Saturday, March 15, 2025

RB makes reshuffles


President Rupiah Banda has made changes to his Government by transferring three Cabinet ministers.

And President Banda has appointed Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) Commissioner General Chriticles Mwansa as new Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The President has transferred Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Peter Daka to the Ministry of Science Technology and Vocational Training where he has taken over from Dr Brian Chituwo.

Dr Chituwo has been transferred to the Ministry of Local Government and Housing taking over from Dr Eustarcio Kazonga who has also been moved to the Ministry of Agriculture.

This is contained in statement to ZANIS in Lusaka today by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relation Dickson Jere.

Mr Banda has appointed Chriticles Mwansa as Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Science and Technology.

He has also transferred Science, Technology and Vocational PS Sherry Thole to the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services.

Ms Thole takes over from Tiens Kapoma who was until now the PS while Mr. Kapoma will be redeployed within the Public Service.

The transfers are with immediate effect.


  1. Apart from promotions for some who have reached the ceiling, I do not understand the purpose of reshuffles without retirement or firing some people. I am just sorry that the President keeps moving these musical chairs around. If a person is not performing in one ministry how can he perform in another? The way Hon Brig Gen B Chituwo MB,ChB; FRCS; MP is being moved around looks like he is being groomed for Presidency so that he can have experience. Otherwise if not, he should go back to UTH.

  2. shuffling bodies just for fun, before they even settle down down to carry out their tasks they’ll be off to another Ministry. As for Mr chriticles Mwansa, its the beggining of the end of him, the next time he hears from Jere it will be about his retirement in the interest of the public. If i were him i would resign immediately with his experience look for something professional on the international stage.

  3. I thought Crito was being groomed for Vice Presidency? When you are constantly moved, the appoint officer is looking for a scapegoat to chunk you out. This would be the third or fourth move for Brian Chituwo sine RB came into office. This is abuse of power.

  4. ZRA commissioner general to b science p.s this funny! I thot the man waz stiring ZRA back to life or is the R.B wants to appoint a puppet who will divert ZRA collections to fund the mmd convention en campaigns for 2011

  5. Now criticles has started inching closer to a cabinet portifolio.Good for him, tho i guess what he will be getting in his new post will be much lower than in ZRA where utululu is the order of the day.

  6. This is nonses from RB.He has run out of ideas.How does he transfer Chriticals to Science and techonlogy when his knowledge and experience is needed at Commerce or Finance ?
    On second thought,what do you expect from a Zungulila president ??

  7. Crito should prepare his budget for a major adverse shock. ZRA commissioner generals office is very rewarding. I wonder why the shuffle. Perhaps they could be creating space for younger brains like the ever rising Muyangwa Muyangwa. Anyway, let others have chance. Next is BOZ.

  8. Inwe Ba RB, former diplomat, in other countries people stay in positions for long, unless they want to go back into the private sector. You are thinking like some non-entity who thinks that “So long as ni bo punzila banga sebenze nchinto ili yonse ya muma ofesi malinga baziba chizungu”. Ah……

  9. How on earth can a man like Criticles be Perm Sec in the Science, Ed and vOc Training ministry? ZRA has collected more funds than any other time in History, the workers are less corrupt and more accountable. Higher projections. The the problem is, Ruphia spends too much time out if Zambia and just thought he should do something like KK used to do to show he is working this man has no idea what hes doing. Am sure he didnt read he credentials before the move. Very SAD.

  10. At this point in time Zambia does not need a ceremonial president, because they are so many issues to be sorted out, like health, education, roads etc. Even the reshuffles, KK used to reshuffle according to the merits! Most of those ministers have no clue, like Tourism Minister promoting tourism in Zambia when the roads are bad especially Livingstone the tourist town,the local govt. do the Councills work? All the alarming reports from the Auditor General, who has he fired!

  11. The purpose of this reshuffle is merely to introduce Criticles mwansa to a ministry. And this can only be acompanied with a mini reshuffle. Criticles is being warmed up for a bigger post most likely as a minister and subsquently a VP after 2011 elections.

  12. The analysis from the reshuffles can be summarised as follows:-
    1. Peter Daka has not provide leadership in Agric esp when it came to buying of maize by FRA and securing funds; So Kazonga another Eastern is brought in. Here RB lacks options. One would have thought Kazonga , being a former TEVETA Director would fit easily at Science.
    2. Chituwo to Local Govt is because, he had to pave way for Daka, but it seems the Brig Gen may have to rethink his strategies.
    3.I Chrictles had a lot of inhouse breeding with the chicks at ZRA. Remember the fight by his junior. Here is seems Situ Musokwane wants to prop up a fellow Lozi at ZRA… The usual tribal card from Situ and his sidekick Likolo.
    4. As for Sherry, they expect her to work on the women funds at Community as 2011 draws near.

  13. for old man Kapoma, he is probably being prepared for either a return to the Diplomatic Missions or for quiet sack. What analysts should be asking is why is that Kaingu does not seem to have good working relationships with his PSs. He fell out of favour with Gladys Kristafor, Dave Mendamenda and now Kapoma. I hear that Kaingu wants big imprests whenever he travels for minor trips within Zambia

  14. i dont understand the kind of political advise RB is receiving from his men at statehouse. Why Chriticles being shifted to TEVET? Wat shall be his role there? Wats wrong with Chituwo? anyway, RB is heading for a disaster. I now find it more difficult to prepare for my ballot day…in the pact people cant reason and share responsibilities and leadership; and MMD and this RB are all stiff headed mongrals without diplomatic approach to issues..poor governance policies. My only sound candidate remaining is Gen. Miyanda..that man is credible in all aspects to rule this country..plz zed open your eyes!

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