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Patriotic Front (PF) President Micael Sata had an Interview with Voice of America (VOA) presenter Clottey where he answered questions ranging from young people, the PACT and calls for him to quit politics. Click on the play button to listen.
show the people that the pact is cracking when the pact is not cracking.”
“The pact is not cracking”, says Sata
“The pact is not cracking”, says Sata
This chap belongs to Chinama for sure. Pact is not cracked already??????
Hi Mwata,
Why is it that you always do cut & paste full text of other stories, rather than just point us to the source and give your won view/comments, etc. I have noticed that you always do this each time. And tend to be too lengthy! I wonder whether most readers even read thru all your pastings… Am sorry, but don’t mean to offend
Well, whenever I see MWATA, I dont even bother to read. He adds to substance to debates, I tend to think that he plays “spoiler” takeup a lot of space so that people with beneficial advise are pushed right to the bottom or the story becomes stale. Otherwise he is an IT Baby Class who has just learnt to copy and paste in his first IT lesson
Well, whenever I see MWATA, I dont even bother to read. He adds no substance to debates, I tend to think that he plays “spoiler” takeup a lot of space so that people with beneficial advise are pushed right to the bottom or the story becomes stale. Otherwise he is an IT Baby Class pupil who has just learnt to copy and paste in his first IT lesson
Sata needs a complete makeover. I know you cant do much with his brain, but surely he can sort out those teeth? Sure a mudala aba, ndiwo mufuna akakhale a presidenti? Koma viBemba nivipuba mwe!
it hurts me to see white hair growing on children’s heads…as africans we have always seen white hair as a sign of wisdom but if SATA is wise,then i’m made to wonder what is wisdom..this man can not even answer a simple question in a straight way but in every instance he is trying to make diversions…zambians please i beg you..if we vote for this man,we may end up worsening our situation which is already one of the worst in the world…can someone wise and intelligent rise among us and lead this country..God plse help us
#3 & #4 you are right. It’s like these guys don’t have any thing constructive to talk about same applies with that maestro hehehe and the likes!
Cyberstar, you are a F@@L! After condeming Mwata, you go do the same i.e. posting same sh!t twice.
At least, VOA cannot interview HH or those you want because they know they wont get full truths.
Chiluhainde – Debate issues. That is why Zambia is ever in reverse because people like you are never serious.Chiluba convinced you by his fake accent and you went for it hook, sinker and line like fish.
Umodzi_Kumawa if you are an IT Expert or your IT levels are of acceptable standards then you must know that you can expreience computer glitches. Anyway let me not waste this preciouse space and time for informed bloggers to continues sharing intlligent information. The point is I did not post twice but it was a computer glitch on my system. Thanks anyway.
The young men sold Zamtel, the young men are flying around in the aeroplane, young men are now ruining this country! My foot – now RB is a ‘young men’? These two need to retire from politics so that they can compare notes in Cheshire Home as to who is a ‘young men’….
#11 I never voted for Chiluba, but I remember your man Sata pushing for his third-term and wanting to free him of all corruption charges in 2006. As for issues, it is your man who is not able to focus on them and hence is always saying one thing today and another thing tomorrow. I know it is killing you Bemba supremacists slowly inside because HH is not as stupid as you thought and wont let your big mouth man use him to get to state house but that is not my fault, it is your own fault for believing in a deceitful, tired old man like the dirty poisonous snake you support.
#11How can a Sata supporter like you have the cheek to talk about issues when your tired old man with a patch work heart is the master of insults? He wants people to vote for him and yet insults Zambians that are not his tribesman and expects them to vote for him like they are fo.ools like himself. I know why you are called ‘de ja vue’, because it will be de ja vue again in 2011 when your old man with a dodgy heart loses again.
# 12, Cyberstar, Sorry to say but if you did not post twice, how come your second post has been corrected? I thought because you had missed a ‘no’ between the words add and subsatnce hence the second post. I stand to be corrected.
#4 reads: “Otherwise he is an IT Baby Class who has just learnt to copy and paste in his first IT lesson”
#5 reads: “Otherwise he is an IT Baby Class pupil who has just learnt to copy and paste in his first IT lesson”
# 12 Cyberstar says: “The point is I did not post twice but it was a computer glitch on my system. Thanks anyway.”
hmmmm…I smell
Hmmmmm……………..That face is scary,needs seriously make over,however the guy only thinks of himself,youngmen can only takeover after he has servrd which is very unlikely
#13, you have got it wrong, I think sata was not implying RB because RB is elder to Sata atleast by few months. He is emply young men in gvt. MMD is full of young men/ women in the likes of Dora siliya, kepembwa simbao(minster of health), Lucy Changwe and most of these so called young men have not perfomed to the peoples expectations. they are young and we expect them to set an example, but look at the caliber of some of them like Lucy, Dr musonda and Dora………….
2001 present
During the period under review, the government advanced efforts to improve democracy but failed to advance substantially the goal of economic transformation. Whereas the presidential elections of 2001 were most likely rigged – according to domestic and international observers – the government regained democratic legitimacy by clearly winning the elections held in 2006. President Mwanawasa won with a clear margin of 43%, while his closest rival received 29%.
#19 I doubt Sata has time for the ‘young men’ you have mentioned, plus they don’t spend their time enjoying the aeroplane in the air – his own words on 1:50 seconds!
senseless sata. self centred, and dictator. what experience is he talking about. the young voter are being humiliated in this interview.
There was no constitutional crisis when President Mwanawasa died unexpectedly in August 2008. Within the stipulated timeframe, his vice president, Rupiah Banda, was elected as his successor. Although he won with a margin of 35,209 votes because of being new entrant in competitive politics of plural politics, there was no post-election violence compared to that of two years before involving Mwanawasa. The defeated opposition candidate, Michael Sata, challenged the results in the courts, although with sparse proper evidence of rigging and therefore no chances of success as always.
The principles of a democratic system of government are observable. There are no violent conflicts, no veto actors and there is a high degree of acceptance of the democratic order. The judiciary is relatively independent, and there is a functional separation of powers.In addition, there is a tradition of civil society, though weak, and a general agreement on the values and benefits of democracy and a market economy. So what is sata whinning about?
There is a tendency toward an autocratic style of leadership in the opposition parties especially Sata’s PF allergic to intraparty elections and democracy.For 11 years of existence he has registered hatred for internal party elections, competition and systems. He single handedly appoints his tribesmen in all party positions on condition that they observe the party protocol of his personality cult.
During the review periods, Zambia has continued making significant progress in democratization, though this has not resulted in opposition democratic consolidation because of lack of leadership in major opposition parties. Economic reforms have gone further, but the economic environment is still far from what should the standard of living of the vast majority of the population. The Banda administration has proved spirited taking massive developments of schools, hospitals, roads, rails, and expanding on airports never seen before in the 45 years of independent Zambia.These are challenges 73 year old fragile patient Sata is facing in Decision 2011.His insulting menu have failed to sale after flip flopping since 2006 on the economy, foreign policy, national unity and corruption.
In our country economic and political transformation processes took place simultaneously. The foundations for the free market system Sata a marxist want to reverse were first laid in 1991, when Frederick Chiluba, a former trade unionist and the leader of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD), was elected president. Before 1991, the one-party regime of Kenneth Kaunda was based on a state-controlled planned economy, though private ownership was tolerated.Today the country is heading towards a success model democracy with a vibrant free market ownership economy anti democracy tyrrany Sata is vainly fighting.
Why can’t this empty tin called Mwata always making the loudest noise with length postings that have no substance??
Can’t this Mwata moron, for once listen to reason.
Parroting RB’s propaganda adverts on this blog is a sheer waste of space.
#13 A CADRE, ulishilu, u have cracked my ribs!
Why can’t this empty tin called Mwata, who is always making the loudest noise with lengthy postings that have no substance, zip it??
I think we need young descent leaders in Zedee! Partly true about the performance of some young politician in MMD, but I do think HH is of different calibre.
Mr Capitalist, Thanks you have an eye to detail; the truth is I did not proof read before posting my comment and the second posting was meant to be a corrected version. But Capitalist and Umodzi_Kumawa please avoid vulga language. We are condeming these politicians but look at the language we useagainst each other not to mention the insults. We reaklly better than the people we condemn??? Lets be sincre and remove the log in our eyes. Also this is technology you could be insulting your Father or your Father’s agemet without knowing but God will surely punish you. Let us learn to respect and repent of our sins and God Almighty will bless us. My God bless Mother Zambia and give us wise leader and wise citizens too.
Even after this Cobra tantrum,some foo.lish young men will still vote for this piece of ***** devoid of any respect to the electorate.
we need serious minded leaders to run the country..HH is a better candidate than the old men we are currently entrusting our lives in..plz..let’s vote wisely and remove the old guards so they cud go back and farm..they shudn’t be beggars like kafupi…
I urge all progressive young men to teach this serpent a lesson next year.Uncouth language wont whoo any voter,unless one has his head burried in sand and refuses to acknowledge the desparaging remarks made against zambian young men.
#15 Chiluhainde-I am not a Sata Supporter. All am asking you is to debate issues not of how some one looks like. You can have a handsome person, but he/she may have no brains. You are an educated person so understand that out bursts and insults will not win you votes for who ever you want.
How can you have young pipo in govt when people like Felix, Mutati, Dr kawimbe, Dr chituwo, Dr simbao the list is endless are being sidelined. Its a high time you woke up pipo of zambia. Sata is right when he says he does not need to write a cv since the zambian pipo knows his cv chapwa what more do you want mwemashilu mwe. You vote for a tonga and you will regret for the rest of your lives
If you want age to be a factor in our elections and leadership, please start by joining the NCC if you are not late.
As it is, that is not a constitutional requirement as long as you are a minimum 35 years of age?
And if you still don’t understand what I am saying, go back to school and learn your Civics lessons all over again.
# 37 whose name I can’t mention…Are Drs Kawimbe and Chituwo young people? For I know, these pipo are in their 60s. Your last sentence has exposed you as a very primitive person with very little education if any. I pity you! Kindly go back to the village you came, you are a danger to society! I am pretty sure you grew up in a village somewhere and only came to the city to pursue further education though I have strong doubts about it.
Well answered Mr. Sata, let those critising Sata give us the cvs of their presidents if we will not just see plunder, stealing etc
The man still wants to find himself in Plot 1. His Excellency RB is doing fine and we hope him to win, come 2011
Forget about the PACK
Cyberstar. Thank you for acknowledging that you lied when you said you clicked twice. If only our politicians were as quick as you in accepting their mistakes, this nation would be steps ahead. With that, I wish to extend an olive branch and bury the hatchet or is it the machete! I also wish to sincerely apologise for calling you names. One zambia, one nation!
#36 You are not a Sata supporter? Since when? You and Kalos2020 Genocide are the biggest praise singers of that decrepit old man on this blog. Today you are doing a Peter and denying you support him? Well, am glad you have come to your senses. Honestly supporting such a person will only make people question your sanity.
#41 Olo kuti ndine galu, nkasanko, chikulu sindine njoka. Antu amakhala ndi galu pa ma nyumba ao koma akaona njoka amaipha.
What people are failing to see is that the old snake is saying he is not going to let HH be the presidential candidate of the pact to nothingness. If you are young and still vote for the decrepit one with rotten teeth then you have yourself to blame when he says he wants to stay in power wamuyayaya.
o-+ says:
The pact has alot of cracks that needs mending, if only people
in this pact would open their closed eyes and see. they seem all blind.
RB will win next years elections if this confusion that has rocked the pact will not MMD viva RB
From the word go,we told you that the so called UPND/PF PACK is HEADLESS,we received insults for stating the facts.You were the doubting Thomas.These are facts on ground now.
Chalichenjela ichi chimuntu mwe !
I Love SATA but we need new blood in Zambian politics,we cannt go on th old guys .CHILUBA nd his friends ve missed up our peace loving ZED.RB shld go and eat the RATS,why cannt we ve leaders like MADIBA.R.B. MUST GO.Please peace loving Zambian VOTE him OUT.
Umodzi_Kumawa, applogies accepted without reservations. ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION indeed. If politicians let us down, lets show them that we have decent people like you and many others who are led by reality and not their EGOS. God bless our land with more more understanding and objective people.
What a joke, this man is comparing himself to the great leader. If this is what old age does to people, then i refuse to be old. And he thinks he has a lot of experience to run Zambia. I think we need educated young people to rule our country.
Give me anyone else other than the man enriching his captain with massive fligh hours/experience!
UPND and PF attracted each other as OPPOSTION PARTIES.
Dear Friends,Insults can not solve anything.As for the age of Politicians,it’s good to Mix ,the young and the Old ,New and the experienced.It will never happen anywhere in the world to have only one age group in Politics. Mr Sata ,RB ,Mpombo ,HH are all important in society but my prayer is that one day God should give us Leaders who will really work for pipo and not selfish.Like now an MP who sits in Parliament for Nothing ,Gets over K 400,000,000. as mid term gratuity and a poor Civil servant who has worked for 25 years gets less than that.We need Leaders who will sacrifice but not what we have now.Allowances for our MPs are too much, waste with Ministers.RB comfirmed that 75% of our Budget goes to Polticians.These are issues to talk about not Insults.
Looking at that picture scares me. SATA IS VERY URGLY. Too ugly for a president
37,I suppose you are male since you are Shi…….. and the rest of the bloggers,,,please update me.Has Simbao got his PhD.I know he is an engineer who has married a medical doctor but of late I have seen he is being referred to as Dr Simbao.One of his sisters is also a medical doctor.PLEASE GIVE DETAILS
Mwaba.. Please note that a replican president’s appearance has nothing to do with what people want. Everyone want development (a wise president who put people’s interest first) Zambia with 0ver 9million people 4 trains operational.. maybe now 0 zero, plane 1-4 maybe less. Too much dependant on donors, some of those donors are milking zambia in the other hand. Tourists from Europe pay thru S.A for zamnia’s natural resources wildlife and falls.. KK was good protecting home industries while minimazing flow of cash leaving the country.
What do you all mean when you “when Sata becomes president”. Sata is already a President. I’m just wondering why he is not satisfied with the level of presidency where he is, because that is what suits his level. To be national president he needs to improve on his everything. At the moment he is far from meeting the minimum qualifications. If you vote for Sata honestly your own integrity has to come into question about how you make decisions and judgements. If you came to my organisation for an interview and you told me you voted for Sata, I would give you a job BUT NEVER a managerial job where you have to make strategic decisions, because you can ground the organisation into an abyss of intractable problems. I will keep you as a sweeper or security guard.
Sata for president. Sensible and hard working fellow!
Yes its Sata since 2006. They always steal votes from him. Zambians are wise and thats why the intellectuals vote for Sata. Not villagers…this is really confounding to the lazy people on this blog who hate Sata. Sata Sata the brain teaser.
Serpentine Sata MC called late UPND leader A. Mazoka as an experienced politician which allowed him to get 49 MPs in Parliament. He then said UPND does not have that now. He bellittled elected president of UPND HH by saying that when you have under 5 you cant tick.
Therefore, serpentine Sata MC still considers HH as an under 5 politician following his using it in the PAST and now today.
For this reason I ask HH and the UPND Team to continue eating up PF strength before they will ditch the PACT at a right time.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33
Bloggers dont tell me! Is this the LATEST portrait of Mikaeli Sata? Twasanswa elyo iliko tripartite. Imagine Sata debating global warming with Nick Clegg, David Cameroon, Dimitry Medvedev, Barack Obama, Mrisho Kikwete J.. God forbid this face for president. Can we twitter this face plse bane. Contrast this face with that of the young behind offering security to this fossil. Bafikamba mulebako serious ataasee. How can we be flocking to ancestral spirits and offering a vote for this wreck of a man. you see even Mmembe is an Id.iot. Why should Mmembe promote Sata at the expense of HH. and you are there saying the paper that digs deeper. Some of us we know that the paper that diggs deeper is the Tissue and such is the Post. Have read how Malupenga is failing to talk down a nonentity LUKUKU
Sata for president. Can not win a vote among farmers because this man does not even know how to apply ferterliser
Mmembe and Sata call the Judiciary a disgraced institution. What Sata wants to do when ‘ he becomes president’ according to PF manifesto ; -and this is not a joke it is written in black and white- the judiciary should be run by card carrying members of the PF. This means that Winter Kabimba will be Chief Justice, Fred Mmembe Deputy Chief Justice.Head of ACC will be Mark Mushili, Gender ministry will be headed by GBM, DEC to headed by iliterate Mumbi Phiri. the PF constitution is not silent on these matters. Telesphore Mpundu will replace Galisoli at the Holy See near George Kunda’s G/House. Add to the list Chishimba Kambwili, Jean Kapata, Colonial remnants Guy Scott. Ninshi kanshi tatusanswile bane? That is Sata for more money in the pockets within 90 days.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ……Bane Wait for the return of the one. Things will be good for young Zambians. Kashita cabe apa…
@ Cyberstar
I apologize for my vulgar language.
:((:((..MMD will win again, unfortunately. Why we don’t decide to vote for new leadership is a wonder! U mean we still want RB, from UNIP days, Sata from UNIP days..surely these men need to rest and play more of an advisory role in the politics game. Just makes me sick to the gutt, will Zed ever be ok..same leaders different parties…..still the same old s.h.i.t. just another day
Those who care had advised HH not to be trapped by Sata. See now what has happened to him. Isn t Chizyuka laughing the loudest. In politics what matters most is not ones education but being able to listern to others
#69 please be real with yourself, RB is doing well under the prevailling circumstances. No doubt he is the next President beyond 2011
How can Sata compare himself to th Senegalese president? This man is a real dreamer.
@ Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth I have answered your question on the other thread.
too old 4 politic, get over yourself old man
No matter how long you let it run, a scratched vinyl record just gets more and more irritating.
Never on earth will i worst my vote on satana. HH is the man.
By the way bloggers, ABSA people of South Africa have warned that the Zambian economy will stopp to growing if serpentine Sata MC wins in 2011according to Radio Phoenix news of 29th Sept 2010 0645 Hr main news.
Sick Bemba tribalist Motsepe and his fellow Bemba Tribalist msana wanzili have tried to down play my accurate data but it is too late for them to image build the character of their Perpetual Failure serpentine MC Sata.
In all, I am glad that man of the moment HH has continued to eat the strength of PF even in the so-called PF strong-hold of Copperbelt Province. Come 2011, Mr serpentine MC Sata is likely to be pushed to a Distant 3rd place in the presidential elections since most of his former educated PF members are now UPND sympathisers.
Be blest.
Keep bwetukaling’i, its all noise on this site. Any intelligent person would not get flustered with comments from hapless Mwata and his friends – I wouldnt get my brain in a tease coz I know that VJ has lost muscle to rig he is just hallucinating, the next elections will exhibit true results, and the country will have a new president, end of story.
LT, where are some of the captions of the story? When the story interests you,you normally publish it.
How do you expect bloggers to contribute where there is no story? Wake up. And not all computers have facilities where one can listen to a story.
Great news is that PF is lossing popularity to pave way for the young man-HH. PF lost in five out of six by-elections what popularity is PF talking about. This time my vote will go to HH and team at least he has what it takes to be the President of our mother Zambia.Please check SATA, he is a one man show.Kabimba has to phone to answer any question on the wayforward on the Chilanga seat. PF is not popular in Chilanga.If only UPND can put the right candidate, they will carry the day in Chilanga. I would like suggest that if PF go ahead to field a candidate in Chlanga, UPND should as well field a candidate in Mpulungu. Do leave it to PF alone start exercising your presence in Northern Province as well even if you lose.
I totally agree with you number 79, Mr. Sata is not fit to be president of this country because of his unpredictable character. I therefore call upon HH to go it alone, he is guaranteed of my vote too and i’m a northern so the issue of tribalism does not stand, its all about capability ladies and gentlemen!
For you to win an election you need not only be politically savvy but also be in touch with the mood of the electorate. And Mr. Sata has lost touch with the urban electorate by presuming he can go it alone and win. The squabbles in the pact can only save them in gauging the mood in the nation or as negotiating tool for positions in the pact, the option of splitting will handover the urban vote to the MMD. They have gone it alone before and the statistics are there for all to see. If they don’t work together, they shall be more statistics for them come 2011
# 6..please lets not be petty in the way we debate issues..why should you say vi ba bemba ni vi puba..!!! my freind respect other tribes as you would want them to respect you. stick to issues and dont bring in tribal comments. if you are zambian and brought up in an upright home with morales i beleive such statements can not be uttered without thinking so please grow up and if you cant then go to hell.
The tribal comments on this blog are sickening! if you have got nothing better to say than malign other human beings based on what surname they carry, they you are a disgrace to the very tribe you purport to extol. The belief that your are born into superiroty by the genes you carry is not only primitive but illogical. human histrory will show you that these assocaitions will call tribes are groups of peolple who moved in dirfferent directions but have a common ancestory. A protege of Ngoni and Lozi parentage (Bothe Patrilineal Tribes) is what tribe? Just because you carry a certain suname may not even qualify you to claim that you belong to that tribe. Think!
The tribal comments on this blog are sickening! If you have got nothing better to say than malign other human beings based on what surname they carry, they you are a disgrace to the very tribe you purport to extol. The belief that you are born into superiority by the surname you carry is not only primitive but illogical. Human history will show you that these associations will call tribes are groups of people who moved in different directions but have a common ancestry. A child of Ngoni and Lozi parentage (Both Patrilineal Tribes) is what tribe? Just because you carry a certain surname may not even qualify you to claim that you belong to that tribe. THINK!:-?
Sata…sosa! sosa! ichalo chilekunfwa!
show the people that the pact is cracking when the pact is not cracking.”
“The pact is not cracking”, says Sata
“The pact is not cracking”, says Sata
This chap belongs to Chinama for sure. Pact is not cracked already??????
Hi Mwata,
Why is it that you always do cut & paste full text of other stories, rather than just point us to the source and give your won view/comments, etc. I have noticed that you always do this each time. And tend to be too lengthy! I wonder whether most readers even read thru all your pastings… Am sorry, but don’t mean to offend
Well, whenever I see MWATA, I dont even bother to read. He adds to substance to debates, I tend to think that he plays “spoiler” takeup a lot of space so that people with beneficial advise are pushed right to the bottom or the story becomes stale. Otherwise he is an IT Baby Class who has just learnt to copy and paste in his first IT lesson
Well, whenever I see MWATA, I dont even bother to read. He adds no substance to debates, I tend to think that he plays “spoiler” takeup a lot of space so that people with beneficial advise are pushed right to the bottom or the story becomes stale. Otherwise he is an IT Baby Class pupil who has just learnt to copy and paste in his first IT lesson
Sata needs a complete makeover. I know you cant do much with his brain, but surely he can sort out those teeth? Sure a mudala aba, ndiwo mufuna akakhale a presidenti? Koma viBemba nivipuba mwe!
it hurts me to see white hair growing on children’s heads…as africans we have always seen white hair as a sign of wisdom but if SATA is wise,then i’m made to wonder what is wisdom..this man can not even answer a simple question in a straight way but in every instance he is trying to make diversions…zambians please i beg you..if we vote for this man,we may end up worsening our situation which is already one of the worst in the world…can someone wise and intelligent rise among us and lead this country..God plse help us
#3 & #4 you are right. It’s like these guys don’t have any thing constructive to talk about same applies with that maestro hehehe and the likes!
Cyberstar, you are a F@@L! After condeming Mwata, you go do the same i.e. posting same sh!t twice.
At least, VOA cannot interview HH or those you want because they know they wont get full truths.
Chiluhainde – Debate issues. That is why Zambia is ever in reverse because people like you are never serious.Chiluba convinced you by his fake accent and you went for it hook, sinker and line like fish.
Umodzi_Kumawa if you are an IT Expert or your IT levels are of acceptable standards then you must know that you can expreience computer glitches. Anyway let me not waste this preciouse space and time for informed bloggers to continues sharing intlligent information. The point is I did not post twice but it was a computer glitch on my system. Thanks anyway.
The young men sold Zamtel, the young men are flying around in the aeroplane, young men are now ruining this country! My foot – now RB is a ‘young men’? These two need to retire from politics so that they can compare notes in Cheshire Home as to who is a ‘young men’….
#11 I never voted for Chiluba, but I remember your man Sata pushing for his third-term and wanting to free him of all corruption charges in 2006. As for issues, it is your man who is not able to focus on them and hence is always saying one thing today and another thing tomorrow. I know it is killing you Bemba supremacists slowly inside because HH is not as stupid as you thought and wont let your big mouth man use him to get to state house but that is not my fault, it is your own fault for believing in a deceitful, tired old man like the dirty poisonous snake you support.
#11How can a Sata supporter like you have the cheek to talk about issues when your tired old man with a patch work heart is the master of insults? He wants people to vote for him and yet insults Zambians that are not his tribesman and expects them to vote for him like they are fo.ools like himself. I know why you are called ‘de ja vue’, because it will be de ja vue again in 2011 when your old man with a dodgy heart loses again.
# 12, Cyberstar, Sorry to say but if you did not post twice, how come your second post has been corrected? I thought because you had missed a ‘no’ between the words add and subsatnce hence the second post. I stand to be corrected.
#4 reads: “Otherwise he is an IT Baby Class who has just learnt to copy and paste in his first IT lesson”
#5 reads: “Otherwise he is an IT Baby Class pupil who has just learnt to copy and paste in his first IT lesson”
# 12 Cyberstar says: “The point is I did not post twice but it was a computer glitch on my system. Thanks anyway.”
hmmmm…I smell
Hmmmmm……………..That face is scary,needs seriously make over,however the guy only thinks of himself,youngmen can only takeover after he has servrd which is very unlikely
#13, you have got it wrong, I think sata was not implying RB because RB is elder to Sata atleast by few months. He is emply young men in gvt. MMD is full of young men/ women in the likes of Dora siliya, kepembwa simbao(minster of health), Lucy Changwe and most of these so called young men have not perfomed to the peoples expectations. they are young and we expect them to set an example, but look at the caliber of some of them like Lucy, Dr musonda and Dora………….
2001 present
During the period under review, the government advanced efforts to improve democracy but failed to advance substantially the goal of economic transformation. Whereas the presidential elections of 2001 were most likely rigged – according to domestic and international observers – the government regained democratic legitimacy by clearly winning the elections held in 2006. President Mwanawasa won with a clear margin of 43%, while his closest rival received 29%.
#19 I doubt Sata has time for the ‘young men’ you have mentioned, plus they don’t spend their time enjoying the aeroplane in the air – his own words on 1:50 seconds!
senseless sata. self centred, and dictator. what experience is he talking about. the young voter are being humiliated in this interview.
There was no constitutional crisis when President Mwanawasa died unexpectedly in August 2008. Within the stipulated timeframe, his vice president, Rupiah Banda, was elected as his successor. Although he won with a margin of 35,209 votes because of being new entrant in competitive politics of plural politics, there was no post-election violence compared to that of two years before involving Mwanawasa. The defeated opposition candidate, Michael Sata, challenged the results in the courts, although with sparse proper evidence of rigging and therefore no chances of success as always.
The principles of a democratic system of government are observable. There are no violent conflicts, no veto actors and there is a high degree of acceptance of the democratic order. The judiciary is relatively independent, and there is a functional separation of powers.In addition, there is a tradition of civil society, though weak, and a general agreement on the values and benefits of democracy and a market economy. So what is sata whinning about?
There is a tendency toward an autocratic style of leadership in the opposition parties especially Sata’s PF allergic to intraparty elections and democracy.For 11 years of existence he has registered hatred for internal party elections, competition and systems. He single handedly appoints his tribesmen in all party positions on condition that they observe the party protocol of his personality cult.
During the review periods, Zambia has continued making significant progress in democratization, though this has not resulted in opposition democratic consolidation because of lack of leadership in major opposition parties. Economic reforms have gone further, but the economic environment is still far from what should the standard of living of the vast majority of the population. The Banda administration has proved spirited taking massive developments of schools, hospitals, roads, rails, and expanding on airports never seen before in the 45 years of independent Zambia.These are challenges 73 year old fragile patient Sata is facing in Decision 2011.His insulting menu have failed to sale after flip flopping since 2006 on the economy, foreign policy, national unity and corruption.
In our country economic and political transformation processes took place simultaneously. The foundations for the free market system Sata a marxist want to reverse were first laid in 1991, when Frederick Chiluba, a former trade unionist and the leader of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD), was elected president. Before 1991, the one-party regime of Kenneth Kaunda was based on a state-controlled planned economy, though private ownership was tolerated.Today the country is heading towards a success model democracy with a vibrant free market ownership economy anti democracy tyrrany Sata is vainly fighting.
Why can’t this empty tin called Mwata always making the loudest noise with length postings that have no substance??
Can’t this Mwata moron, for once listen to reason.
Parroting RB’s propaganda adverts on this blog is a sheer waste of space.
#13 A CADRE, ulishilu, u have cracked my ribs!
Why can’t this empty tin called Mwata, who is always making the loudest noise with lengthy postings that have no substance, zip it??
I think we need young descent leaders in Zedee! Partly true about the performance of some young politician in MMD, but I do think HH is of different calibre.
Mr Capitalist, Thanks you have an eye to detail; the truth is I did not proof read before posting my comment and the second posting was meant to be a corrected version. But Capitalist and Umodzi_Kumawa please avoid vulga language. We are condeming these politicians but look at the language we useagainst each other not to mention the insults. We reaklly better than the people we condemn??? Lets be sincre and remove the log in our eyes. Also this is technology you could be insulting your Father or your Father’s agemet without knowing but God will surely punish you. Let us learn to respect and repent of our sins and God Almighty will bless us. My God bless Mother Zambia and give us wise leader and wise citizens too.
Even after this Cobra tantrum,some foo.lish young men will still vote for this piece of ***** devoid of any respect to the electorate.
we need serious minded leaders to run the country..HH is a better candidate than the old men we are currently entrusting our lives in..plz..let’s vote wisely and remove the old guards so they cud go back and farm..they shudn’t be beggars like kafupi…
I urge all progressive young men to teach this serpent a lesson next year.Uncouth language wont whoo any voter,unless one has his head burried in sand and refuses to acknowledge the desparaging remarks made against zambian young men.
#15 Chiluhainde-I am not a Sata Supporter. All am asking you is to debate issues not of how some one looks like. You can have a handsome person, but he/she may have no brains. You are an educated person so understand that out bursts and insults will not win you votes for who ever you want.
How can you have young pipo in govt when people like Felix, Mutati, Dr kawimbe, Dr chituwo, Dr simbao the list is endless are being sidelined. Its a high time you woke up pipo of zambia. Sata is right when he says he does not need to write a cv since the zambian pipo knows his cv chapwa what more do you want mwemashilu mwe. You vote for a tonga and you will regret for the rest of your lives
If you want age to be a factor in our elections and leadership, please start by joining the NCC if you are not late.
As it is, that is not a constitutional requirement as long as you are a minimum 35 years of age?
And if you still don’t understand what I am saying, go back to school and learn your Civics lessons all over again.
# 37 whose name I can’t mention…Are Drs Kawimbe and Chituwo young people? For I know, these pipo are in their 60s. Your last sentence has exposed you as a very primitive person with very little education if any. I pity you! Kindly go back to the village you came, you are a danger to society! I am pretty sure you grew up in a village somewhere and only came to the city to pursue further education though I have strong doubts about it.
Well answered Mr. Sata, let those critising Sata give us the cvs of their presidents if we will not just see plunder, stealing etc
The man still wants to find himself in Plot 1. His Excellency RB is doing fine and we hope him to win, come 2011
Forget about the PACK
Cyberstar. Thank you for acknowledging that you lied when you said you clicked twice. If only our politicians were as quick as you in accepting their mistakes, this nation would be steps ahead. With that, I wish to extend an olive branch and bury the hatchet or is it the machete! I also wish to sincerely apologise for calling you names. One zambia, one nation!
#36 You are not a Sata supporter? Since when? You and Kalos2020 Genocide are the biggest praise singers of that decrepit old man on this blog. Today you are doing a Peter and denying you support him? Well, am glad you have come to your senses. Honestly supporting such a person will only make people question your sanity.
#41 Olo kuti ndine galu, nkasanko, chikulu sindine njoka. Antu amakhala ndi galu pa ma nyumba ao koma akaona njoka amaipha.
What people are failing to see is that the old snake is saying he is not going to let HH be the presidential candidate of the pact to nothingness. If you are young and still vote for the decrepit one with rotten teeth then you have yourself to blame when he says he wants to stay in power wamuyayaya.
o-+ says:
The pact has alot of cracks that needs mending, if only people
in this pact would open their closed eyes and see. they seem all blind.
RB will win next years elections if this confusion that has rocked the pact will not MMD viva RB
From the word go,we told you that the so called UPND/PF PACK is HEADLESS,we received insults for stating the facts.You were the doubting Thomas.These are facts on ground now.
Chalichenjela ichi chimuntu mwe !
I Love SATA but we need new blood in Zambian politics,we cannt go on th old guys .CHILUBA nd his friends ve missed up our peace loving ZED.RB shld go and eat the RATS,why cannt we ve leaders like MADIBA.R.B. MUST GO.Please peace loving Zambian VOTE him OUT.
Umodzi_Kumawa, applogies accepted without reservations. ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION indeed. If politicians let us down, lets show them that we have decent people like you and many others who are led by reality and not their EGOS. God bless our land with more more understanding and objective people.
What a joke, this man is comparing himself to the great leader. If this is what old age does to people, then i refuse to be old. And he thinks he has a lot of experience to run Zambia. I think we need educated young people to rule our country.
Give me anyone else other than the man enriching his captain with massive fligh hours/experience!
UPND and PF attracted each other as OPPOSTION PARTIES.
Dear Friends,Insults can not solve anything.As for the age of Politicians,it’s good to Mix ,the young and the Old ,New and the experienced.It will never happen anywhere in the world to have only one age group in Politics. Mr Sata ,RB ,Mpombo ,HH are all important in society but my prayer is that one day God should give us Leaders who will really work for pipo and not selfish.Like now an MP who sits in Parliament for Nothing ,Gets over K 400,000,000. as mid term gratuity and a poor Civil servant who has worked for 25 years gets less than that.We need Leaders who will sacrifice but not what we have now.Allowances for our MPs are too much, waste with Ministers.RB comfirmed that 75% of our Budget goes to Polticians.These are issues to talk about not Insults.
Looking at that picture scares me. SATA IS VERY URGLY. Too ugly for a president
37,I suppose you are male since you are Shi…….. and the rest of the bloggers,,,please update me.Has Simbao got his PhD.I know he is an engineer who has married a medical doctor but of late I have seen he is being referred to as Dr Simbao.One of his sisters is also a medical doctor.PLEASE GIVE DETAILS
Mwaba.. Please note that a replican president’s appearance has nothing to do with what people want. Everyone want development (a wise president who put people’s interest first) Zambia with 0ver 9million people 4 trains operational.. maybe now 0 zero, plane 1-4 maybe less. Too much dependant on donors, some of those donors are milking zambia in the other hand. Tourists from Europe pay thru S.A for zamnia’s natural resources wildlife and falls.. KK was good protecting home industries while minimazing flow of cash leaving the country.
What do you all mean when you “when Sata becomes president”. Sata is already a President. I’m just wondering why he is not satisfied with the level of presidency where he is, because that is what suits his level. To be national president he needs to improve on his everything. At the moment he is far from meeting the minimum qualifications. If you vote for Sata honestly your own integrity has to come into question about how you make decisions and judgements. If you came to my organisation for an interview and you told me you voted for Sata, I would give you a job BUT NEVER a managerial job where you have to make strategic decisions, because you can ground the organisation into an abyss of intractable problems. I will keep you as a sweeper or security guard.
Sata for president. Sensible and hard working fellow!
Yes its Sata since 2006. They always steal votes from him. Zambians are wise and thats why the intellectuals vote for Sata. Not villagers…this is really confounding to the lazy people on this blog who hate Sata. Sata Sata the brain teaser.
Serpentine Sata MC called late UPND leader A. Mazoka as an experienced politician which allowed him to get 49 MPs in Parliament. He then said UPND does not have that now. He bellittled elected president of UPND HH by saying that when you have under 5 you cant tick.
Therefore, serpentine Sata MC still considers HH as an under 5 politician following his using it in the PAST and now today.
For this reason I ask HH and the UPND Team to continue eating up PF strength before they will ditch the PACT at a right time.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33
Bloggers dont tell me! Is this the LATEST portrait of Mikaeli Sata? Twasanswa elyo iliko tripartite. Imagine Sata debating global warming with Nick Clegg, David Cameroon, Dimitry Medvedev, Barack Obama, Mrisho Kikwete J.. God forbid this face for president. Can we twitter this face plse bane. Contrast this face with that of the young behind offering security to this fossil. Bafikamba mulebako serious ataasee. How can we be flocking to ancestral spirits and offering a vote for this wreck of a man. you see even Mmembe is an Id.iot. Why should Mmembe promote Sata at the expense of HH. and you are there saying the paper that digs deeper. Some of us we know that the paper that diggs deeper is the Tissue and such is the Post. Have read how Malupenga is failing to talk down a nonentity LUKUKU
Sata for president. Can not win a vote among farmers because this man does not even know how to apply ferterliser
Mmembe and Sata call the Judiciary a disgraced institution. What Sata wants to do when ‘ he becomes president’ according to PF manifesto ; -and this is not a joke it is written in black and white- the judiciary should be run by card carrying members of the PF. This means that Winter Kabimba will be Chief Justice, Fred Mmembe Deputy Chief Justice.Head of ACC will be Mark Mushili, Gender ministry will be headed by GBM, DEC to headed by iliterate Mumbi Phiri. the PF constitution is not silent on these matters. Telesphore Mpundu will replace Galisoli at the Holy See near George Kunda’s G/House. Add to the list Chishimba Kambwili, Jean Kapata, Colonial remnants Guy Scott. Ninshi kanshi tatusanswile bane? That is Sata for more money in the pockets within 90 days.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ……Bane Wait for the return of the one. Things will be good for young Zambians. Kashita cabe apa…
@ Cyberstar
I apologize for my vulgar language.
:((:((..MMD will win again, unfortunately. Why we don’t decide to vote for new leadership is a wonder! U mean we still want RB, from UNIP days, Sata from UNIP days..surely these men need to rest and play more of an advisory role in the politics game. Just makes me sick to the gutt, will Zed ever be ok..same leaders different parties…..still the same old s.h.i.t. just another day
Those who care had advised HH not to be trapped by Sata. See now what has happened to him. Isn t Chizyuka laughing the loudest. In politics what matters most is not ones education but being able to listern to others
#69 please be real with yourself, RB is doing well under the prevailling circumstances. No doubt he is the next President beyond 2011
How can Sata compare himself to th Senegalese president? This man is a real dreamer.
@ Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth I have answered your question on the other thread.
too old 4 politic, get over yourself old man
No matter how long you let it run, a scratched vinyl record just gets more and more irritating.
Never on earth will i worst my vote on satana. HH is the man.
By the way bloggers, ABSA people of South Africa have warned that the Zambian economy will stopp to growing if serpentine Sata MC wins in 2011according to Radio Phoenix news of 29th Sept 2010 0645 Hr main news.
Sick Bemba tribalist Motsepe and his fellow Bemba Tribalist msana wanzili have tried to down play my accurate data but it is too late for them to image build the character of their Perpetual Failure serpentine MC Sata.
In all, I am glad that man of the moment HH has continued to eat the strength of PF even in the so-called PF strong-hold of Copperbelt Province. Come 2011, Mr serpentine MC Sata is likely to be pushed to a Distant 3rd place in the presidential elections since most of his former educated PF members are now UPND sympathisers.
Be blest.
Keep bwetukaling’i, its all noise on this site. Any intelligent person would not get flustered with comments from hapless Mwata and his friends – I wouldnt get my brain in a tease coz I know that VJ has lost muscle to rig he is just hallucinating, the next elections will exhibit true results, and the country will have a new president, end of story.
LT, where are some of the captions of the story? When the story interests you,you normally publish it.
How do you expect bloggers to contribute where there is no story? Wake up. And not all computers have facilities where one can listen to a story.
Great news is that PF is lossing popularity to pave way for the young man-HH. PF lost in five out of six by-elections what popularity is PF talking about. This time my vote will go to HH and team at least he has what it takes to be the President of our mother Zambia.Please check SATA, he is a one man show.Kabimba has to phone to answer any question on the wayforward on the Chilanga seat. PF is not popular in Chilanga.If only UPND can put the right candidate, they will carry the day in Chilanga. I would like suggest that if PF go ahead to field a candidate in Chlanga, UPND should as well field a candidate in Mpulungu. Do leave it to PF alone start exercising your presence in Northern Province as well even if you lose.
I totally agree with you number 79, Mr. Sata is not fit to be president of this country because of his unpredictable character. I therefore call upon HH to go it alone, he is guaranteed of my vote too and i’m a northern so the issue of tribalism does not stand, its all about capability ladies and gentlemen!
For you to win an election you need not only be politically savvy but also be in touch with the mood of the electorate. And Mr. Sata has lost touch with the urban electorate by presuming he can go it alone and win. The squabbles in the pact can only save them in gauging the mood in the nation or as negotiating tool for positions in the pact, the option of splitting will handover the urban vote to the MMD. They have gone it alone before and the statistics are there for all to see. If they don’t work together, they shall be more statistics for them come 2011
# 6..please lets not be petty in the way we debate issues..why should you say vi ba bemba ni vi puba..!!! my freind respect other tribes as you would want them to respect you. stick to issues and dont bring in tribal comments. if you are zambian and brought up in an upright home with morales i beleive such statements can not be uttered without thinking so please grow up and if you cant then go to hell.
The tribal comments on this blog are sickening! if you have got nothing better to say than malign other human beings based on what surname they carry, they you are a disgrace to the very tribe you purport to extol. The belief that your are born into superiroty by the genes you carry is not only primitive but illogical. human histrory will show you that these assocaitions will call tribes are groups of peolple who moved in dirfferent directions but have a common ancestory. A protege of Ngoni and Lozi parentage (Bothe Patrilineal Tribes) is what tribe? Just because you carry a certain suname may not even qualify you to claim that you belong to that tribe. Think!
The tribal comments on this blog are sickening! If you have got nothing better to say than malign other human beings based on what surname they carry, they you are a disgrace to the very tribe you purport to extol. The belief that you are born into superiority by the surname you carry is not only primitive but illogical. Human history will show you that these associations will call tribes are groups of people who moved in different directions but have a common ancestry. A child of Ngoni and Lozi parentage (Both Patrilineal Tribes) is what tribe? Just because you carry a certain surname may not even qualify you to claim that you belong to that tribe. THINK!:-?