Zambia today joined the rest of the world in commemorating the International Day of Elderly Persons (IDOP) which falls on 1st October, annually.
And Government says older persons can provide valuable human resource and knowledge required in accelerating the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and national development.
ZANIS reports that the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services Minister Michael Kaingu said government would continue seeking counsel from older persons on how to govern the country as they act as a reservoir of cultural heritage and national building.
Mr Kaingu said in a speech read for him by Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary Stephen Bwalya during this year’s International Day of Elderly Persons commemorations marked under the theme: ” Older persons and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals”.
He described the current trend in society in which the older persons have been accused of practicing witchcraft because of their old age as alien and un-African.
Speaking at the same event, Retired former United Church of Zambia Copperbelt Presbyterian Bishop, Committee Njase urged government to quickly formulate the policy on Older persons.
Bishop Njase said once formulated, the policy will address some of the challenges that older persons face once they leave gainful employment such as destitution and general neglect by their families.
Earlier, scores of older persons braved the scorching sun to commemorate the day by taking part in the march-past from Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia to the Civic Centre.
Other activities included reciting of poems, cultural dances and sketches depicting their daily challenges they grapple with.
Retired veteran Politician Dr Peter Matoka and Retired High Court Judge Samuel Chomba,were among several other elderly dignitaries who attended this year’ event.
This year is the 20th anniversary of the United Nations International Day of Older Persons focusing on the MDGs.
Yeah riight! The ones you don’t care about? Our elderly depend on hand-outs to barely survive.
this is very a immoral thing this government is doing, pretending that they even have senior citizens in their radar. no legislature or policy for this section of community; if there is then filed away under a desk somewhere. and when blessings don’t come your way, you are surprised and complain. you sin!!! repent and change your ways now!
senior citizens have been an abandoned lot since time immemorial in zambia. even those who have spent all their productive part of their lives working for the same government have to literally live on handouts from their children and so on
government, beware!! change your ways because i am watching you