President Rupiah Banda has advised Zambians living abroad to consider acquiring land in different parts of the country, instead of concentrating on Lusaka where it is difficult to get plots.
Mr. Banda says other parts of Zambia like the Copperbelt, Chipata, Kasama and Mansa are developing fast and need investment.
Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) reports that the President was speaking in Abuja, Nigeria Wednesday night at a dinner organised by the Zambian High Commission in Nigeria.
He also expressed hope that future Zambian leaders will learn to carry on developmental projects started by their predecessors.
President Banda said he is surprised that some people are questioning him for continuing to implement development projects started by the late President Levy Mwanawasa.
And Zambia’s High Commissioner to Nigeria Alexis Luhila said Zambians in Nigeria are following with keen interest, the development projects which President Banda is implementing in Zambia. Mr. Luhila described President Banda as a visionary leader.
He said Africa needs leaders like President Banda. President Banda is in Nigeria as Special guest at that country’s 50th independence celebrations.
And President Rupiah Banda says it is an honour for Zambia to have been chosen by the Nigerian government, to be guest of honour at that country’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations.
The President said this in an interview with ZNBC’s Luckson Nthani on arrival at Mnandi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja, Nigeria Wednesday.
Mr. Banda observed that Zambia and Nigeria have a lot in common as former British colonies.
Mr. Banda is in Abuja, Nigeria where he is the guest of honour at that country’s 50th Independence Annivesary celebrations Scheduled for October 1.
And Commerce Minister Felix Mutati says Zambia and Nigeria are working out a framework in which the two countries can co-operate in real estate developemnt.
Mr. Mutati was speaking after touring Urban Shelter projects in Abuja where the company has contracted many houses for sale.
trouble is , who wants to get land in places like Mwinilunga Serenje etc. If it aint in Lusaka we not buying the land. No wonder I want to now be british, I am not happy the way zambia is being led. kalusha would make a better president.
#1Good luck to u Mushota enjoy the winter and the miserable skies of UK.If you are after Kalusha please call FAZ house for assistance ,
Ati RB is a great visionary? My foot!!! This country is on auto pilot coz the President is rarely around, not that it would make any difference.
Kaili you gave away the good land in the Copperbelt to the Chinese to form their own China in Zambia.I hear RB is buying a plot in the air since that is where he is mostly found!
My prediction is that in terms of land, Kitwe and Livingstone will increase in demand.
This is all rubbish. I was in zambia two weeks ago and went to state house to see the lady in charge of diaspora desk byb the name of Chikomeli Munthali. She was not in the office but the guard by the name of Mr Liwena delivered the message. She called me later in the afternoon saying she was going to introduce me to the ministry of lands who will assist me in getting the land but she never called me back.The five weeks that I was in zambia she did not get back to me up until now that iam back. I still have the state house number and she don’t even take up my call. Help me or any one if you read this website to contact this useless woman. She came here in London boasting that land is there one just nds to go and see her then started running away from me. Zambian home vote wisely next year
I think Kalulushi as a Satellite town will be the place to be . Land and houses are still very cheap there and the road from Kitwe to Kalulushi is being worked on. In Lusaka, the situation is just plain crazy. Just a plain piece of land in that not area costing USD $80 000, just land??? Amazing!!. In Mansa land is also very cheap especially if you can get it from the chiefs. Avoid Lusaka, there is a big bubble there, or at least wait till it bursts.
# 5 shimucita Panono
Maybe your name had something to do with her shunning you.she might have thought you would live upto your name,shimucita Panono.
#1mushota guess you dont have enough savings to buy land in zambia but to the rest of guys in diaspora take heed buy land from your little savings and slowly start building. rome wasnt built in one day. this an offer coming from head of state. land has become very precious in zambia be it in solwezi or lusaka. your wealth and status will be determined by property in this case land not benz or toyota. as long as you pay rent then you are nothing you will neva be at peace. you need to invest in real estate so that you dont die and kids remain with nothing
#2 and #b Please have a sense of humour.Cant you see Mushota is just trying to brighten the blog?
In these times we sometimes need to laugh
What’s a house cost in US dollars.
Simple brick 3 bedroom, one bathroom, one kitchen and one two car garage to build in kasama,mazabuka,mongu?
Land costs for a good house block?
sorry meant #8
uyu chico!or rb ni pumbwe. mpongo, mbuzi,
This man now claims we sent him to Nigeria. Since when did we send him? People implored him to stay home and sort out domestic problems! And when he left, he told us he was a ‘special guest’ , and yet his ‘special host’ wasn’t even there to welcome him!
Twaba palwendo. Lusaka====================South Africa==========Maputo========48hrs stopver in Lusaka================Abuja===========another stopover in Lusaka before going to who knows next.
When is RB visiting Zambia?
I’m there RB! You don’t have to ask me twice. I’m there.
#5 please stop using my blog name and come up with your own name I have been using this name for a long time. And by the way I was in Zambia for 4months and what Banda is saying has some sense and this is the only time in my life I have ever agreed with him. I travelled a lot I drove about 12500 kilometer all of which were rural miles including Choma, Mansa, Mamba, Sinazize, Sinazongwe, Mongu,Iteshi teshi, KasumbLesa and Namwala some of these places I liked a lot that I went there more than twice looking forward to travelling to Zambia early next.
Just be careful that we don’t bring ‘compounds’ type of architecture to Zambia. I hope that the Zambian delegation also goes to visit ‘Canaan’ and see what Bishop Oyedepo has done in Nigeria as well as many other Christian organisations that are investing in helping people. But obviously where the soil is fertile for good things, it is also fertile for weeds. Nigerians have both extremes of very good and very bad people. But, you gotta hand it to them, they are enterprising in whatever they get their hands on!
Land in rural Zambia is K30000 per hectre. You can have 2000 hectres for K60 million! Please Zambians, this government has opened investment opportunities as never before! For the first time, we have a President who does not feel threatened by Zambians in the diaspora, but is encouraging us, not to ‘come back’ but simply to invest even if we remain abroad. He is also in favour of ‘dual’citizenship. This is a paradigm shift. Take advantage and stop moaning.
Good Evening
Such advice is always a good thing, especially when it’s coming from the Head of State. As #8 has said, land has become very precious in our times – not only in Zambia but worldwide. The price of land in Germany is simply unbelievable and yet people are ready to pay arm and leg to get themselves a little “lebensraum” (living space). If only Zambians knew to cherish this lifetime opportunity, they would put their money where the real asset is… and that’s our land.
# 20 where have you been man I know I don’t blog as much due to the quality of comments I was just asking bloggers about you the other day
#21 I’m around, just very busy with some important projects in the real world. I’m always reading the headlines & comments though. Never mind with the quality of comments, I have learnt that if you say what you have to say and if your words carry weight, the world can’t ignore you.
Mushota sounds like a little girl who needs to grow up and smell the real stuff! At the end of the day, home is home. my home is where the heart is.The place where i dropped my umbilical cord and that of my mother, Zambia!!!
Point of correction please! …… Mine and my ancestors umbilical cords, (roots) where born and buried on Zambian soil, there i wish to die an old wise one, someday.To fufill that dream i need a place to call my home a piece of land where my soul shall rest! For these foreign lands I’ve travelled and trailed cannot do the trick…… Mama Africa, here I come!!!
Hello, bloggers, what the Head of State has expressed is no laughing matter, and indeeded what the other bloggers have expresseed is the truth, land is such a valuable asset to have, whether be it in lusaka, mansa, chongwe etc.
Land in Lusaka is very expensive and out of reach to many of us, avaerage Zambians, for example a 1acre plot in Ibex Hill (Lusaka East) is going for not less than ZMK 80 – !00million, and people with ready money are buying, as compared to a 1000 hectares in Serenje (ZMK 25million). the above figures bloggers are the going rates as of two weeks ago.
Invest in Land, not just in Lusaka but zambia wide, good luck to all and happy blogging
When these people come here in UK they promise a lot of things, about this so called Land, when you go to Lusaka you dont see them. Its happened to so many people.
Its only RB who thinks good of Nigeria, I should warn the citizens in Zambia, you have to be careful dealing with Nigerians. There are some good ones but the majority are craft, careful with those banks they are opening in Zambia.
Just recently I bought land in Lusaka and title deeds are being prepared for me. Ilive in the USA and all I did was approach NHA through the phone and it was done. There was no corruption involved , all I did was to remit the money they asked for. Follow the right procedure and you wont have difficulties. All you guys who are complaining you will find it easy if you know what you want unless you want free land then the story is different.
Only pa Z. One of if not the worlds most corrupt country to do business ! What have we done kanshi !
#28 I can’t wait to hear you cry when was the last time you were in Zambia? I go to Zambia at least twice a year and I know there is rampat corruption I have deloped resorts and lodges and have a transportation business going on for me plse don’t be naive
Rupiah “Kanitundila” Bwezani Banda is not being truthful about advising Zambians to get land elsewhere apart from Lusaka. Why has he got a house or houses in Lusaka? Why has ka Titus Mpundu Chabala Kafupi “Chiluba” insisted on building his free house in Lusaka? Why has KK got his free house built in Lusaka? Only Mwanawasa can justify building a free house in Lusaka as he partly comes from there.
Shi muchita panono, I think it is you that is naive, becauese I think you are a liar. What I wrote here is my experience with acqiuring land in Zambia. Mind you my businesses are doing very good and my building project is going on smoothly even without me being in Zambia. I monitor everything weekly through my contactswho are very honest.You may be having problems because maybe you do not know how to do things. By the way Zambia can only be developed by well thing Zambians and not those bent on hatred.
#32 I wish you success in all your projects but otherwise history has revealed that many Zambians have been swindled by family, friends and pastors. Remote control project management does not work in Zambia I encourage you to at least make trips to monitor your good investments my friend. No hatred from me my friend
Kekekekeke #5 so you took what she was saying as gospel truth? We go to those meetings for entertainment. If you want land go to companies like Meanwood, you will get land in 2 days. Its a waste of time going to diaspora desk!
Why dont we bet on where RB is going next? the one who wins gets a free ticket to Zambia!!!
#35…………..i like that