Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Zambia ’ll lose investment if Sata wins, warns ABSA chief


The Absa Group Limited (Absa) Headquarters

AMALGAMATED Bank of South Africa (ABSA) Capital, Africa strategist Ridfle Markus has predicted that Zambia will lose investment if Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata emerges victorious in next year’s elections.

Speaking to journalists at Lusaka’s Hotel Inter-Continental on Tuesday evening, Mr Markus said going by Mr Sata’s statements in the media, it was clear that investors would shun Zambia if the opposition leader ascended to power.

“If the statements that have been coming out in the media are anything to go by, then investments in Zambia will reduce because investors will be scared to come to this country,” Mr Markus said.

He said so far, President Rupiah Banda had managed to maintain economic stability as well as ensuring that a favourable investment climate prevailed to attract more foreign investment.

“During the time of (late Levy) Mwanawasa it was stable and (Mr) Banda has also maintained stability but Mr Sata’s statements are scaring and they may have an impact on investment,” Mr Markus said.

As a result of the stability as well as measures to attract more foreign investors, he said Zambia’s foreign direct investment had been impressive.

Mr Markus also predicted that as the elections date drew closer, more investors would leave or be scared to come to Zambia because of the uncertainties that would surround the outcome of the polls.

He said such uncertainties often times affected the markets and it was clear that even in Zambia, a similar situation would prevail.

“When governments go to full elections uncertainties are always there and it is not good for the markets.

“As for Zambia all I can say is that it’s going to be a good race,” Mr Markus said.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Iwe makas why are you commenting so strongly about our internal matters? Did investment go down after your Zuma ascended to power? Is their any problem with a leader promising to empower citizens? You want to reap from Zambia without being controlled?

  2. no sense, so you want investors thats shall not respect zambians and law and just take out our monies with endless tax freedoms>

  3. no sense, so you want investors thats shall not respect Zambians and law and just take out our monies with endless tax freedoms

  4. Investors will only leave because they know Sata will fight for the welfare of the common man,he wouldnt let some chinese infestors exploit a Zambian.Actually zambia is bigger than an investor and it cant be held to ransom when change is on the horizon,kaunda managed to build all the infrastructure without any investors,we have investors now and whats there to show for it anyway,they are just milking the country.have the same investors made life for a common man on the street any better than it was before!

  5. LT and Times of Zambia-God help you! You are align to sense and remote from the truth. For once, please stop calling this rubish of words as news. What this Markus has said is mare rubish and unfounded. Let him worry about SA and not Zambia. What is he scared of? Nothing but his own shadow.

  6. Only infestors are scared of Sata. Let them pack and go! Genuine investors have nothing to be scared of. Genuine investors will stay no matter who is in power! Ridfle Markus must be connected to some South African infestors abusing Zambians and he doesn’t want it to end.

  7. Zambians’ intrest come first than any fake investor. Stata speaks for the interest of Zambians who are being exploited by fake investors.

  8. As mush as i would not want Sata to taste power again,Markus aitaya!!!!!! There is no way he can start choosing candidates for us just because he was employed to make money in Zambia

  9. Sorry PF supporters. When big banks aka BIG MONEY talks, it usually gets its way….BS like Sata walks. What a blessing in disguise. In as much as I hv disdain for RB, this chamrlron Sata would be a diaster. Just today he is lying that “young people” cannot and should not govern and are responsible for Africa’s mess, ans also in particular Zambia’s mess. Sata now says young men sold ZAMTEL. So according to Sata logic, RB is a “young man: All you “young” supporters of PF will have no role in the country. No country for young men- Sata’s motto.

  10. And just for your information Mr. Ridfle Markus, whichever party comes out victorious in the next election, expect no change in terms of economic policies because they are all just the same old recycled political prostitutes simply serving their own interests. Jumping from one political party to another.

    It is just sad that even those with some brains whom we would expect to help steer economic growth
    like Mr. Capitalist have also been so polluted and reduced to a point were their only contribution is mere partisan propaganda. God help Zambia.

  11. At home and in the international community it’s a known fact that Sata is a signature recipe for failed statism. He is a natural personification of National Disaster, anarchy, civil strife, hegemony, sectarianism, narcissism and inimical subservience to imperial powers. If he has been concessioning at a song the whole of luapula traditional land to Taiwanese now what would you expect in the absence of institutions, laws and structures when he ever got the Presidency by a miracle where patriotism has committed treason of betraying the country with his candidacy?

  12. Go and make such similar statement in South Africa if you are foreigner and you will be dead meat.

    So let this Ridfle Markus fellow behave himself and stop campaigning for RB. It is illegal for foreigners to involve themselves in our politics.

    Zed politics is for Zedians not foreigners.

    Zambians know what is good for them wheather Sata or HH or RB or anybody else.
    So stop fooling us !

  13. Sata only make sense to unpatriotic revisionists who think the gains of an ownership society democracy and a free market system have brought is better surrendered to the utopia of failed statism. The good news is that Sata will never ever test Zambian presidency in the history of this country as long as democracy reigns and people’s suffrage rights hold. It’s likely though that he might rule only in the new world after reincarnating from the dead souls. May be kateka in his graveyard some day but not the living.

  14. Only foreigners will support the mess with MMD becausethey benefit from them. Which economic, just cairo and great east road you see and say zambia is developing. To hell with your interview. go to shangombo and make that statement. If you are in zambia to talk about development visit this area, immediately you reach lusaka you shall reverse this useless statement.

  15. Can those supporting this Boer please tell me what Railway System of Zambia has done for Zambia?
    I would be happy to see RSZ leave our country immediately when Sata takes over so that sanity could be restored to ZR! Ma rubbish!

  16. Sata’s type of politics is a recipe for alienation and anger among patriots. He would not only divide the country but plunge it into a failed state in anarchy, regionalism despondence and hopeless tribal factionalism under warlords.

  17. All you PF Kaponyas here like Wanzelu,

    Say you what of that KKK man Paul Duff in his reckless PF vuvuzela capacity???

    If Dada Idi Amin made Uganda a better place, Sata would do the same before being forced to Taiwan.throughout history, uneducated dictators like sata have never been the panacea to national challenges.

  18. #14 Just an MD or what in a bank atase, to hell make that mistake again of using that language again in 2011 around this time. More over South African banks are not the best, they want to ripe where they did not sore.

  19. Just pull out of Zambia and you will see how many banks will be flocking to Zambia just because there are silly supermarkets like Shoprite where they deposite money into Stanbic and the likes you think we can close as a country. Go and justify your thinking in a country like Ghana you will see. Just because am in RSA does’nt mean that am a fool.

  20. Even my 6 year old daughter knows Sata is bad for business.Being a capitalist that I am and having a capitalist education,I would say thumbs up to ABSA & Ridfle Markus.

  21. Investors should not even worry. Sata will NEVER rule Zambia. Zambians are too smart to allow such a back stabber to take over the full powers , only urban Kaponyas on Tujilijili with no brains will vote for Sata and I doubt they have even registered to vote. All MMD members have registered and we are ready.

    The Zambian ship is in safe hands of RB, an economist. Indonesia didn’t name its national currency after his first name for nothing. This man knows how to generate real money and create wealth for Zambians. They don’t call him RUPIAH for nothing. Even the national team does not beg for money the way the used to, and Kalusha testifies to this. 2011 vote RB. Sata will back stab you the way he has back stabbed HH. He is a snake. Watch out.

  22. #17, Veteran

    Paul Duff simply said the the people of western province [ not exactly but along these lines] are ready for change. He did not disqualify any candidate for 2011. He was merely stating the factual mood of people in that particular area of Zambia, though himself is not Zambian.

    Even Duff should be reminded of his limits when it comes to politics. If Duff made the statement of Ridfle Markus, I will not support him becuase they are off the paper.

  23. Unfortunately what this guy is saying is true. In many aspects whether you like it or not, Sata fits very well the caricature of an African despot. It is very hard for any African country including South Africa itself to attract FDI. More often than not, people are looking for reasons not to invest in Africa, so a populist leader with poor democratic credentials such as the third-term debacle and the fact that he has not held any elections within his own party who speaks about re-nationalising Zamtel will only scare away investors. The people who will suffer are the Zambians who will definitely have more money in their pockets due to the hyper-inflation that Sata’s irresponsible populist policies will usher in.

  24. In south africa there is BBE empowerment for black people, in fact that’s what sata stands for. We have lived with sata in Zambia and then a person who just hear stories around the coffee table for that matter in hotel justifies that. for once he should apologise to pf.

  25. This crap of a story can only have its genesis from the Times of Zambia shameless newspaper which is filled with MMD charlatans. The so called National media leaves so much to be desired. I am sick of hearing nonsense from these state machinery, subjecting me to crap news I think this is an abuse of authority for goodness sake we are entitled to News. Holy s.h.i.t.

  26. The first thing for this man and his apartheid company AMALGAMATED Bank of South Africa (ABSA) Capital, Africa strategist and its neo-colonist Ridfle Markus to do Is to leave Zambian politics to Zambians. The second thing is to look itself in the eye before they can make comments on Zambia economic or political scenario. Some of the headlines ABSA (which is majority owned by Britian’s Barclays) has been involved in include:
    1. ABSA involved in Fidentia scandal – and whose the advertiser on the page?
    April 12th, 2007
    2. Absa dances around allegations that it helped suck out R200m from Fidentia and others.
    -Moneyweb |03 April 2009
    3. Absa lied about race and rugby: Afriforum
    Sep 21, 2010 3:22 PM | By Sapa

  27. Stop Absa Quotas” campaign, which include a petition on their website and the creation of a Facebook page. “In light of Absa’s lies, AfriForum is intensifying its campaign against Absa… “If Absa does not apologise in public for its conduct that points to an obsession with race, the public will let their money do the talking against Absa,” said Kriel.
    5. Khulumani Support Group welcomes all initiatives that potentially help alleviate poverty in South Africa. The proposed investment by Barclays Bank to become a majority shareholder in ABSA is said to show confidence in the South African economy – but will it definitively contribute to poverty alleviation?

  28. 6. ABSA/ Barclays can be said to have profited from torture, non-judicial killings (murders and assassinations), rape, indiscriminate shootings and arbitrary detention (including solitary confinement) during the apartheid years.

    The truth of the matter is this is a discredited bank in South Africa which was well know for being a racist bank. I challenge this Mr. Markus to tell us how he operated in the apartheid days as he was a well-know proponent of apartheid. How can this man claim investors will run away from Zambia, when investors never run away from South Africa when a black indigenous government took over? Whether he wants to bring his apartheid ways to Zambia, remains to be seen.

  29. On “AMALGAMATED Bank of South Africa (ABSA) Capital, Africa strategist Ridfle Markus has predicted that Zambia will lose investment if Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata emerges victorious in next year’s elections.

    Speaking to journalists at Lusaka’s Hotel Inter-Continental on Tuesday evening, Mr Markus said going by Mr Sata’s statements in the media, it was clear that investors would shun Zambia if the opposition leader ascended to power.” Im glad that LT has brought this news to ignorant Perpetual Failures (PF) cadres on this blog. Hats off to Times of Zambia for informing the Nation about what international people think of serpentine Sata MC’s capability to destroy our great nation.

    Be blest all and lake sure you inform your family members about this data…

  30. I want to see MMD cadres protest / march against this statement. I say so because this guy / his Bank does not do anything for a common man on the street. He is here to make money and he is involving himself in our political intenal affairs. Who is he to tell us who the best leader would be. Zambians will elect and the majority will win. Shikapwasha / Dora lets hear what you say on this one because donors who contribute almost 50% towards our budget say anything, you are ALL up and calling for them to PACK and GO and yet these people give Zambia money and the aid is given on the understanding that GRZ will fight corruption among other things. Even DRC which has war has investors. RSA with its Zuma is no better than Zed in terms of piece. RSA is so Xenophobic but you find investors there.

  31. Investors must never get involved in the Politics of a country they have invested in or want to invest in. It is a recipe for disaster even though they could be 100% correct in their assertations. Suppose for any reason Sata wins the presidential elections where does this guy and the bank stand.

  32. Barclays Bank under the guise of ABSA delving into our politics…what nonsense.

    These are the same people who said Zuma would be a disaster and 2010 would be a disaster. Now they think they can arrive here and comment… we will decide and if the Western economies don’t invest then we will go to the BRIC countries who have the money (Brazil- RB has brought them in, Russia- already stated they will invest, India- already here, China- already here).

    Western colonial investment methods are dead and Sata, who is pro investment, wants it to be beneficial to Zambians as well as investors…no more one way traffic and if that is what offends ABSA and their investors…don’t come.

    an RB/Sata pact may actually work…RB brings in the deals and Sata makes sure we benefit fully from…

  33. Stop cheating yourselves, investors dont just run in and run out of a country. And not because of an opposition leader taking over govt. This is just Times of Zambia propaganda. Zimbabwe has been beating up and killing white farmers for a decade yet investors cling to the country like lice and they still want to come in and get the gold and platinum mines.

    • I understand tlipralay why they posted the article this goes in line with a podcast I heard with Brian McK regarding overtraining is what can cause long term damage. The beauty of CFE is to exert max effort in intervals without overtraining. If you are training for an Ironman one should only have to do the bike distance once in training to tweak fueling, timing, etc Same for the swim and the run. They are not trying to discourage exercise but instead using your full potential.IMO 40 people is only a small snapshot of a vast population of healthy athletes, however, I agree that even a small study can reveal some pertinent data.



  35. Sata will never rule Zambia so this is immaterial. We have been here before. Remember when the chinese threatened to pull out of Zambia if Snake man won the 2006 election? It is all very well to be nationalistic and patriotic but we also need to be pragmatic. If you want to see the levels of poverty in Zambia decline, then we need to attract FDI. No-one is advocating the exploitation of Zambian workers but we need to play a smart, long-term game.Mouthing off about ‘infestors’ here and there will not put more money in people’s pockets. Many companies are adverse to investing in Africa, so Sata as a potential leader needs to tone down his rhetoric as he is not just playing to the local audience.

  36. #37 You want to go to the Bric countries? Isnt that what RB has been doing and you have been criticising his travels? Have you forgotten what your man Sata has said about the Chinese? Anyways as I said, Sata wont be ruling Zambia anytime soon so this is just hypothetical.

  37. Markus, no need to worry, Sata is a professional loser, he will not win, the people of Zambia have rejected him 3 times and he is no wining this time either.

  38. I am shocked that this Ridfle (Ridiculous?) man believes he can try and threaten Zambians with investor pull-out. Zambian will make their own decisions and live with them irrespective of this opionated Boer! – What does he think we are, a province of Suid Afrika!???

  39. I am shocked that this Ridfle (Ridiculous?) man believes he can try and threaten Zambians with investor pull-out. Zambian will make their own decisions and live with them irrespective of this opinionated Boer! – What does he think we are, a province of Suid Afrika!???

  40. It is saddening, that a foreign company is now telling us who should rule us. As some one has already said here investors don’t just run away from countries, so this Makakas has been sponsored by MMD to scare Zambians against voting against MMD. Even in the DRC where there is no government per say investors are fighting over each other just to go there. This was also the case in Angola during the Savimbi days. Here in Zambia these foreigners dictate terms even to the extent of deciding how much and when they will pay in taxes. They advise MMD sponsored NCC to remove the degree clause so that the Pact would fail to work. They saw that Sata would only be stopped by this clause and thus make HH the sole candidate for the Pact. So seeing that Sata still had presidential ambitions, they…

  41. Lets stop cheating ourselves. The truth of the matter is that SATA will never be president. Zambians are to smart to allow a person like Sata to rule. Only maliketeers and kapanyas are the people that give him votes. You need to ask yourselves why?.
    Unless only kaponyas and maliketiyas are the only people who will vote then yes he can rule.Most interesting why should a person be only popular that tupe of people. Is because birds of the same futhers flock together. I do not have any answer.
    Most interesting is how Kabimba is behaving nowadays.It is amazing….

  42. @ #37 Zed Issue

    But President Rupiah Banda has been going to the BRIC countries and you have been criticizing him. China is investing a lot in Zambia and you are calling Chinese investors “infestors”. Mr. Sata was even threatening to kick out the Chinese. So which countries are you going to solicit investors from?

    FYI South Africa is one of the biggest investors when it comes to FDI in Zambia and such a statement coming from a South African banker should be taken seriously.

  43. Forget about this racist. He can go and hang. These thieves want to work with black people who will tolerate their nosense and then they start rating you high on some fake scale. Marabish.

  44. Sorry to say that this Markus guy should not involve himself in things he don’t understand, zambia is for zambians and the have got the right to vote who ever the feel comfortable with just like him where he come from if he is happy with his business zambians are not happy with their government period.

  45. Am finding this LUSAKA TIMES of more substance than the POST. Is this kapaper sold in the streets. I guess you chaps at Lusaka Times should look at doing that for the common man. Mulalembe bwino ba makaka.God bless you bakabwa.

  46. Investors are professionals who know where they put their money and the expected return based on SWOT analysis. Of course going by the analysis, ABSA MD is within the business thinking that uncertainities drive the economy hay-wire! Its a fact that even illness of a president affects the perfomance of the economy. So it will be naive to brush off the MD’s opinions and think someone can manage this country based on fist and nail! That time is gone my countrymen as it depends on what external investements is coming in the country to stabilise the fiscal policies! A stable country is a country with stable constitution and premised on rule of law to combat abuse for ill intent or corruption that will make the country operate like an animal farm! Therefore only a credible person is needed!!!

  47. In Zambia we have freedom of speech, so let him speak. And please don’t bury your head in the sand, what he is saying is true whether you like it or not. Mind you it is YOU who will suffer, not him. He is asking anybody to vote for or against anybody. He is just putting his views across. So what is all this animation about!

  48. Chikala mark respect yourself-leave internal affairs in ours hands-just concentrate on making money but dont forget time will come.
    You are nothing less than an *****-why are you sidelining-if you are genuine be ready to work with any goverment that we the Zambian people are going to chose in 2011.
    I know wicked people ran even when noone is chasing-am sure right now you must be scared for your ass.
    **** mark.

  49. Hello fellow Zambians. Have you ever wondered why Africa is in such a pitiful economic state compared to other parts of the world? It is due to people like Mr Sata who promise the electorate good times before elections. They enevitably come into power, line up their pockets and disappear until the next despot comes along and promises the earth. This goes on and on. Africans wake up!

  50. Mr Pensil, thank you for penning one of the few sensible comments here. Its amazing the calibre of people who have access to a computer and the internet! Of course a country’s political climate has everything to do with attracting investment, and Mr Sata has not done himself any favours with his pronouncements on the Chinese, Zamtel and the mines. While I may agree with him on some of these, he has to find a more diplomatic way to convey his concerns – and Mr Sata fails BIG TIME on diplomacy!!!! If Sata wins, the initial market reaction will be capital flight, but based on his actions and pronouncements they may return. ABSA, as one of the largest facilitators of foreign investment into Zambia, are well within their right to make this analysis. This is what investors pay them fees to…

  51. Spot on ABSA Chief…..only cadres think SATA is a savour! whereas you dont need to say it coz we know it already .SATA the self confessed dictator and his people know it. some justr support him on tribe. Say Mutati today become MMD President they would all switch.

  52. Bantu balibe nzelu!

    Mining giants continue plundering Billions of Dollars from Zambia

    By Jackie Kemp
    (Read the story on ZWD)

    The price of copper is exploding, and money is pouring in to an impoverished African nation. That should be good news for the people of Zambia. Except they’re barely seeing any of it – and sometimes it’s even going to shareholders in the UK.

    Wake Up! Stop supporting this kind of Investment!

  53. Reading through today’s Post newspaper article about the Pact it is clear that Sata is back to his old habit of smoking weed. ABSA don’t worry, we have a powerful weapon to use to ensure that Sata doesn’t sniff the smell of state house. We will make sure all the farmers in Eastern, Southern, Central, N/W, C/B rural, Western and Lusaka rural do not grow that type of weed that makes him hallucinate, this season that. This will ensure that the Kaponyas who back him are in a normal state on election day and vote for a sensible candidate. It will also deprieve Sata of the charisma to entertain his followers.

  54. This faka is an enemy of development.revenue(millions of dollars) from mineral sales is being externalised leaving zambians with nothing.

  55. I would really love Zambians to get what they want and with a clearly semi illiterate scum of the world like Sata, they will be able to come full circle. If one recalls, a clearly senile Chakomboka once successfully made a run for the presidence, Sata is more sick in the head than Chama and I pray Sata is elected so that Zambians are taught a hell of a lesson. This could actually bring about the demise of this dysfunctional and failed patchwork created by the Brits called Zambia.

  56. #56 is exactly what consitutes PF.I do not think Zambia want this type of people to rule. These are the people scaring the hell out of many people from associating themselves with PF. Zambia be fowarned PF is full of Kaponyas and do not make a mistake to vote for SATA. Choose sobber minded leaders. You vote for PF wapya…..

  57. If u Zambians are still looking for one man Messiahs then God help you! No one man is invulnerable to corruption. KCM, long identified as the jewel of Zambia went for a song but because the Post did not cry wolf, we gladly accepted the transgression. We have no choice but to claim a bigger stake in what is rightfully ours – nationalization of the mines to a viable, beneficiary level is what we need. Win or lose, I hope Mr Sata sticks around to push for more sober agreements with “fair” partners.

  58. This Markus guy is just another fake infestor with his own interest to serve. whats wrong with Sata asking the so called investors to give to Zambian a fare share from the profits that they are recouping in our country. Does it really make sense to tax a poor Zambian 35% from his meager salary and then the so called investors are paying as low as 0.6%? Check the article “Mining giants continue plundering Billions of Dollars from Zambia”. By Jackie Kemp is this what Markus wants to continue, hell No!!!!!

  59. It is difficult to blame the mining companies for meagre contributions to the coffers of the GRZ especially that the investors are made to sign agreements (what royalties 0.6%?). Who is to blame investors or the regislators? I squarely blame regislators as they seem sightless where they are driving this country to and definitely posterity will judge us! Look at small countries like Namibia just from the border you can tell that things are moving! Alas back accross, still having bull-bars and manually stamping passports! As Zambians let us demand accountability and the budget should drive us broken down to ward level up to constituency and province in terms of say 5 year development plan. The following year budgets must rolling for any WIP and allocate resources for completion.Its sad now!

  60. “We have nothing to fear but fear itself,” President Roosevelt. They want to protect their stealing from Zambians which Sata wants to stop and not investiment as such. Sata for Zambians and for President, then for others!

  61. Absa should not fear anything if their so called investment is clean.Only bogus investors clinching dubious deals should be afraid of the King Cobra.He is coming to sweep Zambia clean, of dirty deals. The best you can do is pack your bags and go.Zambians are suffering alot as a result of you bogus investors.Go, go,go away twachula pafula bapompwe imwe munshibila nsala.

  62. First bring in the investors and let them grow their businesses, when the cake is big we can share. How do you expect investors to borrow millions of dollars, bring them to Zambia and start sharing out the capital? That is only possible in Satanomics where roads are built in 90 days and more money in your pockets within 90 days.

  63. #62 “Mining giants continue plundering Billions of Dollars from Zambia”. Your point here is noted, the unfortunate thing is that we don,t seem to learn from our past mistakes. We Africans are sometimes very very unrealistic. We need to learn the art of investing. Tell us which Zambian has US$400m to invest into mining. A situation arose in which us the then civil servants in GRZ our tax would go to maintain the mines ( Copper mines for that matter) instead of copper bringing money to the country. The mines(Nationalized under KK).Chiluba was forced to give them away in return for abit of tax- lesser evil at the time. Real development wil come when us Zambians have realized the value of investment for now we do not have the capacity. Zim is where it is because of unrealistic policies…

  64. Mr. Ridfle Markus is talking from experience, the Economy of South Africa is strong because of strong private business community (some people call them infestors). The ABSA group is almost owned by Barcklays bank, Vodacom is a Child of VOdafone in UK, Telkom SA (Malaysia owns stake), Saso is foreign owned just to name but a few, What we need are supportive policies to empower zambians. As for my brother Chilufya SATA, he will do anyything to please people even if it is detrimental to our development as long as he gets to state house. He talks of young people wanting to own six or so cellphones, can we say old people want more children even if it means making them from the sisters of the same family.. I personally don’t follow SATA’s arguments.

  65. Can someone tell me why M’Membe is so mute about SATA and his PF, was just curious to chekout M’membes editorials on RB I was amazed six months of this year alone 95% if not more of M’Membe’s editorials are on RB (at least mentioned) even on things that have nothing to do with RB. Yet the Zambian airways was riddled with such corruption including not remitting dues to National Airports,etc, and yet M’membe palys angel while involved in such SAGAs including dubiously borrowing from workers pension Funds (NAPSA).

  66. Sata Sata the great man in the political realms of Zambia. all the useless people and infestors fear him. Sata who has won the hearts of intellectuals of Zambia. Sata who is voted for by the educated people while the dull villagers vote for MMD. Sata Sata the political teaser.

  67. Attention: Bloggers
    I have sent a copy of this blog to Senior Economist: Ridle Markus Senior Economist: Ridle Markus his email address is:
    Please send him your thoughts on his comments.

  68. ” He said so far, President Rupiah Banda had managed to maintain economic stability as well as ensuring that a favourable investment climate prevailed to attract more foreign investment. ”

    Lesson: white South African ‘investors’ really like corruption and corrupt presidents, and they are afraid of Michael Sata.

    Does anyone need a better reason to vote PF-UPND in 2011?

    These people have been robbing Africans blind for 130 years, and now they expect us to take advice from them? They were fine with UDI, apartheid and colonialism. They loved it.

    And now they love supply side economics (neoliberalism, Thatcherism, Reaganomics). They love reducing the ability of labour to demand a living wage, they love the ability to fire workers at will like through ‘casualisation’, and…

  69. And most of all, they love not paying taxes on the resources they loot from our continent.

    The thing is that if you rob a people’s resources and leave them poor, you need to have a leader in charge who is ok with that. That means, that they have to have someone in power who is corrupt, and willing to sell out his people for a bribe.

    And that is why they fear Michael Sata. And that is why the PF-UPND must stand firm on taxing the hell out of the mines and replacing ‘donor aid’ with revenues from the mines, several times over.

    Copper miners are going to go where the copper reserves are – they have no choice. Zambia has those reserves – therefore Zambia is not in some kind of weak bargaining position.

  70. There we go again ,frequent travels to South Africa We mange to pay off afew individuals and yes they seem to have an answer and guess what they are thinking for us and we are so thick we can not think at all????????Cheap ….. over and over Wake up Zambia.We should not be cheated I had my way the whole script reads do not have change.Pure and simple

  71. MMD cadres, you are so hypocritical. Few days are go you spent all your breaths and energy trying to kill Bishop Duffy over a comment he made about change of government. Today you have made a 180 degrees turn supporting this Boer in attacking your local politician. What a bunch of pin heads? It was ok to go and kill Duffy not ok to stop this black people killer in South Africa to indulge in your local politics. How long has this Boer lived in Zambia again? How long has Bishop Duffy lived in Zambia? Who is on the ground seeing the suffering of the people Zambia between this Boer and Bishop Duffy? Wow. So hypocritical that you don’t even know whether you are going or coming.

  72. Bauze @Kalos2121..You summed it all in one paragraph. Now these mmd cadres see this boer who is busy syphoning from our coffers as a saint, the idi/ot doesnt even live in Zed to see the suffering of the people. Malabishi! He should just pi/ss-off with his shoddy bank!

  73. Psycho matter will never rule this country as long as some of us realistically vote for what’s best for us and our children. Wake up zambians. Sata asatafye.

  74. well spoken MrK. And moreover, who is he to tell us who not to vote for. Indeed, we shall not vote for Mr Lupiya Banda.

  75. Ireland’s economy is in turmoil because of banks.

    This Boer, Mr whatever, should have his bank’s license revoked, he be deported and be declared a Prohibited Immigrant for interfereing in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation.

    We may never know, he could be amassing mercenaries to cause havoc and distabilise Zambia should his preferred candidate loose the election.

  76. It is very clear from the article, that the author is writing on behalf of the ruIing party and using Mr Markus as a scapegoay. Unfortunately he cannot defend himself and say what he really said. How is it that 2 reporters can get the story of what Mr Markus said so different? the daily mail, being more objective, has reported his comments more accurately than this rubish. This journalist should be fired! he clearly does not listern!

  77. It is very clear from the article, that the author is writing on behalf of the ruIing party and using Mr Markus as a scapegoay. Unfortunately he cannot defend himself and say what he really said. How is it that 2 reporters can get the story of what Mr Markus said so different? the daily mail, being more objective, has reported his comments more accurately than this rubish. This journalist should be fired! he clearly does not listern! the quotes are totally incorrect!

  78. Ridfle is Chanda Chimba staying with you? if thats the investor pull out then we are cool we are cool with that

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  82. I reworked this WOD bc of my sretss fracture in my tibula; no double unders, replaced them with 21 sumo deadlifts, so 3 RFT (scaled bc I’m still recovering from 1000 burpees)21 sumo deadlifts, 175#15 wall ball, 20#3 rope climbs16:01That was 15 mins after Deadlift for 1RM225(8)-315(4)-335(1)-360(PR)-365(PR)10# PR Felt like a true 1RM!Lots of snow on the ground & frigid temps have keep me away from running or biking Hope to get back at it when it’s bearable!

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