Indeni Oil Refinery in Ndola will be shut down today to facilitate annual routine maintenance works.
Energy Minister Kenneth Konga said Indeni would be closed for Forty five days.
Mr Konga says government has made adequate arrangements to avoid fuel shortages during the period the oil Refinery would shut down.
He said the country has enough fuel to last the period of the shut down.
Mr Konga also called on Zambians not to panic during the shut down period.
Mr Konga this week toured storage facilities on the Copperbelt, ahead of Friday’s shut down.
[ ZNBC ]
Another scam, watch this space!
45 days for routine maintenance sure??? :o
A country of 14m people, with a single hydrocarbon processing unit. Now thats what we call poor infrastructure planning. The next conflict we pick up with Congo, Angola or anyone, they will just hit that target and goodbye vehicles, welcome back to primitive life style. ZRA has data about the number of cars entering Zambia every day; RTSA has data about the number of vehicle running every year; Roads department has data about the optimum capacity of the existing roads, and Oil retailers have data about annual fuel consumption. Well, the list can go on and on; Yet there is implementation strategy to systematically “up the temple” with infrastructure. So dont complain when you are stuck in traffic jams, in fuel queus, and the like, just remember, infrastructrure doesnt grow like mushroom
I`ve stock piled already,no sweat because i know in zambia every october comes with a fuel crisis.
#4, how have you stock piled? Hope you are not keeping petrol in your spare bedroom. You will find the entire house turned into a mass of ash. Fuel can only be stored in recomended places such underground tanks, unless you are telling us you have one at home, which is very wise of you.Thank you.
Mr Konga, thanx for that update bu5 can you tell us where FTJ took the two ships/badges which used to deliver fuel from saudi arabia and Kuwaiti during KK’s reign ? And what about our strategic fuel reserves, how much do we have and where is it stored ? Bootlicker of a minister !…………
I meant ”burt”