interview that he would offer himself as a presidential candidate in the 2011 elections.
    Oh, so you are focusing on the Presidency like other opposition politicians?
    “With the cracks in the UPND and the confusion in MMD, the movement is spreading like fire. For now we are not focusing on leadership but to grow the movement,” Shemena said.
    To focus on growing the movement not on leadership? But Magande has different intentions!

  11. Actually Dora is the best party spokesperson among the whole bunch, especially in UPND and PF. What helps her to tick is that her party has a consistent message and stand, so she can speak confidently on any matter without referring to her bosses. Contrast this with Lubinda for example who will pretend to know when actually Sata and Kabimba have kept him in the dark. And he will say I will get back to you soon and never does, knowing that Zambians have short memories. Go on Dora, you are an inspiration to all aspiring spokespersons, a sharp, well informed and intelligent lady.

  12. MPANGULA MPUTYU, to you bedding a lady like dora is a just screw thoz riff raffs who got shallow minds like yours then replace their images with dora’s. ni agony ayi!

  13. All you who are trying to deny Magande his rightful place in Zambia, isn’t it funny how his tenure at the finance ministry brought Zambia progress never before seen in 30+years, the longest serving in that position, etc etc. Dora can say what she will about Magande qualifications, the fact is he is indeed the man for the moment… 2011 By the way have Dora figured out the meaning of the word “Nullify” means as yet? yet you talk about other qualifications lol

  14. Magende made a mistake of his forming a party, i only hope he will succeed.Looking at his age, it will take time for him to gain popularity.Dora is just doing her job, as MMD they need to protect themselves from any competition. I do not like the way things are being done as far as politics are concerned in our country. I wish HH and Sata could behave themselves and remove MMD from power. We need change and they are the only ones that can pull it against MMD but then!!!!!!!!!!

  15. aaah mr magande what you have done make no sanse. don’t even lie that your supporters formed the you who formed it. this is neither good for you or the country. so you want your small party to be locked in another pact so that it can acquire capacity to run the county? i even wonder what different ideology you party embrances apart from the fact that you want to be president. you are no different than all the other politician around. this country needs inclusive politician such a D. patel former MP lusaka central, not another you

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