Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ignore RB trips critics – Saasa


Mulungushi University Vice-Chancellor Oliver Saasa (R)

NEWLY-appointed Mulungushi University Vice-Chancellor Oliver Saasa has said opposition leaders condemning President Rupiah Banda’s trips abroad should be ignored.

Professor Saasa said the Government had a duty to work for the people and should not allow itself to be disturbed by criticism that lacks value.

He said the people condemning the president’s trips abroad understood well the value of such trips but that they condemn them for unknown agendas.

Patriotic Front president Michael Sata, United Party for National Development leader Hakainde Hichilema and some civil society organisations aligned to the opposition have condemned President Banda’s trips abroad claiming that they are costly.

Prof Saasa said the Government should only act if it was convinced that the size of a delegation was large and needed to be trimmed.

He said trips abroad should be weighed on the basis of the value they brought to the economy and Zambia’s obligation to the international community and individual states.

“The Government is there to work and not to defend itself all the time. There will always be people to condemn Government for everything but at the same time there will always be those who will support, so the Government should not be affected.

“The Government should forget about what these critics are saying. They speak about small things which do not even warrant commenting on. Even the chief Government spokesperson must learn to ignore them,” Prof Saasa said.

He, however, said the fact that opposition leaders and individuals were freely criticising the Government showed Zambia had matured democratically and there was freedom of expression.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. African trend, when you are on the opposite side, condemn government and its activities. Once government gives you your share, you become a puppet and change camp. This not new, Nevers Mumba, fake pastors like “bishop” Bernard Nwaka, Rebel P.F MP’s. List is endless. Ideal leaders should learn to stand on their principles and not be swayed by circumstances!

  2. This is what political appointments can do even to the people we used to look up to for sound and intelligent reasoning,its like a cancer it eats at your brains and makes you blind to reality,anything you say has to allign with the appointing authority! would you speak ill of the hand the thrusts a spoonful of honey in your dirty mouth Nay!! reading between the lines,maybe he was trying to tell us more

    Prof Saasa said the Government should only act if it was convinced that the size of a delegation was large and needed to be trimmed.
    He said trips abroad should be weighed on the basis of the value they brought to the economy and Zambia’s obligation to the international community and individual states.

  3. Lets look at his reasoning and not get things without detail. The professor has indicated that if the delegation is large, trim it, if the economic benefits are not commensurate, stop the trips and also look at the obligations we have to individual states and internally. Its that simple. I don’t think a reasonable human being would say he is blind and boot-licking coz if anything, he is is either condemning the trips or not depending on interpretation. This guy is sharp and you cant catch him in his statement believe you me

  4. Mr Sata has derogatorily chided the former head of State at every opportunity. Seven months after the conference, the humdrum has continued, albeit feebly, seeing the invectives and challenges have no longer any effect on Dr Chiluba, while the attacks continue to portray the King Cobra as the court jester and village tyrant.

    In a manner reminiscent of all bullies, the PF leader did not even wait to digest Dr Chiluba’s statement and dashed to silence the Times of Zambia, one among the Zambian media, which covered the Press conference, with a legal challenge. Today and then, Zambians still want Mr Sata to provide answers to the issues brought out at the conference. Zambia does not deserve irrational leaders, especially those who want to muzzle the Press.

  5. OMG what a disaster! Lets say I have got a dog and it has been bucking because it’s locked in a kennel. If I give a dog a bone to chew it will definitely get to the business of enjoying the bone and it will be quiet. Now lets get to this so called Prof Saaasa! Just because he has been appointed as Chancellor he has been given a bone to chew. Do you read along the lines? Even educated people can chew a bone after all. Shame!

  6. if you are head of a house you need to go out their and look for food to feed your family. staying home wont bring food on the table. RB needs to bring investors and wealth to the country. he is chief marketing officer of zambia

  7. He’s not any better than Prof. Lungwangwa. When did he replace Dickson Jere as spokesman for RB? He’s got his work cut out and for once should stop opening his mouth anyhow instead concentrate on turning that pigsty he’s been sent to into a University. Now i believe there are educated ignorants, government leaders are not our masters to ignore us when we complain but our servants who are supposed to respect every taxpayer by explaining issues with civility and humility. Yaba!

  8. Ba Saasa is now shotting from the hip. The issue is not abou the deligation sizes. Its about the neccesity of trips. And some of these trips can be deligated to ministerrs or his re lipped Vice President

  9. Prof Saasa, kinldy show us the benefits of these trips. As an economist(?), kindly tell us which economic theory it is you are using, which came up with the correlation between presidential trips and economic development. And which country has ever developed because its leader was constantly in the air? Are we to believe that the other presidents who sit at home and actually sort out their problems are dull?

    We all know that investors listen to fellow investors. No investor worth his salt will listen to a politician about investment decisions, and countless surveys of business executives have shown this.

    Just because you have been given a kapoto by kafurumende should not result in you throwing out all your professional knowledge. You are a disgrace to academia!

  10. umwana ashenda atasha nyina kunaya bwali. most of these bloggers are in diaspora as economic refugees but RB will woo business investment into zambiaa

  11. It appears the professor is not aware of technology like the intrnet,vedio phones. Today unlike his days we can see the whole world while at homeor in Zed. Get real and updated pro this is not in the 70’s or early 80’s. Some people has just chosen to refuse to change with new technology. Simple umyankuta mabbusu professor onu……We understand–

  12. I get all your messages dear countrymen. The debate is interesting. The truth ought to be said though lest we continue speaking out of context on an otherwise important issue. I was completely misquoted in that article and a formal protest has been extended yesterday to the Managing Editor of the Times of Zambia for an apology. My statement was very simple and the reporter definitely had his agenda. When he asked me to comment on the presidential trips, all I told him was that not all presidential trips can be condemned but that it is very important that Government should be mindful of the size of these delegations and the value they bring to the country. I also categorically cautioned the Government over their being insensitive to the criticisms from the citizens and instead concentrate…

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