Saturday, March 15, 2025

Youths moral degradation worry Govt


Government has expressed worry at the escalating moral degradation and fading of positive cultural norms among youths in the country.

Ministry of Education Permanent Secretary Andrew Phiri in a speech read for him by Education Acting Assistant Director of Administration Nalituba Mwale said some trends being perpetuated by youths are worrying and detrimental to the fight against HIV and AIDS.

He noted that the bad trends being exhibited by youths are as a result of misplaced opportunities, lack of moral and spiritual guidance from both their parents and other concerned stakeholders in the upbringing of youths in the country.

Mr Phiri noted that the fight against the deadly pandemic could only be realised if youths start to develop positive minds towards their future and careers rather than concentrating on activities that will stir the disease.

He has since appealed for concerted efforts from various stakeholders to educate and to mentor the current generation on how to realise their vision instead of them engaging in vices such as illicit sex and alcoholism which could lead to the further spread of HIV and AIDS.

Mr Phiri said this during the Launch of the “Make a Difference Campaign Project” being spear headed by Latkings outreach Programme (LOP) in Lusaka today.

And speaking earlier, Latkings Outreach Programme Executive Director Ben Miti said over the past three years Latkings has been working on activities to increase accessibility, awareness, and demand for community based HIV and AIDS prevention programmes in communitie.

Mr Miti said the campaign is an innovative HIV Prevention programme aimed at transforming the behaviour of youths.

He said the campaign is also aimed at motivating vision in youths in four different areas of their lives known to produce balanced development in a human being which include physical, spiritual, social, and mental development.



  1. I wonder if this is the same Andrew Phiri I went to school with? LT, a photo please…

    Now to the lecture at hand, Mr. Phiri better ask himself who is really to blame for the moral degradation of our youth before making such statements. What example are the elders setting for the youth to follow?

    In Zambia, children grow up seeing elders sipping Mosi and getting drunk in front of them. Some elders even indulge in promiscuous behavior and do they think that their children never see what’s cooking? Not to mention the whole crew of wife-battering, money-laundering and donor-swindling politicians… what do you expect from youths with such role models?

  2. this coupled with a lack of options to keep our youth active is a source of concern. more sports clubs, more swimming pools, less bars. maybe then, we could start talking.

  3. Just to had to what Nine Chale has mentioned above. Isn’t parental indiscipline the cause of juvenile moral decay? Parental here does not only mean real parents. It also encompasses leaders and their morality. Remember FTJ and his family and how they ended up? Remember Shakafuswa and his behavior at the Parliament Motel?

    How about discussing the issue of unemployment for both parents and the school leavers? How does this social ill affect juvenile moral decay? Probably the government is focussing on the result without looking at the causes.

  4. @ Nine chale, i was thinking this phiri is one smart individual too. The kind that should be minister not RB cronnies. Read this

    ” Ministry of Education Permanent Secretary Andrew Phiri” that should read minister usuall PM are smarter than ministers anyway.

    When did you move to Canada my friend?

  5. Good Evening
    This moral decay is as a result of lack of recreational activities,lack of employment and a leadership that is void of priorities.The only social activities are drinking beer and indulging in s.exual activities,,,,give a Zambian youth an opportunity and an enabling environment and he/she will definately grab that chance and use it quiet well
    Like Danny’s song; “ati sikufuna kwanga chabe nima circumstances yale’ngesa, siningafuna cha’abe”

  6. ? ??? ?????? ????????? ?
    ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ????? :) ????? ????? ??? ??? ????????? ???????? ? ?????????? ?????? :D

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