Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Great Debate: Faz Tea Party


In 2008, Kalusha Bwalya swept to power via a landslide thanks to power of grassroots affiliates.

Today that same “Tea Party” constituency  is now positioning itself as prime voice for those scared to voice their opinion on football matters and voiceless in Zambian football.

That “Tea Party” is leading an October 16 petition drive to call for an emergency meeting to dissolve Kalusha’s executive over his alleged involvement in transfer dealings and concerns over player selection at junior level.

For those who don’t know, the 16-team Super Division block’s clout as a major voice in the game is as redundant as it was during the 2008 Faz polls with the exception of maybe two clubs.

On Tuesday, Faz slapped three lengthy bans of three key Tea Party voices starting on October 1, 2010.

Nkosi Warriors chairman Keith Mwewa and Medicial Stars boss Alex Mambwe were handed three year bans from football affairs while a third Albert Sichondwe from Pemba United has been handed a two year ban for bringing the game into disrepute.

Their bans means the trio voices’ will absent from the 2012 Faz elections as Kalusha consolidates his grip on Power and silences dissenting voices whom he calls enemies to the development of Zambian football.

However, a fourth member of that Tea Party Albert Hamatowe of Monze United has jumped ship allegedly after “reconciling” with the powers at Football House.

Long-time nemesis Simataa Simataa too has been given a two weeks to defend himself for attacking the Faz disciplinary committee.

It will be interesting to see whether Timothy Nyirenda the chairman of Kummawa Stars who has openly supported and campaigned for the petition in Eastern province will come to the fore after the culling of senior members of the “Tea Party”.

Meanwhile, how Kalusha will deal with his very own Faz executive committee member Pivoty Simwanza also adds to the drama.

Simwanza defended the Tea Party petition and has publically challenged the Faz president to personally discipline him citing that his boss has no constitutional right to directly do so.

We could be in for a long hot October as Faz version of democracy and the power of the growing grassroots voice resilience is tested in the summer of discontent.


  1. That Tea party group is a worthless group that run thier mouths better than the football teams they have. Which one of those teams they run is in the premier league? The Timothy Nyirenda you have mentionedis a disgartulled Nyau dancer. And that Simwanza, who the hell does he think he is in Zambian football. He castigates Kalusha for making unilateral decisions and yet he does the same thing.How can Simwanza unilaterally give Kalusha an ultimatum.

  2. #2:
    disicuss the issues these people raised, and not their names nor teams! The fact is Kalusha is’nt a good administraor, he has lamentably failed. For instance, how can an association president reside outside the nation and justify that by comparing himself to FIFA and CAF presidents? Just as FIFA and CAF differs from FAZ, so should be their administration! The man has little brains. besides u can’t run an executive by threatening the members! Have u forgoen that the man contested the COSAFA presidency without the blessings of FAZ? Whom does he think he is? How many player- transfer scandles has he been involvedin? I guess we have better adminisrators who can help us move forward!

  3. The problem with being a star is that there are too many petty people jealous of you all the time. Its true FAZ is full of people who speak nonsense yet have contributed nothing to Zambian soccer. Kalusha has contributed much more. We have seen the FAZ books improving from red to black. At one time we had only three professional players in Europe, And we couldnt even qualify for the Nations Cup finals(knocked out by Benin of all teams!) Now Kalusha assists in taking players to Europe and he is labelled this and that. As a Zambian who runs my businesses from Joburg I agree with Kalu that it makes no difference where the CEO is based. I frequently visit Kitwe and Ndola and everything is just fine.

  4. #3
    Do you stop to think of why those calling for Kalu’s removal cannot wait untill 2012 elections? The reason is simply that they cannot win an election again him, and that’s for sure. All they want for now is to disrupt everything now or never in an ELECTION. What have they done to our football themslves? Everything on earth has time and so is Kalu’s tenure of office. If their allegations are genuine then let them use those allegations as a campaign weapon to win elections in 2010. But since they know these stories are fabricated, it is not in their interest to wait and democratically emerge victorious in any election. After 1994 Zambia was ranked no.2 in Africa, but later we fail to number 20 all due to squabbles and PHD syndrom. Dont support illogical thinking of underachievers

  5. kalu is a failure in life apart from 1988 when he was voted africa footballer. he failed in holland second to romario in perking order. he was outclassed by chalie cool in belgium. he ran away from holland bcos he failed to pay child support. in zambia not even a house was evicted from pamodzi hotel by levy mwanawasa. depends on women for survival now married to an old boer woman. ni john solye bwali. depends on faz for cash printing game tickets, selling players, buying suits for national team from his wife. providing camping accomodation in jburg, nike deal only him knows supersport deal close to his chest. telecel deal his billboards were brought down in ignominy after company realised they had been knocked by rozindaba and kalu

  6. Not so great kalu,has failed to run football pa zed.Dissent is from all angles.Munaile is a coward who is not fit to be an administrator.I wonder what the people of Malole saw in this chap to elect him MP.Galu should quit and solicit a job at CAF or FIFA.We dont want him at football house,or is it Joburg.

  7. It is time people should give chance to someone who is doing a good job i don’t like Kalusha personally but people Kalusha has got contacts wheather you like it or not look at supersport contract ,in the history of zambian football when did Faz ever pay clubs monthly allowers please people let the man do his job and please don’t waste your time fighting him use your energy to improve your teams some of you are just talking because you thought you will benefit and it is not happening,go to Fifa and ask anyone if the know Mwewa,Sichondwe and Nyirenda and hear what they will say we are lucky to have Kalu.

  8. Kalu was the first professional to bring his club on tour to Zambia in 1986. As captain for Circle Brugge in Belgium he brought his team to Zambia and they played 3 international friendlies: At Mighty Shinde Stadium we saw his team demolish Mufulira Wanderers 3-1 under flood lights. They went on to beat KK11 once and drew another. That’s how they saw potential in Charlie Cool and Lucky Msiska. In 1990 Kalu was top scorer in the Belgian league. We dont forget like BAMUSELELA KWAKABA. We give credit where it is due

  9. This chap will learn to respect his fellow human beings.
    ba Kalu even brought his friend in Zambia to campain for MMD in the last Presidential election in 2008.
    openly abed pele campained for Rupia banda.Can such a thing happen in Ghana??????????????? when did you die………try it even in south africa or any other country on the contnent of africa or beyond you can be short died mwana.useless kalu kindly respect the FAZ constitution dear……………stay well.

  10. Running your business from Joz is different from running Taxpayers supported institution from in between your sheets in Joz.
    Kalu is a proven failure

  11. Bra G – and KK fought for independence so?… does it mean they should be bamuyaya. Get real. VOTE FOR CHANGE positions should not be for life. Kalusha OUT!!!

  12. Kalu’s recod as a footballer is so great n excellent. However, Kalu is not a soccer Administrator n he has lamentably failed in that area. FAZ is now a one man show n the revealations about the controversies in the player sales that all point to Kalu are a further dent on this guy.
    Even his appointment of national team coaches is shady! I guess all those who voted for him are regretting just like everyone who voted for RB!

  13. Have any of the Player transfer saga’s proved that kalu was involved? living in a distant place is no longer an issue as technology can aid you to commmunicate even better than people next to each other. The valid argument is that his legitimavy has been questioned by the resignations. Hene the pettition, that will be the test, my only hope is that all associates will be alowed to express their views. We need an inclusive and united FAZ,

  14. #15 @ Berlusoni Babe
    So you understand the name of the game – like you’ve said: ‘VOTE’. And so it’s a ballot not the bullet. Then let us all wait for 2012 elections and not premature manuvears

  15. By the way who pays for Kalu’s shuttling between JB and LSK. I hope its not FAZ. This chap’s admin skills live much to be desired. A FAZ house divided by two.

  16. #12. You do not know what you r talking about. Kalu left Belgium after the Seoul olimpics in 1988. How cooul he have been top scorer in Belguim ? Nonsense

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