Saturday, March 15, 2025

MMD to win 2011 elections because of PACT bickery


Institute for Human Rights and Democratic Governance IHRDG) Director Franco Kapijimpanga has charged that the opposition UPND/PF pact bickery has just led the Movement for Multi Democracy (MMD) party into victory ahead of next year’s 2019s tripartite elections.

Mr Kapijimpanga said the showcase of immaturity by the two parties through the failure to resolve their differences has proven the fact that they should not have been trusted from the very beginning.

He said that the pact was built on a wrong premise and it is high time that the pact crumbled because for a long time, it had given a false hope to the Zambians.

The Director indicated that the merger of the two camps was just one of convenience meeting and not a marriage to be trusted.

Mr Kapijimpanga said the two leaders have taken advantage of each other at the expense of serving the people.

He said that this is why the pact could not last as anticipated by most Zambians and people should not pay attention to their differences but concentrate on other constructive and visionary options.

[ QFM ]


  1. Facts being laid bare and Nawakwi has also urged UPND to calmly accept the junior status cos thats the argument they used to float HH as leader in UDA.A taste of their own medicine indeed.

  2. What are you talking about because there is no pact as you are talking now. UDA was a united force but failed because of greed by nawakwi, she wanted to be presaidential candidate. It is the same as sata. In this case, why are you not blaming PF who are fielding a candidate in chilanga. do you think this pact is still there,, Let them go seperate ways now than later. we do not want to be used by these thievies. Every time, we want to change government only a bemba can bring that change like what sata said in one of the rally in the copperbelt. Let him win alone not a help from UPND.

  3. Doesn’t pain you to realise that in the next decade we wont have a bemba ruling this country? you must be a very shameless tribalist

  4. At no time has the ruling MMD lost mables of retaining power and its ruling mandate beyond decision 2011. Its been wishful thinking of sore losers and armchair critics that such false hopes have been held needlessly. Despite change of leadership democratically, the ruling MMD has remained Zambia’s most favored national party with institutionalized democracy and connection with the masses on issues that matter.Winning 2011 is nothing but an issue of increasing the margin with a historic landslide this time around a complete turn around from the 2000s. MMD has had selfless and disciplined membership ever focused and unwavering on best national interest. The opponents are nothing but unpatriotic losers armed with unsellable menu of insults and hatred. RB will win with a landslide.

  5. The Greatest sin to the pact is for FP through Winter Kabimba to have said against the infiliable word of God that , “PF does not believe in the return of Jesus Christ” and mansonist HH to have said “God is punishing Zambia for voting for RB-Hichilema (Thursday, September 23, 2010, 15:36)

    “PF does not believe in the return of Jesus Christ”

    “God is punishing Zambia for voting for RB-Hichilema (Thursday, September 23, 2010, 15:36)

    These reckless statements spelt a curse on the the PF-UPND leadership and their pact.

  6. Leadership gap in PF/UPND vindicates FJT (EXERPT)

    WIDENING divisions, continued hysterical and desultory comments from the leaders of the Patriotic Front/ United Party for National Development (PF/UPND) Pact, Michael Sata and Hakainde Hichilema, serve to confirm second Republic president Frederick Chiluba’s assertion of them not being serious contenders for the highest office.

    And it has become apparently clear that both men have not recovered from that deadly sucker punch delivered by Dr Chiluba at his Press conference at his Kabulonga house on February, 21, this year.

  7. Called to discuss pertinent national issues and to dispel innuendos and accusations on his person perpetuated especially by the two opposition leaders, Dr Chiluba set the tone for elections in 2011 and unequivocally reaffirmed his support for President Rupiah Bwezani Banda and the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD), a party he helped found and led for more than a decade.

    Dr Chiluba has borne calumny and aspersions from Mr Sata and his retinue, people with no name on the street, since he shifted his support from PF to MMD and Mr Banda in the period leading to the 2008 presidential by-election after the death of president Levy Patrick Mwanawasa in Paris, France on August 19, 2008.

  8. Mr Sata has derogatorily chided the former head of State at every opportunity. Seven months after the conference, the humdrum has continued, albeit feebly, seeing the invectives and challenges have no longer any effect on Dr Chiluba, while the attacks continue to portray the King Cobra as the court jester and village tyrant.

    In a manner reminiscent of all bullies, the PF leader did not even wait to digest Dr Chiluba’s statement and dashed to silence the Times of Zambia, one among the Zambian media, which covered the Press conference, with a legal challenge. Today and then, Zambians still want Mr Sata to provide answers to the issues brought out at the conference. Zambia does not deserve irrational leaders, especially those who want to muzzle the Press.

  9. It must be remembered that incessant attacks on Dr Chiluba and his marriage compelled the former head of State to speak out. What, therefore, enraged Mr Sata in particular? Was the base of his frenzied responses the revelation of his infidelity which he readily accepted? Why did he accept in the Post his extra-marital affair but bully the Times which he even denied a comment?

    Against known journalism norms, The Post in its coverage of the Press conference, ran 23 paragraphs on reactions by Mr Sata before they touched Dr Chiluba’s speech. In parliamentary jargon, Mr Sata had thus debated his point of order and effectively countermanded his point of view.

    At the Press conference, Dr Chiluba had said he had been silent for too long and, therefore, wished to respond in some way to Mr…

  10. • Had been on rampage trying to discredit and insult him;
    • Insists that he stole public funds despite his public statement exonerating him which is on tape when he said ‘no Chiluba did not steal, those allegations are false’;
    • Failed to hold party elections despite his pontification and masquerading as a democrat. Dr Chiluba also challenged the PF leader to:
    • Tell the nation about his relationship with a Ms Petronella Mpundu, biological sister of Archbishop of Lusaka Telesphore Mpundu, with whom he has two children Mukupa and Chilufya, and why the Catholic Church still allows him to take holy Eucharist; and,
    • Explain his role as a freedom fighter against his background as a police constable in the colonial police force and the reasons for his dismissal and jail term.
    Dr Chiluba…

  11. • Explain his role as a freedom fighter against his background as a police constable in the colonial police force and the reasons for his dismissal and jail term.
    Dr Chiluba had further two questions for Mr Hichilema.
    • What happened to the US$12 million that was received by the receivers Grant Thornton where he worked? Why he concealed the truth about this money?
    • Why he kept quiet when president Mwanawasa, despite being informed by the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Mines that Ramcoz had paid US$35 million to ZCCM and $12 million to Grant Thornton?

  12. Clearly, both Mr Sata and Mr Hichilema’s responses showed that the two men had been profoundly asphyxiated. The widening chasm between Mr Sata and Mr Hichilema have now proved that Dr Chiluba was correct.

    Mr Hichilema recently conceded that he does not have the capacity to win elections and hence his decision to rope himself to the cobra no matter the venom and ridicule that accompany such a relationship. Today, both men regret their unwarranted attacks on Dr Chiluba.

  13. Dr Chiluba’s questions are valid and alive today as they shall pop out at political rallies, come 2011. The hope that the pact had of even finishing a distant second in the forthcoming elections will evaporate further if delayed in answering them. The pact is already in tatters as they cannot even agree on selection of candidates be it in parliamentary or local government elections, while officials are on each other’s throat.

    It is funny how Mr Sata is blind to the manoeuvres of the tabloids and Catholic community radio stations to finish him politically. As of now and before, he hurried to his darling tabloid to dismiss Dr Chiluba’s matter of fact conference. However, it still remains a mystery why he took the Times to court in view of his categorical acceptance of the relationship…

  14. The Post pointed out in the 13th paragraph conference, Dr Chiluba’s assertions that there was a traditional marriage between Sata and Lusaka Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu’s sister, Petronella, which bore two children. Mr Sata agreed that he has children with Petronella but there was no marriage involved.

    “I am not a polygamist. He grabbed a woman from Mwanza,” Mr Sata said.
    “I will be meeting Chiluba in court in less than two weeks over his allegations that I was dismissed from the police service and that I had a marriage with Petronella.”

    Going to court is a civilised way of groping obnoxious weed. So what transpired between Ms Mpundu, according to Mr Sata, was only an adulterous affair, which one might consider worse than a polygamous relationship as it impinges on promiscuity.

  15. If Mr Sata took a breath instead of shooting from the hip he could have understood that Dr Chiluba did not state that he had consummated a traditional marriage. The question was: “Did you by any chance consummate your marriage with her in a Bemba customary arrangement known as ichombela ng’anda (traditional marriage) or not?”

    The answer is no if you did not. But Ms Mpundu might be seething that Mr Sata had effectively classified her as a woman of loose morals. For what else does she cling to a married man who has disowned her publicly impugning on her character? Taking such a case to court would be rubbing salt into the wounds, believing Ms Mpundu would be ferreted out to give evidence to justify an illegal affair.

  16. It was an act of futility for Mr Sata to challenge Dr Chiluba to explain the circumstances under which he came to know his wife, Regina, considering the issue was extensively explained before he brought out his extra-curricular activities.

    President Chiluba was not wrong to equally wonder how the Catholic Church, knowing Mr Sata’s married status, and his affair with a sister of a top prelate, should be allowed to take indifai (Eucharist), a serious undertaking of holiness which impinges on its reputation.

    Mr Sata has not in any way hidden his backing by the Catholic Church. At every conceivable opportunity, he has stressed WE the Catholics. The Catholic Church has been driving his campaigns. No priest has said any mass without alluding to the change of leadership through the support…

  17. The big question is why the Catholic Church only supports Mr Sata at the expense of other members in other parties especially that PF has no manifesto per se, and no development programme?

    The plausible explanation can only be PF’s reliance on the social policies of the Catholic Church which is well known as the biggest socialist institution in the world and the founder of Communism.

  18. Mr Sata’s appetite for nationalisation and his threat to repossess Zamtel and Zanaco if by chance he became president, is not at variance with the Vatican policy since 1st May,1776 when Adam Weishaupt, also known as Apostle of Lucifer and a professor of Canon Law at Jesuit College, Ingolstadt University in Bavaria, Germany, founded the International Revolutionary force called Illuminati which later became known as Communism.

  19. Bill Hughes in the The Enemy Unmasked quotes Eric Phelps’s book Vatican Assassins, Halcyon Unified Services, that during the Jesuits Order’s suppression from 1773 to 1814 by Pope Clement XIV, the head of Jesuits, General Ricci with Weishaupt, created the Illuminati. Known also as the Father of modern Communism, Weishaupt, with his Jacobins conducted the French Revolution and later with Bolsheviks, the Russian Revolution.

    It is therefore not surprising that Mr Sata and PF have not advanced any tangible argument on how they hope to run this country or how Zambians would suddenly find their pockets full of money. Clearly, it is not Mr Sata or PF in the driving seat but bishops such as Paul Duffy of Mongu and priests Frank Bwalya, August Mwewa and Godfrey Mpundu, to name a few and hence…

  20. Commenting on his dismissal from the police service, Mr Sata told The Post that he retired from the police service in 1958. “I joined politics. When I joined politics I was arrested in Luanshya, I was not in Zambia Police . In 1960, I was with great people like Justin Chimbaka, Mazimba from Ndola and Dingiswayo Banda. So tell Chiluba to get more information,” he said.

    Dr Chiluba has thrown the gauntlet to the leaders in the pact. Both Mr Sata and Mr Hichilema must come out clean from this sucker punch. It is clear they have been hurt by Dr Chiluba’s support for President Banda but their posturing is doing them a disservice.

  21. Mr Sata is trying to gloss over the seriousness of the questions with a mere top dressing. Elections are just round the corner and Zambians are agog at hearing his answers that perhaps would compel Dr Chiluba to maintain wraps on his dossier on him. Indeed if the PF wants that dossier to remain wrapped, Mr Sata must re-assess his public rapprochement and begin to behave as one of the Zambia ‘educable’.

    Dr Chiluba has nothing to aspire for and he made this clear at the Press conference while Mr Sata stands to lose by being overly combative.

  22. The reports which appeared in the media following Dr Chiluba’s expose clearly put him at a disadvantage. Calls are growing for him to own up as his reputation as a leader, one aspiring for President of the Republic of Zambia, is all but shattered. Dr Chiluba has rejuvenated himself from the restrictive practices of PF to keep him under wraps while using him to garner support for Mr Sata.

    Among the simmering challenges is one that came from MMD cadres which appealed to the Minister of Home Affairs Minister to re-open the case of abuse of office. They include the K1.6 billion he deposited in his personal account at Standard Chartered and Merzaf flats construction project in Chilenje. These are campaign issues which Mr Sata can only ignore with devastating effect.

  23. If Mr Sata is as smart as he portrays, let him ask himself why President Banda hitherto a dark horse has now become a front runner, a favourite to win the 2011 elections with a landslide? Humility! He has humbled himself before the Zambians contrary to Mr Sata’s cocky posturing, waging personal battles which are only distancing him from the State House.

    The tide already is running fast against him following the revelations by Dr Chiluba. People are questioning his capacity and ability to run Zambia.

  24. Equally, Mr Sata’s pact partner Mr Hichilema, has been perfunctory in his response. Perhaps being raw to politics, he does not understand the ramifications of his half-hearted response to Dr Chiluba’s allegation that he concealed the truth on the $12 million. He must know that it is not Dr Chiluba who wants the answer but the 12 million Zambians he seeks to lead.

  25. No HH, no pact – UPND

    THE United Party for National Development (UPND) in Livingstone has declared that unless its president Hakainde Hichilema is adopted as PF-UPND pact presidential candidate, the alliance risks crumbling and will not be able to win the tripartite elections next year.

    Meanwhile, the PF has appealed to UPND to come to terms with reality about which political party is popular in Chilanga.

    The UPND has also charged that PF president Michael Sata is fast losing his popularity in Northern and Luapula provinces while the MMD is quickly gaining ground in the two regions.

  26. UPND treasurer Winason Ng’uni said if Mr Hichilema will not be adopted to lead the PF-UPND pact in next year’s general elections, then there is no hope of the alliance forming government.

    He charged that Mr Sata’s popularity in 2006 was largely dependent on the support he received from former President Frederick Chiluba.

    Mr Ng’uni, who was with UPND Livingstone publicity secretary Neto Halwabala, said Mr Sata could not have enjoyed the popularity in 2006 had it not been for Dr Chiluba’s support.

  27. He said the MMD is regaining its popularity in Northern and Luapula provinces where Mr Sata claims he has support.

    Mr Ng’uni said Mr Sata has realised his diminishing popularity in the two provinces and this is the reason he is trying to use Mr Hichilema to allegedly get votes in Southern Province.

    “If the PF-UPND pact has to work, Mr Hichilema should be adopted presidential candidate for the alliance for the 2011 elections.

  28. Mr Sata has lost ground in what used to be his stronghold and in fact Mr Sata enjoyed that popularity because of Dr Chiluba. We all know that Mr Sata cannot win presidential elections and he is panicking because he has realised that he is politically fading,” he said.

    Mr Ng’uni said the self-proclamation by the PF that it is more popular than the UPND is only a dream that will never come true.

    And the UPND in Central Province has challenged Mr Sata to sober up and tell the nation the truth if his party has pulled out of the PF-UPND pact.

  29. UPND Central Province youth chairman Milner Mwanakampwe said in Kabwe in an interview that Mr Sata and the entire PF leadership should not look down on UPND.

    “We would like to urge Mr Sata and our brothers and sisters in the PF to sober up and come out clean if they want to pull out of the pact than calling our president Hakainde Hichilema names,” Mr Mwanakampwe said.

    He said the UPND is disappointed with Mr Sata for not being sincere about the pact.

  30. Mr Mwanakampwe said UPND is a committed partner in the pact because it believes that the alliance goes beyond Mr Sata and Mr Hichilema.

    He was reacting to Mr Sata who on Thursday said that the pact and the nation cannot be led by an ‘under five’ or immature leader who lacks experience and financial discipline.

    Mr Mwanakampwe said there is nothing admirable about the experience that Mr Sata brags about which cannot inspire young people in the country.

  31. He said Mr Sata at his age should step aside and instead play an advisory role to young politicians who are supposed to lead the country.

    Meanwhile, the PF has appealed to UPND to realise that Mr Sata’s party is more popular than Mr Hichilema’s party in Chilanga .

    PF information and publicity secretary Stanley Chiumya said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that UPND should not think that each time there are two parliamentary by-elections, then they should be shared.

  32. “So, we are appealing to our friends in the UPND to come to terms with reality that PF is stronger than them in Chilanga. They should not think that every time there are two by-elections, we should share them,” he said.

    Mr Chiumya said UPND should respect the memorandum of understanding (MoU) which clearly states that the PF-UPND pact shall field candidates according to the popularity of the party in a particular area.

    He said since it is common knowledge that PF is more popular than UPND in Chilanga, it is just fair that the former fields its candidate.

  33. Mr Chiumya said UPND should accept the fact that PF has even become stronger in Chilanga than it was in 2006.

    “It is not a question of sharing the seats every time there are two by-elections but it is a question of popularity of a party in a particular area. PF is popular in Lusaka where Chilanga is. So, it is just normal that it fields its candidate. Infact, this is what our MoU says,” he said.

    And Mr Chiumya said the PF national executive committee is today scheduled to hold a meeting during which they will decide on whether to contest the Chilanga parliamentary by-election.

  34. Mr Chiumya said however that chances of PF withdrawing from fielding its candidate in the by-election are tricky.

    He also alleged that UPND hurriedly picked on its losing candidate in the 2006 election Cosmas Moono whom it wants to recontest the Chilanga seat.

    Mr Chiumya said PF has held elections at various levels before they picked on Priscilla Kamanga who it wants to be its candidate in the Chilanga parliamentary by-election.

  35. But UPND national youth spokesperson Ronald Manenga said in a separate interview yesterday that his party is going to stick to the resolution of a meeting by the joint working group on September 20 in Lusaka.

    Mr Manenga said the joint working group resolved that PF should contest the Mpulungu by-election while UPND should participate in the Chilanga one.

    He said it is unfortunate that PF is now disregarding the resolution of the joint working group meeting which is superior to both UPND and PF.

  36. Mr Manenga said the essence of entering into a pact between the two opposition political parties was that the joint working group would be superior to both political parties in terms of decision-making.

    He said UPND petitioned the election of former Minister of Finance and National Planning Ng’andu Magande after coming out second in the 2006 Chilanga parliamentary election on grounds that it was and is still popular in the constituency.

  37. And Mr Manenga said PF president Michael Sata should apologise to youths in the country for stating that the nation cannot be ruled by an ‘under five’ person who lacks experience and is financially indisciplined.

  38. I always used to consider UPND as a credible opposition to the current MMD but after reading what Madam Nawakwi said in the Post today, I am shocked. I am shocked that the UPND was so selfish and greedy. I do not regret my decision to stop supporting the UPND after reading what Madam Nawakwi revealed to the PF vuvuzela.

    Madam Nawakwi has just shown that the UPND is just as bad as PF with the only exception that they use intelligence in their schemes.

  39. FDD president Edith Nawakwi yesterday advised the UPND to calmly accept their status as a junior partner in the PF/UPND pact.

    Commenting on the popularity arguments involving the PF and UPND, Nawakwi said UPND did the same to FDD in 2006 when they asked them to accept that UPND was bigger than all the parties which were in the United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

    “I hope that the UPND will accept that they are the junior partner. I hope that my colleagues in UPND calmly take the statement that they have fewer seats, they are younger because that is how we felt. I hope that they are not feeling as bad as we felt when we were being told we had 12 seats in the House and that we didn’t have enough money,” Nawakwi said.

  40. She said having worked with the UPND, she was not surprised at the turn of events in the PF-UPND pact.
    Nawakwi said people should have taken time to ask about her experience in UDA.

    “For me what I thought was that 2006 was an era passed and was really praying and looking forward that people have matured, they have changed, they have learnt from their mistakes. That is what I was praying for that for once I trusted and hoped that Zambia will be given something different than what we had in 2006,” Nawakwi said.

    “I think we are still at an era before 2006. Habits experienced with UDA are still manifest today. We agreed that each of the parties in the alliance was going to get 50 seats. We experienced a situation where our colleagues decided that even for seats such as Chasefu and…

  41. so who are the culprits in this mess with the Pact? UPND or PF? I believe its UPND with their tribal and childish way of doing things

  42. Truth or lier whatever you are called you are an ***** . your tribal inclination will take you no where .you know very well that the tribe that does not have regard for other tribes are the think you are better than every tribe when you just thieves and qwatis. may your mentality change or you perish with it

  43. There was no pact at all, it never existed. It is just another illusion. pact supporters are just in denial as way of numbling the pain of accepting reality. The truth is there was no pact at all. Come 2011 this denialism will not be able to contain the pain as the reality becomes very apparent when RB wins by a landslide.

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