Saturday, March 15, 2025

Faz Executive Committee Trio Resigns


Three Faz executive committee members have quit the association.

The trio is Violet Bwalya and Henchel Chitembeya including Pivoty Simwanza, who over the last seven days has hit the headlines in defiance of Kalusha’s opposition to a October 16 petition calling for the dissolution of the Faz executive over its management style.

They announced their resignation at Garden Court Hotel in Lusaka at 12:00 today.

The development is a serious blow to the confidence of Kalusha who is currently half-way through a four-year reign that has been besieged with calls for his resignation over transfer dealings and team selections at junior level.

The quartet’s resignation leaves Kalusha with vice president Emmanule Munaile, treasurer Boniface Mwamelo and executive committee members Lenny Nkhuwa, Marcha Chilemena and Keegan Chipango.

Meanwhile, Kalusha is by 14:00 today due to address a press briefing over the development and current upheavels over the petition at Football House.

Stay tuned for more details.


  1. Let them go. Kalu has achieved a lot during his tenure. Zambia performed well at AFCON 2010 reaching the1/4 finals. Clubs are now reaching the group stages of CAF champions league. We can now watch Zambian players in EUFA champions league and last but not least, we have the best national team in 15 years. GO Kalu, you are the best.

  2. Let them go.. these are the *****s who have failed to perform. Kalu has contributed signifanctly to sport in Zambia..What have these done apart from looking for allowances. At least Kalu has made Zambia in the past while as a player on the pitch to the xtent of being African footballer. these trio can only be liked to stalk borers nothing else. Get out bakabwa.

  3. # 2, the success yo are refering to cant be attributed to Kalu. He was a great footballer and he is bad administrator / coach.

  4. There we go. Another Dictator is the making in the soccer field now. Kalu has lost it n his leadership style does not inspire confidence at all!
    A big bravo to Pivoty and co for not wanting to be part of a corrupt FAZ administration. Kalu was a wrong choice to lead FAZ from the start and I guess even those who voted for him are regretting now.

  5. kalusha has brought nothing to zambian football he just steals from faz he is a conman. zambian football has been going backwards in very long strides since galu got involved in administration. problem is he is dead without faz kalilo. married to an old boer cow in jburg ba john solye bwali

  6. take him to fifa through the courts who cares about bola personal business entity for galu. pivoty and company are correct why hang around with a lazo

  7. Let those go.Too much politics in Zambia and too much petty jealousness.VIVA kalu.u have done a lot and these bunch of jealous pipo are not happy.

  8. Who does that Simwanza think he is anyway? And who can resign from a job these days just for power angree anyway? Thats why Bembas say “pa nsaka tapabula ciwelewele”.

  9. # 5 what creteria are you nusing to judge Kalu the great? Kalu is great and will always remain great Go Kalu do not listen to people with bad ideas. Mulinshimbi baKalu. these are just vuvuzelas at leat you you have been their on the pitch and has esposeure due to your travel around trhe globe. And for the trio, the furthest they have gone is on the copperbelt Kuchilata.No wonder they can only manage to meet in Garden motel near Kanyama where they are familiar. They are even scared of simple holyday inn.Mwasebana abena Pivoty.

  10. Kalusha is in FAZ just for plunder nothing else! the gentleman was a good footballer but he needs to be shooled in management. If the man has any intergrity in him let him quit because the majority of us Zambians know that the man is in FAZ for personal gain and not the good of the game period!

  11. Poor administration of the beautiful game should not be tolerated. In the past we had people who had excelled in business and the corporate world, such as Tom Mtine, David Phiri, Michael Mwape, people who never played soccer in their lives but were able to take the beautiful game to greater heights. Being a good soccer player and an administrator are two different things, in fact even being a coach after a long playing career does not make one a good coach. Stop the bickering and go back to the drawing board. The current executive is full of people who are not in gainful employed, hence the reason for the many squabbles.

  12. Great ngalu should resign as house is in a cant have a sitution where hinch men like Erick ,GK and Kasolo are running football in the country at the expense of elected officials.

  13. Am sure the phone line to Sepp Blatter iz very buzy now, with questionz like; “How do we counter the FAZ executive memberz’ rezignationz without compromizing ourselvez?”

  14. ba kalu should resign. this dude did good when he was a player but he’s done nothing in administration. beating reporters, dictatorial tendances, boastful, living outside the country, involved in illegal player contracts, fighting within the football house. i think the guy has grown big headed. his achievements have gone to his brainless skull. let him resign, we are tired of this moron.

  15. Ba Kalu has failed to manage football affairs. His not an administrator but a footballer. Lets separate these 2 responsibilies. Kalu kuya bebele.:d

  16. Kalu was good on the pitch no doubt but he has lamentabley failed to administer football. he is just resorted to being a bully/dictator and a conman at Football house making a living through deals and selling naive zambian players. he could have just registered as a player agent fulltime and run a football acedemy if he was decent, without comprimmsing the zambian game. shame!

  17. Useless, petty Zambians! What is it that Kalu has done wrong? You have NSCZ, ACC, CAF, FIFA, GRZ etc, all these institutions have not seen anything wrong but you haters of success see everything wrong with what the man does. What have you done for your country and football that you feel jealous for those who have delivered on and off the pitch?

  18. Who has proof of Kalu’s misdeeds so that we can all deduce and stop defending the man? Else, stop bluffing and try working as hard as you shoot down anything with success on it, may be we will notice you. People like Simatat should keep quiet since they failed to ran FAZ!

  19. The problem could be rooting from the AGM where the admin was ushered in with two different camps voted in in various positions. As for now the ‘opposition’ are still thinking that they are serving the candidates who lost. But in every organisation royalty is paramount as long as the rules of the ‘game’ are followed! It does not matter if communication between members is through tele-conferencing but the halllmark is operating within the framework! I wonder if Pivoty and team can exhibit the same mannerism in the corporate world which seem backward. Arguments are for the boardroom not in the street like kinder garden!!! I feel sad that the corporate governance seem non-existant with members shying from acquintance!!

  20. I am worried of the implications of these guys resigning.some more are yet to resign,meaning the faz excutive may dissolve itself.I will comment latter when kasolo finishes going thru the faz consititution,he may come up with a way of how to go round this.meanwhile,i will immediately appoint replacements as a way of avoiding dissolution

  21. Let the under achievers go. We have had too much nonse from these chickens. Come 2012 we’ll meet them in ELECTIONS and we’ll see what they’ll show us.
    EYES ON THE BALL. Let’s focus on the Libya game not on disgrantled under-achievers. They can try politics not soccer. They have failed to dribble Kalu as much as they would not stop him on the field of play. EYES ON THE BALL

  22. Let those guys go..kalu has achieved so mush for the zambian football. The post newspapers and its puppets are the ones spearheading the removal of kalusha, augustine mukoka what has kalu done for u..? too much hate for nothing..u re not wise man as i thought ur. you will achieve nothing..Not every citizen of this country shud be subjective to the Post newspapers and its reporters who spearhead hate where there is nothing..SHAME ON YOU AUGUSTINE MUKOKA AND YOUR PUPPETS!!!!!!

  23. It is rare in Africa to just resign. Zambia is the worst culprit when it comes to clinging to jobs. I salute these guys 100% and knowing Pivoty Simwanza from Ndola as a fighter, Violet Bwalya as an Iron Lady eeh! Kalu I konw failed as a coach and him being at the helm of FAZ has brought all these complications with him everytime in South Africa, player tranfer sagas etc. But on the other hand probably these people jumped before they were pushed so as such hijacked Kalu’s press briefing. We shall wait and see.

  24. Chi colour chobe Great Galu.Yo small assiiii stinks so much of corruption. Zed has had so many FAZ presidents b 4. We have never seen such rubbish in FAZ until this idi.ot called Great Galu appeared.

  25. Let his stink A$$ go and he’s a loser anyway, he can not rule, he has no class, and he will never make it in his career as a football administrator. PIVOTY SIMWANZA YOU’RE A SOLE LOSER MOFO. Faz don’t need your losing black a$$ anyway. And the other two go to hell let other good people contribute to football than yur black A$$es.

  26. It seems there is something missing from this debacle. It will be wise to hear fro both sides, the trio’s camp and Kalusha’s and we will be able to make informed comments. But going with what a few wise people on the blog have said, if the allegations are founded, then I would recommend what Zizou #11 suggested- Whistle blowing. That’s one way to sensitize the public that an evil acting is happening at Football House and you are not part thereof.Great Kalu # 33 and Jay Leno # 34 let’s refrain from using this kind of language. I sympathize with you, I know it’s hurting but let us desist from using obscene words

  27. # 35 much respect, what you have said is right. I will take your advise and like you said let’s wait and hear from both sides. It’s a pity to see our loved Country Zambia to be run this kind of individuals like the Kalushas, the R. Bandas, the Satas, the HH’s the Pivotys, our country is turning to be like NIGERIA. If we need to succeed as a country we all need to work together as a team. FAZ can not function by itself, it needs people, business partners, the Government, Learning institutions, communities, inter- compound football etc, then we can succeed like other Nations.

  28. Pathetic and shameless. The guy had the legs to play football but no brains to be an administrator. Reason? simple, corruption. He thought he had power and abslute power corrupts absolutely.
    Whether he has or has not been found guilty is irrelevant. The resignation of 4or 5 members shows lack of confidence in one’s leadership period. Time to go Galu! Or sorry Kalu.

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