Saturday, March 15, 2025

‘’Church has failed to provide leadership’’


Zambia Direct Democracy Movement National Coordinator Edwin Sakala has charged that the Church in the country has failed to provide the much needed leadership.

And Mr Sakala has accused pastors, Bishops and priests of preaching hatred in this country instead of uniting the Zambians a scenario he described as unfortunate.

In a press statement made available to ZANIS in Lusaka today, Mr Sakala accused the Clergy for taking sides with the secular leadership at the expense of preaching the word of God as well as praying for peace in the country.

ZANIS reports that Mr Sakala said the Zambia Direct Democracy Movement would always support a crop of God fearing and Charismatic leaders to occupy various leadership positions in society to liberate Zambia from demonic forces that he noted had taken toll on people’s minds.

He said Zambians must be helped to understand that the Church, Government and Citizens were all part of one living organism called Zambia and that the Movement did not understand why some priests have decided to take sides with people in political circles.

He advised some priests in the country to take up the role of uniting than politically dividing the nation as the 2011 general and tripartite elections were imminent.

Mr Sakala has further charged that Multi -Party Politics maybe good for developing countries but not for countries like Zambia.

He observed that multi-party politics were dividing the people on tribal political groupings adding that this had been identified as a source of ethnic violence and poverty in many African Countries.

He further charged that multi-party politics in Zambia had become a dividing factor and for the ordinary citizens, they could not help noticing that Church leaders of the seven big religious organisations were siding with their tribesmen.
Without disclosing the churches he was referring to, Mr Sakala added that tribalism was a product from hell because tribe had nothing to do with one’s personality.

Mr Sakala called on all peace loving Zambians to condemn all those priests and church leaders busy preaching hatred at the expense of uniting the nation.



  1. koma pa zed tapita patsogolo na demokalasi! aliyense iyingo bwebweta. what sort of leadership is my brother sakala talking about? the problem is that some people mistake a part for the whole. if one has particular examples where the so called clergy do not minister in accordance with their calling, why generalise? anyway, your opinion is respected asakala. but open your eyes and see sense in what these people are saying.

  2. The bemba catholic bishops have proved disgraceful tribal unpatriots without relevancy to this country especially those from Mpika. One wonders what they think of the many catholic in the MMD among them MMD Chairman Michael Mabenga, Vice President George Kunda, Hon. Peter Daka, the Speaker of National Assembly, his deputy and many more in the ranks. Just wondering how this look with this premature abortion of pact and clear cut MMD landslide victory at hand. How will they manage their relationship in the public?

  3. Mr. Sakala, I don’t agree with you. It seems you haven’t done a good research on the role of Pastors/church. I wish you can go back to your study desk before uttering these words. Just for your own information, Pastors/church is there not only to preach peace,but to preach injustice also. The church/pastors are there to not to make people comfortable in sin, but to reach spiritual regeneration. Zambian leaders don’t care about others as long as they grow fat. When you read the story of John the Baptist in the Bible, he didnt spare the king for his sinfulness.he rebuked him and because of that, he was beheaded. Mr. Sakala, Pastors/church must stand up for the people who cannot speak and be heard. The voiceless must look to the church/Pastors.Pastors,please stand up for God’s people.

  4. Observer, your hate for the bemba is driven out of your cadreism. The priests and bishops will continue with the church social teachings whether being Bemba, Ngoni, Lunda, Tongo, Lozi, Kaonde. Observer, it is very easy for you to forget. It is the same Church that warned KK that people are tired and feed up with your leadership. It is time for you to give leadership to others. UNIP cadres, like William Banda the most violent human being Zambia has ever accommodated as hers rushed unruly vigilants to harass and beat people as he is doing today. Today, this man is your champion. Surely, if these people you have mentioned are fearing Catholics the oppression this govt is doing to the poor and the voiceless they could have stand up and defend these people. Enjoy in USA but time is near.

  5. Edwin is a hired propaganda machine. It is difficult to gauge his wisdom or knowledge about the church. The people who go to churches are the people who are oppressed and suffering from the govt created problems. Advicing the govt to help the poor, needy and the oppressed is the obligation of any person who loves his neighbours. The Catholic church can’t stand by when it is able to witness the most cruel and selfiness leadership that is more concerned about riching itself. People are dying because the govt has failed in health and other social services. Edwin Sakala is pathological liar who is more concerned about feeding his family & himself whilst the maginitude of the Zambia population are living in absolute poverty. They do not know when and where their meals will come from.

  6. Musonda Mwansa , you are 100% correct. Keep it up with your good contributions unlike these hired and brain washed cadres who fear their own shadows. Their jobs are in the hands of RB. If they don’t contribute in their hallucination manners then the job is on line.

  7. Mr Sakala, your wholesale condemnation of the church is uncalled for. There are many churches like the catholics, baptosts and adventists who have have refused to be used as cadres by some politicians and because of that you are not happy. You Sakala are just a cadre surviving on the contents of brown envelopes dished out by Chiluba at some of those Matero churches.

  8. As I perch and watch the circus from the terrace, one thing comes to my mind and I ask myself this question. Under such a scenario, which category would best describe our Chief Govt. Spokesman Lieutenant General Reverend Dr. Ronni Shikapwasha fimomo? These things seem to intermingle in my beloved country, so Mr. Sakala, it shouldn’t bother you whether it’s a clergy, politician, army general or cardre who says what. We are now in a multi-party participatory demoracy. Even this platform allows anyone from party bootlickers to the likes of Senior Citizens/Veteran to voice their own opinion.

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