SEVEN Patriotic Front Members of Parliament (MPs) have revolted against the party’s decision to invite members to apply to stand as MPs in all the 150 constituencies.
The PF MPs who met on Tuesday night at Parliament Motel resolved to write a protest letter to their president Michael Sata against the decision they described as dictatorial.
It is understood that the MPs who met include Chishimba Kambwili for Roan, Given Lubinda for Kabwata, Kantanshi’s Yamfwa Mukanga, Jerry Chanda for Kanyama and Davies Mwila for Chipili.
[pullquote]“We found the statement most unfortunate to say that most of us depend on the parliamentary job for survival,” said the MP.[/pullquote]
Others are Jean Kapata for Mandevu and Munali’s Mumbi Phiri.
“We met at the motel last evening (Tuesday) and we decided that we should write to the president to protest against Mr Wynter Kabimba’s decision to invite members of the party to apply for adoption because this is creating divisions within the party as people are creating parallel structures,” said one of the MPs who attended the meeting but sought anonymity for fear of victimisation.
The MPs also complained about their party secretary general Mr Kabimba’s remarks in the Sunday Times that most of them had become unpopular in their constituencies.
“They are not annoyed with me, how can they be annoyed with me, they just wanted to clarify the circular because they thought it is ambiguous. It is very normal because they need to protect their constituencies,” Sata said.[/pullquote]
“We found the statement most unfortunate to say that most of us depend on the parliamentary job for survival,” said the MP.
Last week Mr Kabimba told the Sunday Times that he had issued a circular inviting members of the party to apply for adoption on the party ticket in all the 150 constituencies, a decision he said had angered the sitting MPs and regarded as going against the spirit of the pact with the UPND.
When contacted for a comment, Mr Sata said the MPs wanted clarification on the circular that Mr Kabimba had issued.
“They are not annoyed with me, how can they be annoyed with me, they just wanted to clarify the circular because they thought it is ambiguous. It is very normal because they need to protect their constituencies,” he said.
[Times of Zambia]
“The PF MPs who met on Tuesday night at Parliament Motel resolved to write a protest letter to their president Michael Sata against the decision they described as dictatorial.“[END QUOTE]
Really??…honestly??? this is when you are finding out PF is dictatorial? How long have you been a member of PF honestly?? When was the last time PF held a convention??
Come on.
there is your PF and ba sata for u
MPs should not sit and relax thinking those seats are guaranteed for them. Wynter is right on this one. This should be more about productivity in parliament than keeping jobs and positions for individuals. Last time I was in Zed, Kabwata is the dirtiest and most disgusting place I ve been to recently, and yet Given Lubinda thinks he should nt be challenged? Fyonse fisushi!!!
This party is not going anywhere next year.Its vuvuzela The Post is just decieving Sata by the daily coverage.They are conviniently hiding the poor attendance in western province.PF is just Sata his nephew Guy Scott and a disgruntled politician Wynter Kabimba
PF: pa.rty of F-o-o-ls.
Now we see it.
#2 Watch- Is it wrong for the party to ask its sitting MPs to reapply? What if the MP was a non performer? Should the Party allow such a person to continue even in the next election? It is not about Sata, it is about delivering to the citizens of Zambia.
#4 Wanzelu – Sata may not be a good person, but there is no way you can maintain non performers forever as MPs. If these MPs are afraid of internal competition its beacuase they know that they did not satisfy their mandate.
PF PF is it not enough that you have created confusion in the PACT and uncertainity in some of the Zambians who believed in you that now you have to create confusion within your own party? Definetly this is a recipe for divisions in the PF. Tripartite elections are twelve months away and you signal competition within the party so prematurely. You have bigger problems to deal with like selling you manifesto through out the country. How do you plan to carry out this, through which prospective MP shouts loudest? These MPs will be shooting at each other much to the delight of the MMD and of course UPND (the PACT is dead). Never thought PF lacked tacticians, now I know better
I totally support the MPs questioning this reckless and destructive decision. PF you are on a self destruct mode and this is the best recipe for internal strife. Good luck
@#1, Mr. Capitalist, anything dictatorial or close to it seems to be ok with these MPs as long as they have that pay cheque comming in monthly, regardless of their perfomance. And when they are given just a little dose of democracy like Mr Kabimba did in this case, it’s agony. They can’t swallow the pill, I mean they just can’t stand competition. Very typical of our politicians.
The Zambian constitution does not provide for recalling or replaciement of a non performing MP. At this point with elections far far away this idea of Mr Wynter Kabimba will only breed confusion in the PF. The PF has a lot of ground to cover and this is absolutely not a priority. I feel reaching out to the people of Zambia and unveiling the party’s plan and intentions, if it ever forms government, should top the agenda. This can only be done through a united PF and not one torn by internal fighting and competition
thats your pf and sata he needs fresh injection of cash ama 50million to be considered as candidate. pf is a finished deal no opposition pa zed ba chipimo jr and milupi also are bums. niba rb only the rest nibangwele
What do u expect from a party of kaponyas?Confusion,Confusion,Confusion,Confusion,Confusion,Confusion, day and night all year round.Wake uo so called HH before it is too late for your pride.
We have Mumbi Phiri in my constituency, I am very surprised that she was part of this meeting! I am yet to see what she has done, if at all she has done anything in Munali. Wynter maybe right, mediocre MPs out!
Come on people, at which point was the majority of current MMD leadership (?) elected? even the presido, like the previous one (mhsrip) were taken out of slumber. there has been no VP like forever and people are barred and beaten from attending conventions.
#10 You are admitting that these MPs have not performed? So you think voters will still vote for the party just because you change a few faces? If so many PF mps have not been performing then why should I vote for the party at any level? I remember Sata saying that the councils would be parallel govts that would show what pf is capable of achieving if elected to power. So that was yet another load of hogwash and I guess that is why we still have not received the report on the performance of PF led councils.
HH please forget about PACT. Satan can not be trusted in anyway.
PF ala ndefumamo. is ok for the MPs to reapply but its not ok for their President to go for a convention. Saaaaaaaaaaaaaad Indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
Its Mumbi and others who have not performed infact all these PF MP think there performance will be measured by how much they insult and criticise RB. Go and work in your own Constituency
Being an MP is not a job for life. If these MPs have being performing, they should also apply and they will be adopted. Simple
PF,PF,PF lets talk something sensible.MMD viva only democratic party..
Am I missing something here? Does this mean that officially the pact is finished because they want people to apply for all 150 constituencies? If they were still working with UPND, surely they would not want that many candidates? Anyways, this is an admission on the part of PF that their MPs have failed. As far as management goes this could be dangerous, if an MP is de-selected they may well defect to MMD and dont forget that some of these MPs might have a few beans to spill.
and its surprising that the Post didnt get this story. the post are now behaving like a man who has been given some love portion by his wife. this husband (post) cant even bark even when the wife is caught committing adultery. ba Post mwasebana sure. go to Dr sansakuwa akachose iyo kolyokolyo.
Is Kabimba suited for public office???
People demanded for the right to recall underperforming MPs during the Mu’gomba Commission. PF is now demonstrating its to desire to lead the way in meeting this demand to please the electorate by subjecting all its MPS to scrutiny and yet some low IQs here want to deliberately misinterpret these intensions as chaos within the PF.
Why can’t some people percieve this clearest display of the PF’s responsibility towards its electorate in light of what it truly is??
Is it a case of some brains being empty beyond redemption??
# 22 Chingolongolo, good observation…
22, Am I missing something here? Does this mean that apart from the Pact even PF is imploding? First it was loss of rebel MPs and now it is loss of non-rebel MPs, the remainder of the PF machine.
God really does have ways of protecting his own! “Those whom God wants to take out, He first makes them mad”.
25 why not subject the whole PF structure to a recall? Surely even Mr Sata is under performing. Just the fact that all his MPs both rebel and non-rebel have been found wanting is enough indictment on the performance of Mr Sata himself.
Winter is right. Being an MP is not a career neither is it personal to holder. They need to go back to the people to get fresh mandate. So if the MPs performed from the tie they were elected, they should not fear anything. If they did not, they have a problem.
I am looking forward to seeing Machungwa and the PF rebel MPs applying to be adopted by PF.
This happens even in developed countries, it is called democracy. Just because someone is an MP should not disadvantage other people from contesting . If they have done a great job and are confident of winning then they have nothing to worry about. Just like Presidents get challenged at conventions in their own parties, let the MP also get challenged, within the party, at the end of their term.
That’s the way to go winter. Let’s go for it, am going to apply to stand in Luapula Constituency. The time to start compaigning and organising our party is now.
30 surely you know that Mr Sata has not opened himself to challenge at any convention, or you don’t know that? There is no problem with MPs seekinga fresh mandate from their electors, but in this case Mr Sata wamuyaya sees wrong in everybody except himself. That is what you should be talking about, why are you skirting the issue?
I am here in the USA and we just witnessed primaries for Senate and Governors for the fourth coming November election. Even the renowned Johm McCain went through a stiff chalenge to with nomination. Essentially, I see nothing wrong in Winter Kabimba’s call for application. This is what democracy should be. There should be no preferred candidates.
As a UPND sympathiser I welcome, PF’s “Last week Mr Kabimba told the Sunday Times that he had issued a circular inviting members of the party to apply for adoption on the party ticket in all the 150 constituencies, a decision he said had angered the sitting MPs and regarded as going against the spirit of the pact with the UPND” which is meant to antagonise the UPND Group as well.
But “The PF MPs who met on Tuesday night at Parliament Motel resolved to write a protest letter to their president Michael Sata against the decision they described as dictatorial… [those] who met include Chishimba Kambwili… Given Lubinda… Yamfwa Mukanga, Jerry Chanda… Davies Mwila… Jean Kapata… and… Mumbi Phiri” is good since some of these may join or rejoin the UPND in 2011…