President Rupiah Banda has arrived back home from Nigeria where he went to attend that country’s 50th independence anniversary.
President Banda arrived at the Lusaka International Airport Saturday evening at about 19:40 hours aboard the Presidential challenger.
ZANIS reports that Vice President George Kunda was on hand to receive the President.
Others who welcomed President Banda included Home Affairs Minister Mukhondo Lungu, Sports Permanent Secretary Teddy Mulonga, Lusaka Province Minister Charles Shawa, Secretary to Cabinet Joshua Kanganja, Service Chiefs and other senior government officials.
While in Nigeria where he was special Guest at the 50th Independence anniversary of Nigeria, the President also attended the Zambia-Nigeria Business Forum among other engagements.
And President Banda has since expressed his deep sadness over the bombings in Abuja Friday as Nigeria celebrated its independence.
According to the Zambia National Broadcasting Services (ZNBC) website he told President Jonathan that the Nigerians will pull through even in the face of many challenges.
Meanwhile, President Rupiah Banda is tomorrow expected in Chibombo district, Central Province to grace the Kulamba Kubwalo traditional ceremony of the Lenje- speaking people.
RB tushako mune. Apapene you arrive in zed and within 5 hrs you will be flying to Central Province. Next we will hear he has been invited to cut a ribon in Malawi for a newly built pit latrine funded by the donors. Good that Nideria is celebrating 50 Years of car bombings though.
President Rupiah Banda of Zambia asked the Nigerian president if he borrow his name to use during elections in zambia next year. The Nigerian President was delighted to lend his name to his zambian counterpart. So that is it folks, Zambian president next year will be called Goodluck Rupiah Banda……..
He should have been near one of the car bombs! That would teach him to cut down on these uneccessary expenditures abroad when docters at home are on strike.
#2 Dont go into comedy you are simply not funny. #3 Dont wish death upon others, we are all immortal, perhaps yourself or somebody who is dear to you will die before RB. The president can delegate, the govt is not run like PF where Sata is the be all and end all of the party.
Another trip for RB coming soon. Awe kwena nikamwendo. Has anyone been keeping track of all the trips for this month alone?. My guess is, he is running away from the ghost in the state house.
No. 3 Non Bemba-Bemba Majority,
You mean mortal. I dont think we will live forever(Immortal). Otherwise good comment. Even if I personally dont like Bwenzani I would rather see him in opposition than gone. Just that I dont know which party would lead. Even if am Bemba my first choice would be **Mangande** the great.
See ya
Too much carbon footprint he is already probably planning his next trip. Our globe trotting president wants to see the world before he is defeated
Ala bane, Levy is in state house. If not abroad it is local travelling. Watch he will b out of the country in the next two weeks to seek business in Mali !!
Rupiah Banda is international global trotter. Mr Air miles
Folks,which would you rather have? A president like Banda,travelling alot but with 6.6 economic growth or another president that stays home more but with little or no economic growth? As for me i’ll take Bwezani.
# 10 your 6.6 economic growth means nothing to 99.9% of Zambians -its just on paper.And what makes u think that if we ve a president who spends more time at home doing seroius work we wont ve these imaginary economic growths? Give us a better reason 4 supporting RB and we will respect u for that!!!!
PF leaves Chilanga for UPND as HH insists the PACT is very much alive.
I forsee those who were preparing the PACT s burial in deep confusion-particulary these 2 camps -one led by Sen.Citizen assisted by MMD Chief Boot and the orther one led by Zed Patriot ably assisted by Maestro hahahaha.
Enjoy your sunday guys…..
Join me in welcoming Rupiah Banda who is in Zambia for a 5 day state visit. While in Zambia, Rupiah will tour State House and other facilities before he proceed to his next destination.
Zambia is officially the first country in the world running on a very stable autopilot system. I think Boeing and Airbus should try our system for their planes.
#11. Well said. Economic growth our Doctors r on strike .
What has he come to do in Zambia? Is he on a state visit to Zambia?
Zambian politics are very fun. Here on this blog some people are fighting over the pact and insulting each other and yet the two pact leaders are underground campaigning for the pact.
Please dont mis- interprate any poltical statement you come across with, the pact is still contact. HH can’t get it without Sata and Sata can’t get without HH, thus how the state od affairs is.
welcome back Mr banda, president sata welcomes u to zambia…
I don’t think he witnessed any celebrations at all, he was marooned in his room hoping the bombings would stop sooner. #2 & 15, you have made me start the week on a lighter note, I like that!
Ok he has come to visit Zambia from his base in the diaspora.
Vasco Da Banda. He must be spinning the world map n will visit the next country his finger lands on! How I wish he could visit Zambia
If the figures Rupia gave about trade between Nigeria and Zambia are anything to go by, NOTHING has happened since his first trip there soon after being sworn in as president and yet we are told by his spinmaster Shikapwasha that his trips are VERY beneficial to Zambia! Surely there must be something else Rupia finds in these endless visits. Anyhow he also visits Zambia so at least we have a committed tourist.
RB you are a disgress, honest does zambia have this much money to spend on your trips? Mudala tushako nomba.
I am glad ndi muZambian. If this were Nigeria or some other country aba Bashikulu kuti basanga icalo balisenda! Go Sata go!
RB our ceremonial president, this man has really travelled, I feel sorry for Mr Kunda he is always at the airport seeing him off, does he accumulate airmiles? How far is it to go to UTH?
I am sure the foreign diplomats and the donors, must be laughing at us Zambians, for those who dont know all these foreign trips cost a lot, thats why we have ambassadors to represent the country, he might as well recall them because the country is spending on the president travelling and the upkeep of the diplomats.
#11 Redcard-Abena its funny that you live in the usa and you argue the way you do.Even in the usa the economy mostly benefits the top 1-2% and there’s some poor people even when the econ grows.Of course when there’s growth in zed or usa the vast majority are oblivious to it and expect the govt to do stuff for them.When you have a stake you expect just an enabling environment from the govt and you pull yourself up.That is why 99% find themselves living paycheck to paycheck in zed and usa.You let the 99% work hard and when they have done enough they start to see the connection btn their take home pay and how the econ is.I have done it,i live well and that is why i care and respect a leader who puts the econ right like Banda.The biggest decider on how you live is you not the govt-tell it.
like it is Redcard.If there’s econ growth and you don’t do enough to help yourself then it means nothing.The govt is not there to make you rich but you make yourself so.When Mr Ngwenya complains here of the bad service in zambian banks i see people who aren’t serious or hardworking.That is the attitude most have on work-just do little and expect good life.It doesn’t work that way Redcard and its not where you are-zed or usa- its how much you do.Preach that to the 99%.
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