President Rupiah Banda has left for Nigeria where he has been invited as a special guest of Nigerian President Goodluck Jonanthan at that country’s 50th Independence anniversary.
President Banda was seen off at Lusaka International Airport at about 09 .28 hours by Vice President George Kunda, Works and Supply Minister Michael Mulongoti, Secretary to the Cabinet Joshua Kanganja, Health Minister Kapembwa Simbao, Deputy Minister in the office of the Vice President Daniel Munkombwe, Defence Chiefs and other Senior government officials.
ZANIS reports that President Banda is accompanied by Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Ronnie Shikapwasha, Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister Felix Mutati and other senior Government officials.
Shortly before departure, President Banda told Journalists that the changes he made to his Government were meant to bring efficiency in the ministries.
Yesterday, President Banda reshuffled three Cabinet Ministers and made a new appointment at Permanent Secretary level.
Among those transferred is Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Peter Daka to Ministry of Science , Technology and Vocational Training in the same capacity taking over from Dr Brian Chituwo who has been moved to the Ministry of Local Government and Housing .
The President also transferred Local Government Minister Dr Eustarckio Kazonga to the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives as Minister while Zambia Revenue Authority Commissioner General Chriticles Mwansa was appointed Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Vocational Training.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Vocational Training Ms Shery Thole is new Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services.
Meanwhile, Zambia’s republican president, Rupiah Banda has appointed Mr. Wisdom Nhekairo as new Commissioner-General of the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA).
Mr. Nhekairo, who was until his appointment as ZRA Commissioner for Domestic Taxes, will take over from Mr. Chriticles Mwansa who has been moved to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Vocational Training as Permanent Secretary.
President Banda appointed Mr. Nhekairo in exercise of powers vested in him under Section 19(1) of the ZRA Act, Chapter 321 of the Laws of Zambia.
The appointment of Mr. Nhekairo is with immediate effect.
[pullquote]He said the resident doctors will Wednesday hold a meeting with Secretary to the Cabinet Joshua Kanganja. The President emphasised that a permanent solution to the issues affecting the doctors will be found through dialogue.[/pullquote]
Further, President Banda, in exercise of powers vested in him under the University Act Number 10 of 1999 and its Regulations, has appointed Lusaka-based Academician and Consultant Professor Oliver Saasa as Chancellor for Mulungushi University.
The appointment of Professor Saasa is with immediate effect.
And President Rupiah Banda says the stand off between government and the striking resident doctors will soon be resolved. President Banda says the resident doctors Tuesday held a meeting with Health Minister Kapembwa Simbao in a bid to address the matter.
He said the resident doctors will Wednesday hold a meeting with Secretary to the Cabinet Joshua Kanganja. The President emphasised that a permanent solution to the issues affecting the doctors will be found through dialogue.
President Banda however, said he could not prejudice what the resident doctors and the Secretary to the Cabinet will discuss.
Meanwhile, the President said government remains committed to the constitution making process. He said the National Constitution Conference -NCC- has handed over its draft constitution to government and that the Ministry of Justice is taking necessary measures to move to the next step in the process.
and don’t come back! We can do far better without you around
Is he leaving from Mozambique or did he just get back??? Depsite my prowress in tracking abilities am now lost. Na surrenda. Nshakalandepo. Nazala. Mukali
At the expenses of a poor tax payer :-w
When is he next visiting Zambia?
Ta kwaba bane. We’ve mobile hospitals and now a mobile president, flying higher & higher & higher & higher & higher more than a mighty eagle. We’re a country with no direction.
HAHAH! But this man is a big time joker. This bull#@$$#$@#st
Is it just me, or this man always disappears whenever there is a crisis in the nation?
And on bringing eficiencies to govt, it is inefficient for the entire govt to be pending two days per week at the airport because of welcoming/sending off the president. Cut down on your trips man!
Where is this mans residence? is in the air ?but certainly not Zambia.Please lekako kuyenda weo.
This guy has no heart for Zambians, surely some of his trips are not wealth it on wasting taxpayers money. Sit down sir and fix Zambian economy.
Enjoy your trip His Excellency RB.
I honestly think RB just wakes up every mrning and asks his minister of foreign affairs ati “Chalilila kuti lelo”?
This is more than ridiculous now fellow country men!
Am begining to believe that levy’s ghost is haunting him pantu takwaba.
I honestly think RB just wakes up every morning and asks his minister of foreign affairs ati “Chalilila kuti lelo”?
This is more than ridiculous now fellow country men!
George Kunda’s looking better! must be the cash from the new police uniforms. Was Antony going to Naija too! better watch out they will kidnap him and hold him for ransom and Zed has not money coz Grandpa has spent it all on Jet A and landing rights. Who are the air hostesses on his jet – there could be a reason why he is always on it. mmmm!!
LT why am I in Israel – my fellow Zedians may think I was part of the flotilla trying to bust the Gaza embargo!!!
#13. Wasosa. I thik Levy is in state house. Mudala ta lala wbwino.
Is Mulungushi University a government University? What programmes do they offer there?
Why not go for good. Ukokwine uleya ku Nigeria?
I don`t mind if he doesn`t come back mwela wonse.
LOL@ #13. “Chalila kuti lelo?”
Limbi paliba ici banda pa state house! Pasopo RB, uka sanga Sata alipoka state house no mukashi!
What is wrong with you zambians let the president go. He has already delegated this job to the veep. The veep will take care of these doctors who are upnd/pf members. the doctors are probably confused about the pact breaking apart. Don’t worry the Nigerian business forum will open doors for Zambian investment. RB is the man for mother Zambia. He is your leader. A chosen one. Relax RB is in control. This the man we need to rule beyond 2011. He is travelling so that Zambia can develop. You will see what development we shall have soon. Mobile hospitals are on there way soon we won’t hear of cholera because these mobile hospitals will wipe out all such disease. RB for 2011 all bloggers please vote for RB.
Air RB on the move again!!Will Red Lips ever get to make per diem by flying out of Zed apart from medical reviews? RB is always running away from facing problems in his own country!
I bet the ZRA change was a ploy 2 ensure MMD gets enuf funds from the Treasury in preparation 4 the MMD convention and 2011 elections!! The Challenger Jet must really be tired of flying all over the world!![-(
See you the next time you visit Zambia. By the way, please don’t send those people our way, we have enough corruption to deal with in Zambia.
Dangote connection,wait and see. first it was libya,libya libya result LAP GREEN. wait and see
Zungulula Zambia, O, Zungulula World! World trotters! Tourism! Don’t say I never warned you Zambia! Sata for president! Or tours forever for the next 5 yrs!
iyo kwena:o
RB try to be serious. You cant just be moving up and down worsting tax payers money. What kind of sickness are you suffering from? Ushe ningulu nangu malwelenshi ukwete?
I dont expect pf kaponyas to understand the significance of RB attending the 50th anniversary of Nigeria’s Independence so what people have said above is to be expected. At least RB can say he has been a president whereas certain snakes will just have to be content with merely dreaming. RB can carry on with the work of representing Zambia to the world and is aware that people back home are being entertained with the circus/comedy sketch known as the pact.
I am preparing missiles to take down that plane, RB yashani iyiii
Now its 95 % clear that the so-called President of Zambia is no longer needed in his job. How can a country be run by secretary to Cabinet and Permanent secretaries?
Can some one copy all the above comments and send to The Post, who have more impact than our “good-guys” at LT?
if we look at nature insects for example, in particular a fly ( lunshi, inzi) and a bee ( inshimu nzimu). A bee will always be where its needed but a fly will always be were its not needed. A bee helps a lot ie. polination and other stuff while fly will bring polomya cholera and other diseases always fying about
# But these are the professionals who should run the country! The President is their supervisor and he should not micro-manage – most bloggers like you do not understand management.
I wont comment am afraid some vuvunzelas have mastered the art of insulting me everytime i exercise my right of Freedom of Expression, but agree with most of the comments above. God bless Zambia.
I cannot comment on this Ceremonial President, I thought he was in Mozambique, he passed thru Zambia on his way to Nigeria. They invited him because they knew he could not turn down the invitation.It is time to end the era of Top-Down government by giving powers to local councils, communities and individuals. Our politicians in Zambia have failed!
Someone really needs to put a leash on this DOG!
Ehhhh! He has gone to school to learn how to corrupt absolutely in 9ja. Taking crash courses, you dont master anything! ba RB, muli mulubilo sana.
@32 – I have been printing all the comments for the past 4 months and am going to have them printed into a comedy book – Let me know what the title should be.
# 13, you have hit the nail on the head. Banda bewitched Levy to take over the position. Now the Lenje’s and Lambas have worked on the killer hence his running around. Levy is in State House troubling this man. If there was nothing troubling Banda, at least he would have stayed at home at least just for a month or a week. He is finding peace whenever he is out of state house. Now I am starting to feel sorry for this killer. Sadly, Levy wont let go.
Only in Zambia! Lusaka and Eastern is full of docile people! Bangwele imwe na ba RB benu. Only HH can save this country from this mess!!
Rupiah Banda or is that Rupiah Plunderer, or even Rupiah Blunderer….. cos your pick, you cant accuss this chap of anything positive, I hope the nigerians detain him for out of date diplomatic passport or something equally stupid and keep him, this is one export we need to get rid of…….Rubbish Banda.
It is so sad that there is a crisis in the health sector he leaves the country. What benefit is it for us as a nation for him to attend independence celebrations. I cant phantom the logic behind such trips. It is beyond me
DK_Kaponya one name Dambisa Moyo, and another professor Lameck Goma( Goma Lakes fame) now utter foolishness about eastern province again clown.
RB is not the whole of the east son! We too are mad at this globe trotting Ngoni cousin.
as long as zambia prospers let our presido go and enjoy. this the good reason we pay tax. so that our dear presido can enjoy. i understand he spent some good time with grand child. well amano yafuma mwikwesa yaya muchulu. i am sure the grand child is a good advisor too. keep it up mwana wakwitu. travel well RB because you are doing great for zambia. now chawama hospital from clinic that is good.
most likely the political engineer chiluba advised him to go so he could also go for prayers at TB joshua’s church,so he can win 2011 election……….quite desperate.
Bingu Wa Mutharika is always globe trotting, he has visited 6 countries in a month, currently he is in Cuba. No wonder they are best friends with RB, I think these Madala suffers from the same disease. Or is it tu ma sweet 16 they married who forces them to be is the Air always.
Quick question. How much does RB bring into the country after each trip? Looks like he spends more than what he makes each time he goes out
Rupiah Banda is an embarrassment to the nation of Zambia.
Who is that boy beside Rupiah?
where does the footballer play?
The most popular president in the world Obama I can count how many countries he has visited since he took office, he even turned down the invitation to Australia so that he could attend to the BP fiasco, and yet our president a global trotter, leaving the doctors on strike and he does not care! I have never seen such patient people like Zambians, how do you tolerate this man flying in and out out of the country and yet the country has no national plane!
Africans are like monkeys! You can never rule yourselves and this is a classic example why.
@54….Kiss my ar.se you useless piece of sh/it! Who asked for your opinion?
# 55 I can’t kiss your ar.se. It stinks of monkey shit. Africans have very small brains and the minute you will accept it the better for you. Your leaders steal from their own people to give to white men like me and in the end, I will give them a little and they will be dancing around thinking they are rich. Just like throwing a banana at a monkey in a zoo and see him greedily eat it without sharing. You say you didn’t ask for my opinion, well who rans your country? We will put the same monkey RB and you will be forever poor while we get the loot we don’t care how you vote. Who do you think stops your government from giving licenses for TVs? We are not gonna stay in a stinking country like Zambia but we will get the money for our holidays.