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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Never allow Sata to rule this country-UPND


PF leader Michael Sata

United Party for National Development (UPND) National youth coordinator, Joe Kalusa has said Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata is a “tired old man” who should never be allowed to rule this country.

Mr Kalusa also described as insulting and disappointing the statement by Patriotic Front (PF) National youth Secretary Eric Chanda, that Michael Sata is more popular than Hakainde Hichilema.

Mr Chanda has been quoted in a daily tabloid as having stated that the UPND’s claim for the Pact presidency beats common sense because the PF leader is more popular that the UPND one.

[pullquote]He has also accused the PF of “sugar coating” its stay in the pact adding that the recent suspension given to Mr Chanda was just a way of hoodwinking the UPND.
The UPND National youth chairperson said things are not alright in the pact and the PF should take responsibility for the predicament that the pact has found itself in because they are the ones who have continued attacking the UPND leader.

Mr Kalusa said the PF general secretary, Winter Kabimba has contributed to the killing the pact.

The pact leadership has remained mute over the wrangles despite calls by various stakeholders that they speak out and be heard to provide harmony to the shaky political marriage the two parties have gone into.

He has also accused the PF of “sugar coating” its stay in the pact adding that the recent suspension given to Mr Chanda was just a way of hoodwinking the UPND.

But Mr Kalusa last week showered words of praise on Mr Sata stating that he was equally good to stand as the 2011 elections candidate.

[ QFM ]


  1. Ther\ whole thing is in disarray and you wonder how they will manage the country if at this early stage they are on each others throats…….Shame and sad for the motherland.


  3. ….and the confusion continues! Pact or no Pact this great nation should continue, we are tired of you people, please give us a break. Stop behaving as if God anointed you to lead this nation.

  4. ASAP selfless patriots of Barotseland should just rendition Paul Mpundu back to his village in Mpika where he can go perpetuate his genocide agenda or dump him in the Zambezi river for serving the interests of foreigners like Duff an ex-KKK panter with blackman blood in his hands.

  5. Joe you are young, vibrant and fearless. Needless to say your statements lately have been full of attacks AND hatred. Calm down young man, two wrongs never make a right and insults never pay. The electorates are watching and listening, a third consecutive paliarmentary loss for you would mean you are done going by Zambian politics. FRIENDLY ADVANSE !!!!!!!

  6. Joe you are young, vibrant and fearless. Needless to say your statements lately have been full of attacks AND hatred. Calm down young man, two wrongs never make a right and insults never pay. The electorates are watching and listening, a third consecutive paliarmentary loss for you would mean you are done going by Zambian politics. FRIENDLY ADVISE !!!!!!!

  7. Iye tata mayo elolwanya nomba. Viva Mwadya Mweka Daddy. You have just paved the way for the corrupt RB and his followers. Corruption to continue pa Zambia. Mwafwa imwe.

  8. And the United Development Party (ZUDP) has said the pact has no chance of removing the ruling MMD from Government.

    ZUDP president Wilson Mukupa said in an interview in Ndola yesterday that even if the pact remains united it has poor chances of coming to power.

    Mr Mukupa said he will re-contest the position of republican presidency in the 2011 general elections.

  9. Iyo iyo, just keep Pact on the agenda please. It’s becoming a pleasure laughing at this ridiculous idea of a Pact between PF and UPND.

  10. Mr Kambwili said he decided to suspend Mr Chanda because he acted unilaterally when he issued the statement in which he blasted the UPND and asked them to quit the pact.

  11. Pact dead horse – Kunda

    VICE-PRESIDENT George Kunda has said the political pact between the Patriotic Front (PF) and the United Party for National Development (UPND) is a dead alliance which Zambians should not bother to support.

    He said in-fighting in the PF-UPND pact is testimony that the alliance has no vision and if allowed to rule, there would be anarchy in Zambia.

    “This so called pact is already dead and I am just flogging a dead horse. We in the MMD have a candidate in President Banda but the PF and UPND are exchanging blows in the newspapers on who will stand,” he said.

    Mr Kunda said Zambians should not vote for either the PF president, Michael Sata, or UPND president, Hakainde Hichilema, in the 2011 elections.

  12. I have always been a strong beleiver in the pact and hoped it would work. I still hold onto some level of hope. But If this is the direction we are heading, I ask UPND to take is 19% of the votes it got in 2008 and leave the Pact. As for us PF, we will take our 39% and build upon it.

  13. Sata was in cabinet for 10 years, which of his former high profile colleagues in govt are with him in PF? If the answer is { }, an empty set then the man lacks credibility and true he can’t win any election.

  14. UPND are proud for nothing. Figures are there to speak for themselves. MMD are only scared of Sata who knows them left right and has a large following in prime cities of Zambia. Sata has a track record of success in all the ministries he has worked. Even when he was Lusaka District Governor Lusaka was sparkling.

  15. Ba PF you can keep dreaming about the 39% you got in 2008 but when the 997,308 voters who voted in 2006 but decided not to participate in the 2008 presidential elections cast their vote your 39% will be reduced to 12%. Keep dreaming, the people of Zambia are watching. This is the reality check we have been telling you about all this time. Kalusa is justified to talk as long as PF keep attacking UPND in the Post.

  16. Iyo kwena iyi ni circus bane, Some are throwing grenades in the post while others are throwing grenades at QFM.So if we are keeping scores, clearly the likes of Chizyuka, Machungwa, Sakwiba, Kunda have more wisdom than these chaps, sometimes listening to elders helps. HH has messed up his career, he is in a living hell, in a pact which he cannot leave, list he will be proved a failure. As for Sata this is his character we are not surprised, it is expected considering his education levels, conflict management are not his strong areas.Zambians we have dodged a bullet, this pact government was going to create another Kenya in our peaceful country, let it die, we work with one opposition party.

  17. It is really a disappointment to the Zambians who thought the pact will liberate them! Selfishness and power hunger has taken centre stage in the pact. You leaders in the pact are let down!

  18. I was Once Joe Kalusa’s room mate at CBU. He was 3 yrs behind me at CBU. I have met him of late several times. Trust me, Joe kalusa is NOT the same NOW. He has been compromised and bought. I’m not saying this for the sake. Joe very soon his true self NOW will come OUT. He is like Edward Mumbi or Charles Chimumbwa the former PF SG. Joe is going to SHOCK the UPND very soon. He has become a loose canon, a hired Gun for the MMD. Very soon he will denounce the UPND & HH, descredit them as a Tonga party & Chancers. he nearly suceeded in recruiting Mweetwa Cornelius to start denouncing the UPND but he cornelius has changed his mind. I feel sorry for Kalusa, his political game very shocking coming to a bitter end.

  19. 39% that is history. Now the situation is different. There is no PF in southern, western, central, northwest and eastern. So how do you expect PF to win elections. SATA has miscalculated this one and his chances of plot one has just gone into smoke.

  20. I can only ask UPND one question: are you ready to take the vice presidency? If not ready, please PACK your bags and leave us in peace. PF is ready to take on MMD single handedly. It’s just naive minds that are scared. Go flat out right now and campaign in all the constituents and towns. Don’t wait for election date to be announced and start flying around in choppers. UPND is wasting our time. RB won the 2008 elections using Levy’s dead body

  21. # fide Indeed Sata has a track record, for whatever he did he made sure he benefited. The Merzaf story has been repeated several times, we all know, the comes UTH pharmacy-it went into private hands to his brother in marriage, council to his father in law, numerous relatives were shanted into various jobs in govt depts. People were abused. Then again, is it the job of a president to sweep streets, clean hospitals or whatever? Doctors were fired for demanding a decent wage, they were told in no uncertain terms that they don’t produce anything and could therefore demands could not be met. Local in a mess it is now because of his “track” record.

  22. Ooooooooooooooooh I have come up with an ingenius way of chosing the PACT leader, we ask RB to toss a coin, HEADS or TAILS, THAT IS THE FINAL RESULTS.

  23. you no 3, you are the most ***** creature on earth. Do you think Sata will ever rjule this country. you are cheating yourselves. HHis the best. you just go it alone so that MMD wins the 2011 elections. the good battle will be in 2016 and HH has nothing to loose. by then Sata will be an old man to talk about.



  26. SATA is very dum. This was the opportunity to dribble UPND by playing along until last minute and get the PACT leadership. FTJ would have even done better because he is a master dribbler. He did it in 1991 when everyone did not expect it. There were powerful names competing with kapufi but he came out tops. Nomba ba sata, greediness. You cant give your friends chilanga and see how they fair so that if they dont get it in 2011 you take over. Bupuba

  27. People, thats Kalusa’s opinion. He has a right to say his opinion, and what I know about opinions is that an opinion is neither right nor wrong. In developed countries a person has a right to air their opinion. In Zambia people have a very limited right to air their opinion; though some people have more rights when their opinions are in line of the rulling party: as is the case with Kalusa. We all can have an opinion about Sata, some very right others very wrong. one thing is true, every Zambian has a right to aspire to lead the country, and that is Sata’s right. To say that he should never do that is going against Mr Sata’s right. Personally, i think MMD wants to confuse many people and will use people to achieve that.

  28. Joe Kalusa, only your father is a tired old man as he retired from thinking the day he produced you. Sata is ever fresh and ready to help the country develop instead of sinking like it is now.

  29. This bickering is all immature!! How do we trust you guys with leading the country when you guys are so petty?? Learn from what is happening in the UK! Shaaaaaaaa!!!

  30. If PF did not want the PACT why did they agree to it in the first place. It was just common sense (HH has MBS) that it was the best route to take after both parties failed to oust MMD. One should always have plan B instead of hitting the wall, like PF. Some one had to think for PF. Two heads are better than one ba grade 0.

  31. Its better RB wins than allowing Sata. We are waiting for 2016 by which time Sata cant even walk. RB win and block Sata. All are going to vote RB but we are UPND

  32. And if people do not want the PACT, then we will be happy to vote for a DOG, than vote for a president who will be on holidays 250 days a year for 5 years with hefty allowances for him and his team. No matter how oyu advertise a bad product, it wont get better.

  33. #33 Add the POST Newspaper to that list of people that have killed the PACT.

    OK here is my take on this issue that I have been watching from the sideliness. First of all these squabbles are bad both for HH and Sata. MMD is enjoying this and as long as they drag it, it will be imprinted in people’s minds that these two people have no leadership qualities to run the country. Because everyday we now seem to wake up and hear all these stories while the leadership is quite and there is no action especially from the man of Action Sata.

    My Advice is face this head on now , in fact this week. Show decisive leadership to disband the PACT consolidate it. The longer these squabbles last the deep the impression in people’s minds that SATA or HH can’t control their people are r not decisive…

  34. Chimbwi no plan na degree ya pa salaula. People in PF think Kabimba is so educated and smart. Lets see if he will win the case of Thandiwe Banda.

  35. Some times, youn can fail to reason as well..!!PF how do you expect UPND to support you when you are busy insulting them. That one will not work because SATA is not a presidential material, nothing will change that and they are conviced that BANDA is better than SATA. Do not tell them who is better between the two. From this already, they know sata will not put HH as vice president, on what category you want HH to participate in this pact. This is the problem. sata is not trusted and HH will not burge no matter what you say in this colum. Let each one of them contest the election and choose the president later like in UK simple as that, UPND had this problem of insulting other people and they paid the price…!!!!!

  36. Go Kalusa go.UPND have the right to hit back as long as the kaponyas of PF and their Vuvuzela the post keep on trumpeting nosense!

  37. contd from #42..Zambians whether rural or urban like to see a decisive leader , somebody people can follow and listen to and somebody who they think can work with others. What is happening in this PACT is clearly showing Zambians that these two leaders can’t work with anyone. They might decide to stay quiet but this is eating both their credibility and their ability to be national leaders. They should decide to either make this work with decisive steps and just quiet the whole thing. It is bad publicity for either of them.

    This all part of MMD campaign strategy and sad that the PACT have fallen for it. These leaders are being exposed as lacking control of their people and who would trust them with presidential powers.

  38. I am a Pact supporter and i must say aim very disappointed. Please work this out or i the Devil( MMD) you know is better than the angel( PF or UPND) you dont know. Please note that aim only gonna vote when its Pact and not separate parties.

  39. SATA is finished old man. Check the the CVs of popo around him and you have answers. Kabimba is an old friend of SATA so what can you expect from that combination. Zambian wake up this is no time for Old popo who have failed us for a long time. Viv…Viv HH even if you loss 2011, you can still stand in 2016. And it seems sensible popo like Given Lubinda are the ones promoting the PACT. PF is full of kaponyas……..HH….go alone and I will vote for you. At least be assured of my vote.MMD have alot to talk about SATA come 2011 you will see how they will finish off SATA.

  40. By the way does anybody know if it is true that the POST’s official position is not to cover HH. I have not seen him covered in the POST for a while now. Can somebody with inside info shed some light

  41. We’re just waiting for the last nail in the PACT’s coffin. Indeed it seems our old man will never go to plot 1. PF has a natural self-destructive mechanism by way of our learders’ big-headedness.

  42. PF recently lost in 5/6 by elections. So what popularity are they talking about. Elections should not based on past glory. Where is UNIP which used to win 100% plus. So Zambians put you vote on the youngman-HH. Look at what he has acheived as a businesman. He is the right man for Plot1. Let us change for the better.

  43. PF should not be drunk with past will cry bane..times have changed and we need a modern president that can represent us world over..without ever mumbling some insult..PF has been so dihonest and i bet HH should continue HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  44. Joe kalusa and Cornelius Mweetwa.You are a disgrace to the ex-monks.You have never been in gainful employment but politicking.Namukula baice.Get a life.These chaps you championing,had passed through what you guys have not – NORMAL WORK.

  45. 21. Zed Patriot,

    You have no idea which way the 997,308 would have voted. Please tell us what makes you 100% sure they would have not voted PF. I am keen to know.

  46. Nxa..Zambians kwena it’s true tushalapofye nechisungu mukanwa..bushe kwena mano yachepa, nagulanikanda yafita yalenga? Nathan Nyirenda.Please give everyone a chance to express their opinions and debate like we have have some sense.Kalusa’s opinion may not be what you want to hear but let us sit down and analyse these issues before we bloat out.We have far too many educated arm chair critics in Zambia or is it uneducated? What we write on this blog can tell..Opinions are like asses and unfortunately everyone has one.Mwebantu Sata is not the right person to take us into the next level of development we may want.mukapapa sana.Viva Sata and PF MUKALILA..SALAPUKENI

  47. Idiocy is truly never far away from excited politicians and their supporters. Start a rumor and you will cause them to fight. No wonder presidents never fight … even when their useless supporters will.

    Ask yourselves how both HH and Sata have taken this rumor about Joe Kalusa. Why is each one of them quiet amidst such baseless lies? Which of you will stand firm and say Kalusa has NOT been misquoted? Which of you know that HH and Sata have in fact strengthened their ties. Media, media, media…I’m disappointed with bloggers who just types in response without actually investigating … wait for tomorrows news then, and see if this will have been the same story covered, in the same way.

    The pact still has light and MMD believers, you are in for a rude shock.

    the pact is still at…

  48. # 56 continued
    nga ni ka mweetwa nolupala nalwamba.You will realize when it is too late,that you had missed out on a normal life.

  49. #57 Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (Proud PF Kaponya – zealot)

    The 2008 elections were mainly a contest betwen Sata and RB because at the time voters were advised not to vote for HH because UPND did not have enough MPs. Most voters listened to this advise and either supported Sata or RB or stayed away. Only a small number of die hard HH supporters ignored the advise and voted for him. This majority of these 997,308 voters are mainly HH supporters or heart broken LPM supporters who are likely to support HH. This time round they will vote in large numbers for mainly HH. They are the secret arsenal!!!



  52. Before are get insulted by some unhappy PF and MMD cadres here is the information I am using:
    RB 718,359 40.09 %(2008) LPM 1,177,846 42.98%(2006)…. (-459,487)
    MCS 683,150 38.13 %(2008) MC S 804,748 29.37%(2006)…. (-121,598)
    HH 353,018 19.70 %(2008) HH 693,772 25.32%(2006)………. (-340754)
    TOTAL VOTES CAST 1,791,806(2008) 2,789,114(2006)………..(- 997308)
    If you compare the results for 2006 and 2008 you will noticed that UPND and MMD dropped more votes in 2008 than PF. One of the main reasons for that is as explained above #62. As you are aware Sata’s voters were more energised to beat RB. HH supporters were discouraged by the negative publicity in both the Post and govt media. The Post backed Sata.


  54. 62. Zed Patriot

    What are you basing that on? Is that your person wishful thinking. I actually thought you had some scientific/mathematical method of proof, rather that expressing your wish. Funny

  55. Just wanted to say that as someone who supports H.E.R.B and MMD I am really enjoying this circus/comedy show that is the pakiti. What is even more amusing are the desperate insults between UPND and PF supporters. He!, he!, he!, you wanted to use each other to get to plot one, which in itself was an admission of failure on both your parts. Why didnt you want to do the hard slog of convincing those who did not support your parties to do so in the next election as individual parties? No, you both wanted ya mahara to cut corners in true Zambian style. Instead of spending the last year to come up with a credible manifesto, you just spent time hurling insults at RB who by the way has already started campaigning and is now enjoying the independence celebrations in Nigeria.

  56. #71 Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (Proud PF Kaponya – zealot)

    I gave you the raw factual data and I have given you an analysis of the voting trends. You always go on about the 39% PF/Sata got in 2008 and keep on bragging about it but I have demonstrated to you that the 39% share of the vote Sata got in 2008 WILL be wiped out when the voters turnover increases.

  57. Prostitute UPND is a joke and a complete waste of time. Its now open secret that thye joined the Pact to push their unpopular President down our throats, it will not work you’ve been found out. PF is not a party of dumbs you see, SATA has consistantly beaten your man therefore it’s alter nonsense to even dream of SATA has a vice-president to HH. As a party they are so shameless that they have even recruited a bunch of drunks as fortune tellers to predict next year’s voting pattern and not to rely on civilised methods which uses trends and other forms of sampling or opinion polls to estimate the pattern. The only consolation for next year is that the next President wont be a Tonga, it will be either SATA or his tribal cousin RB.

  58. 2011 is already concluded, we should start talking about 2016. That is who will succeed H.E.R.B in 2016. In all fairness the man is doing a good job, may be we should give him a bonus term.

  59. iam now back to confirm what i said early this year that Sata and HH can not bring peace in this country.Idi Amin in Uganda came to power and pipo celebrated but they were celebrating the devil with no mercy.Sata is Kaponya and is an old man who will never listen from any minister.He is a ruthless dictator.Ask Dr chileshe or Mumbi you think these guys are dull.They are the most educacted guys.Pls save us from the black mamber.

  60. #73 msana wanzili

    A presidential bye election does not attract as many people as presidential and parliamentaly elections becuase there are much more resources input in the later. As you are aware there a lot of parliamentary candidates campaigning and spending a lot of their personal money to woo voters. Also, since presidential and parliamentary elections are planned elections most of the players are ready for the showdown and have enough resources set aside.

  61. 73, 78 Zed Patriot
    Nothing you are saying is guatanteed, you are just expressing your wish, not facts. There is no way of telling what the voter % will be. There is not way of telling that the people who did not vote in 2008 would not have voted for PF if they did. How can you tell they the 39% will be wiped out??? How can you tel that RB 40% will be higher or lower? how can you tell they HHs 19% will be higher?
    Do a simple trend analysis

    PF gained from 3.35% in 2001 to 29.40 in 2006, then 38.13% in 2008 average growth of 5% per year –
    UPND in 2001 getting 26.76%, 2006 dropping to 25.30% and finally in 2008 further falling to 19.70%? This represents an average drop of 7% a year

  62. #78 Zed Patriot
    ….and 2006 general elections? By the way what statistical tools are you using to come up with all these funny assumptions? Have you ever been outside Southern Province before in your life to have a feel of what other level headed people across the country think about your HH and UPND in general? Get real mate, tell your party to f#ck off we meet next year. I hope PF will field a candidate for Chilanga bye-election so that we spoil the party before it even starts.

  63. Why cant you guys stop arguing and just campaign for your particular loser? Really all these arguments between Msana whats his face and Zed unpatriotic are like to bald men arguing over an afro comb.

  64. 80. msana wanzili, that is the same question I am asking Zed Patriot. But now is is clear these are not his wishes but assumtions. <iame thing to me).

  65. #79 Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (Proud PF Kaponya – zealot)
    They dont believe in that mate, they would rather hire a bunch of drunk fortune tellers to make themselves feel bigger than they actually are. Infact you forgot to mention that Milupi and Magande will slice their 19% by 8.5 points minimum for 2011 elections by 2016 even the remaining half will be gone.

  66. 84. msana wanzili, that is true. Zed Patriot has sometimes come up with logical points, but this one is the most riduclous thinking. Trying to put personal assumtions across as if they are factual. Comedy

  67. They are feeling the heat from Milupi and Magande so they are trying to negotiate for a bigger unwarranted stake in the Pact. They know RB wont entaintain their bullish atitude for things they dont even deserve, the best they would get if they were to be swallowed by MMD is a Job for HH as PS for Southern Province and the dead end for cadres like Kalusa because MMD has already enough of its own militia members to give jobs. Happy days hahahaha. ta ta.

  68. Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (Proud PF Kaponya – zealot)

    Since you are the only one arguing using your head and not emotions I will respond to your question.
    When HH took over UPND in 2006 he took over a party that was on it’s knees after LPM his MMD poached most of it’s influential members and it’s leader died miserably out of depression. The party was also involved in a bitter internal struggle that saw some of it’s leaders resign in protest. HH had to start from the scratch to rebuild a skeleton party. Sata was already on the ground and was involved in destabilising UPND by scavenging some of it’s members. This explains why Sata did well in 2006 but still HH did very well for someone who was contesting for the first time. Imagine a 2oom race were one competitor is 100m in front, what do…

  69. 87. msana wanzili I think Maestro is still recoving from the shock he got when HH told us what we all knew all along, except Maestro. “I can not win – HH …..statistics from 2001,2006 and 2008 are there to show….mwilambepa (Bemba for don’t try to lie to me)”

  70. Keep fighting between PF and UPND and MMD will rule you forever. MMD like what you are doing. They have no enemy to challenge them.

  71. If UPND wants to ever produce a President in the foreseeable future someone has to ban distribution of condoms in Southern province forget about Western because Milupi wont have none of your nonsense. As anyone noticed that none of MMD militia vuvunzelas is falling all over you lot to go and join them, its because UPND is a dead weight, they dont want you Kalusa and your mates to go and escalate squabbles in their party just like PF they would rather do without your hallucinations. You dont even have a newspaper to campaign for you but you already upping your fortunes like toddlers.

  72. Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (Proud PF Kaponya – zealot)
    Now back to your specific questions. I will reset the starting point for HH to 2006 to accommodate the points I raised above. Let me also make it clear that I strongly believe that the best way to kick out MMD is through a united opposition…..Under HH UPND got 25.3% the first time which was exceptional for someone who entered the political arena two months before elections. It is unfair to judge HH’s drop in vote % in 2008 to 19.5% as a failure or loss of popularity because that was a presidential bye election and there are a lot of factors at play as I pointed out above. For that reason I think PF should be more realistic and bargain with UPND on a 50/50 basis. That is the point I am making.

  73. We are tired of this pact .May PF go it alone.I personally don’t think pf needs a partner this time around.Mmd is finished and is at its weakest point.Leave this pact for Joe Kalusa and his sponsors.Pf has a bigger pact with Zambians and not visionless upnd.

  74. # 89 Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (Proud PF Kaponya – zealot)

    If we remove cadreism from our debates it’s clear that HH was telling us what every Zambian knows, that you can not defeat a corrupt dictatorial African regime with a fragmented opposition. Haven’t you wondered why the likes of senior Citizen, MMD Chief Bootlicker and the likes have gone quiet? It’s because they now consider it mission accomplished. They have removed the threat to their hold on power. The more PF and UPND supporters argue on this blog they more the enjoy it.

  75. #88 whatever
    I dont need your repititions like a broken record, i would rather deal with facts not figures plucked from thin air. I believe you are an intelligent guy but am sure we’ve helped to bring some inconvenient facts to your attention which you did not know about. before. Bembas say ‘uushenda atasha nyina ukunaya ubwali ‘. UPND is a small party with very limited bargaining power, you are not UK’s Lib-dems for crying out loud, you’re a regional party. Wake up and start looking at things from Kanyama’s stand point before you start competing for votes with lazy Miyanda and Mr ‘spoiled votes’.

  76. I have made my point. Let those with ears listen. Let those who want to continue believing in tribal bigotry continue pouring their venom on this blog if it pleases them. They have a democratic right to do so. One thing they should remember is that Zambia belongs to all of us and there is no single tribe in Zambia that can dominate others. If you think your tribe is more superior than others you will continue wailing in the wilderness after every election.

  77. Ah, now the fight has gone to the bloggers. So the Pact is gone finally, Msananjili please confirm you seem to have the latest status.

  78. #96
    For your own information we produced the first and second Presidents, now did my family benefit or receive any favours for being Bemba? Not once, so am not fascinated with which tribe produces a president because i personally wont benefit anyting at all, so UPND Tongas please take a leaf, HH doesn’t even know 99.9% of you.

  79. Zed Patriot,

    No matter how much we blog, at the end of the day it is one man vote! The leaders are selcted by the ballot count, not the blog count. Zambia is a poor country where most people dont have access to media. The best way to sell a candiate is through public rallies like Sata has done. He does not depend on the Post but takes his message to the masses. So even if we attack each other here, Bootlicker and Citizen know this is not where goverment is decided.

  80. people who are myopic will never see sense. There is no way satana can bit RB, HH is the man if zambians really want to remove mmd. Because all province have the liking for HH.

  81. Namwaka @53, aren’t you contradicting yourself? Referring to Sata, you declare: “Elections should not (be) based on past glory”. Yet, you’re quiet comfortable to proceed to state practically in one breath: “Look at what he (HH) has acheived (sic) as a businesman (sic).” So Sata’s past electoral and other accomplishments are not valid because they are “based on pas history” whereas HH’s accomplishments as a businessman are valid precisely because they are based on past history, is that what you are trying to tell us? There is a name for this kind of thinking.

  82. #96 and 100, interesting debate gents, very educative and no self motives.I have learnt alot from both of you. Thanks. No wonder only the pact can produce quality leaders. Hope it works out!! goodnite/day

  83. #100 Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (PF Kaponya – Zealot)

    I agree with you in a way. HH is also doing what Sata does best, he is holding rallies on the ground and selling himself through local radio stations. That is democracy and let the best man win!! Unfortunately with a fragmented opposition there is no guessing what the end result would be and no one should cry about vote rigging. You made a choice and you should live with it.
    I also want to point out that our comments on this blog help shape political oppinions back home. I am sure most politicians follow what we write and take them on board.
    There is one blogger who keeps on refering to peoples tribes. I am not interested in debating along those lines and I will keep on ignoring him. I am interested in picking the best man for the job!

  84. UPNDs you must just face reality that HH should be vice to Sata. Every Zambian knows that as it is the practice in the whole world that a smaller party takes the vice.

    If you cant face this reality then its better you pack your bags and go instead of wasting your time and that of PF. This is a straight issue that does not need these insipid dabates we are listning to.

    Kalusa is a young man who has never been employed in his life and so he is looking for employement from MMD, but he will never be given since MMD has its own mallicias to give jobs.

  85. Kalusa just go and vote, and leave Zambians ,let them choose whom they want to rule them; this man has already sold himself to the people of Zambia they know what he is capable of doing

  86. MCS has started with provincial conferences where he’s proposed as the candidate; to be endorsed by the Central Committee. No policy discussions and fact-free; whither Zambia? UNTAMED AFRICA; with opposition like this does the ruling party need to campaign?

  87. I believe the problem has been started by PF by not wanting to recognise UPND as equals in the pact. What ever UPND try to ask they are told that they are the minority. There is fear among the UPND supporters that once Sata is elected president he will never follow any agreements that will be made by the pact. Sata has said PF is bigger than the pact and that is a wrong language to use. The language that has come out of the PF recently has left the UPND very frightened. The best thing is to let the pact be dissolved and let the people of Zambia choose whom they want to be their leader. HH sincerely wanted the pact to work but there is pressure from the party that if they continue in the pact it will be end of UPND. What formula does PF want use to adopt candidates? They are not telling us

  88. For those who are not aware, Labour Party in the UK has a 40 years old leader, Ed Milliband whose parents migrated from Belgium during second world war. They are expecting their first child with his partner. Developed world is looking to the younger leaders while Africa continues to hold on the old fellows.

  89. Reading through the comments from PF cadres on this site I now understand why Kalusa has been against Sata and his PF squadron. The best thing that has come out of this is that Zambia has avoid a disastor in the making, thank God!!!

  90. # 112 Zed Patriot …informative analyses coming from you and Ichi Nyamu Nyamu.
    Could you be so kind as to inform on which party has won the most parliamentary bye elections that have been held since the 2008 election , and any notable swings ? Do you reckon the number of these recently held bye elections and their geographical distribution could be sufficient to provide a rough guide for 2011? I am just wondering and i thought your skills might help here.

  91. #113 The Lord SITH

    Thank you for your contribution. Without any doubt indicative analysis at ward and parliamentary level show that the political pendulum is swinging the UPND way. UPND has grabbed two parliamentary seats from MMD in N/W Province and has out performed PF in recent ward elections where the two parties competed in Eastern and Western Provinces. PF on the other hand has lost ward elections to MMD in there supposed strong hold of Luapula province. I am glad the two parties have decided to compete against each other in Chilanga and this will settle the argument once and for all.
    Looking at the Post leading story today it is clear that PF is composed of selfish entities and power has gone into their heads. They desparately need a political reallity check.

  92. Kalusa thinks like a rat and i am sure he is just after HH’s money. Be realistic, wisdom does not go with age but is inborn. Work also goes with experience MCS has that. Joe, think like an intellectual learn to shut your trap for some time. HH has still some years to go before he becomes President, please don’t ruin his political career. Don’t cheat him as he can never win in 2011.Never!!!!!

  93. As a Zambian who has seen it all, I can only say that we are doomed to be ruled by MMD again. I have no words on JK’s out bursts. So the two parties want their presidents to be president of the pact? Why not just go for an internal poll and elect one of the two

  94. Joe Kalusa is very objective in his analysis of the pact. He is also very right that Zambia (not only UPND) should not allow Sata to rule the country. Sata may be popular but the fact is that he is the most dangerous person that can ever rule Zambia. HH was not stupid to enter into this pact as the original promise by Sata was that he would help him (HH) to get to plot one. Remember when he said he (Sata) was too old to become president? In his right mind, HH would never allow Sata to be presidential candidate. Sata is a natural dictator you can never trust if given state machinery. Sata can do anything. If Zambia makes a mistake and elect Sata as president, within one year of his rule, Rupiah Banda will be a hero and will walk shoulder to shoulder with KK and LPM on his sides.

  95. On “United Party for National Development (UPND) National youth [Chairperson]coordinator, Joe Kalusa has said Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata is a “tired old man” who should never be allowed to rule this country” is it UPND National Youth Chairperson or coordinator?

    Anyhow, I support UPND junior Joe Kalusa for telling Zambians that Mr serpentine Sata MC should never be allowed to rule Zambia which also has a connotation that Mr PF serpentine Sata MC must never be allowed to serve Zambia as Vice-President — which could be a route to the Presidency in case of a calamity like we had of a sitting President LPM dying.

    I hope HH will take Kalusa’s words seriously as HH continues to work in the PACT to see the PACT’s possible success.

    Be blest all…

  96. Some bloggers! please allow others to put constructive issues accross than keep repeating yourselves for nothing. What time do you work? you are the people that are drugging Zambia back wards.

    Read last Friday’s post Editorial and assimilate the message, then your blogging will be guided.

  97. 118 Sharp Steve greetings, on your “Sata and HH are quite,and no one is talking about the pact presidency,why? ” HH according to an interview with Hot FM on 87.7 MHz has told the Nation that UPND did not enter into the PACT to look for the president position. HH said that UPND is in the PACT to offer the Zambian people an alternative government to the MMD. HH has since called for maturity in the PACT and asked all those that have issues to stop using the media but seek that there problems are addressed by the PACT through right channels.

    Mr Panicking Failure (PF) serpentine Sata MC has spoken his mind by supporting PF appointed SG Winter Kabimba that the PF Central Committe is superior to the PACT. The PF vuvuzela has since repeated this position today.
    Matt 6:33

  98. Dull Panicking Failures (PF) cadre 120 Mutinta greetings, on your “FYI, HH votes in 2006 included those from FDD & UNIP ” serpentine (means king cobra) Sata MC’s 2006 election results also included ULP (-a splinter group of UPND) and PUDD (of Mr FJT Chiluba party of now Luapula MPs called PF rebel MPs), check the PF vuvuzela news with a title like Western Province PF wants Sata as PACT president where Mr serpentine Sata MC acknowledged that 4 MP that PF got in 2006 elections in Copperbelt and Lusaka provinces were former UPND member. The serpentine also said many more then dissatisfied UPND member joined ULP bitter-loser self-appointed leader Sakwiba Sikota in crumbling the mighty UPND — which has now regained its position in Zambian politics.
    Matt 6:33

  99. Panicking Failures (PF) cadre 74 msana wanzili greetings, on your “The only consolation for next year is that the next President wont be a Tonga, it will be either SATA or his tribal cousin RB” and your 98 msana wanziliFor your own information we produced the first and second Presidents, now did my family benefit or receive any favours for being Bemba? Not once, so am not fascinated with which tribe produces a president because i personally wont benefit anyting at all, so UPND Tongas please take a leaf, HH doesn’t even know 99.9% of you” thanks for showing the whole word that you are a Bemba Tribalist who is xenophobic of Tonga people of Zambia.

    It is very nice that you had to expose yourself in this manner.
    Matt 6:33

  100. There is a lot of talk of how Sata can’t be a good leader. I think that everyone deserves a chance if RB was given a chance, why can’t SATA be given a chance?

  101. Following the Panicking Failures (PF) vuvuzela’s report that the Panicking Failures (PF) have decided to field a candidate in the Chilanga by-election to compete against the mighty UPND Group against the PF-UPND PACT MOU — which Panicking Failures’s appointed-by-serpentine-Sata-MC Sec Gen Wynter Kabimba called PACT Communiqué of 1 year ago — is welcome. This is because the mighty UPND is likely to show PF that UPND is more popular in Lusaka province as UPND showed that it is popular than PF in Eastern and Western provinces through the Chadiza and Kaoma Ward by-election respectively.

    [PF deputy secretary general Emmanuel Musonda said] “It is the[PF] central committee which decides… [PF PACT NGC members] made a decision without consulting the… [PFCC]“.
    Matt 6:33

  102. [continued from 126 above] according to the PF vuvuzela in their story entitled “PF and UPND fail to agree over Chilanga” of today.

    Thus, on “Mr [elected UPND Youth Chairman Joe] Kalusa also described as insulting and disappointing the statement by [so-called-suspended-by-PF-MP-Chishimba-Kambwili-appointed-]Patriotic Front (PF) National youth Secretary Eric Chanda, that Michael Sata is more popular than Hakainde Hichilema” the Chilanga MP by-election will sort out the case of who is more popular between HH and serpentine Sata MC since PF/Sata has decided to field a candidate in Chilanga in order to split the UPND’s votes, thoug PF’s decision to field a candidate in Chilanga for the sole purpose of spoiling UPND’s chances of winning, it is a good thing.
    Matt 6:33

  103. To those who are interest in real news, according to Radio Phoenix 6:45 Hr news ABSA of South Africa said that Zambia risks losing investors and having no economic growth if Panicking Failure serpentine Sata MC wins next year’s presidential elections owing to his past quoted media reports.

    Hence, the UPND’s Joe Kalusa was very right in his sentiments that serpentine Sata MC should never be allowed to be President of Zambia.

    Have a blessed day all and do not wait for foreigners in USA and South Africa to tell you how to vote wisely fellow Zambians.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unt you.

  104. Please PF and UPND, We beg you to unite if you want to wine next year election. we really want a change but what i haven seen is that there is no unit between the packed. we don’t want MMD cose the president we have right now is a tourist who doesen’t both about his own country. We need Ba Rb to attend with some of the issues facing the country.

  105. Jack Jones says:
    September 29, 2010 at 12:30 am
    Kalusa is too old to be the youth chairman. He is probably 42 -48 yrs.



  106. You guys fear Sata coz you are lazy. If Zambia were to develop we need a man like Sata who is the man of action in Zambia. Sata has a trail of successes in all his political life. And the other thing for UPNDs to chew is the Fact that there is no where in the world where power is surrendered to a smaller party in an allaiance. Just face this reality so you stop dreaming the impossibles and move on..either remaining in the PACT or going it alone.

    There is no need of these useless, unorgainised silly arquements …PEACE .

  107. #128 Iwe Chi Color Maestro dont mislead pipo. ABSA DO NOT interfere in politics. Your tribal mind makes me sick. What if another person from Bemba land becomes President before your Tonga man HH?

  108. In 2006 PF and UPND had alliances with other parties, what was their performance? In 2008 both PF and UPND did not have any alliance with other parties, which party performaed better in 2008?

  109. #133 and # 128 . Actually I heard this ABSA official specically mentioning Mr. Sata and his PF on 06:45Phoenix Radio. I was shocked, but then I realised that foreigners are afraid of the change of GRZ, ADD, Magande, PF or UPND because they are afraid that the new GRZ may not condone their malpractices such casualization of labour and externalization of money and raw materials at will.MMD has let these people get away with murder. This ABSA chap mentioned SATA because he poses the biggest threat to MMD. Infact now Iam sure the confusion in thePACT is caused by a comination of Zambians and foreigners.

  110. #136 Deja Vu. I m pretty sure that is not an Official from ABSA. In what capacity was he speaking? Remember Barclays owns ABSA and they wouldnt allow some chap dragging them into politics of any country. Get us the details of the same person.

  111. 136 Deja Vu im glad you have supported my posting that ABSA have warned about Zambian economy stopping to grow if serpentine Sata MC wins in 2011. However, your “but then I realised that foreigners are afraid of the change of GRZ, ADD, Magande, PF or UPND because they are afraid that the new GRZ may not condone their malpractices such casualization of labour and externalization of money and raw materials at will” is utter nonsense since the ABSA official was clear in her message that Mr PF Sata MC is a danger to the economic growth of Zambia due to his former utterances in the media.

    Sick insulting tribalist Motsepe, it is nice that you have joined your fellow Bemba Tribalist msana wanzili in exposing yourself as a Bemba Tribalist too.
    Matt 6:33

  112. Well if Sata is old what is the problem? Why is he offended when told he is old? Did he want the youthful leader to call him youngman? Common guys, every time January comes know that you are aging. Accept it. Have a great campaign period. As for pulling out of the UNPD is a sign that Sata is intollerant leaders are known by their strength to be resilient, weather the storms as they come your way.

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