Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Pact woes MMD’s gain — Mulongoti


Works and Supply Minister Mike Mulongoti

MMD chairperson for elections Mike Mulongoti says the crumbling of the UPND/ PF Pact has led to the ruling party gaining ground in Lusaka and other urban areas which were the strongholds for the opposition in the past.

And Patriotic Front (PF) Matero Member of Parliament (MP) Faustina Sinyangwe has said Zambians should not waste their time to vote for the UPND-PF Pact because it was like a divided house that could not stand firm and deliver the desired fruits to its children.

Mr Mulongoti said most people had lost confidence in the two opposition parties and have pledged to rally behind MMD in the 2011 presidential and parliamentary elections and the forthcoming by-election in Chilanga.

“Lusaka is no longer a stronghold of the opposition as they have managed to de-campaign themselves through the Pact which just exists in name.

“The MMD has managed to reform and that people have seen the works that the ruling party is doing while the opposition are just offering lips service,” Mr Mulongoti said.

He said the party would win the two vacant seats during the forth coming parliamentary by-elections in Chilanga and Mpulungu.

[pullquote]“Lusaka is no longer a stronghold of the opposition as they have managed to de-campaign themselves through the Pact which just exists in name.

“The MMD has managed to reform and that people have seen the works that the ruling party is doing while the opposition are just offering lips service,” Mr Mulongoti said.[/pullquote]

He said the MMD was currently searching for candidates for the two vacant seats and that silent campaigns were going on.

Mrs Sinyangwe said the quarrelling over positions that had rocked the pact would worsen, if they formed Government.

“So Zambians should not waste their time to elect a Government that would spend most of the time fighting for positions, instead of improving people’s lives,” Mrs Sinyangwe said.

Mrs Sinyangwe was commenting on the deepening wrangles in the UPND-PF Pact, said the wrangles that had rocked the pact was a clear indication that some individuals were only interested in positions and not service delivery.

She said the calibre of some MPs left much to be desired and the challenge was on the Zambians to raise the standards of politics in the country by electing into public office individuals with good calibre.

“If we became serious and start looking at the calibre of people we elect into public offices, we can raise the standards of politics in our country, but the problem is that we want to vote to fix certain individuals or just for the sake of change like some people are saying now that they want change.
Even if it is change, we should not change
for the worst,” she said.
And former PF chairperson for mobilisation of the Committee of Founders pressure group Mubanga Chileshe, who was last year beaten and assaulted for opposing the formation of the pact, said he had been vindicated going by what is happening to the pact now.
Times of Zambia


  1. Wenye wanu Amulongoti ……if it came to the worst, I am 100% sure they would rather absent themselves than vote for your party.

  2. Mr Mulongoti, dont waste much of your energy to tell us MMD will win chilanga bye elections. Let us wait for election results. Hope you will not change the story to saying elections were rigged like you did in Mfumbwe!

  3. Mulongoti you have every right to say that, you can even swallow the mighty UPND if you want then you will be assured of Southern province as well besides Eastern, happy day for MMD i suppose. Politics is about numbers, go for it . ALL THE BEST.

  4. “The MMD has managed to reform???????

    This morning I met RB on another useless trip.
    Zamtel was sold for a deal someone went to make with Qaddafi long before the bidding began.

    The list is long. Unfortunately this s.t.u.p. id pact has crumbled and we shall see the country going to the worst next year as God-forsaken MMD retains its power. The Chief of Thieves will continue walking freely. God help us.

  5. KK backs Rupiah

    FORMER President Kenneth Kaunda has praised President Banda and his government for implementing various development projects across the country.

    Dr Kaunda said yesterday that the projects being implemented by Government such as construction of schools, hospitals, and roads are commendable.

    He said Zambians should judge President Banda based on the projects he has undertaken in different parts of the country.

    Dr Kaunda said Zambians should not listen to people who want President Banda to leave office.
    He said Zambians should instead appreciate what President Banda has done for Zambia in areas of development.

  6. KK praises anti-poverty projects

    The current roads, hospitals and schools projects in various parts of the country are a clear commitment by President Rupiah Banda’s Government to fight poverty, first Republican president Kenneth Kaunda has said. Dr Kaunda said this in an interview yesterday in Lusaka at his offices that what the MMD Government was doing under President Banda and what it did under president Mwanawasa was a commendable job.

  7. Pact…there is not Pact. It is a horse and rider comedy of errors committed by UPND. To follow the comments in the media, Mr. Hichilema stated that he cannot secure the UPND the presidency on their feet but on that of the pact. Mr. Sata stated that PF comes first and the Pact is a subsidiary of PF. If you put everything together, you come up with the formula UPND<PACT<PF so what Pact is there?


    On the Thread titled “Kabimba is the enemy of the PACT— UPND MP” on Thursday, September 23, 2010. I posted this

    News reaching my Desk from a person close to the situation states that PF will field a candidate for Chilanga and UPND will do the same. PF believe Chilanga is close to Lusaka, their stronghold and they have great chance of bagging the seat. Stay tuned for more details in the next 2 weeks as the PACT finally officially disbands.

    As usual PF cadres especially Deja Vu : You are a liar PF are not fielding any one in Chilanga.

    SO who is a liar now Read the Post. Are you still in denial? Are u not tired of losing. Joining the wining team. There is…


  10. He commended President Banda for continuing with the programmes that were started by his predecessor the late Levy Patrick Mwanawasa to develop infrastructure and improve the welfare of the people. He urged the president not to be discouraged by sentiments being leveled against him by some people who want him out of office as he was doing a creditable job.

    “The construction of schools, hospitals and rehabilitation of roads are things that show whether a Government is working or not. The Government is doing a good job indeed for the country,” Dr Kaunda said. He cautioned that hatred of an individual should not lead people to think, say and do wrong things about an individual.

  11. I can see the ‘pact’ supporters are really hurting. What do you expect if you base your dreams and aspirations on a snake? Apparently both opposition parties (in this case opposition party means opposing each other as opposed to the sitting govt) will be fielding a candidate in Chilanga. Which means Mulongoti’s predictions may well come true. I think those misguided enough to actually believe that Sata would ever deliver anything positive for Zambia need to resign themselves to the fact that they will be seeing Mulongoti’s face for a very long time to come. Do I hear a shout of ‘viva pact’?

  12. Sata says “What about the young men in Zambia who have been ruling Zambia? What do we have? Plunder, corruption. For example now, the young men are diluting the Anti-Corruption Commission where they are saying an abuse of office is not an offense. It’s the young men who have sold ZAMTEL (communications giant), who have increased fuel and without considering the people.”

    The 73-year old Sata also said the reason “you find all the malaise in Africa today, and Zambia in particular, is because of the young rulers because the young men, all they enjoy is to be in the aeroplane every day.”

    Political observers have questioned the stability of the pact signed between the two opposition parties after recent spats between supporters of the UPND and the PF.

  13. cont from #7

    UPND blundered big when they entered this pact. The senior members of UPND are not amused at all and Major Chizyuka has been vindicated.

    This is after UPND president stated the following and I quote, “The United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has described, Namwala Member of Parliament, as a lunatic with just a big head with no brains.” [end quote]. This follows Major Chizyuka stating and I quote “Maj Chizyuka charged that Mr Hichilema is just being used by Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata in the UPND/PF Pact.” [end quote] reported on Lusaka Times under the story “Chizyuka is a Lunatic with just a big head with no brains – HH” on January 23, 2010.

    So what does Mr. Hichilema have to say now?

  14. He’s back! this human centipede! he was quiet for a while,must have been hibernating,spouting drivel,if Mulongoti and Shikapwasha had electric brains,they would have been walking blackouts
    has he done a survey to come up with this conclusion,dont think so, has mmd won Chilanga seat yet,dont think so! so where is he basing his opinions, no wonder he has never been an elected member of parliament; he’s the father of all bootlickers; the only excuse to step higher in life is through bootlicking,how else would he have made it in life

  15. UPND officials continue telling us that us the people should judge between PF and UPND as to who is against the PACT thing. Ba UPND we have already judged both of you power hungry psychophants and have weighed you in the balance and found wanting.


  17. MMD gaining ground in Lusaka???? The same City I live in? Hmmmm…. I need to check because last time I checked (last evening) we are debating at the market how majority won’t vote for MMD. (Oh that doesn’t mean we are PACT members, most of us actually are non partisan)

  18. So it is true MMD have been spending sleepless nights over the success of the PACT. In any case the PACT has never been in charge of Lusaka as a PACT but as PF.

  19. With or wihtout the Pact MMD Zwaaaaaaa!!!!! MMD did not win the 2006 or 2008 but worked with state machinery to rig. Alas the Catholic Church will monitor the process in all Centres and that’s 3million faithfulls. With or without the Pact, MMD kuya bebele. Elections will for the first time since 1991 be on a level playing field. I see MMD coming out third. Watch this space.

  20. The wind of change is here, the people will vote en mass next year and will bring about the change we need. MMD is sull of dull individuals with nothing new to offer. Even common sense doesn’t seem to be common for them.

  21. Only a blind person like Mulongoti can say MMD is gaining groud in lusaka, let him go to soweto market and get the views of those markeers who are the voters and he will be shocked!!.
    Most of you MMD bootlikers are not staying in ZB.You have no real information about which party is popular. The fact is Sata still has alot of respect from voters in many provinces. You know why, he respects Kaponyas, the people who have found themselves in that situation becoz of Poor MMD policies. These are the people behind sata and they have registered as voter!! some come 2011, heads will roll!

  22. Ba Pact, don’t side step the issues. Talk about the fielding of PF and UPND candidates in Chilanga. I didn’t say that, it is your very own vuvuzela, so please don’t insult me. Talk about Pact please, Mulongoti is not Pact, he is just campaigning for MMD and so you can ignore his predictions (AT YOUR PERIL).

  23. 23, 24 You don’t sound like someone who believes in what he is saying. Are you one of those receiving brown envelopes from PF and planted on LT to hope against hope?

  24. Iwe #27 PF has no brown envelopes like what you do in the MMD thats why you are even removing abuse of office from ACC. Pact or no Pact we are tired of these thieves who have brought back their fellow chief Lazo to be their consultant. One day their sins will find them out. Come 2011 the people will speak out.

  25. #7 Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth

    Quoting your famous posting “…To follow the comments in the media, Mr. Hichilema stated that he cannot secure the UPND the presidency ….”
    It’s clear that what HH was telling you is that you will not vote for him as president on a UPND ticket even if he is the best candidate because of his tribe. I think this is something we should be ashamed of as Zambians.

  26. # 25 One zmk was equall to One British pound So one our destiny is determined by marketeers and Kaponyas, people who cannot make informed decisions…what a shame! I would rather Mike Mulongoti and his party continue running the affairs of this country than give a vote to the no good Kaponyas. And for your information, Kaponyas have been with us since the 1980s, though they were called vigilantes. Pipo were still dropping out of school though it was free, to become Kaponyas like you. “Heads will roll”…my foot! You are indeed a kaponya!

  27. I no longer support the pact but I can’t help but notice that ka mulongoti ka bufi sana. which people have pledged to support MMD and when did they say that? Anyway abash fake pact and viva MMD.

  28. MMD comprise people with vision. That is the reason why Zambia is changing shape for the better. Viva MMD

  29. @ #29 Zed Patriot

    Quote him when he mentioned tribe concerning the statement he made. I never heard anything about tribe.

    What you are attempting is what we call an appeal to emotion. In short, you are trying to manipulate people’s emotions to try and get Mr. Hichilema the votes. Mr. Hichilema has to convince Zambians why they should vote for him. In any case, Major Chizyuka has been vindicated and Mr. Hichilema must learn to listen to his elders.

  30. #36 Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth

    This is a campaign forum and we are all guilty of using emotional appeal to promote our respective candidates. Actually you are the worst culprit at using emotional appeal. What you keep on quoting is not the full statement HH made. You are deliberately quoting him out of context and manipulating his words just to potray him as a coward. Your aim is to discourage people from voting for him in order to increase RB’s chances. You know very well what HH said & was that UPND supporters should not cheat him that he can defeat a corrupt African govt with a fragmented opposition(without the Pact) and he illustrated his point by saying the oposition parties got more combined votes than MMD in 2001, 2006 and 2008.

  31. #14 and 36 am also wondering here who the real lunatic is after what is going on in the pact.There is an African saying bloggers use on this forum, that you can out run an elder, but not when it comes to knowledge and wisdom. The current happenings have taught HH a very big lesson. All those insults he lambasted on Chizyuka will haunt him. I agree with those who pity HH, he is in a terrible situation.Politically, this could be his last breath.Am told about eight MPs have shifted allegiance to MMD. Pact was a serious miscalculation. Chizyuka is vindicated.

  32. What a foolish statement? How did this ignorant man gauge that MMD, a party with a travelling president has gained popularity in urban areas? Who took the polls and when? What are the numbers he is basing his foolishness on? Sadly, most MMD cadres here have got excited with such a baseless statement. When will you cadres start using your own heads? The silliest statement comes from Mrs Nshinya ngwee. What caliber is she discussing? In Bemba we say, Bakolwe basekana ifipato. (English: Monkeys laugh at each others’ behind).

    Probably Mulongoti (Mr Pipe) thinks that the PACT will be voting. It is the people who will vote. In fact decisions of who they will vote for has been made already. The decision is MMD against any candidate. All people want is MMD and RB to be out of office, period.

  33. @ #36 Zed Patriot

    I did not quote him out of context.

    I cannot make sense of exactly what you are trying to say. First you claim in your comment on #28 that Mr. Hichilema is telling us that we cannot vote for him because of tribe.

    your statement: “It’s clear that what HH was telling you is that you will not vote for him as president on a UPND ticket even if he is the best candidate because of his tribe.”

    Now you are telling us that actually Mr. Hichilema meant to say that you cannot defeat a corrupt African govt with a fragmented opposition on #36.

    your statement: “. You know very well what HH said & was that UPND supporters should not cheat him that he can defeat a corrupt African govt with a fragmented opposition”

    So which one is it?

  34. @ # 39 Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth

    I have explained to you what HH actually said without quoting him out of context. The other bit about tribe is my own interpretation of what that statement could imply just as you are making your own interpretation of his words when quoted out of context.

  35. @ #40 Zed Patriot

    But his words were not quoted out of context. Mr. Hichilema said it. He said the UPND cannot win alone. He said the UPND needs the Pact to win. If he cannot secure the UPND the presidency, he might as well resign as UPND president and let someone who is capable of securing the UPND the presidency take over.

    And to correct you, I am not trying to portray Mr. Hichilema as a coward. He is doing a good job all by himself with these statements.

  36. Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth

    I am sure you know how the government papers deliberately misrepresent stories just to potray their own angle. HH has talked about the need for a united opposition many times in the past so there was nothing unusual in him telling UPND members the same message when he said they shouldn’t cheat him into going it alone. He has always put it across that a fragmented opposition can not defeat MMD and that explains why he gave an example of the 2001,2006 & 2008 election results which indicated that the opposition scored more votes than MMD

  37. @ #43 Zed Patriot

    The story was not reported by the government newspapers. It was reported by QFM (A private radio station). There was no misrepresentation there. Mr. Hichilema meant what he said.

    Mr. Hichilema was part of a united opposition. In fact he lead a united opposition under UDA and they still couldn’t defeat MMD in 2006 despite UPND coming very close to beating MMD in 2001.

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