Saturday, March 15, 2025

Zambia happy with sanitary conditions in New Delhi


The Zambian High Commission in New Delhi, India is now satisfied with sanitary conditions in lodging facilities at the Commonwealth village where Zambia has been allocated Tower 28.

The third inspection of the facilities conducted Tuesday afternoon revealed that the living quarters given to Zambia were now in a habitable state.

Acting High Commissioner to India Brigadier General Allan Kalebuka expressed happiness that the mission’s demands for adequate and quality accommodation for the Zambian contingent have finally been met.

This is contained in a press statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka by first Secretary for Press to the Zambian High Commission in India Bwalya Nondo.

Mr. Nondo has since confirmed that Zambia’s contingent to the 19th Commonwealth games is expected in New Delhi tomorrow.



  1. Zambians can and do accept anything. They do not know any better than what is on offer in India. What do you expect when most of the contingent use pit latrines?

  2. # 1,Kwandagala,Do not exhibit your foolishness here! Its not about where you come from but its about the hosts(India) providing facilities that are acceptable internationally! Its people like you are giving our country a bad impression. As you have read the Zambian Mission here have done a wonderful job of inspecting the facilities and have given a go ahead.Perhaps where you are in Russia or whatever, you are being racially segragated hence your inferioty complex!

  3. Kwandangala is right. RSA refused to take up accomodation at the game ‘village’…Besides the fact Zed has equally poor standard or infra, Zambians rarely complain about such thing…just being on the plane is good enough…The stupid indians must not sweet talk everyone like they do at Kamwala market. This is an international event so the this Indoes must meet the required standard. Just a few days ago, they removed a cobra from the tennis court…yestada they hired big monkeys to chase small monkey harrasing athletes..this is pathetic.

  4. Whilst the rest of the world is withdrawing their athletes from Delhi because of security, poor & dirty accomodation, incomplete infrastructure and even snakes! Imwe ati kuli chabe bwino! if you see the pictures they showed on the news media you would understand what #1 is saying, naimwe biggie kuti mwakana to stay in such a hotel or motel or whatever it is.

  5. #7, ghostrider do not lie! I think you are not upto date with current affairs.Most countries are now satisfied with the living quarters.They have been refurbished to international standards. By the way I am here in India, so I know what is going on. Western media always try to portray a negative picture.Visit the official commomwealth site and see the works which have been done. Of course a few setbacks have been observed but these should not overshadow the good work the Indian government has done!

  6. # 6, Are you sure that India has poor infrusture? Have you visited any average Indian city? Delhi ? If you have you would not be making such a statement. I do not blame you. Ask people who have been to India about the infrustructure!When the statistics say that India is one of the fastest growing world economy, its exactly that! if you visit the Near Capital Region( N.C.R) near Delhi, you wouldn’t think that you are in India! Yes Indian government has had its shortcoming but this should not be exaggerated!

  7. of course how can they not be happy because to them its just like jumping from the fire into cool s.h.i.t hahahaha (Ok am just joking people)

  8. It is simple, MMD needs the Indians for monies so our atheletes have to sacrifice. If we refuse to say the stadards are Pamodzi Hotel level, we lose out.

  9. @12 Deja Vu;
    I knew you would drag MMD into this.Some of you bloggers are very predictable,just looking at your pseudonym, one would guess what you re at.

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