Saturday, March 15, 2025

Zambia at the Cross Roads


By Gerald Nkisu Katayi

In any country that practices multi-partism, it is normal to come to a cross road after every four, five or six years. Zambians is such a country; next year will be a decisive year, through the ballot, voters will be directing the destiny of their country. The Electoral Commission, The ruling party, the NGO’s, and the opposition seem to be preparing for the day of the battle. The mixture of excitement and anxiety can be felt in the air a year before the actual day.

But some how, there’s a strange phenomenon among the players; the ruling party seem to be determined than the opposition. His Excellence Rupiah Banda (H.E.R.B) like a good general is organizing his troops for the D-day. He has recruited the likes of F.T.J the self proclaimed “political engineer”, VJ, “election consultant”, the violet cadre William Banda, and recently he recruited a physical trainer. That is not enough; Mr. Banda like “the Camel’s nose in the tent” story has gone a second mile to remove obstacles like Magande and Mpombo from the MMD to secure his re-election.[pullquote]High office is like a pyramid; only two kinds of animals reach the summit, reptiles and eagles.” But in Zambia even hyenas reach the top. But in the next general and presidential election, let reptiles and eagles only reach the top. [/pullquote]

Who should blame RB for preparing himself? There is no gambling like politics. It has been said, “To be a chemist you must study chemistry; to be a lawyer or a physician you must study law or medicine; but to be a politician you need only to study your own interests.” Therefore RB is proving to be a good politician by attending to his own interests.

Outside the MMD; the atmosphere is set, the opposition political cadres are ready, NGO’s are ready, some priests are ready, but the opposition leaders are not ready. They are not ready because procrastination, power struggle, selfishness and bickering are dividing them. The bickering is who should lead the pact. This is the cause why ruling parties in Africa stay in office for ever because the opposition only concentrates on one portfolio- the presidency! The supporters are ready, but can not do it alone, they are like sheep without a Shepherd, but who shall lead them?

Even though RB and the MMD are doing their best to stay in business, all is not well in their quarters. They have a lame duck; the president. The flying from one country to another like a “president without borders” is not digested well among many voters. Dr. Sondashi once said, “I want to go to State House to enjoy myself.” May be this is what the president is doing and that can be a hole in the MMD’s amour. If recent by- election results in Ndola and other parts of Zambia are indicators of what is to come; the MMD must work harder.

What about the opposition? With the lukewarmness in the opposition; victory over the ruling party will not come on a silver platter. At least history has taught us that a divided opposition can never remove a ruling party from office. A divided house can not stand! Therefore, if the opposition loses, they should not accuse the ruling party of rigging elections. Greed and incompetence in the opposition is eating them like cancer.

And in the view of this author, petitioning and contesting presidential elections in the courts of law after a candidate is declared a winner does not work. Therefore, let the playing ground be leveled, selfishness be cast aside and as one wise man have said, “High office is like a pyramid; only two kinds of animals reach the summit, reptiles and eagles.” But in Zambia even hyenas reach the top. But in the next general and presidential election, let “reptiles and eagles only reach the top”.


  1. ‘HH in political limbo’

    UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) president, Hakainde Hichilema is now stranded in a political wilderness because he has been ostracized by the Patriotic Front

    And UPND deputy spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa has warned that his party will not sit idle and watch PF vice-president Guy Scott attack Mr Hichilema.

  2. “Unfortunately, he refused to listen to the advice of the chiefs, some business houses and including his own members of Parliament. He instead started insulting the chiefs and even threatened them that he would de-gazette some traditional leaders. Now the PF have come out in the open that they do not need him and have left him politically stranded. Mr Sata, his vice president Guy Scott and general secretary Wynter Kabimba are now treating Mr Hichilema as a political leper,” he said.

  3. Mr Hamiyanze said the PF/UPND pact is destined to collapse because of the selfish motives of the two co-leaders.
    He claimed that Mr Sata has never listened to anyone’s advice and that it is strange that Mr Hichilema decided to form an alliance with the PF leader.
    Mr Hamiyanze said Mr Hichilema is in political frustration which is embarrassing him hence his silence on sustained attacks on himself and the UPND by the PF.
    “He has remained alone. Most of his MPs have isolated him and there are a lot of UPND members who are resigning and joining the MMD,” he said.

  4. Mr Hamiyanze predicted that President Banda will win the 2011 tripartite elections with a landslide margin because there is no credible and strong opposition political party.
    He said President Banda’s speech when he opened the fifth session of the tenth national assembly has given hope and inspiration to many Zambians.
    Mr Hamiyanze said the dissolution of the entire Choma and Mbabala UPND district executive is an indication that the UPND in Southern Province is fast losing its popularity.

  5. “There is still time for Mr Hichilema to bargain with the MMD if he has to save his political image. All he needs to do is swallow his pride and apologise to the people of Zambia for insulting them. Let him just go to President Banda and humble himself, otherwise he may go to the political grave with the pact,” Mr Hamiyanze said.
    And Mr Mweetwa said there is no way Dr Scott can continue behaving in the manner he is doing, if the PF is interested in the pact.
    He was reacting to Dr Scott’s insinuation that the UPND is trying to build its image at PF’s expense.

  6. Mr Mweetwa said on Radio Pheonix that while the two parties chose to work closely together to provide checks and balances to the MMD during the run up to the 2011 elections, some leaders such as Dr Scott and PF national youth secretary Eric Chanda have continued to destabilise the pact.
    He challenged the PF leadership to come out in the open and tell the people of Zambia whether they are still interested in the pact.
    Mr Mweetwa said the people of Zambia have now seen who is behind the confusion in the pact.

  7. He said despite what is happening, UPND is still hopeful that the pact will overcome the challenges it is experiencing.
    Mr Mweetwa however acknowledged that they are some PF members still committed to the pact.
    And Mazabuka member of Parliament Garry Nkombo has urged PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba to reflect on his position.

  8. Shame on you bloggers who depend solely on this blog for knowledege about Zambia. You are not aware of whats on the ground. When a disgruntled i.d.i.o.t issues a statement about a party President, you take it as gospel truth because all you know about Zambia depends on what you see on a computer or phone screen. In the end you are deceived like a man that has never experienced s.e.x and depends on Internet p.o.r.n for all his ideas on s.e.x. I.d.i.o.ts!!!

  9. Zambia now 4th largest economy in region

    Zambia now has the fourth largest economy in the SADC region after Tanzania, Angola and South Africa.

    Important changes are happening, and the challenge Zambians have is to recognize and exploit the new turn of events.

    The challenge is for us to ‘see’ what is happening and to ‘run’ with what we can see. The challenge is to see what Joshua and Caleb saw in Canaan across the River Jordan, when Moses sent 12 spies into the ‘future.’ For the future lies before us and our children.

  10. The ZNFU in April reported that in the 1990s wheat production fell to as low as 30 000 tonnes a year, and in the last five years annual average output is around 130 000 tonnes. This comes at a time when many countries are experiencing wheat shortages.

    The Citigroup report recognizes this year’s 2.7 million tonnes maize harvest. This marks an upward climb from the 1.9 million tonnes of 2009 which represented 7.1 per cent growth in agriculture. Seen against the 1.4 million tonnes demand per year, the 2010 harvest represents important levels of agricultural growth. Aggressive agricultural policies have paid off.

  11. hyenas indeed, this abstract article does not help clear the political weather on this monday morning, seen movies premiering on ZNBC!

  12. Here is proof that all things are possible to them who believe. Today they are becoming practically possible in our country.

    Of the total 752,614 square kilometre land surface of Zambia, 47 per cent is arable land and of this only 14 per cent is in use. Another 30 per cent is occupied by National Parks and Game Management Areas, hills and swamps take up 12 per cent, forests 9 per cent. Urban development takes up only 2 per cent of the country’s land. This immense potential announces to us immense possibility. It is always a question of taking economic challenges with a positive vision rather than a defeated approach.

  13. For those whose eyes are on leaving an inheritance for their children and their children’s children, (Prov 13:22), good things are happening in Zambia.

  14. Mining

    Vale SA, the world’s biggest exporter of iron ore, recently announced that its strategic 50:50 joint venture with African Rainbow Minerals Limited (ARM), a company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, will release the development of the Konkola North copper project in Zambia.

    The project has an estimated capital expenditure of approximately US$ 400 million, and is expected to start up production in 2013 and to reach full capacity in 2015.

  15. In keeping with this trend, the Citigroup report anticipates a new copper boom: “We expect that the steady pick-up in copper production in recent years will be maintained over the next few years. This reflects the steady rise in global copper prices between 2003 and 2007, which sucked in a wave of FDI into the country’s copper sector and is not driving a steady increase in production; a trend clearly visible in the first six months of 2010. Moreover, we expect the copper price to remain high.”

  16. Good things are happening. If foreign investors have seen it, we must not neglect our personal and family vineyards (as did the African in Song of Solomon 1:5 and 6) but see what vineyards (resources) we already have and work them.

    The same Citigroup report anticipates a stronger performance for the kwacha: “While we do not think that the kwacha is about to embark on another major bull run as in 2007 and into 2008 anytime soon, the ongoing copper boom and other trends in the economy may indicate that the recent sustained period of kwacha weakness is now behind us and the pressures on the currency for the next year or so may well be for modest appreciation, although the party is unlikely to be smooth.”

  17. Poor article the author has a verr poor knowledge of political history.
    First he says
    But some how, there’s a strange phenomenon among the players; the ruling party seem to be determined than the opposition. His Excellence Rupiah Banda (H.E.R.B) like a good general is organizing his troops for the D-day. He has recruited the likes of F.T.J the self proclaimed “political engineer”, VJ, “election consultant”, the violet cadre William Banda, and recently he recruited a physical trainer. That is not enough; Mr. Banda like “the Camel’s nose in the tent” story has gone a second mile to remove obstacles like Magande and Mpombo from the MMD to secure his re-election
    All ruling party leaders in Zambia have done this. Coincidently William Banda, and VJ have been used by KK ,…

  18. I honestly can’t figure out the “cross roads” the author is talking about. He should also learn to have his articles edited, ichisungu kwati walebutuka nga kwaisa English ku sukulu. Mwata and Truth, well informed bloggers normally update themselves with stories appearing in the national dailies, there is therefore no need for you to repeat the stories appearing therein on this blog. Mwa umfwa?

  19. And VJ has been valuable to all Presidents.
    I dissagree with this statement
    –Even though RB and the MMD are doing their best to stay in business, all is not well in their quarters. They have a lame duck; the president. The flying from one country to another like a “president without borders” is not digested well among many voters
    Yes this has been a concern but how many voters will vote on the basis of this alone, voters look at more cardinal issues like jobs, food prices, infrastructure, how appoinments are ethnically done, input prices /availabilities especially for farmers . subsidies etc

  20. Looks like Dr Kanganja has hammered ’em Mwata & Truth staightaway. I always wonder why the two will go to such length trying to bring a single point that may not even be understand in a novellike blog! Its a pity the writer did not take time to construct his sentences as well as the use of “silent” language in his article but he may have a point. POSITIVITY @30. Its true the there is some lameness up there but do you think zambians are ready for such kind of change of govt? I doubt, we have at least half a century to go before twisibuka. Twalilala sana. Just imagine the Truth@17, will continue singing about the bumper harvest when his BOZ govenor’s predictions have run out of time since the announcements. The kwacha is still at stalmate! What yardstick do they use to mesure zambian…

  21. For me, it is the luck of sense & honesty if one rides/campagns on promises that will all yield fruit when he is out of power. Thats what Truth is actually singing about. NONSENSE!

  22. Rupiah has delivered on any standard,not even sata with his lies can match,the blessings of this country are that not only the urban vote determines the political leadership of this country but even the majority rural vote.rural dwellers are happy now because FRA is buying their produce and they are having money in the pocket where as the urban folks are waiting for sata to come and perform magic. so come 2011 the majority vote will prevail,and you know it

  23. This is a better article than the nonsense I have been reading from MMD cadres that are belittling presidential candidate HH.

    On ““His Excellence Rupiah Banda (H.E.R.B) like a good general is organizing his troops for the D-day. He has recruited the likes of F.T.J the self proclaimed “political engineer”, VJ, “election consultant”, the viole[n]t cadre William Banda, and recently he recruited a physical trainer. That is not enough; Mr. Banda like “the Camel’s nose in the tent” story has gone a second mile to remove obstacles like Magande and Mpombo from the MMD to secure his re-election” the writer of the article is right, about 100% right and I hope he/she could research and write on the teams HH and serpentine Sata MC have each assembled to outdo one another in…

  24. WTF! So what are the cross roads?? Awe sure cant find sense in the article. Its like he is trying to discredit RB but cant summarize his opinions in an articulate way. Surely the people of Zambia cannot choose Sata over RB because of his marcopolo antics. Am not sure what the aim of this article is. It has no end (if you know what i mean).

  25. On “The bickering is who should lead the pact” this is true from the PF’s side but the mighty UPND Team is more concerned about who will be the 2011 PF-UPND PACT presidential candidate because currently both HH and serpentine Sata MC are duo leaders of the PACT but PF want to lead the PACT alone. This is why the PF claims to be bigger or senior than the mighty UPND.

    However, PF can never be senior than the UPND because UPND was formed in 1998 while PF came later of of frustration in 2001. If PF is talking about a shell bigger in size, yes UPND has lower number of MPs in Parliament.

    However, power bargaining should be about capability and CV as opposed to past glory because 2011 by-elections show that UPND is gaining ground while PF is losing its spoils.

    Be blest all…

  26. @37, Ghostrider, Are you a defeatist? Well, if you see no problem through the glasses of your glowing big eyeballs as depicted in your gravatar, its a pity. What makes you think people cannot choose sata over RB when they have done so in parliamentary elections recently. In some. RB has taken it hard that he petitions on the context of violence when it was started by his own party camp? The truth is there seems to be a “hung” of decisons by the electrorate because few learned people like you would cheat your poor, illierate grandies in the rural areas of you decent into believing dat come run or sunshine MMD cant be removed. Its not about Sata, its about all other opposition leaders. Its a pity that you may narrow you arguement based on Between RB & Sata wen there r those here of HH…

  27. Like hard tuckler MAESTRO HH @39. Whether UPND makes sense or not, you will awlys see him writing his novels of blogs demonising Sata & making a angel of HH. In al country like ours where every tribe seem puuled together towards falling for those of their kind, there will always be such “cross roads” as termed by the writer.Its a multi-partism, with diverse cultural,different origins & levels of naivity & docility.There is one general connection amoungest all zambians. It goes wihout saying that the general atmosphere among these same people is that there is some sort of fed-uptism.It may not go deep down into the part that controls decsion making in the grey matter but there sure is. If RB changed & become good than he is-zambians r easy to sway & why not give him the vote by all of us.

  28. FTJ, Political Engineer?…VJ, Election Consultant?… Well, may be you want to sound POLITE..BUT if we are to address them by their TRUE IDENTIES, these are LAZO AND MASTER RIGGER respectively period!!!:)>-

  29. King Cobra and Prince Cobra are not going to claim state house next elections.. its a pipe dream! The pact dont even know where there leadership is, so we have a lot of fools following leaders stuck at the cross roads of leadership. RB will win NOT because of riggin but because his house is in better order! lets talk about 2016 please.

  30. # 42 Ba Sulu & # 43 roger ramjet. A lot has been said about election rigging in Zambia. One may ask, does it really happen and if does, those have seen it happen what are they doing about it? Some people were in government for donkey years and claim elections were rigged when they lose. Time and again the ECZ makes pronouncements that it is not possible to rig elections in Zambia. Is this rigging a myth or just an excuse for people who lose elections or what? I need to be educated.

  31. #40 – George Bush: You should have read my comment in full. I did not say people cannot choose sata over RB am saying this article should have given more reason for people to choose sata other than the one he has given of travelling too much. Maybe av missed someting here, do you know who marco polo is??

  32. English is a SECOND LANGUAGE to most of us Zambians!! We think in our Mother Tongues and try to write in a foreign language, English. So it shouldn’t be surprise when our Tonga, Bemba, Nyanja, Kaonde, Lozi, Tumbuka, Lamba, Ila, etc, comes out in our writings.

    This has to be celebrated. Jamaicans, like most Caribbean Islanders, have taken this same English, changed it, packaged it, and sold it back to the world in form of Reggae Music!! And how many Zambians wanna talk like Jamaicans? The Native English speaking world are lapping it up with no indigestion as well. But ama Zambian, we are quick to criticize as though we ourselves have no weaknesses at all with this same FOREIGN LANGUAGE, wow!!

    Let he/she without an “accent” cast the first stone!!

  33. The writer of this article has built a ringroad around the “crossroad” such that you’ll drive round and round and never see what crossroad he is alluding to.He’s scored against self.

  34. Bushe twalifilwa ukupanga imisebo kwati ni Ndola-Kitwe dual carriage way? Intercity roads kwati ni ka path way going to Chief Nkana? Ba GRZ bushe tamwenda? Shame sana kucalo cesu!

  35. The best description of RB is in this article, ‘LAME DUCK’ and ‘PRESIDENT WITHOUT BOARDERS’, that’s what RB is and will ever be the worst president Zambia will ever have. Shame, shame!

  36. 51, That is one opinion, yours. MY opinion is that RB is the best thing that happened to Zambia. So we wait for 2011 to see whose opinion has the most sympathy among the voters, whose opinion we will not know until they cast their votes.
    Coming to the article, it seems to be a case of not knowing where you stand but you want to please everybody in the name of a “balanced article” and not delivering your message in the process.

  37. Mwata aka Truth — who are you trying to educate with your outdated and boring explanations, get a life and stop cra.pping. Chinshono kukomena! Fuseke, nobupuba bwenu.

  38. Some of you bloggers must go back to school. The reason is that, you can’t read to understand” what is in the article; hence you write anything. At times you just criticize without offering solutions or point out what the problem is. For example, you criticize the English in the article; point out the problem and where it is, all of us then can learn from it. But when you just log in to criticize and insult the people who are giving us free information, and a place to “meet”. Then we are just ungrateful people.

  39. Well, thanks # 56 roger. It is difficult then to chart some more. If you say ” the article is not well written”, what can that mean? is it not flowing? paragraphs etc that is what I refereed to. We have 1227 viewers, but only 56 bloggers responding. May be the those who read and move on avoid childish and meaningless blogging. If half of the readers were free to blog, we could be having some great discussions here.

  40. Ba Gerald..Well articulated???? I think to be a journalist you must study journalism-and language. Kwena mulelembako bwino ba Gerald. I’m talking about logic and grammar; What has the Camel’s nose allegory got to do with your narrative here? What is the meaning of “With the lukewarmness in the opposition; victory over the ruling party will not come on a silver platter.”? The violet cadre? “one wise man have said?” Yaba let me stop there!

  41. To conclude then and also refer to #59. The document in my view was well written, the problem is the author was speaking (with all due respect to bloggers) on top of many bloggers heads. For # 59 to understand the article first read “the camel’s story” then you will know what the author was communicating. If you can’t understand comparisons in writing, you can get nothing in the article.Try to read the writing of John Milton (Paradise lost) some good literature, but you difficult to understand. Most bloggers are here are lost because of the comparisons and you think the writing is poor.Have a good week yo’all.

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