Saturday, March 15, 2025

Pact or not, opposition is still powerful- Dante


A political analyst has observed that the opposition can still remove the Movement for Multi party Democracy (MMD) without the pact.

Dante Saunders said that in an event that the UPND/PF pact fails, Zambians should not lose hope of changing government.

Mr Saunders said the hopes of Zambians should not die if the pact fails to achieve its objectives.

Speaking on Monday Nite Live last evening, Mr Saunders added that it could still be possible if the two parties stood as individuals parties.

He believed that the MMD could be taken on by any opposition party in Zambia under any free and selection.

Mr Saunders,however, said that it is too early to say that the pact will decide to break.
[ QFM ]


  1. saunders i dont know were you stand but should be on very wet grounds. you like a monkey jumping from one branch to another. you are a failed politician turned armchair critic. has money from NCC finished you now trying to attract attention for more cash invitations

  2. On “A political analyst has observed that the opposition can still remove the Movement for Multi party Democracy (MMD) without the pact… said that in an event that the UPND/PF pact fails, Zambians should not lose hope of changing government… He believed that the MMD could be taken on by any opposition party [including NAREP, ADD or Magande’s NMP] in Zambia under any free and selection” this is the message that HH must now begin to propagate across the Nation while the mighty UPND Team’s juniors continue teaching PF how to behave as the PACT continues to forge ahead in its current deceptive phase of PF illusions and UPND’s sincerity.

    Have a blessed day and UPND structures across the country go on full campaign mode for HH.
    Matt 6
    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But…

  3. What has Saunders done to you to escend on him like a tone of bricks you fool. You are a moron, arm chair critic or not, things are all wrong in Zambia. Where are your eyes? Can’t you see?

  4. Serious apathy is anticipated in next year s polls . I for one wont waste my time standing in the queue if the pact fell apart

  5. Whilst what Dante said is true, we cannot leave things to chance. The PACT must get rid of MMD at all costs. Going alone should not be the altenative. Remember we “LOST” in 2008. The same rigging can be at play this time around and time is not with US to “lose” again. The only way to dislodge the MMD is for the PACT to go as a united front and kick out the MMD.

    MMD, DORA, MULONGOTI, GK, NyamaSoya and the other minions are clinging on to power cause they dont want to lose what they are benefiting. They want to continue looting.

  6. why branding a politacal failure as a political analyst.if you are marketable we would have encouraged you to join the winning party under the able leadership of RB

  7. The message that must be clear to anyone that cares to listen is that 997,308 2006 registered voters(source: electral commission of Zambia) did not vote in 2008. Who are they likely to vote for this time round? This is a huge number of untapped voters. The majority of them are LPM’s sympathisers who were too hurt by his death to vote. The party that will manage to mobilize and inspire these voters to back them will carry the day.

  8. I dont normally blog but i having been checking out this ” Maestro Hhehhehhehhe for 2011 would-b President of Zambia HH ” and am begining to wonder if he is NORMAL…..

  9. #9,
    I have put it across to Maestro many times, but he/she does not answer me. Do you smoke dagga? If so please stop so that you come down to reality. If not, then please start because you need therapy.
    Calculator boy finally got it on 13 September 2010, that he cant win (something everyone knows). He said people should stop lying to him, but he must also stop lying to Maestro

  10. I feel that even if this so called pact worked, there can more problems than they are, in terms of power sharing or maybe should i say positions between the two parties, to me these pipo v failed to understant each other

  11. #11 That is what short-sighted Zambians fail to see. It is not just about getting rid of MMD, it is also about governing and pushing the country forward. Really, it at this stage in the game, the two parties have not sorted things out, how the hell are they going to work when they are in govt with all the competing interests that will have to deal with? Zambians have short memories and forget that at one time Kibaki and Odinga got together to get rid of Moi. Kenya was on the brink of civil war and the current administration still pays itself handsomely whilst increasing govt positions so that all their supporters can eat. Is that what we want in Zambia?


  13. “the hopes of Zambians should not die if the pact fails to achieve its objectives” Quote.

    I like the self confidence and comfort of this failed political cariculture now PF cadre. Its only that such assumptions without any prognosis are nothing but very laughable to say the least. What can we expect from deluded souls whose lives are failed now vainly rebranding.

  14. Pact dead horse – Kunda

    His Honor VICE-PRESIDENT George Kunda has rightly said the political pact between the Patriotic Front (PF) and the United Party for National Development (UPND) is a dead alliance which Zambians should not bother to support.

    He said in-fighting in the PF-UPND pact is testimony that the alliance has no vision and if allowed to rule, there would be anarchy in Zambia.

    “This so called pact is already dead and I am just flogging a dead horse. We in the MMD have a candidate in President Banda but the PF and UPND are exchanging blows in the newspapers on who will stand,” he said.

  15. Leave Maestro Hhehhehhehhe alone. He is simply telling you the truth as it stands. Must of you keep pouring numerous hallucinations on this blog but we just ignore you not that we believe what you are on about.

  16. Zed Patriot

    If you want Maestro to be left alone, he/she should stop blogging his/her instanity here. What truth is Maestro saying when Calulator Boy has analysed what everyone know, he can not win! To qoute him “Mwilambepa” (Bemba for stop trying to lie to me).

  17. The “difficulties” in the pact are about job sharing….if Ba HH becomes pact leader he will surely give priority to those who are close to him just like Ba Sata, Hence the quarrelling amongst the lower ranks.Either way a crop of cadres will lose out.
    The ruling party is in a similar predicament, Ba Williams Banda is pretending to be working by stage managing defections but at the end of the day all those “defectors” will want something in return.Unemployment is really a nightmare in Zambia.

  18. And Matero member of Parliament Faustina Sinyangwe has said the PF-UPND pact cannot hold because the two parties have different ideologies and backgrounds.
    Mrs Sinyangwe, who is a PF MP, said each of the two parties contends it is superior to the other.

    “The problems will be more in the pact next year because each party feels they are popular in Lusaka, especially the PF, who are forgetting that at one time Mr Given Lubinda and the late Bright Mtonga won on UPND tickets,” she said.

    Mrs Sinyangwe said she would want to see a PF candidate contest in Southern Province or a UPND member in Northern Province and be accepted by the electorate as this would prove that the alliance is strong.

  19. She said this would also help the two parties erase the tag that they are regional parties.

    Meanwhile, the UPND has maintained that PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba is responsible for the problems that have rocked the alliance.

    In a statement issued yesterday in Kitwe, UPND national youth spokesperson Ronald Manenga said Mr Kabimba is creating problems in the alliance.

    Mr Manenga said the PF cannot win next year’s elections without UPND and warned senior officials of the pact against issuing statements that can break the alliance.

  20. He said politics of deception, dictatorship and bureaucracy are gone and urged the PF leadership to be sincere in the way they handle issues of the pact.

    The UPND has also said that it will go ahead and invite applications from aspirants for the Chilanga parliamentary seat because this is what was agreed with the PF.

    UPND deputy spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa said the wrangles are not insurmountable.

    “The working groups sat and resolved that PF will field a candidate in Mpulungu and we (UPND) will field in Chilanga. Unfortunately, the PF leadership came out to disown that decision, saying that the PF is bigger than the pact. It’s unfortunate because the statement was made by the PF president, Mr Sata, and Mr Wynter Kabimba,” Mr Mweetwa said.

  21. He said the UPND expected such teething problems because they were two different parties, with equally different policies and style of administration.
    “To us it’s a done deal, there is no way someone will come up and say that our party is bigger than the pact,” Mr Mweetwa said.

    When contacted on the UPND’s position over the Chilanga and Mpulungu parliamentary by-elections, PF spokesperson Given Lubinda said the matter has been exhaustively discussed.

    Mr Lubinda said he will only comment on the matter when announcing candidates adopted by the pact.
    Meanwhile, PF national youth chairperson Chishimba Kambwili has suspended youth secretary Erick Chanda for attacking their pact partner, the UPND, and daring them to quit.

  22. Mr Chanda castigated the UPND over remarks made by the Hakainde Hichilema-led party’s national youth chairman Joe Kalusa, which he considered disrespectful to Mr Sata and Mr Kabimba.

    Mr Kalusa was quoted by the media as having criticised Mr Sata’s statement over the Chilanga by-election in which the PF leader was quoted as having said the adoption of a candidate should be based on the geographical strengths of the two parties, taking into consideration the way they performed in the 2006 general elections.

    Mr Kambwili said he decided to suspend Mr Chanda because he acted unilaterally when he issued the statement in which he blasted the UPND and asked them to quit the pact.

  23. And UPND Copperbelt chairman Elisha Matambo said PF should stop cheating itself that it can win an election on its own as that is a far-fetched dream.

    Mr Matambo said in an interview that the differences in the pact are as a result of PF leadership not being sincere and consistent in its dealings with the sister party.

  24. we waste a lot of time debating and calling each other likamani-likamani….instead of producing and working to develop our communities. National development comes out of community development.

    Lets walk the talk fellas.

  25. And the United Development Party (ZUDP) has said the pact has no chance of removing the ruling MMD from Government.

    ZUDP president Wilson Mukupa said in an interview in Ndola yesterday that even if the pact remains united it has poor chances of coming to power.

    Mr Mukupa said he will re-contest the position of republican presidency in the 2011 general elections.

  26. Mwata Kangwa

    Instead of doing some work, stop wasting Zambian taxpayers money at the embassy. Please who investors. You dont only bore us by copying and pasting from Times and Daily mail, but you also infringe on copyright. Were you not told this when you were a news reader on Radio Zambia?

    If we wanted to read Times and Daily mail articles, we know where to find them.

  27. 29, How did you arrive at your conclusion that Mwata is Ben Kangwa? Just because some kaponya said so? And if it is Ben Kangwa so what, should you lose sleep over it? It is such reasoning, analysis and decision making that has ensured that the Pact cannot tick. Please use your intellect to build your Pact, it needs you. Don’t you want Pact to form the next GRZ?

  28. 32. Pact Sata,

    Well, Ben himself told me he is Mwata. (Senior Citizen and Veteran too) Was he lying?
    My reasoning is that we know where to find Times and Daily mail, why does he post them here? I have not done any reasoning, analysis and decision making here. It is not anything that requires any of that to me – too simple (Ben said so). Maybe to your shallow mind it does, but not mine.

  29. Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (Proud PF Kaponya – zealot),

    The saying that assumption is the lowest level of knowledge is being proved right on these threads on our watch. I personally sympathize with your ignorance which no doubt the LT honchos and those with secret service tools if ever these have time to visit this blog as Americans patriotic act scans its cyber must be laughing at this handcapse every day. Me being all those people you mention or ever being closer to their IPs and domicile? More laughable is your obsession with Ben an apolotical civil servant serving the nation at high level level in the land of the free. Its your kind of ignorance that has failed the pact marriage.Lying and assumption has become part of your chemistry.Internet has easiest tools to track anyone yet are failing.

  30. 35. Mwata

    You are very funny, try comedy. Unless my good friend Ben lied to me, then he is the comedian and the joke is on you.

  31. 35. Mwata – whoever you are, stop copying and pasting Times of zambia and Daily Mail. We know were to get them

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