Saturday, March 15, 2025

Pictures of the Week



Education Minister Dora Siliya receives an educational poster from National Breweries Corporate Affairs Manager Yuyo Kambikambi at the re-launch of the education for all campaign at the Mulungushi International Conference Center in Lusaka


Dora Siliya addresses stakeholders and school pupils at the re-launch of the education for all campaign at Mulungushi International Conference Center in Lusaka


Education Minister Dora Siliya talks to National Breweries/ SABMiller African Policy and Issues Manger Mitch Ramsey at the re-launch of the education for all campaign at Mulungushi International Conference Center


Former Patriotic Front member Kaluba Simuyemba's (l) displays his National Restoration Party membership card as party leader President Elias Chipimo looks on, at a press briefing in Lusaka


Former Local Government and Housing Minister Eustarckio Kazonga (c) with Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba (r) and Libyan Ambassador to Zambia Khalifa Swiexi during the commemoration of Libya Day


Some women pose for a photograph in front of their milk marketing club in Monze district


Some rural dwellers drawing water at a borehole which was sunk by the government in Monze.Domestic animals also use the point to drink water


Former Local Government and Housing Minister Eustarckio Kazonga shares a toast with Libyan Ambassador to Zambia Khalifa Swiexi at the commemoration of the Libyan National Day in Lusaka.


Kansanshi Commercial farmer Bruce William pays homage to new Chief Kapijimpanga at the weekend.


Some residents of Masala township in Ndola drawing water from Suban Filling Station following a critical shortage of the commodity that has hit Masala


Some residents of Masala township in Ndola drawing water from Suban Filling Station following a critical shortage of the commodity that has hit Masala.


National Restoration Party President Elias Chipimo talks to his party Vice President Charles Maboshe (r) at a press briefing in Lusaka


National Restoration Party president Elias Chipimo (r) hugs former Patriotic Front member Kaluba Simuyemba when he defected to NAREP at a press briefing in Lusaka


Former Agriculture and Co-operatives Minister Peter Daka addresses delegates when he closed the Regional Rural Finance Thematic Workshop for East and Southern Africa at Intercontinental Hotel in Lusaka


78 year old Mary Kapeleketa of Kazungula district with her great grand-children.She is one of the beneficiaries for the government social-cash-transfer scheme


Reporters mob outgoing Agriculture Minister Peter Daka after he was almost sacked by President Banda. Mr Daka has been moved to the Ministry of Science


President Banda's grandson who plays football in Spain captured when he arrived in Zambia at Lusaka international airport


President Banda, his grand son footballer Anthony (l) and Vice President George Kunda before he left for Nigeria at Lusaka international airport


Some officials from UNICEF inspect houses that were flooded in Lusaka


FUS Rabat players of Morocco captured in training at the Barclays sports centre in Lusaka.


Some officials from UNICEF inspect houses that were flooded in Lusaka during the rainy season


Works and supply Minister Mike Mulongoti and his deputy Christopher Kalila inspect houses that are under construction in Lusaka


Works and Supply Miinister Mike Mulongoti (second from r) and Chinese engineers inspect the new goverbment complex block under construction in Lusaka


Some officials from UNICEF inspecting houses that were flooded in Lusaka


  1. The fllod waters havent fully gone down n the rainy season will be upon us soon. Another flood disaster looming! How come RB’s granson is not heard of? Which club is he playing 4 in Spain?

  2. Chipimo it is really a long journey, but you have to keep heart and patience, you will finally get there it takes time dont lose petiance. Rome was not built in a day

  3. Water shortages. This is what ticks me off. Zambia has vast water resources and all we need is take that water to people’s homes. What do we see? Shortages. I am not here making a comparison with USA, but basically showing how a nation is supposed to treat its people. One river. I repeat, one river is able to water 5 states, California’s 34 million people, Colorado’s 5 million people, Arizona’s 7 million people New Mexico’s 2 million people and Nevada’s 3 million people. River Colorado which is very small as compared to Luapula or Luangwa or Zambezi or Kafue feeds over 51 million souls without even a single day of water shortage.

    God, where did we go wrong as a people? Why do we get all these reports from our government about development? What is development without water?

  4. #10. Indeed just like the others waiting , Miyanda, Nawakwi, HH, Sondashi, BY, Milupi, Magande, only Sata seems to have a realistic chance going by the press coverage. What a joke !!

  5. pic# 1- is Yuyo a man or a woman? I see a feminine face and a man’s body in Kaponya jeans.

    Pic#6 – That cow looks milked for sure. She cant even stand straight!

    Pics#10,11 – Development in Zambia

  6. Shani bane

    Interesting pics, my favorite this week being #9. Check how low the farmer bends down to hail the Chief.

    Pic#17 I never knew that RB has a grandson who plays football in Spain. Professional journalism is to also name the club he plays for.

    #14 Nubian Princess What do you have against your fellow Nubian Princesses? Some pictures are deceiving. Those of us who have met Yuyo know that she not only possesses good looks but also intelligence and etiquette.

    I wish you all a wonderful weekend!

  7. That thing Dora, even if she has lost some fats, she still can’t understand that its morally wrong to display beer ads in schools.

  8. Anthony Banda is James Banda son. Pls GUYS if u guys are goin to comment on the man at least know his family facts right.

  9. I still don’t get what Chipimo Jr is up to! This is a non-starter and if he doesn’t have anywhere to throw his billions, let him give me some and I’ll put it to better use…If he’s really serious about changing our politics, let him join MMD, PF or UPND and work his way up from the inside. Going solo will result in the same futile results.

  10. Chipimo… spend your millions on improving Luwingu, your original home town. You will have proved yourself and votes will be rest assured.

  11. Picture #1… This was an OFFICIAL function and ba Yuyo could have made a bit more effort with her appearance plizi! Them jeans look naff, and what’s with the wearing of the shades on her forehead? There’s a time and a place…
    As for RB’s footballer grandson, does he not have a name?

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