Saturday, March 15, 2025

RB off to Nigeria tomorrow


PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda will tomorrow leave for Nigeria where he has been invited as a special guest of Nigerian President Jonathan Goodluck at that country’s 50th Independence Anniversary.

Special assistant to the president for Press and public relations Dickson Jere said Mr Banda would join other African heads of State and Government at the events marking the 50th Independence Anniversary celebrations from September 30 to October 2.

Mr Jere said in a statement released in Lusaka yesterday that President Banda would also use the occasion to showcase Zambia’s investment opportunities to Nigerian investors at the Zambia-Nigeria Business Forum to be held in Abuja.

Mr Jere said President Banda was happy the Zambian investors responded positively to the invitation to join him on his historic visit to Nigeria.

“Zambia draws strength from Nigeria’s progress in the various fields of development in the last fifty years,” President Banda said ahead of his trip to Nigeria.

More than 50 Zambian business executives who would also attend the Investment Forum in Nigeria would accompany President Banda.

The Zambian business executives have financed their trip and chartered an aircraft, which left for Nigeria yesterday.

Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister Felix Mutati, Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Ronnie Shikapwashya and other senior Government Officials would accompany the president.

The presidential delegation would return as soon as they complete the scheduled business in Nigeria.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. “More than 50 Zambian business executives who would also attend the Investment Forum in Nigeria would accompany President Banda.”[END QUOTE]

    Great news. Nigeria has a massive market and is West Africa’s largest economy. Zambian businesses penetrating the Nigerian market like ZAMBEEF has done will be good for the economy.

  2. I am just not comfortable with Nigerians especially where Business is concerned. Everybody knows who Nigerians are and what characterises their Business.

  3. #1 get over yourself, this is a business trip as #2 stated, can’t you sometimes read beyond the headlines? Who in their right mind would ignore the Nigerian market. There are a lot of things Zambians can sell to the 150 million plus Nigerians.

    Besides the president didn’t go to the UN , but sent Defence Minister, so did you and your cadres send his wife flowers for that? Get real man. The president was not elected to baby sit state house for the nation.

  4. Enjoy your trip His Excellency R.B President of Republic of Zambia. We are humbled with your good Governance.

  5. For God s sake what is the role of the mission staff in Nigeria and many other countries . Cant Vasco da Banda make use of them.

  6. #5. tell me, are you a government worker based in south africa?
    cause i think you can not reason beyond your short pi pi !!!

  7. thats how important H.E.R.B is this global world village imagine goodluck johnson is only a few months in govt but he has thought of RB. nigeria is a big economy we have eco bank access bank doing very well in zambia with very high standards. 50 businessmen have chartered an aircraft to attend a business forum in abuja what a great chance

  8. What a President! This man is the most travelled president in the world. A week hardly passes without him visiting other countries or featuring at traditional ceremonies. Zambians deserve to know how much these endless trips are costing the Treasury. Vote wisely next year.

  9. Globe trotter on the move again!!!This Chap really enjoys flying. Some of the nonsense he loves going to can be left to Red Lips George to attend.
    This country doesn’t have a President! RB should be awarded the Order of the Flying Eagle for having clocked the most time in the air as president

  10. RB has made a grade with his sober and matured way of leadership thats why all these invitations are coming forth.they want to learn from especially how he steered the country to safety during the world economic meltdown

  11. Am sure would be better recalling all commisioners becuse they r recking in money they dont work for. Business in Nigeria is based on juju bane. We see those films of theirs. “The jack of all trades” I don not see much wrong with his travelling but the intention is what beats my stomach to diarhea. Because ever since you ushered him into state house,he has been traveling accross the globe. I dont see these travels payingoff at all because, we still r lamenting about chinese & indian investment, people r still loosing jobs, & those that ve till get what cant go round the month, let alone nkongole! Yes,we r seeing bulidings sprouting in LSK but not elsewhere & even those r not even zambian owned. Whats the direction of our economy if the status shows otherwise? Well,safe journey!!!

  12. Indeed very useless president of Zambia RB. He behaves as if he is a teenager. What a president who does not sit in his office to sort out pressing issues of the Country. Doctors are on strike but there he goes up flying. If RB dies in a plane crash I will not cry guys.

  13. Hang on,when did he come back from Mozambique! Im not being judgemental here but only last week he went to Mozambique via South Africa,,,,he could have just connected from there,what was the point of him going back to Zambia.It really doesnt make sense
    Whats the job of the minister of commerce,surelly he can say no to some of these invitations,it doesnt mean that if he refuses then he has breached diplomatic etiquette or something,it will only mean that he has more pressing issues at home like striking doctors mmmmssssshhhhhh

  14. Do you buy the story that RB is invited I think he asks to be invited. Some heads of state turn down invitations not RB. What a waste of tax payers money. This man can’t continue for another five years or this counttry will be run dry

  15. RB – There are no business interests in this trip so dont bul.lshi.t us with that rubbish. You are going there on your own accord! Business in Nigeria, oh please! RB must learn to delegate duties as other presidents do. #5 – you have such blind loyalty its disturbing. Does RB know you are so loyal to him and is this loyalty re-paid??? If RB told you the MMD can make oil out of faece.s you would agree and defend him. such is your loyalty, one day you will be duped easily uletekanya mudala wandi.

  16. FTJ at play? Just see TB Joshua and 2011 will child’s play. Look at me I was accused of mass plunder but TBJ changed everything and I am a free man see? TBJ worked on you to release me see?

  17. @ #22 Ghostrider

    If there are no business interests in Nigeria, why is the delegation of 50 business executives chartering a plane to Nigeria?

  18. Is this the best time to travel to go and celebrate another country’s independence day when we are currently in a crisis at home? The doctors are on strike countrywide and other health workers will follow on strike shortly. The issue is not the president travelling but the size of the delegation. Mind you, for each officer there is an allowance paid which is in US$ per day then there is hotel accommodation, meals and transport. In addition there is always an advance party which similarly consumes huge chunks of resources. Has the President said anything about the striking health workers since action in Zambia seems to be a dreaded thing. All we hear on the ZNBC news is so and so said so and so. NO ACTION.

  19. The truth of the matter is that ths chap RB VASCO DA BANDA applies 2 be invited. The reason y he cant re-call high commissioners and ambassadors is that they make aplications on his behalf. Those 50 so-called ‘business fimo fimo’ r fully sponsord by tax payers money. There is no nid of rejoicing tht they r chattering a plane, thnk b4 u smile. Tht was done in order 2make this chap’s trip sound a little reasonable. RB cant even b a special guest come on ther r special people wth ideas not ths tourist. What wil he say ther when he doesnt reside in zambia, he doesnt know wat is happening here. He just want 2 hav a chance 2 see this false prophet so that he could win next year.

  20. #10 Zambia iz not a “small” country in Afrika and so it shouldn’t come az a surprize or an achievement to be invited by Nigeria, and it’s only proper that RB attendz.

  21. Guys have you been to Nigeria? What business can you do? Every single Nigerian wants to leave the country to go abroad. Who has forgotten when more than one million Nigerians were deported from Ghana? Do not envite trouble. Leave Nigerians alone…By the way what can Zambians sale to Nigeria? If you want bank fraud like one experienced by Stan Chart a few weeks ago, then go ahead and welcome to 419- Made in Nigeria

  22. This VASCO DA BANDA just returned from mozambique and now heading to nigeria.Billions of kwacha r being wasted by paying ba shushu and cadres.THANDI, please talk to your sugardad lessen on international flights.He is nearing his end.

  23. RB won’t be a so-called ‘special guest’ at the celebrations. The media over uses this phrase. I am sure general invitations are sent out – and a number of heads of state decline them, or send a representative.
    There is absolutely no justification for a President to globe trot as much as RB has done. The word ‘investors’ has also been over used. Have the ‘benefits’ of these investments ‘trickled down’ to the general populace? Why are people in a hurry to interpret the mushrooming of buildings, fancy cars and a certain clique of people getting richer, as meaning that there has been development? If anything, these are usually pointers to a widening gap between the haves and have nots. Progress should be judged by the strenth of the social welfare system and redistribution of…

  24. The job of presidency is no easy task. We may criticize the president but the fact still remains that he needs to travel for various reasons: He is the Chair for Defense and Security and from time to time, he will be in and out executing his function. He needs to solicit for investment but discussing with various business people, that’s health. His Nigeria trip to me works because Nigeria is factor in economic development and we could exploit opportunities for Zambians to export to that country and Nigerians to invest in Zambia. We have to promote investment opportunities to the outside world to inject capital in our economy suffice to say that we should not do this at the expense of the Zambians. Lets not just be critical

  25. Poor George Kunda he has never been on an official trip out of the country, except for his medical evacuation(Even that I believe Rupiah Offered to go for him), but he had to go himself.

  26. I pray that God may give you wisom Mr president so that you can have direction on how to lead a country. At the moment I am sorry to say you are a lost president, no vision and no goals. Kulaipatawila fye…even peolple like senior citizen have now lost trust and respect for you. He cant say anything about your never ending trips.


  28. I hear RB has been invited to Planet Mars sometime next month as he would have visited all the countries on Planet Earth. His CV must show him as the most travelled President and the one who spent the least time in State House!!!

  29. How do Zambians back home, those in shanty compounds feel about such a president? It is no use me criticising him, as i am not going to vote. Surely they are not pleased with such actions? Basically, he has destroyed the spirit of the Zambians and now he has gone to import the Nigerians.

  30. Can someone please give conact details for producers of the world guiness book of records. We need to enter our Banda in that book as the most travelled president in just two years.

  31. Not surprising that Dora Siliya is not included in the group accompanying a Rupiah Bwezani “Kanitundila” Banda. She would have been one too many in Nigeria and Shikapwasha cannot even stand in to help as he is a church pastor.

  32. I love RB. This is the man we zambians have been given to help eradcate poverty left by mwanawasa. He is the man of good record. We have experienced good rains under his adminstration and a bumper harvest followed. What a nice president he is a mirror of a good president. I hope Obama will learn some wisdom from RB once they meet in USA white house.
    We need such men who have support for local business men/ women. 2011 for RB. Please blogers support RB and vote for him. He is the only president who smiles with the truth. Under mwanawasa we had alot of corruption now there is zero nothing…. This is good man mwe. Travel well our dear president. I speak on behalf of all Zambians.

  33. when Doctors are striking….Banda get serious..Zambian and you the MMD with people at heart…WE DO NOT NEED THIS MAN FOR PRESIDENCY PLEASEEEEE

  34. I hope the first lady will attend because the number of trips he makes, the first lady is left alone. Please remember MARRIAGE has other obligations ba RB. When you will discover that she have been helped by someone else do not complain. Danny said BAKANKWAFWA. Mark my words ba mudaala

  35. #25 Capitalist – That number 50 has been made up and like 27 has said, they are just looking for excuses to make the trip more credible, its RB going for celebrations mudala just accept that fact. Even you are now shy to admit ayenda sana.
    # 41 & 42 mwansekesha sana ribs are cracking!

  36. Chi Banda the tourist is running away from the striking doctors. What a shame to have Banda as president of Zambia. He even calls nigerians as investors. He is inviting for trouble.

  37. Rupiah Bwezani Banda is a scam,you cant have a president who is looking for parties and celebrations both locally and abroad.Africa has 52 countries which celebrate national days and swearing in the rate we are going Banda may end up visiting all these nations Somalia inclusive.

  38. who is the President of Zambia? Free speech is obviously being abused here.Wow it reminds me of the time with KK.Shushus, Vigilantes, Uwaikatako wapya! bonse nganatupya! but understandably things have changed.Wait for Sata and see if you will be saying all these things ba kabwa..

  39. #16 you are as foooolish as number 5, tell me, which country has not managed to contain the crisis, and what did Chi rupia do exactly?i think you are as dull as him!

  40. This is an irresponsible Vagabond who uses tax payers’ money for private business trips! The guy that is going to start a cement company in Zambia is from Nigeria! This id.iot should be locked up.

  41. 1. Fly to Malawi
    2. Fly to Luena for bye election campaign
    3. Fly to Chifubu for bye election campaign
    4. Fly to Chienge for traditional ceremony
    5. Fly to Chipata to launch Chief Madzimawe’s development agenda.
    6. Fly to Botswana for state visit
    7. Fly to to Congo for Independence celebration
    8. Fly to Namibia for SADC meeting
    9. Fly to Mozambique for state visit to Namwala-Chipata(Mucinji)) to Chipata (Gawa Undi) to Swaziland.sept to Rwanda 5 sept
    14.President Banda expected at the Chisemwa Cha Lunda ceremon
    15.PRESIDENT Banda is today expected to leave for South Africa
    and Mozambique for consultations on a number of issues.22 sep
    16. PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda will tomorrow leave for Nigeria

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