Saturday, March 15, 2025

Duffy’s remarks disgusting — Mundia


Lusaka lawyer Christopher Mundia has described remarks by Bishop of Mongu Diocese Paul Duffy that there is lack of development in Western Province as disgusting, considering the massive investment by the Government in the area.

Mr Mundia, who is a State counsel, said Bishop Duffy and other Catholic clergy did not have the right to speak for the people of Western Province especially the Mongu-based bishop whose allegiance to the Zambian people was minimal since he was a foreigner.

“I wish to state that as one of those that hail from Western Province better known as Barotseland, I am disgusted to listen to what comes out of Bishop Duffy’s mouth which is akin to a can of worms,” he said.

Mr Mundia said Bishop Duffy and other members of the Catholic clergy who have their own motives against President Banda’s administration should avoid hiding behind their religious collars because the current record of the Catholic clergy world over was that of misery and total disappointment.
[pullquote]“My plea to all my fellow countrymen and compatriots is that this country is ours individually and severally under our motto of ‘One Zambia, One Nation’. Foreigners should not be allowed to divide us as Zambians are one in diversity,” Mr Mundia said.[/pullquote]
He said he had been to Western Province three times lately and agreed that the province suffered injustice during the Chiluba and UNIP eras and the province, which was the most highly educated was rendered the least.

“But since coming to power of the late President Levy Mwanawasa and continued by President Banda, no sensible person can say that Western Province is neglected now,” Mr Mundia said.

He cited development projects such as the Mongu/Kalabo Road, Senanga/Sesheke Road, the forthcoming rail line from North-Western Province via Kaoma, Mongu, Senanga and Sesheke to Namibia and Livingstone, Mulobezi, Sesheke and Namibia as big projects for the province.

“My plea to all my fellow countrymen and compatriots is that this country is ours individually and severally under our motto of ‘One Zambia, One Nation’. Foreigners should not be allowed to divide us as Zambians are one in diversity,” Mr Mundia said.

He said there were atrocities committed against the innocent people by the Catholic clergy in countries such as United States of America where the Church had paid more than US$600 million arising from sexual abuses and scandals on innocent teenagers.

Mr Mundia reminded Bishop Duffy that some institutions in Ireland and German had been closed as announced during the recent papal visit to the United Kingdom.

He said Zambians had accepted to work as united entities, which had been, demonstrated when Zambians allowed leaders from various provinces to rule them without consideration for origins. He said Dr Kenneth Kaunda, who hails from Northern Province ruled for 27 years and later Zambians voted for Dr Fredrick Chiluba from Luapula, who was followed by late Dr Levy Mwanawasa from Central Province and we are now led by a head of State from the Eastern Province.

Mr Mundia described as unfortunate a decision by Father Paul Mpundu to support Bishop Duffy’s remarks.

“To the people of Western Province, I wish to say and endorse what the royal establishment has said that, yes, we have problems of under-development but they are being tackled by this current administration,” Mr Mundia said.
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. this is silly of a Lozi person to are too selfish Mundia..what development is there?get out ..rubbish..just becoz you are benefiting now!

  2. Mr Mundia as you said, you were there atleast on 3 occassions only and Duffy has lived there,he knows what he is talking about, dont judge what he is saying simply because he was not born in Zambia, its true Zambia needs change

  3. Aaah after being conferred witht a state council title, Mundia is busy supporting the MMD. Ok we all know that western Province is uder-developed Now this one follish Mundia is telling su that western Province is well off. Then they will remain under-developed. Dont blame Zambians for neglecting u. You claim Western Province is highly educted or whatever. You are a lier. A very big liar. Pipo like you pomposity will NOT take you anywhere.

  4. “To the people of Western Province, I wish to say and endorse what the royal establishment has said that, yes, we have problems of under-development but they are being tackled by this current administration,” Mr Mundia said.
    This coming from a lawyer is equally disgusting,repulsive and quiet vexing.
    Lozis in rural western province eat raw (green) mangoes for breakfast, nshima with those slipery green flowery leaves (delele) for lunch and boiled mangoes for dinner. The poorest people are found in Shangombo,,,one needs to live there to experience the hardships, not just go for a tour of duty like this Mundia

  5. What is more disgusting is the worms that live in your brain and fluids you discharge from your ignorant pipi…SOB Mundia you are a let down

  6. I can’t believe that one who calls himself educated and a lawyer can sink so low and promote racism to call someone a foreigner. Typical Lozi Sorry I mean there are honorable Lozis out there but not this chaff.

  7. Most lawyers lack common knowledge as demonstrated by the likes of Mundia, Kunda, Kapumpa and etc. Do you call railway line and road network proposals as development? Foolishman

  8. I wonder if Mundiya is Lozi. When people talk there should be some degree of truth. People like Bishop Duffy stay with people and the same people complain about those issues because to them it is easier to air out their problems and grievances to the church through such people like Bishop Duffy. Don’t lash out completely what the Bishop said. Remember what happened in 1991. People who were close to the president at that time where not sincere what they were telling the president about the views of the people. The Catholic church was blamed and alot of ill things said against the church. The truth came out after elections. So Mr. Mundiya don’t be defensive the way you react to such issues.

  9. For an educated man to refer to what the Bishop said as DISGUSTING is really unacceptable. He should have just articulated his points to the contrary & let us draw the conclusion. This is too vulgar for a man of his standing in our society.

  10. Lozis always amaze me. Bo mundia was given the state counsel by mmd and what do you expect. This is RBs private lawyer and what do you expect. We have resspectable educated lozis not bo mundia. You are the same chaps who cry about balotseland and today you say all is well zea in western. The bishop lives with the people but hardly do you travel kwa haye to visit your relatives. Learn to criticise objectively pls

  11. Wat do the MMD bootlickers think is the role of the church? Bishop Duffy has been in Western Province for over 25years under Mundia who visited there 3times. The Bishop knows the problems prevailing there n the Lozis there r frustrated unlike u who dines with RB.
    Duffy is more Lozi than Mundia coz he shares in their plight!Open ur eyes u cadres, tm 4 change is coming n MMD cannot force the people of Western province 2 see development that is non existent!

  12. All you critics of Christopher Mundia, just tell us what your parties of power hungry leaders masquerading as a Pact can do for the people of Western province. Don’t just criticise, tell us how a corrupt and dishonest Pact leadership can fight corruption, how some morally backrupt Pact leaders can ensure morality in Zambia, how a squabbling Pact leadership can bring development, how some Panga wielding Pact leaders can ensure peace and non-violence, how some hallucinating Pact leaders can bring 90 days development and more money in our pockets, how some Pact leaders who have not seen elections in their parties can enhance democracy, how some naïve “democratically elected” Pact leaders can bring democracy to Zambia by co-habiting with dictators, how your Pact leaders can be better…

  13. And while you are at it, tell us your comments on the statement by the Barotse Royal Establishment who have said that Bishop Duft is not one of them and is no spokesman for the Barotse. Which constituency does he come from, what tribe is he and from which village? If you have nothing to say, shut your beaks and rebuild your Pact, it needs all your useless, unpatriotic brains.

  14. Who is this mundia chap. where do you hail from? I think we made a mistake to allow a lawyer to be our president, coz the rest of the lawyers have been policised and are now thinking like uneducated cadres. take a break mundia and apologies to the people of western province for your filthy coments.

  15. Who gave Christopher Mundia “SC” status? What a shame. Bishop Duffy may be a foreigner but he is worth more to the people of Western province than Mundia who lives in Lusaka singing praise to Rupiah Bwezani Banda all the days of his life.

  16. If it is true that the govt is planning to build a railway line from North Western via Kaoma to Nambia then development is taking place. Viva One Zambia One Nation. One thing I dont agree with Mundia is calling Western Province as barotseland. Western Province is for a all tribes in the province not just Lozis because that is tribalism. We need to focus on development that benefits the province and the country. Stop the tribal talk Mundia and all other Lozis who think like him.

  17. Zambia is for Zambians to borrow some politician’s saying. Let us be patriotic, we don’t need to be told what to do by foreigners. If people care to check, reasons why Western Province seems to lag behind in development are there. There seems to be something that the Roman Catholic Church in Zambia does not like about the MMD government. I believe the declaration of Zambia as a christian nation did not go well with them. Their behavoiur in the run up to the 2006 tripartite elections was so surprising, their priests started articulating PF policies and pronouncements perhaps to help their member who publicly said Zambia has never been ruled by a catholic since 1911. In think they are partisan! No apologies.

  18. Mundia may have stooped below the radar but I think Duffy sucks let him go and rescue the millions of suffering americans in his country and not come and spew evil..change of government? If anyone needs change it is his church or some semblence of gathering subscribing to worship….

  19. Selfless patriots of Barotseland should just rendition Paul Mpundu back to his village in Mpika where he can go perpetuate his genocide agenda or dump him in Zambezi for serving the interests of foreigners like Duff an ex-KKK panter with blackman bllod in his hands.

  20. Pact Sata, I think you are the same person and you masquerade in so many differnt names and attack or insult Sata, the PAct or the Bemba. What a shame. I think you must be an old person because mostly old people from our parents era may be so tribal and full of tribal hatred. You are sick and busy trying to propagate your tribal sentiments. Just know that no one is interested in your rantings, we Zambians want to live in love and harmony and probably the pact is an opportunity for the Tongas and Bembas to live together and overcome tribal barrier

  21. i used to think that lawyers know how to argue logically. but after reading this article i realised that there could be some lawyers who do not know the rules of logic. what a lawyer who fails to argue his point on development in western province and ends up talking about child sex abuse cases in america. don’t be a let down to your profession my brother. learn how to present issues correctly.

  22. I hope the man of the cloth is not saying such things to please his boy friends in Lusaka!
    To be honest, I have wondered where these Bishops were when we were under the Kaunda regime. They seem to have just woken up! Mpundu even eulogised Kaunda at his investiture ceremony as Bishop of Mpika several years ago!

  23. The problem in Z is that once a person has eaten, they sell their soul openly to whoever is in the seat. Oloso, the level of debate Bo Mundia is at fisherman level (which you might have been), especially for an SC. Just mention the facts that show according to you that there is development. Don’t go into ubuchende bwa Ba Katolika, ukulala utwaiche, eh, this one is foreigner. When that same priest starts giving free clothes to the poor from his country, your poor relatives will benefit, we mbwa we!

  24. 38 The SAINT,If and when in Zambia,go to National Archives,Mission press and Multimedia Zambia;read old newspapers/magazines,TZ,ZDM,National Mirror,Speakout,icengelo,Workers challenge(yes even govt owned failed to resist the temptation to cover Catholics)-you will see Catholics have been speaking.Didnt you hear of Alexander Kamalondo,MCC warn catholics they would travel by rosary to Rome once unip was retained in 1991?Head of Scientific Socialism?-Zambia would have adopted it as a governing code under KK had it not been for Catholics.Pity our historians and journalist(now it appears even our lawyers) always erase our history and heritage in the name of loyalty to the ruling party

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