Tuesday, March 11, 2025

HH should retreat, refocus…


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema

By Daimone Siulapwa

UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) has it all to make a good President. Just like Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, Anderson Mazoka and Dean Mung’omba, three Presidents that Zambia never had.

Owing to various circumstances, they never made it to Plot One. Without discussing what those circumstances are, one hopes HH does not fall into one of those situations.

Hearing HH speak, one can tell that he has it all. He clearly has a vision of where this country should go, he knows the mistakes that have been made and how to correct them. He may not get fair coverage in certain media houses, public and private, but he is certainly a person who is liked even by those who may not necessarily vote for him. If you bring the three presidential front-runners, HH, Michael Sata and Rupiah Banda, to a debate, he will definitely outshine both of them.

From one, you may get generalizations on how to solve the economic situation of our country, from the other, you will probably get comedy, but from HH, you will get the real deal.

Clearly, HH is the envy of most people, and rightly so. He has had a successful career with a short period of time. Others try to link him to the privatization of the mines to dent his image, but he was just doing what all of us would have done in his position.

Still, in politics, there is what is called timing. And the entry of HH on the political front may have been wrong timing. The way he succeeded Mazoka will always haunt him. But that he can sort out. It’s a mistake he made, and his name was dented.

However, his current mistiming in politics is his joining the Pact. He risks his image being dented again. They will pollute his name to an extent were people will start believing all the lies his enemies will be preaching, all the signs are there to see right now. It has always been said that birds of the same feathers fly together, what do we have here….I personal don’t know.

HH should leave the Pact and start preparing for 2016. Like it or not, the UPND-PF Pact died the day it was born. Here is a case where two parties, deeply polarized, decide to go to bed together. The purpose is to solely remove the MMD from government. The justification for them is that people want change. Maybe!

Still, it has now emerged that their respective members are not entirely in agreement going by the recent statements that we have been witnessing in the media. The desperation for power made Hakainde Hichilema and Michael Sata to forgo all the fundamentals that go with such an arrangement.

For a long time, Sata had campaigned on tribal lines. He thought he could win a national election using tribal blocks. Well, he nearly did when he made former President Frederick Chiluba and Levy’s corruption fight as issues in 2006. He campaigned that the corruption fight was targeted at Bemba’s.

But after he lost to Rupiah Banda in the Presidential by-election in 2008, he realized that there was no way he was going to win an election if he does not court the support of other tribes, which in the past, he had disparaged, hence his decision to go into a Pact with the UPND. It is all for selfish reasons and narrow interests. If it was not, they would have revised their policies to meet each other half-way. But upto now, we do not know what the Pact stands for other than avoiding dividing the opposition vote in an election.

Unfortunately, HH did not see this.

Now that it has emerged that there is little sincerity on the part of their partner, it is time he changed tact. Although they refuse to accept, it is a fact that the UPND is the junior partner in the Pact. So naturally, if the so-called Pact was to win an election, the UPND is likely to be given the Vice Presidency and a few Ministerial positions. Whether they can influence policy in this scenario is doubtful

The thinking though would be that Sata will only rule for a term and then give it to HH on a platter. But knowing Sata, and how sweet power is, that is unlikely to happen. In case you have forgotten, it would not hurt to refresh the memory.

The Sata we are talking about is the same who presided over the expulsion of more than 22 Cabinet Ministers and senior members of the MMD at the height of the third term debate. Reason, he wanted to clear his own path for the presidency in the MMD. Unfortunately, he did not know that he was dealing with a political engineer in Chiluba who dribbled him at his own game by bringing in an outsider, Levy Mwanawasa.

Well, and from the time he formed the PF, he has had four secretary-generals, all of whom he has differed with the exception of Guy Scot, whom he promoted to the position of party vice president. Well, and in the PF, there is no democracy, everything starts and ends with Sata. He appoints and disappoints any time he feels like it. Well, GBM discovered this recently when he was relieved of his party duties by Sata without affording him an opportunity to be heard. No matter how ghastly GBM efforts on his wife were, he should still have been afforded an opportunity to be heard by a disciplinary committee before he could be suspended. That is what is called justice. But it seems Sata is yet to come across that term in his 73 years on earth. He was the prosecutor, jury and judge in the GBM case.

And this is the person HH wants to go to bed with. Hell no, the King Cobra is too dangerous.

HH has to pull-out and start building for the 2016 elections. After all, he is young, educated, articulate, rich, handsome, and has time on his side.

The UPND as a party has a lot of quality in its rank and file in comparative terms with the PF. Sata on the other hand, has differed with all fairly intelligent and independent members of his party such as Dr Peter Machungwa, Joseph Kasongo, Faustine Sinyangwe, Elizabeth Chitika and Rev Sampa Bredt among others.

HH may be thinking that it will be difficult to undo the party’s tribal tag and thus spread its support beyond the Southern province. But if there is one thing late party president Anderson Mazoka proved, it is the fact that it is possible to give the party a national character. Sata as the MMD national secretary then tried to label the UPND tribal, but Mazoka proved him otherwise, balancing his national management committee with persons like Patrick Chisanga, Bob Sichinga, Love Mtesa, Sakwiba Sikota and Ben Tetamashimba among others.

HH should seriously start building the party nationally now with an eye on the 2016 general elections. Otherwise, if he is depending on the Pact to take him to plot one, he will be very disappointed. You cannot certainly trust Sata on this one. Before he realizes it, the UPND would have been obliterated from local politics by the King Cobra’s machinations. He will never be treated as an equal in the pact by the PF.



  2. Daimone, walasa mudala. Smack on the dot. I differ with the 2016 vision though, which ever party wins next year’s elections might stay on, God forbid especially PF. Sata is trully untrustworthy, ninsoka. With chi Wynter and Guy Scott behind him, these guys can rig elections for the next century, as long as they are still alive. I really feel bad for HH, having known him personally and his competencies, Zambia will miss a chance of having a young, upright, proactive, result driven and intelligent young man to lead us towards a future, but upupuba bwa pa Zed, we can not even see beyond our noses. It hurts like poverty!!!

  3. Daimone, walasa mudala. Smack on the dot. I differ with the 2016 vision though, which ever party wins next year’s elections might stay on, God forbid especially PF. Sata is trully untrustworthy, ninsoka. With chi Wynter and Guy Scott behind him, these guys can rig elections for the next century, as long as they are still alive. I really feel bad for HH, having known him personally and his competencies, Zambia will miss a chance of having a young, upright, proactive, result driven and intelligent young man to lead us towards a future, but nobupuba bwa pa Zed, we can not even see beyond our noses. It hurts like poverty!!!

  4. RB and his amateur writers entrusted to do his propaganda to discredit Sata while sugar coating HH to alter his plot 1 dream to 2016 and leaving RB in the race. Good luck!

  5. But his husband Sata says young Zambians should never dream of ascending to power and ruling it.

    “What about the young men in Zambia who have been ruling Zambia? What do we have? Plunder, corruption. For example now, the young men are diluting the Anti-Corruption Commission where they are saying an abuse of office is not an offense. It’s the young men who have sold ZAMTEL (communications giant), who have increased fuel and without considering the people.”

    The 73-year old Sata also said the reason “you find all the malaise in Africa today, and Zambia in particular, is because of the young rulers because the young men, all they enjoy is to be in the aeroplane every day.”

    Political observers have questioned the stability of the pact signed between the two opposition…

  6. With all the attributes you have given HH, I’m glad you never mentioned the man to possess these 2 things: Good judgement & Charisma. You’ve rightly pointed out that his timing for coming of joining the main stream politics as well as his agreement to enter into the pact with Sata were all wrong. Now that is caused by what is called POOR JUDGEMENT. And how can a person with all those positive attributes fail to woe voters on his side? The man is not charismatic. He was laughing at RB for hiring an image builder but I’d advise him to hire some for himself.HH needs to be ‘packaged’ properly before he can be offloaded on the market.

  7. Do not be perturbed because under the sun and in constitutionally held democratic elections, Satana will never ever be President of our country not even after 100 more years of his life he will never be. He will always until his death be allowed to legitimize competitive democratic elections. That does not mean patriotism has been thrown to the winds for even such ichiwelewele to ascend to instruments of real power.

  8. You only have the fear of the unknown. Where is Patric Chisanga, Bob Sichinga, Love Mutesa and Sakwiba Sikota? Are they still in UPND? Don’t talk about those ‘Rebel’ PF MPs who are just opportunists. Their time of reckoning is soon coming. We will see how intelligent and popular they are in the next elections. HH has all the right to go it alone just as Sata has the right to go it alone also.The popularity of Sata can only be proved by the voters who have the right to vote for any candidate of their choice. Being rich and intelligent itself does not make you a leader. The fact is if Sata is not a factor in Zambian politics he would have been history by now, but he is the greatest possible threat to the current government.

  9. I wonder some sad people hate Sata so much, what did the old man ever do to you haters? This kind of hatred against someone most of us dont even know is worse than ubuloshi. Get some life you mugs mukayapilapo over si.lly politics.

  10. I wonder why some sad people hate Sata so much, what did the old man ever do to you haters? This kind of hatred against someone most of us dont even know is worse than ubuloshi. Get some life you mugs mukayapilapo over si.lly politics.

  11. This tells it all..HH is the best candidate but the running mates are snakes..the party can pull surprises however..lets not belittle him..the young man has spread the wings around Zambia…Sata should come to pas ..we are tired of comedy…

  12. I only wish HH had such people like the write to inspire his direction. HH dont be f.ullish take the move now and start mobilising, alot of zambians want change but cant give the helm to satan. If you dont do this people will have no choice but go for RB. Twachula pa zed.

  13. If you are Zambian, and educated beyond Grade twelve and you truly belived that the PF/UPND Pact was going to work, then the Zambian educational system has failed you because subjects like Special paper I and II were designed to help you critically analyse issues. Even worse, if you believed (and still do) that Sata is the solution to the problems this country is facing, then you have the smallest post-historic brain yet to be scanned. If HH is not standing, then I am not voting. period!!

  14. The haterz of Sata have a hell of a mountain to climb. HH haz great potential and caliber to rule Zambia, but to think that will happen at the expense of Sata iz fishing on very dry land. Az long az Sata and HH stand against each other, our beloved young compatriot Hakainde will alwayz trail behind. Am afraid this iz a fact that Sata haterz must try and come to termz with.

  15. Observer@16. I dont know which church you go to that teaches you to put demons into other innocent people u dont even know-it must be closer to hell & its inhabitant the devil. Every cadre who exhibits hatred deserves no listening ear at all. The hatred people have for Sata makes me wonder because those that have done worse things to the economy of zambia & r well known to have messed with the lives of the three politicians Diamone has mentioned above are roaming the streets with much praise from such churches as where you Observe go to. Its a pity! Someone is being paid to send such propaganda to the masses on the blog,but some of us r not bought with money-its not sustaineble bros! Iam not sure why diamone is sugar coating HH, when we know his house is not in order,no discpline.PEACE

  16. Daimone Siulapwa

    I know I have strongly differred with you in the past but on this article I give you excellent marks. This is a well articulated article devoid of tribal biasness. Keep it up, man!!!

  17. Umodzi_kumawa@18. Not even a kid would listen to what you r saying. Its always wise to give your side of why you think he cannot be president & rather than state your rotten desire. I ve seen a partern in our counrty that people vote because everyone is going there,no agenda, no conviction, let alone when brides fall before there eyes then they have someone in mind. Some have a fear of the unkown, prejudiced minds & cannot afford to do without handouts from MMD. Thats we behind 1000yrs. For those of you who did not work with Sata & just heard from your mother’s wombs about his hardworking mentality-keep demonising him. If HH is so well praised for his success in the corporate world, you would wonder that when he was 15yrs,Sata was already a business consultant & stil is. Get a…

  18. One of the reasons why RB got dented is because; he has associated himself with Chiluba. On the other hand, HH has made a mistake to merge his political expedition with SATA.

    Mistakes are good educators. He will come out of this experience with more wisdom, unless if he is just too pompous. How he recoups himself from this disarray & chaos – will determine what the future has for him in politics.

    Moving forward, he will need to win trust from his decision-making team and the grassroots, after the “Sucker Punch” he gave them (throwing in the towel). So far, he hastened some of the decision under his armchair

  19. As for SATA, his is ending. PF supporters are at liberty to believe in their man in 2011. However, the odds are against SATA.

    That said, the MMD should not take this as an easy ride. There are still some inroads and work to be done – from now until when RB calls the election.

  20. Ba msananjili, you must be the only person in Zambia who does not know Mr Sata. Were you born today? Mr Sata is the worst person you can think of for President and all the evidence is there. Even his supporters know this but just support him in the hope of a few benefits. There is no hatred at all but facts. The hatred is that against RB, who gets lambasted and insulted everyday despite all the developmental projects that he has delivered, ask KK.

  21. On “Hearing HH speak, one can tell that he has it all. He clearly has a vision of where this country should go, he knows the mistakes that have been made and how to correct them. He may not get fair coverage in certain media houses, public and private, but he is certainly a person who is liked even by those who may not necessarily vote for him. If you bring the three presidential front-runners, HH, Michael Sata and Rupiah Banda, to a debate, he will definitely outshine both of them” this is very good and why I support HH for President of Zambia in 2011 and not any other time.

    For those who dont know that UPND follows its constitution, knowthat HH will not have an opportunity to stand as UPND president from 2016 onwards because he will exhaust his 2 terms of presidency…

  22. It is high time we learned to avoid entertaining and embracing SHADOW DREAMS. Be objective in your blogging. We have only one mature presidential candidate in politics for 2011. The rest are politically growing positively. There is no need of rushing them. I repeat let us be objective.

  23. I think that the article actually indicates that HH has very poor judgement to qualify for State Presidency. It’s all hunger for power.
    23, RB’s association with Chiluba is very new, but we know that the hatred of RB started in 2008 when he defeated Magande. The hatred was actually created and fanned by the Post, Chiluba came in much later.
    But all that RB has said is that he wants us to be a forgiving nation, and also pointed out how much time (and money) has been wasted pursuing Chiluba’s cases but to no avail. Should Zambia continue to spend scarce resources enriching the Post and lawyers till eternity, or would we rather spend those resources building roads, schools, hospitals – in short fighting poverty?

  24. I have seen what His Excellency Michael Chilufya Sata has done for Zambia.Well you may say he is ugly, uneducated, a devil and many other names but the fact is he performed in every ministry he was assigned.In real life you always have where to start from, first you are born, learn to seat,craw, stand, walk and talk.You can not skip from A to Z.In politics it is the same, I am not disputing the fact that HH has good corporate credentails than MCS, HH has never been ward chairman,councillor, mayor,MP, Minister etc.His Excellency MCS has been through all that and he performed so well.The propaganda in the above article is noticed by many people, let us be factual Sata is more porpular than HH and the performance of PF has recorded great achievement in the past elections.

  25. HH We pit you as your Lovely zambians anyway fyakuifwaila Lobelo. Your friends ba PF are telling you that you cant rule them why continue holding to them? What a Tonga Bull !

  26. Mediocre analysis bo Siulapwa!!!! Just campaign openly for HH to exposing your ignorance about what is happening on the ground. The best candidate is MCS the others are just opportunists with no sense of direction, thieves, looters etc. Becareful the pact started crambling after the senseless sale of Zamtel and when Dora publicly said that even HH made his money thru the sale state institution!!! And what PF is doing now is well calculated and has the capacity to finish tonga party UPND

  27. Though the election were characterised with massive injection of money, rigging and abuse of state machinery by the rulling MMD, PF Managed to bring down the difference to about 35000 only in 2008.It is therefore evident that the PF is growing.Viva Michael Sata, Viva PF.

  28. Sata might have a few positives but his negatives far outweigh his positives. There is abundant evidence to suggest that he is corrupt, a tribalist, a dictator, violet, dishonest, manipulative, power hungry, a thug, intolerant, an adulterer…oh no I am exhausted!!!!

  29. There are far more people who can lead this country than the three we have at present. Let’s open our eyes to see beyond the present three. Zambia is bigger than any one of us.

  30. Pf have no issues to discuss only talking of tribalism. PF is dead and needs people to bury it. Have u ever seen a party without a manifesto? PF is there with no direction. How can we trust a person who was caught with $27 000 in South Africa. Zambians are watch and they know who has destroyed the PACT. It makes me wonder fools still think Sata can win. Let him try 2020 when he is older by then we will feel pity for him not now.

  31. We can not allow HH to rule this country. What has HH done for us to entrust him with affairs of this country?So what, if he is more educated than sata. When MMD took over from KK we had Drs, and many other educated people in GVT but look at how they plundered the economy.KK was not so educated but he led this country better!!
    If HH was a factor in politics, his UPND should have been a force to recon with buy now.Mazoka started it very well and Mazoka had respect from all voters not only Southern, but HH has failed.he has failed to take the party were mazoka left it. So how do you expect HH to develop this country? Atleast we have examples of satas achievements so we can confied in him!! I Voted for Mazoka,but will never vote for HH.He is not a politician. He is just a good busines man

  32. The misconstrued idea the writer has put up before our eyes that Sata is so bad and HH is quiet an angel does not tarry with every other zambian’s right to choose whom they deem right. If we have journalists like the writer above, we r in for s.h.i.t like Chanda chimba III who has since gone into oblivion since his real life revelations were unveled. There r no jobs in zed & this is the reason people like the writer go flat out trying to get attention. He surely will get it because he is swaying the masses & adding to the already commotion in the PACT only seen by those that r scared of it. This is a democratic country & no one has the right to appear wise when behind closed doors he is a useless doormat. Tainting other people’s linen with dirty & washing it in public himself.

  33. #30, please explain if every ministry Sata went continued to tick after he left! Being a good leader is not to do it yourself but instil system that will last beyond you.
    lOOK AT Levy, he left a system which RB is following.

    Be wise!!

  34. @39, HH’s good businessmanship ended with privatisation(allow me to rephrase Hone Dora’s remarks).There is always a danger in choosing people that have no background, like FTJ or RB. For the later all we know is that he was in the diplomatic arena for most of his life until life become so futile & resolved to be a farmer like every other retired zambian out there. I may not even touch on FTJ. For Levy,picked so that his clean life will offset the many malpractices during his appointee. Life must have a begining. If u talk of Mazoka, the writing is on the wall(no doubt the best we wud ever have had).HH always wants to lean on some1 & thereafter take things as his. If UPND cadres dont want Sata to stand, its a pity they want HH to. Thats the reason HH may never ever be…

  35. #39
    HH did not take over a strong and vibrant UPND party after Mazoka died in 2006. The party was at it’s weakest point after Levy Mwanawasa and his MMD poached most of it’s influential members and it’s leader died miserably out of depression. I am sure Levy did not get a good reception from Andy up there because of what he did to him. The party was also involved in a bitter internal struggle that saw some of it’s founding leaders resign in protest. HH had to start from the scratch to rebuild a skeleton party. Sata was already on the ground and he was also involved in destabilising UPND by scavenging some of it’s members. This explains why Sata did well in 2006 but still HH did very well for someone who was contesting for the first time.

  36. HH go for it you are the popo’s choice. We want young leaders to rule zambia. The time for the old men is gone. Pa zed why do want to trust people who have been failing. What can SATA do apart from making zambia another Zimbabwe.In the 2008 popo said let us give Bwenzani to rule for 2 years for the sake of peace and vote for HH in 2011. I will only vote if HH stand as president either alone or in the PACT period.

  37. HH does not need 45 years political experience to be a good leader. There are numerous examples of exceptional leaders around the world who became presidents without any political experience. HH has 4 years political experience as a party leader. An opposition party leader has more responsibilty than a minister or MP. In those 4 years HH has done exceptionally well in holding the party together. The party is expanding and a number of influential leaders who left including the UPND V/P Simenda are rejoining the party. On the other end Sata’s party has lost a number of key members in the last 4yrs. This tells you, together with what the author has articulated well that HH is a good leader.

  38. 42, you conveniently stopped short of saying why Levy had to bring someone who had retired to his farm back to government. You don’t want to say that because it will reveal that Levy needed someone to help drive his development agenda. For your information, RB has a similar background to Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, both were groomed into national leadership. Therefore RB has a richer background that those of our esteemed colleagues HH and Sata combined, and they do not like that. If you are honest with yourself and put the hatred aside, you will see this in the way RB is delivering development in Zambia, and the way he relates to other countries’ leaders. What is the use of background if you will use it to insult others and flip flop all your life or fail to organise a simple…

  39. This is one of the best written articles I have read in while not that one sided Times of Zambia BS. HH should go solo and leave Sata like the name suggests he`s a snake. Sata is a favourite because people want change from MMD not that he is the best man for the job HH could win the next elections if he changed his campaign strategy and goes to the remortest parts of Zambia to promote UPND he could win this he sholdn`t wait for 2016.

  40. 45, Much as we discourage voter apathy, voting is an individual’s choice so you don’t have to tell us whether or not you will vote in 2011, or even whom you will vote for, BORING.

  41. The article is so articulate in asfar as the bad side of Sata is concerned.How about his good side ? Can it be compared to the good side of the good ones or not ? When analyzing and issue a good researcher coes up with an unbiased mechanism of reporting data and not pin pointing.These is the sickness we have . This is what has lead us into what we are now . HH lacks nothing to be president, Sata lacks nothing to be president.,KK lacked nothing to be president though he did not teach you and i to be leaders of tomorrow which resulted into Zambia beingrun by old and tired men not wanting to be productive on the farm and advising young ones .We will remain poor unless we change .

  42. All we know about HH is that is educated, stinking rich and nothing else, therefore, personally i will not fall for this upping of HH’s fortunes by a half baked hungry journalist. You dont go looking for a job without a CV unless you looking at ‘garden boy’ vacancies, this vuvunzela has failed to give us HH’s refereces so that we check him out ourselves because we dont want another thief at state house we learnt a bitter lesson from FTJ. Look at Obama or ED Miliband even as young as they are they had massive experince in the public sector behind them before they even dreamt of going for better and bigger things but the same can not be said about HH. We dont know whether he will be a worst satana than Sata or an angel, sorry we wont be taking chances on people we dont even little we…

  43. #51 cont
    ….sorry we wont be taking chances this time on people we dont know because even the little we know about them in the private life is dented for example lima Bank. At least with RB we knew he was once fired because of tribalism and we knew he was corrupt so its no surprise he’s kept his spots like a leopard.

  44. The world all over are turning to young men and women.I do not see it way in this time and ere we should be talking about Sata and RB,its high time these people become history.They do not understand the modern environment we live in.
    The labour party in UK a few days ago elected a young leader in Ed Miliband because they know the future is in the one.Zed…….”it will take time maybe even never”

  45. Almost everyone knows what to expect if Sata became President but does anyone know what will come from HH, not even this hungry vuvunzela knows him any better than the rest of us common souls.

  46. KK, FTJ & RB warned us, Chizyuka warned us, the rebel PF MPs keep on warning us, his numerous former party secretary Generals have warned us.. NEVER to trust the instrument of power with Sata. Are deaf to ignore this message? The signs are there to see what kind of a person we are dealing with. Look no further than the recent happenings in the Pact. Just two months ago we were told PF should be given a chance to feild a candidate in Luena so as not to create ‘bantustans’ in reference to parties fielding candidates in areas where they have more support. Now because it suits Sata ..’oh Lusaka is our stronghold so we should have Chilanga’. What kind of selfishness is this? One can just imagine what would have happened had HH agreed to be the Cobra’s vice under the current constitution!

  47. :-? dust to dust, ashes to ashes. the pact is finished hehehehe :d who knew that HH would sink so low as to enter into a marriage of convenience with PF and get kicked out? this is the end. soon the pact will officially break up and both parties will become weaker than they had been before joining hands. they have eroded our confidence in them and zambians will never give power to these power-greedy political manipulators. By the way I read that PF UPND are both fielding candidates in chilanga. Haiba a kikufela kwa pact kwa mulitela kufela kokucwani? kufelile the pact has killed itself and robbed both parties of any hope of getting into power. Mulongoti was right when he said MMD will be in power beyond 2030. The opposition simply has no credibilty. viva MMD cwe cwe cwe cwe cwe!:)>-

  48. #54 Yes we all know what to expect if Sata becomes president, that is why some of us wont vote for him. Why should we end up suffering like the Ugandans did under Amin if we can help it? Maybe Bembas will be happy because they will have the best jobs but for the rest of us, Sata is too much of a risk. I have young children, I want to see them grow up in a peaceful country. I have met too many African refugees in Europe and see how they suffer, not knowing what happened to their relatives or whether they are alive or dead. I know that is the kind of scenario Sata will bring because to put it simply, the man is a head case. In Chichewa they say ‘osatuma silu kumanga imfa’.

  49. Daimone Siulapwa is the man of the moment. Right on the spot. But let me tell you why HH fell for the Pact. Sata promised support for HH for the presidency as he said he was already getting too old to be president. HH knew that despite what Sata is he (Sata) has support from Kaponyas all over the country and this support base would help him ascend to power. The Issue of different manifestos for pact parties was a non issue as he would use the UPND manifesto which has substance. However HH miscalculated by assuming that the ancient serpent from Eden would keep his promise. Actually he should have suspected that there was the possibility of Sata playing him. Sata on the other side as ussual went into the pact knowing that Tongas are generally scheptical with supporting northerners.

  50. He then devised a scheme were he would promise HH of helping him get into state house but meanwhile just after the pact has gained momentum among the population including Southerners, change and contend the presidency himself. Bembas are clever as usual. HH never for a moment supported Sata and PF in whatever aspect one may consider. HH is alive very much to the fact that a PF government can be the worst thing ever to happen to Zambia since 1964. HH is never naïve. He has a clear vision for Zambia.

  51. # 39 You are spot on. l voted for mazoka , but i cant vote for HH. its true mazoka receied votes from all parts of zambia unlike HH who receives votes mainly from southern province. UPND is losing grounds.

  52. HH go for it, Sata is not going beyoud 2013 because of his age and health. He will experience the first stroke in December 2011 as per my prediction.

  53. “I can’t vote for HH because he received votes mainly from Southern province”..surely is that a logical reason for not voting for someone? Is it his fault that mainly Southerners saw wisdom in voting for him? Came on mwe bantu find a better reason to convincepeople why you think they shouldn’t vote for HH.

  54. You tribalists who are talking hate speech against Sata, shame on you. If most people hate Sata as you are claiming and they love HH, how come Sata is able to woo more supoorters and more votes than HH. I think you are in denial and not living in reality. You better face up to reality on the ground, you are in for more shock

  55. Ba Fee Kah Lah bonse shut up! Sata & HH are quiet and you’re busy murmuring. They know what they are up to and they have not differed in any way yet you are yapping here!

  56. The greatest thing that “Chiluba” did for Zambia was not to hand the power to Sata

    … And I repeat again in capital letters below…….


  57. HH is wiling to be veep to Sata and later assume presidency in 2016, but his tribemen cant accep that. HH knows that very well. i feel pity 4 HH bcoz he is about to lose an opportunity to lead this nation.

    UPND+PF PACK attract each other as opposition party
    UPND/PF PACK repell each other as positive+ and negative_ poles(Different views)
    A crack is the result of the unlike poles+-(UPND/PF)

  59. FTJ the octopus says @64, The thing is Southerners voted for HH because of their tribalism not that they saw any wisdom in him as you are claiming, what wisdom. Or is that your wishful thinking? If only wishes were horses I think you would really ride. Shame on you and your tribalism plus hate, I think you can even bewitch someone you old witch. Your aim is to influence people’s thinking but your are not succeeding

  60. VJ Rigger says:
    ”September 29, 2010 at 12:08 pmHH curses the day he declined the vice presidency from LPM”.

    Its not about joining LPM for job of VP but about principles, its people like you who have no principles, no values, nothing you believe in, who think one can just join for sake of job, you are very backward we mututu we

  61. People become presidents after being voted into office and not the way they speak. I agree that HH would be an excellent president but does he have the support of all Zambians?

  62. Let HH listen to this article.

    The problem is that he is afraid of missing 2011. His term on UPND ticket will expire after 2011. It is constitutional. The man is wise, but desparate to stay afloat. 2016 does not hold for him!

    All these wise words will fall on HH’s deaf ears.

    The biggest problem is that he’s dragging the whole party, thats full of vibrant youths, with him into PACT with PF.

  63. # 74 Nazo
    What principle is there in joining SATA?The UPND manifesto is a replica of the MMD manifesto(Right leaning).PF policies are Leftist in nature.So tell me Nazo.What principle is there in getting into bed with Sata?
    For the record.I will not respond to your uncouth language, I ll leave that for your conscience to judge you.

  64. # 74 Nazo
    As an old english adage goes,”birds of the same feathers flock together”.I presume you are a UPND cadre who has by ”blue tooth”,assimilated the insult programmed brain of a typical PF cadre.

  65. #73 Ndime
    The problem with people with limited IQ like yourself is that whenever you fail to win an argument you are too quick to call others tribalist. Do you know what tribe I am? No one hates Sata, we just don’t like his ways. From your psotings it is clear that your mind is full of witchcraft mentality.

  66. In the twisted mind of some bloggers anyone who does no support Sata hates him. Anyone who supports HH is tonga. What kind of shallow thinking is that? There are a lot of bembas who support HH and are against Sata just as there are tongas who support Sata and are against HH. If you want eveidence of thischeck the presidential results on the ECZ website.

  67. May be UPND should kick out HH for party’s sake. It is expedient that one person’s career ends than that of the entire party. HH is the only one favoring the PACT in UPND for his own career sake.
    Selfish !


  68. Pipo do not know the history of this country Tongas have always been supporting other tribes ,and none has called the trbalist , 2001 VJ betried his tribe mate do you call him , The late Mainza Choona supported Kaunda . Tongas have been partrotic and real nationalist evn the same Mazoka was called atribalist now that is he no more you are praise him . Dear blogers let us reason with our brian not on tribal lines , Let us support HH

  69. I thought Maestro hehhhhhhhhe was the only danderhead in UPND but i was wrong, there is another on the blog. I suppose he’s been reading too much of Senior citizens and his partner Capitalist’s rumblings a woefull lot that he’s now begginning to behave lke them mor.ons. You can write all want about Mr lima Bank for the few of us to giggle about but the majority of our people dont even know who the hell he is or what he even does. I cant wait for next year to have some people and their party put in their rightful place on Zambian political scene. This is like some chaps i see with tutembas along cairo road driving posh gas gazzling cars when clearly their businesses cant sustain such luxury, the same with Tutemba regional parties wanting to push their man down our throats. Twakana mwe!

  70. Well said but 2016 for HH to stand is bull shit.HH should listen to people time to leave the pact is now! UPND is strong, loved by many if only we can leave the deceiver of the brethren Satan and his company. Pretending that pact will work is foolishness on the party of UPND leaders. What can they tell us about Chilanga Saga where PF is also putting a candidate. Do we need a sign language interpreter to explain to us that the pact is long gone! Come on Tonga bulls you are a let town. As Lozis we shall take all your animals and wives for acting completely useless.

  71. Well said but 2016 for HH to stand is bull shit.HH should listen to people time to leave the pact is now! UPND is strong, loved by many if only we can leave the deceiver of the brethren Satan and his company. Pretending that pact will work is foolishness on the party of UPND leaders. What can they tell us about Chilanga Saga where PF is also putting a candidate. Do we need a sign language interpreter to explain to us that the pact is long gone! Come on Tonga bulls you are a let down. As Lozis we shall take all your animals and wives for acting completely useless.

  72. We will continue using logical arguments to promote the right modern leader Zambia needs. We won’t be swayed by old style tribal kaponyas who want to shove their old tribesman down our throats. We live in modern times and we need new leaders to meet the new challenges. The wise people of Zambia across all regions have thrice rejected this self deluded old dinosaur to rule them and they will continue doing so. As the author has correctly pointed out this self proclaimed comedian has tried to us regional politics to win support but failed to make it. Realising that he can’t get the numbers he needs he tried to use the Pact as a riding horse but the shrewd UPND intellectuals out manoeuvred him once more.

  73. Fact is that HH should not listen to you bloody MMD bloggers pretending to be UPND supporters. Together we stand divided we fall and thats for sure if HH decides go it alone. You will be the same *****s who will find scape goats after 2011.

  74. Some of you bloggers can put anything on this blog as if you are writting to people who cannot reason. You talk of HH not having political experience, but one thing you are forgetting is that some political experience is for economic survival e.g James Lukuku who compromised his morals to join MMD and is now given a position by William Banda. Yes he is gaining experience but the question is, is it a good or bad one. Tomorrow James Lukuku will claim to be a minister on basis of experience. I feel what is important is to know the person’s truck record whether he meets what we what as a leader, is it to fix the economy?. Zambia will never have a good leader if we can keep having those who do not bring good, on basis of experience. Mugabe has experience, but is he a good leader.

  75. #88 Lazo,[ together we stand divided we fall and thats for sure if HH decides go it alone. You will be the same *****s who will find scape goats after 2011.] We are already divided so why should we pretend that we shall be united. If we can not be united before we win election what more if we are in government? Whether you are PF I think you are taking the intellectuals for granted enough is enough chikwati chasila.

  76. We need to look at a bigger picture. HH is a good leader who believes in inclusiveness, He is even better than Mazoka because he believes in the unity of zambia. He keeps joining these pacts because he looks at zambia as a whole and not the tribes in it. The man believes in a bigger picture, and those who may criticise him today should bare in mind that Mazoka formed and ran that party, he had his own leadership style different from HH.

  77. Say what you like and hate him as much as you can, but it don’t matter – HH is by no means desperate for anything. The biggest loser are Zambian. HH still has a fantastic business career and ooops can still stand in twenty years time if you think that satan and the other RB are way over seventy. It is us poor Zambians living in squalor – he lives in Kabulonga and has numerous choices unlike us who don’t even have a waterborne toilet. Yes go ahead vote for Satan and bear the consequences – after all you get the leaders you deserve. Yes say Viva Sata now and vote him in if he will make it ’cause ooppssss or sssssss he will be over 80 (in real ageing terms if not numbers) in 2016. It is Sata’s last chance and sss I for one would never even as a ghost voter voter for satan.

  78. You can call your fellow but less fortunate human beings names(e.g kaponya) all you want but them too have one vote each just like yourself and they will probably cast them on people who consider them to be human beings not animals. I hear kaponyas have evaded Livingston as well, am sure they will do a brilliant job in Southern Province its only a matter of time our poor brothers in choma, kalomo etc will be rescued from ‘ba some of us’ bakabwalala.

  79. I think what HH is doing is better, you may say Sata is dangerous, those are the people HH should learn to deal with isnce he has joined politics. I for one believe in a united zambia and this pact shoud continue, those MMD guys who are saying UPND shouls leave the pact should think twice because even if HH left the pact today he may join Milupi and both would win 4 provinces of zambia namely Southern, Western, North-western and central, will share Copperbelt and Lusaka with other parties. This would reduce the chances of Rupiah’s MMD and Sata’s PF chances of winning elections next year. MMD should not even think of the pact breaking because it will injure them more. Think before you act guys, numbers matter in politics.

  80. If the pact will die, it will mean the end of either MMD or PF because these Lozis, Tongas and Luvales feel they have been sidelined so much in top positions for sometime. Remember that Tongas are many because Lamba and Lenjes are connected to this tribe. So guys even as you dream of the pact dying bear in mind the consequences.

  81. 84, on LT story Zambia: Never allow Sata to rule this country-UPND, Perpetual Failures (PF) cadre 74 msana wanzili greetings, on your “The only consolation for next year is that the next President wont be a Tonga, it will be either SATA or his tribal cousin RB” and your 98 msana wanzili “For your own information we produced the first and second Presidents, now did my family benefit or receive any favours for being Bemba? Not once, so am not fascinated with which tribe produces a president because i personally wont benefit anyting at all, so UPND Tongas please take a leaf, HH doesn’t even know 99.9% of you” thanks for showing the whole word that you are a Bemba Tribalist who is xenophobic of Tonga people of Zambia.

    Its very nice that you had to expose yourself Bemba…

  82. It is open thant Bembas are tribalist. Well analysed Maestro Hhehhehhehhe for 2011 would-b President of Zambia. Only sound Zambians will look at issues. Sakwiba Sikota knows Sata the $27, 0000 criminal. We are watching and let the PF continue destroying themselves.

    Sata will only rule when he votes for himself. No one ever said UPND was big in 2001 but Bembas, are very interesting and dull. Just wait we will lugh last.

  83. @93 – You have spoken like a true patriot. Most bloggers here are behaving like beheaded snakes, HH is very doesnt have much to lose except perhaps his ego, most comments here of Lukuku calibre, thats why the country will never get a smart person to rule and bring the country back on the map. We shall continue having these old geriatrics in power with their degenerating brains leading us nowhere progressive.

  84. 98 Vj thanks and keep exposing the Bemba tribalists as well as I am doing it nicely.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  85. PF = 0
    UPND = 1
    unfaithful+faithful = faithful

    This implies that UPND is the only party for real and Zambian
    NB: PF is in intensive care and 2011 is just be delivered UPND

  86. #96 Maestro hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe
    Are you the only old blogger that did not know am Bemba? I meant every word i wrote because Bemba or not a Bemba at State house l will NOT directly benefit anything so its pointless to vote on tribal lines. Now whats your problem?

  87. The problem is that msana wanzili u are a big tribalist and since u are a Bemba u are also a criminal like ur uncles Chiluba and Sata. I hope u understand me. Can u please leave Maestro Hhehhehhehhe for 2011 would-b President of Zambia HH alone and in peace. It is time wasting to argue with tribalist and useless fools of PF.

  88. I am lost for words in the way PF cadres reason. Since the issue of the PACT breaking up came up has HH made any comment or made any diparaging remarks against Sata? How many times has Sata attacked his “partner HH” in the media? Sata hasn’t learnt anything worthwhile in his political career apart from being dictattorial and bullish. One can work for an organisation for 20 years with only two years of valuable experience and vice versa. As I said, the old man has spent so many years in politics with very little valuable experience.

  89. The objective of the PACT was to remove mismanagement by the MMD and killing the PACT is killing the future of Zambia. Any educated man will agree with me that removing rules for selfish gain will not develop this country. Time and again we have seen problems being swept under the carpet ie Chengwe bounced a cheque and nothing has happened while Mpombo committed the same offence followed by being locked up. If the Pact does not work then 50+1 will give us a true leader.

  90. UPND’s populairty started to nose dive that day Andy fell ill. Remember, there was a power strugle between Saki and Bob on who to take charge. These guys were repositioning themselves for the Top job. Saki and Bob were not good at mobilising the party. They are arm chair critics making noise on radios and newspapers. If these guys were good leaders they would have continued where Andy left when he was in hospital. They failed to maintain the party’s grassroot support. Alas, Andy in a frail body continued going round the country for campaigns. He was ridiculed by his opponents and most of his support grew thin. At that time Sata with the funding from Plunderers were busy canvasing for support in Lsk, CB, LP, NP. Andy being ridiculed by his opponents.. LPM, Sata, etc

  91. The confusion that characterised Andy’s death only managed to add salt to an injury. UPND’s support went with Mazoka’s illness. Alot of people who believed in him felt the man would not be the same again healthwise. LPM embarked on vicious campaign to finish Andy once and for all. He poached Andy’s MPs and started a ruthless if not senseless attack on the sick man. Remember, the infamous – “falling trousers” This left the party in disarray. Sick andy had to come to his own defence while his sole called vice presidents turned the other way. Bob and Mtonga turned against their friend and joined membe in flustrating Andy. Saki was nothing but voucher waiting for Andy to die. If Andy didn’t fall sick today we could be talking about a different story.

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