Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Speaker not aware of ZP uniform change


Speaker of the National Assembly Amusa Mwanamwambwa

National Assembly Speaker Amusaa Mwanamwambwa has said he is not aware that the uniforms for the Zambia Police Service have changed.

Mr. Mwanamwambwa said if this was so, Government through the Ministry of Home Affairs would have to table it in Parliament to have the uniform gazzetted as well as other defence forces like the Zambia Army, Zambia National Services (ZNS), Zambia Airforce (ZAF), Prisons and Zambia Wildlife Aauthority (ZAWA).

Mr. Mwanamwambwa also said the uniforms for the rest of the defence forces should change.

ZANIS reports that the Speaker said this in Parliament in response to a point of order raised by one of the opposition Member of Parliament who asked if it was in order for the Minister of Home affairs to keep quiet and not inform the House that Uniforms for the Zambia Police Service have changed to blue from the current green and khaki colours.

“There is no obligation on that but if the line Ministry wants to sort out the uniform then the public should be informed. But if a Police Officer is in blue uniform manning a check point it requires gazetting in this House. Let Zambia Army, ZNS, ZAF, Prisons, and ZAWA also try to catch up….,” the Speaker said.

And the Speaker cautioned MPs against using ‘unnecessary titles’ and using unpalatable language during parliamentary debates.

In cautioning Mazabuka Central UPND MP, Garry Nkombo who addressed himself as ‘Professor’, Mr. Mwanamwambwa said Mr. Nkombo is not known as a Professor.

“There is no professor Nkombo in this House and secondly cynicism is not allowed in Parliament,” warned Mr. Mwanamwambwa.

Mr. Nkombo later withdrew the ‘Professor title’ but told the House that he was known by that title in his home village where he comes from.

“Mr. Speaker, Sir I withdraw my Professor title from this Parliament and replace it with Mister (Mr.),” Mr. Nkombo said.



  1. mmm!! who profited from the change? why do it quietly – what action is the Government going to take against the Ministry of HA?????

  2. The house is a circus with self appointed professors and Speakers who dont know their police have changed uniforms. Yet the story was in the papers in August and on online publications although very poorly written when it broke and still poorly written even now.

  3. What a joke of a parliament,ever since its been opened all we hear is the speaker rebuking and reprimanding MP’s,no sensible debate has been going on.
    Who in their right mind would address himself as professor,just coz you are called professor in your home village,,,parliament is not your home village you wanka….typical Tonga

  4. Number 5, you can debate without insulting all tongas. When one tonga errors doesn’t mean that all of them ve. Why do you people want to demonise tongas and vice visa? Do we ve to be tribal in every debate? For Christ sake let us be sober and mature enough in our dialogue. This kind of debate is what drags us backward. Gone are those days when things were looked at from the tribal point of view because now we ve inter married so much and society has advanced, such that doesn’t matter whether you tonga,bemba.luvale or bisa. The world is now a globe village. May the good Lord richly bless you my Bro/Sis.

  5. The color change was in the papers a month or so ago.
    there was even photos.

    who made the money from authorizing new uniforms to be made?
    Probably without TENDER.

    This government STINKS.

  6. The new uniform looks like overalls n is kind of ugly. Its taken the Speaker this long to notice the uniform change when some guy that supplied the work suits has already made his money. Change of uniform but same old clowns like Kabonde!!!

  7. #8
    Big Steel Balls- This the reason the ABUSE OF OFFICE HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE LAWS OF ZAMBIA. Maitolele, each one for himself and the devil for them all.

  8. how could parliament not be aware of the change of uniforms? cabinet after suggesting the change should have tabled a motion before parliament for approval. after aproval there should have been gazzeting then tendering for suppliers and then public launching. everybody moving along in a transparent society. and you argue when i say there is no transparency in this country

  9. Do you all remember the change of Mini Bus color from green and white to Blue and white? Nkandu Luo was Minister of transportation and it is alleged that she through some paint supplier benefited. The blue color had to be the same everywhere and that means the paint supplier had to be the same. Wow…Zambia the Real Africa.

  10. Someone has some unfinished mansion and the change of color of Police uniform was the best avenue. With the removal of abuse of office clause…ni washala washala waya waya

  11. #16 Keyser Soze

    You missed the article why they changed the ZP uniforms… The reason was that the green and kakhi resembled to other security company’s uniforms.

    I am real surprised to hear that the speaker is NOT aware of this. Hard to trust parliament in this manner. Now he is saying other sectors should also change their uniforms..BAD idea. talking rubbish The best they could do is to tell any company NOT to supply uniforms similar to ZP to avoid mix-up. LOOK.. At a polling station a police offer was badly beaten cos they accused him of impersonation… Which happened to be a big mistake :(

  12. 17,Thanks for the info.I missed the article too.I suggest we start keeping files on all these subjects.If my memory is right,there was a govt directive(late 80s or early 90s) to all security firms to ensure non of their malondas had uniforms resembling any security wing.All firms were given a deadline to change in case that was the case.Why did we allow a lapse to the past?In any case,was it not going to be cheaper to give the same instruction again esp that these malondas are under instruction to “buy” uniforms every year_of course supplied by their employers thru payroll deductions?The entire ZP has to change colour?No abuse of office offence,my foot.Oh like for minibuses,the colour change to BLUE as in MMD is suspicious

  13. Here we go again, why the speaker is unaware about uniform change? He must be left in the darkness and RB is moving fast. Second, ZP should make this change on national media, Electronic, paper etc so every citizen is fully informed about this development. Zambian govt seems to lack informing it’s citizens when it comes to important matters. And what is the deadline for the old Khaki uniforms?

  14. I don not agree with the speaker that if the uniform of the police are changed therefore Zambia Army, Zambia Air force and Zambia national service for these three there under ministry of defence and not ministry of home affairs. But of course they MAY all fall in the category of Zambia defence forces…Zambia Police and Zambia Prisons service is under Ministry of Home Affairs. JUST on that area…

  15. @ 20 they perform the same tasks of Home security only at different levels and with specific goals(intermnal and External). Nothing wrong with the speakers suggestion if they will be more presentable especially when representing Zed in missions.

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