Saturday, March 15, 2025

UK Visas for Zambians to be processed in South Africa


The British High Commission has announced changes in the handling of visa applications and processing systems.

British High Commissioner to Zambia Carolyn Davidson has disclosed with effect from 18th October 2010 under the new system all United Kingdom (UK) visas will no longer be processed in Lusaka but Pretoria, South Africa.

Ms Davidson told a media briefing in Lusaka today, that however, the visa section in Lusaka will remain open to enable applicants submit applications and pay visa fees.

She explained that all applications which will be done in Lusaka will be sent to the British High Commission in Pretoria to be processed before being returned to Lusaka.

She further advised applicants in Zambia to apply at least 10 working days before they intend to travel to the UK to ensure there is sufficient time to process their visa application.

She said staff in Lusaka will not be involved or be aware of the outcome of individual visa applications, adding that they will be unable to influence the decision or handle any follow-up queries on applications that have already been processed or awaiting processing in Pretoria.

Ms. Davidson noted that the Commission’s Visa Section will only be accepting applications that have been completed online using the UK ’s visa application portal.

The High Commissioner further explained that the changes are also in a bid to improve efficiency in the way the visas are being processed as the Visa Section at the British High Commission in Pretoria operates as a regional processing centre for Southern Africa.

Ms. Davidson said the section has already processed all applications submitted in Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe and Malawi as well as applications submitted in South Africa.

Ed Bossley, UK Border Agency Regional Manager expressed happiness with the online application noting that it is effective and will cater for a larger audience.

Mr. Bossley disclosed that the regional processing of UK Visa application has worked effectively in other countries in the region hence will not envisage any difficulties in making transition in Zambia.

He has since pledged his organisation’s commitment to providing best services for all people wishing to apply for UK visas.



  1. Way to go UK. After insulting the donors, removal Corruption law from ACC laws and the FTJ case. Who wouldn’t do the same? Soon the offices will move entirely to South Africa. They do not want to be seeing FTJ or Banda. Soon it will be the US Embassy. Zambia soon to be damped due to corrupt government.

  2. “The High Commissioner further explained that the changes are also in a bid to improve efficiency in the way the visas are being processed as the Visa Section at the British High Commission in Pretoria operates as a regional processing centre for Southern Africa.

    Ms. Davidson said the section has already processed all applications submitted in Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe and Malawi as well as applications submitted in South Africa.” [END QUOTE]

    I guess they have adopted a centralization policy. I am guessing either it is to increase efficiency or to cut costs. Whatever the case, this move makes business sense but makes the processes tedious for applicants.

  3. Kalos 20rubbish,where do you get your assumptions from?The UK government has clearly explained the reasons behind the move but people with low calibre thinking like you have already rushed to stupid conclusions.In case you do not know Australian visas are processed in South Africa for the sub region as well .This is the way western countries treat generally third world countries ,they have no concern for us as such .Zambia can impose counter measures if it felt it undermined but i personally do not think so.Moreover ba Kalos how many Zambians go to UK anyway?If it was South African or Dubai which came up with such a move people would have been hurt.Furthermore i strongly feel the British embassy in Zambia has always humiliated Zambians nothing to do with your baseless wild dreams.

  4. They came,they destroyed and they went. who were they ? they were the British.Anyaway this is as the result of Rupiah Banda’s corrupt government and insulting Donors. For sure tomorrow its gona be US embassy leaving and Irish embassy coz no developed country wanna be associated with corrupt country like zambia witnh no stinct foreign policy. danm it.

  5. @ #4 Mwiponta Mukabwela

    Are you sure the Americans are going to leave when they are erecting a new building in Lusaka?

    Anyway this was bound to happen. Canada did the same sometime ago as well (processing visas in Pretoria). I don’t think President Rupiah Banda has anything to do with it.

  6. This is one way of tightening the entry into UK. By the way, where are the Visas processed for Britons living in the UK who wish to visit Zambia?


  8. this is stupidity of the higest order. why should the outcome of my visa applciation be decided in another country?

  9. It doesn’t seem to make any difference to me since I would not need to travel to SA for my UK visa. I would still need to submit my app at UK High commision in Lusaka.

  10. I think the question should be. Why choose RSA as a regional processing centre? It tells you that Zambia does not have what it takes to even do a simple thing like sticking a piece of paper in someone’s passport. Had we continued where we were left as a middle income country, I can assure you this country would be highly developed interms of infrastructure and other supporting developments such that all these countries setting up regional offices in RSA would have been rushing to set them up in Zambia. Its costly to do business in Zambia due to many factors among them poor infrastrucure, communication, transport, government interference etc. The president here is involved in every small kantemba to tick. Governance and business are treated one & the same here instead of seperating the two

  11. Dont think this has anything to do with the current Zed Government! However it is a reflection of Zambia’s general importance to the UK – which is zilch!
    Zambian visas for the British should be processed in Malaysia – that should let them know how important they are to us! Unfortunately Zambian Government treat the British like golden eggs and for what???

  12. does this not suggest that officials at the Visa section in Zambia were corrupt? Apphereinears they were able to influence decisions in the past.

    an online application system however, will be more efficient and effective. Nothing like anyone amending info t

  13. SADC countries should protest. Why do these countries do everything in RSA? Is RSA central to SADC countries, why not Zimbabwe which is central to all mentioned countries in the news?. These queen’s children don’t regard us. Canada, New Zealand , Australia and now UK all process our visas in RSA.

    Moreover, this could be a lie. I don’t think in Namibia visas are processed in RSA

  14. This is substandard treatment of sovereign states. How can they think that one country is better to to the job for another when they still have interest in it.

  15. Cost cutting or not, UK should have the same standards apply in all countries. The visa system in SA should be introduces in the countries handles by SA and then may be as their regional office could monitor the processes from these countries. Zambia deserves better even though they do not agree with the Govt of the day.

  16. Wow! Gone are the days when all a Zambian would need was just a ticket to go to the UK I remember my last trips to London from Lusaka and that was in the early 90’s. Not at once did I ever step a foot on the British Commission grounds.

  17. #12 Berlusconi you have a good suggestion. Tit fot tat. Let British visas be processed in our Lumbubashi office. Have you noticed that countries which had american influence have developed faster that those with British influence

  18. This is a simple matter of cost-cutting. Those conversant with British politics know that there’s currently a cost-cutting and spending review going on that will affect all ministries except health and international aid. No need to read too much into it.

  19. Thank God there are No Visas to go to Heaven, and it is not the western countries in charge.
    Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

  20. Who gave David Livinstone a Visa to come to Africa?
    What happened to the “Freedom of movement”?
    So what happenes when you are a member of the commonwelth? The wealth is no longer common.
    Why South Africa? There are a lot of white people there.

  21. The british have very little respect for african sovereign nations. They ruled us for so many years and all we get from them is rubish. One thing they should know is britain is no longer a heaven to us, there are so many countries which are doing better such as Brazil, and China. The only good thing u get from them is education which also very expensive.
    This move shows that Britain does not trust and respect African countries. Why south Africa, and not improve the system in one of the subsahara countries and issue visas from there. These are issues regional bodies such comesa should be addressing!! Why 10 ten days, supposing its an immergency? my relative is dying in UK, why should I wait for 10day?

  22. I dont know why Zambians cry whenever a colonial master who came to reap them of their wealth creates more obstacles for them to visit his palace. Stop thinking you are as important to them as you have made them important to your lives. Remember you use their names, their language, wear their suits and want to die for their Manchester United, Chelsea bla bla bla. Because of this mental colonisation you will always feel hurt when the self serving Britons naturally distance themselves from you. But dont! Forget about the British and focus on yourselves, your land, your resources, Why dream of Britain when you should be dreaming about Siavonga, Mweru wantipa, Luangwa? I dont have to go to Britain to be alive so Britain keep your visa and stuff it up yours

  23. #27. Kamba Timvere well said!
    You have said all that must be said about this issue. Why can’t people listen to such wisdom! People should learn to live their own lives and not “borrowed” lives!

  24. The British are simply exploiting the fact that our own selfish leaders have no regard for the suffering masses. We shall continue to be ‘colonised’ as long as we have numerous unresolved vices in the nation.

  25. 1, Kalos2121, kwena ba Kalos mulebonfyako ukusoma kwenu pakulanda ifyamano.
    You are the people who lower the status of university graduates. So what do you read all those peer reviewed articles for if you fail to be a role model for us who have never been inside a classroom, never mind a university lecture theatre?

  26. #7: with 90% unemployment in Zambia, many people would clean bums for a job; after all is a job. There is this naivity that Zambians that live in Diaspora are but bum cleaners. Fortunately no one needs to justify to anyone what they do for a living for as long as its Lawful. Zambian visas are obtainable at the airport; so the tit for tat cannot work. A weaker economy like ours has stiff competition with North and East Africa for tourism. Unlike our, developed nations use “data” to make decisions, so they have a very good reason do that; and unfortunaly they need not explain to us. I agree with #27 that there is no better place than Zambia if you are Zambian, though its on “auto pilot” presidency at the moment.

  27. I am just worried because RB will have to send his visa documents to Tshwane (formerly Pretoria) to process his visa to travel to UK or are Diplomatic passport holders exempt from this process? However, on one of his trips, surely, he must urge the British Government to reduce the time lag as even in the UK there is express service where you pay a bit more!

  28. Thank God I have no reason to go to the UK so I do not have to beg for a VISA I have a home in Zambia a Farm and village comfortale house. We do not need a visa for UK we live better than they do in crammed apartments they call homes. Travel around the world and you will appreciate mother Zambia, who needs a visa to UK except to clean toilets and take care of their tunkote since they have too many of them whom they abandon to the so called “homes”. I am happy to make myself busy in Zed, I do not need anything in the UK

  29. Kono ma Zambians you are very dumb! There is nothing wrong with what the UK has done. They are just instituting cost effective administrative changes to their Visa system. They want to make budgetary cuts in order to cut down on their balooning public debt. My appeal to Zambians is to ask yourselves a simple question? Where do the people who visit Zambia from Denmark, Norway, Finland, Republic of Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc get their Visas to enter Zambia? Simple answer is in a country nearer to their own which happens to have a Zambian Embassy. So please just shut up! You moan too much!

  30. I do not know why you guys are even whining. Its fine RSA is their choice. Even here in the USA the Uk Visas are processed in only two places California and Washington. Its their choice respect it. Logistics are theirs to consider. Think and research.

  31. xenophobic britain is the last place i wanna go to. even if i had to, waiting for a few days wouldnt be such a bother. Needless to say racism in britain is so highly institutionalised. I am better of in zambia

  32. …staff in Lusaka will not be involved or be aware of the outcome of individual visa applications, adding that they will be unable to influence the decision or handle any follow-up queries on applications…

    Raises a lot of questions! Pretoria’s inlfluence is the best for thte Southern Region?

  33. Kalos 2121
    The number of visas handled by the UK mission in India is more than 10 times that in Zambia. One office in Nigeria perhaps handles the same number of applications as the whole of Southern African countries put together. In this electronic age, it makes perfect economic sense to centralise functions and removing personal contacts reduces corrupt practices.

  34. I hope i’ve read the article properly, my understanding is applications wiil be lodged with their offices in Zambia and you will not be asked to pay a kobo for postage. There after all you’ve to do is to wait for a visa or a refusal stamp in you passport.

  35. Maybe better system, previous one was a bit de-humanising when you stood in a queue up outside the fence, but some people see RB in all their activities. They think that even their nshima is sent by RB, which why they get worried when he is travelling.

  36. I like Bob Mugabe . He would have by now issued a counter punch to such nonse brought up the the british.
    Why shud my small piece of paper be done in a foregin country?. Africa wake up you have a lot of resources but slumber is killing us.

  37. Well that is how the British work even here . they chose to do work that way, they try by all means to keep their offices free from manipulation from those intrested,, I do think that is good and transactions will be done quickly

  38. The down side is that you have to be accurate and as well as pay attention to detail as you apply in Lusaka, where as before you were able to return the next day also if the Brit High Comm in Zambia wanted more information, you now have to wait for 2 weeks to find out of you’ve got it or not and if not you pay again for re-submission and wait another 2 weeks. So is if you were for example planning to attend an urgent meeting or training it can be quite a hassle, if you get wrong twice you may be discouraged to pursue further and that is why this system has been put in place.

  39. Yh, thank God I left in time 10 years now. Now I need a visa to visit Zambia, lol. we need dual nationality law pa zed…..

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